American toutured and sentenced to 16 years in SAUDI ARABIA prison for mean tweets criticizing the Kingdom he sent from the US

"American toutured and sentenced to 16 years in SAUDI ARABIA prison for mean tweets criticizing the Kingdom he sent from the US"​

I'd like to know the main theme of the tourtuing he was subjected to. Was it a completely new philosophy or just re-education of the same old - same old?
To quote traitor Joe

2 numbers

9 1 1

Actually, Joe, that is three numbers....

Not really. The numbers of the months are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve. So nine-eleven are indeed only 2 numbers and 9-one-one is totally different.


Your problem is everyone except subs believes too, since 911 was an obvious fraud.
Saying it was an obvious fraud merely means you are a moron who ignores the facts and evidence.

It was not an obvious fraud and you are not some sort of knowledgable expert who can tell the difference.

I have no problem since all intelligent people know you are a fucking idiot who cannot prove your stupid theories
Britney Griner (sp?)
Knew the law
Ignored the law
Broke the law
Was prosecuted for breaking the law
Doing time in a Russian prison

Condemned her country
Insulted her country
Was imprisoned in Russia
Now begging her country to save her about humbling (or should be)
You beclown yourself when you say nonsense like this ouside your little Russian state TV bubble.

Such brainwashing is very sad to witness.

In Russia you get killed or jailed for organizing any sort of serious opposition to Putin's Czarism. You also get up to 15 years in jail for honest reporting about Russian invasion into Ukraine and you get brutaly detained/fined/jailed for public opposition to the war.

There is no real freedom of speech, no independent media or justice systems, no real democratic process.

Putin's regime survives by proganda and repression, not by true political / ideological contest and delivering results for his citizens.

If you don't understand that Russia has become a totalitarian state then you've long ago lost connection to reality.
And yet you and your diseased ilk want the same thinf here.
And yet you and your diseased ilk want the same thinf here.
No we don't nutbag.

We fully support open society and democratic principles, including freedom of speech, competetive elections and peaceful transfer of power.

You know how many times in Russian history there was transfer of power as a result of an election? Exactly ZERO.
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Jesus! You are full of shit. o_O
Name ONE.

Medvedev was clearly just Putin's retainer, no actual transfer of power. Any serious political opposition was killed off or jailed.
Putin - installed.
Yeltsin - installed.
Gorbachev - installed.

Russian people have never elected anyone who was not already in power, there has never been true and open political competition for people's vote.
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Name ONE.

Medvedev was clearly just Putin's retainer, no actual transfer of power. Any serious political opposition was killed off or jailed.
Putin - installed.
Yeltsin - installed.
Gorbachev - installed.

Russian people have never elected anyone who was not already in power, there has never been true and open political competition for people's vote.
What a silly game you are playing. Is that what you do in kindergarten all week? Funny though you should mention Yeltsin. He, in fact, was installed .... by the CIA.

Some of you out there do not appreciate our freedoms.

If you are reading this and think you are oppressed, you need to wake up. You are not.

Dubai is the most deliriously capitalist tumor on the surface of the entire planet, and Allah had absolutely nothing to do with its construction. Boycott sandy pathologies.
What a silly game you are playing. Is that what you do in kindergarten all week? Funny though you should mention Yeltsin. He, in fact, was installed .... by the CIA.
So no, you can't name even one instance of peaceful transfer of power based on election in Russia.

Why? Because you are the one who is full of shit and are having trouble with basic facts.
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You are so childish. :spank: Go and play paddy cake with the children.
Whats "so childish"?

Me stating that in fact Russia has never had a peaceful transfer of power based the votes of the people? A fact you can't coherently address?

Childish are your silly insults and gifs
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You saying >>>>>>>>>

.... that's what is so childish.
Childish because....?

Go ahead, put your big boy pants on and make a coherent argument. Explain why you think there was ever actual transfer of power in Russia as a result of people's votes.
Enough is enough. Go play with your little friends now.
Of course it's enough, 5 posts of you not able to refute that there has never been any real transfer of power because of people's vote in Russia.

YOU CAN'T obviously, so run along now.
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