American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

For a man made document the Constitution is first rate.

But will eventually be eclipsed by Sharia in the future; and become a valuable museum piece that people will view with great curiosity. :cool:

Everybody conceding to believe in your faith is as likely (and virtually the same) as everybody conceding to give up their own beliefs.

I guess what I'm saying is, "Don't hold your breath."
If this was happening the other way round.... the muslims getting stones... the national news outcry would be amazing!
That's because we muslims are innocent victims of the radical christian right and are an oppressed religious minority.

True story........ :cool:
If the consequences of your religion are too difficult, move to where it is the majority and live under it's precepts or give it up and find a faith you are more comfortable with. I don't hear Jewish people whining all day long about how oppressed they are.

Then you are not Listening. Radical Jews, Christians, Muslims all cry "Oppression!" fairly regularly.
American muslims have fought and died for this nation in several wars and are an integral part of our history.

And should be given the same respect afforded to all other ethnic and religious minority groups. :cool:

Uhhh, who in America respects other ethinic groups or religious minorities?

Every one gets shit on some times. Sure once they hace been here for a while the crap lessens but there are still issues between groups that have been here since the beginning.

INNA springs to mind first and foremost. You think it is easy being Latino with what the republican primary stirred up?

DO you have it tough? Sure but no tougher than most have had at one time or another.

HEll, tell the Japanese who lived in interrment camps how tough you have it. I am sure they'd laugh.

America is a land of plenty and opportunity and small people trying to kick the ladder out once they have used it. Thankfully not everyone is like that. Just enough to sometimes make it suck.

SAD but true.
For a man made document the Constitution is first rate.

But will eventually be eclipsed by Sharia in the future; and become a valuable museum piece that people will view with great curiosity. :cool:

I'll tell you what I tell all religious folks -- Keep your religion out of my secular government.:cool:
I don't hear Jewish people whining all day long about how oppressed they are.
That's because they basically either own or control just about everything in the U.S.

So why would they complain? :cool:

actually the Japanese own Michigan all they gotta say its were tired of waiting give us the collateral you promised. :cool:

American muslims are the most oppressed, abused and denigrated people in our nation.

Any freedom loving and defender of justice patriotic American should be the first person in line to fight loyal muslim citizens. :cool:

Fixed it for ya mr Expatriot

American muslims have fought and died for this nation in several wars and are an integral part of our history.

And should be given the same respect afforded to all other ethnic and religious minority groups. :cool:

Not when they do stupid shit also your a liar, see i know better and you won't convince me otherwise i live just two hours from Dearborn.

Do you deny that American born muslims have exactly the same rights and protections as you do Buford?

they have as many rights as the next guy........problem is .....they want MORE and SPECIAL rights.
Animal Farm 101. Some pigs are more equal than others.

Sounds familar right, XD.

Whites are more equal then blacks

Women are more equal then men

now its Muslims are more equal then Christians
For a man made document the Constitution is first rate.

But will eventually be eclipsed by Sharia in the future; and become a valuable museum piece that people will view with great curiosity. :cool:

There was a man named Hitler who spoke kinda like you do. Ever hear of him? Your brothers were his ally in WWII. It didn't end well then and it will not end well again. Just thought I'd give you a warning.

If this was happening the other way round.... the muslims getting stones... the national news outcry would be amazing!
That's because we muslims are innocent victims of the radical christian right and are an oppressed religious minority.

True story........ :cool:

I agree with a lot of that sentiment.

Is this your backwards way of admitting you were lying when you said the U.S. gov't would be run by Islam/Sharia Law? You can't be stupid enough to think an oppressed religious minority will all of a sudden win over all fundamental christians and force them to live in an islamic state?
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