American toutured and sentenced to 16 years in SAUDI ARABIA prison for mean tweets criticizing the Kingdom he sent from the US

So how did Zionist fascist 911 traitor Jeff Epstein get to know and trust his #1 customer Saudi crown prince bin salman?

Jew trusts Muslim

Two Zionist 911 profiteers celebrate together

The Saudis didn't do 9/11, moron. They have some 3 trillion invested in the US. OBL hated the Saudis because they revoked his citizenship in 1994 and declared Al Qaeda a terrorist organization. He gave 9/11 a Saudi face to punish Saudi Arabia. He wanted the US to go to war with Arabia.
The Saudis didn't do 9/11, moron. They have some 3 trillion invested in the US. OBL hated the Saudis because they revoked his citizenship in 1994 and declared Al Qaeda a terrorist organization. He gave 9/11 a Saudi face to punish Saudi Arabia. He wanted the US to go to war with Arabia.

FBI goes to Saudi 913

FBI asks what Saudi has on "Osama"

Response - fuck off

"Osama" was never in Saudi

Bin salman was invested just like Epstein on 910

Long bond
Defense stocks

The US should invade Saudi and wipe out the Zionist fascist Saudi Royal fraudily.
FBI goes to Saudi 913

FBI asks what Saudi has on "Osama"

Response - fuck off

"Osama" was never in Saudi

Bin salman was invested just like Epstein on 910

Long bond
Defense stocks

The US should invade Saudi and wipe out the Zionist fascist Saudi Royal fraudily.

You're an idiot. Bin Salman was 16 years old.
You're an idiot. Bin Salman was 16 years old.


His daddy invested...

Why were bin salman and Jew Epstein so close????

They REALLY TRUSTED each other for "Muslim" and Jew, kinda like Osman trusting taliban's leaders...
The US should invade Saudi and wipe out the Zionist fascist Saudi Royal fraudily.
The American population is unable to connect the dots and when some of them are missing average Joe America just takes a leap across the empty space and makes it up.

FACT 1: The US and the Zionists are like two peas in a pod. It is fairly obvious why that is.

FACT 2: The house of Saudi has a special deal with the US which includes American politicians licking the back end of the Saudis.

FACT 3: Either directly (or by the chain of fact one and fact two) the Saudis and the Zionists are cooperating with one another at a high level.

So, what makes you think the US would want to “wipe out the Saudi Royal family”? It's an unholy trio.
The American population is unable to connect the dots and when some of them are missing average Joe America just takes a leap across the empty space and makes it up.

FACT 1: The US and the Zionists are like two peas in a pod. It is fairly obvious why that is.

FACT 2: The house of Saudi has a special deal with the US which includes American politicians licking the back end of the Saudis.

FACT 3: Either directly (or by the chain of fact one and fact two) the Saudis and the Zionists are cooperating with one another at a high level.

So, what makes you think the US would want to “wipe out the Saudi Royal family”?

To quote traitor Joe

2 numbers

9 1 1

Actually, Joe, that is three numbers....
First of all bin Laden was not working in conjunction with Saudi and secondly, bin Laden didn't orchestrate 9/11.


Col Osman was confused.

First answer - no, we (AQ) did NOT do 911

Second answer - yes we did it, but I do not understand how those planes caused the towers to do perfect controlled demolition...

Col Osman was confused.

First answer - no, we (AQ) did NOT do 911

Second answer - yes we did it, but I do not understand how those planes caused the towers to do perfect controlled demolition...

You guys are still coming up with crackpot conspiracy theories.

Col Osman was confused.

First answer - no, we (AQ) did NOT do 911

Second answer - yes we did it, but I do not understand how those planes caused the towers to do perfect controlled demolition...
First of all your lie about Osman was long since disproven

Second yes AQ did 911 and there was no contrrolled demolition

Those are all absolute proven facts you are simply a liar and coward
First of all your lie about Osman was long since disproven

Second yes AQ did 911 and there was no contrrolled demolition

Those are all absolute proven facts you are simply a liar and coward

They honestly think Tim Osman is Osama bin Laden.

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