American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

This is exactly what sunni_man wants to happen ALL OVER AMERICA. This is what he wants.

Do you think THEN it will make a difference?

Liberals see muslims, expecially muslims like this, as allies in a greater war against Christianity.

And I can't understand that either, when homos are the love of liberals lives, and muslims would rather stone to death or saw the heads off homos.

You'd think liberals would utterly despise muslims.

I think it is a case of you believing your own sides lies. Most liberals don't like religionist period. In fact I don't know a single liberal who believes that Muslims are in anyway allies for liberty.

As a liberal I utterly despise this type of reactionary violence.
Imagine walking into a Irish festival and carrying signs that read "jesus it a liar, false profit, murderer, child molester, pervert"

you would get one big beat down
Key differences here.

1. It was not a religious festival. It was public.

2. Those attackers would have been arrested.

dear idiot, It was an arab festival , I gave the example of an Irish festival.

lots of Arabs are muslim, lots of Irish are catholic.

Im of Irish decent.

believe me they would have had their fucking asses trashed by people at an Irish festival.

This was inciting a riot.

THAT is why the police made them leave.

they wanted the police to act like their personal body gaurds.

That is NOT why the police were there.

The police are there to keep the peace.

that is what they did, they made the incitors leave
Cop said it was a public festival. Not religious.

Next you'll be defending the right of soldier's families to attack the Westboro Baptist Church protest idiots?
at 3:27 in that video you can read the sign " Islam is a religion of blood and murder"

at 17:14 you can read the sign "Muhamed is a liar, false profit, murderer, child molester,pervert"

the edit on this video tried really hard to keep you from seeing the signs.


I guess you didnt watch it
I love it when she goes after her own posts. SO funny/
Christians can incite a muslim riot simply by being Christian.

We will learn, Sadly and harshly, we will learn.
My goodness, I didn't realize so many loons agreed with you! Look at that rep.

Did ya ever think that perhaps you're the loon? I've never heard of Christians rioting and threatening murder when people mock and ridicule Jesus.
Well I guess the lesson of this is that the next time atheists muslims or christian haters show up and protest them, they SHOULD riot and put a few of them in the hospital.

That IS the moral of this story, is it not? Violence towards those you disagree with is acceptable? Yes? No?
My goodness, I didn't realize so many loons agreed with you! Look at that rep.

Did ya ever think that perhaps you're the loon? I've never heard of Christians rioting and threatening murder when people mock and ridicule Jesus.
Well I guess the lesson of this is that the next time atheists muslims or christian haters show up and protest them, they SHOULD riot and put a few of them in the hospital.

That IS the moral of this story, is it not? Violence towards those you disagree with is acceptable? Yes? No?

First I thought you were calling the Christians "haters", then I read your post again. I see what you mean now.

It looks like if Christians are saying things you don't like then you are permitted to commit acts of violence on them. Read this link. The ending is right on target.
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What the lovely Christians were doing prior to the riot at the festival:

Arab International Festival - YouTube

I don't ever espouse vigilanteism, but I wonder how close this comes to meeting the level of "fighting words."

Fighting words - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have to ask, too: Is this how Jesus wants his believers to spread his message to the world?
Exactly. These idiots are no different than Fred Phelps and they certainly got what they asked for.

So if someone verbally trashes a philosophy that you hold dear, committing acts of violence against them in retaliation is acceptable, in your mind?

Lol. Dems are so peaceful.
A lot of the apologists here are missing the point. Those Christians in the video were asshats, straight up. Only a complete dickhead would engage in the sort of stupidity that drove them to go and antagonize muslims at an amusement park.

That said, how does any of that justify violence without police intervention? Sunni man defending this shit I can understand, even if I find the mentality despicable. But a lot of you non muslim democrats and liberals saying that this was somehow justified because the things those Christians said were ugly. . . WTF!? Mob violence against anyone who insults your philosophy is okay, now? The level of hypocrisy on this post is astounding, and quite frankly, it disturbs me to see so many "peacenick" types actually defending this shit.
What the lovely Christians were doing prior to the riot at the festival:

Arab International Festival - YouTube

I don't ever espouse vigilanteism, but I wonder how close this comes to meeting the level of "fighting words."

Fighting words - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have to ask, too: Is this how Jesus wants his believers to spread his message to the world?
Exactly. These idiots are no different than Fred Phelps and they certainly got what they asked for.

So if someone verbally trashes a philosophy that you hold dear, committing acts of violence against them in retaliation is acceptable, in your mind?

Lol. Dems are so peaceful.
Acceptable, no.

So you condone throwing rocks and things at people who are speaking freely and not breaking any laws if you don't like their speech?
Jesus taught his followers to spread the Gospel all over the world with peace and love.

So is screaming at people and holding pigs heads the new type of evangelizing?

Do you support this modern method of spreading the Gospel?
Still waiting for your response Buford............

Where is the pig head in the video? So what if someone holds a pig head. I've seen jars of piss with a crucifix in it. Am I expected now to go out and find a muslim and slice his throat?
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Jesus taught his followers to spread the Gospel all over the world with peace and love.

So is screaming at people and holding pigs heads the new type of evangelizing?

Do you support this modern method of spreading the Gospel?
Still waiting for your response Buford............

Where is the pig head in the video? So what if someone holds a pig head. I've seen jars of piss with a crucifix in it. Am I expected now to go out and find a muslim and slice his throat?
Thanks for making a point.
Exactly. These idiots are no different than Fred Phelps and they certainly got what they asked for.

So if someone verbally trashes a philosophy that you hold dear, committing acts of violence against them in retaliation is acceptable, in your mind?

Lol. Dems are so peaceful.
Acceptable, no.


"Understandable" doesn't, nor should it, provide shelter from prosecution in a sane society.

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