American University Students Prefer Castro to Democratically Elected Trump and How to Fix it


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This illustrates the mental rot that our colleges have had in effect on the minds of our supposedly best and brightest for an entire generation.

VIDEO: AU students prefer Castro over Trump

Really? This is where the left has drifted to; a brutal communist dictator is now seen as more beneficial to his people and the world than a self made billionaire who has employed tens of thousands of people and actually added some very successful structures to the landscape of cities across our country. These people are so twisted in their minds that they think that Trump has done worse things than have tens of thousands of his own people executed for opposing him. They think that Trump will do worse for our economy than Castro did for his country, and they actually think that Trump has never had a successful business endeavor! These people are insane with ignorance, hatred and arrogance.

People we need to face facts; our communist enemies have targeted our educational system, and our higher education especially, to spread disinformation about our nation, our culture, the world we live in and the problems we face. They have promoted the most horrid propaganda directed at alienating our own youth against our country and the claim of 'Free speech' should not stop us from cleaning the gutters of our educational system to rid us of such poison spreading vile scum.

We need to do the following in order to shed ourselves of this dug in Marxist elite that control our universities.

1. Introduce free college education online that finances itself with ads and clicks. You register and take various classes through the host website and videos of instructors followed by online question and answer sessions, and a recommended reading list is given and you pass the courses with essays on the course written to address a list of question given at the beginning of the course. You take as long as you need to pass the course after demonstrating a required level of understanding of the topic.

2. School vouchers need to come to our educational system ASAP to get more competition into our educational system. Our public schools have degenerated into little more than glorified Day Care centers.

3. Ban teachers unions or any other form of union in government service.

4. All educational institutions should have a requirement to let the tax payers know what they are getting for their tax dollars spent, by having ALL classes video recorded and posted to the internet so that ANYONE can log in and see what they kids are being taught by college professors. There is ZERO right to privacy in the classroom when WE THE PEOPLE are paying for it.
This illustrates the mental rot that our colleges have had in effect on the minds of our supposedly best and brightest for an entire generation.

VIDEO: AU students prefer Castro over Trump


They really like Castro in Colombia too

Colombian President Mourns Death of Fidel Castro -
Bogota, Nov 27 (Prensa Latina) President Juan Manuel Santos on Saturday regretted the death of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, and acknowledged his contribution to the efforts to end the armed confrontation in Colombia.
We regret the death of Fidel Castro, we accompany his brother Raul and his family at this time, our solidarity with the Cuban people, the president posted on his Twitter account.

He contributed to ending the Colombian conflict, Santos posted on the social network, where other politicians, such as former Senator Piedad Cordoba, have expressed their sorrow over the Cuban leader's death on Friday night.

Cuba and Norway have been the guarantors of the peace talks between the Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP), which ended with the recent peace agreement signed by Santos and the chief of that guerrilla movement, Timoleon Jimenez, on Thursday, November 24, at the Colon Theater in this capital.

Commander Fidel Castro !, you did not just write history!! You are history!!, Cordoba, an outstanding human rights defender posted on the social network.
I wonder if any of these people realize they contributed to Trump's win.
This illustrates the mental rot that our colleges have had in effect on the minds of our supposedly best and brightest for an entire generation.

VIDEO: AU students prefer Castro over Trump
Maybe they found out about this in school let me school you
"200 million children in the world today sleep in the streets — none are Cuban"
I wonder if any of these people realize they contributed to Trump's win.
just not the popular vote that he lost by over 2.5 million
Yes, the Democrats are now a regional party, and they're admitting it, as they look for ways to fix it.

When you support and mourn a murderous dictator and then insult anyone who dares to disagree with you, you're going to limit your geographical appeal.

The party should be better than this, and now the GOP has the White House, Senate, House, Supreme Court and even more state houses as a result. The return of decent, traditional Democrats is badly needed, ASAP.
This illustrates the mental rot that our colleges have had in effect on the minds of our supposedly best and brightest for an entire generation.

VIDEO: AU students prefer Castro over Trump

Really? This is where the left has drifted to; a brutal communist dictator is now seen as more beneficial to his people and the world than a self made billionaire who has employed tens of thousands of people and actually added some very successful structures to the landscape of cities across our country. These people are so twisted in their minds that they think that Trump has done worse things than have tens of thousands of his own people executed for opposing him. They think that Trump will do worse for our economy than Castro did for his country, and they actually think that Trump has never had a successful business endeavor! These people are insane with ignorance, hatred and arrogance.

People we need to face facts; our communist enemies have targeted our educational system, and our higher education especially, to spread disinformation about our nation, our culture, the world we live in and the problems we face. They have promoted the most horrid propaganda directed at alienating our own youth against our country and the claim of 'Free speech' should not stop us from cleaning the gutters of our educational system to rid us of such poison spreading vile scum.

We need to do the following in order to shed ourselves of this dug in Marxist elite that control our universities.

1. Introduce free college education online that finances itself with ads and clicks. You register and take various classes through the host website and videos of instructors followed by online question and answer sessions, and a recommended reading list is given and you pass the courses with essays on the course written to address a list of question given at the beginning of the course. You take as long as you need to pass the course after demonstrating a required level of understanding of the topic.

2. School vouchers need to come to our educational system ASAP to get more competition into our educational system. Our public schools have degenerated into little more than glorified Day Care centers.

3. Ban teachers unions or any other form of union in government service.

4. All educational institutions should have a requirement to let the tax payers know what they are getting for their tax dollars spent, by having ALL classes video recorded and posted to the internet so that ANYONE can log in and see what they kids are being taught by college professors. There is ZERO right to privacy in the classroom when WE THE PEOPLE are paying for it.

All they would have to do is move to Cuba.

Wouldn't take them long to find out what a communist utopia looks like and they would all come home to the life style they are accustomed to.
They like Castro in Panama

Panama: Debtors Thank Fidel

By Osvaldo Rodriguez Martinez Panama, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) Young Vietnamese Ma Luu Van Khang made a long queue at the Cuban Embassy in Panama, so that together with his mother write in the book of condolences, his message to leader Fidel Castro.
Ma.Luu says to be grateful to the Commandant because thanks to his noble gesture and that of his country he could study a university career in the Island; he spoke a somewhat fluid Spanish, maybe momentaneously forgotten due to the emotion that clouded his eyes and passed on to his mother.

This Vietnamese youth, presently occupying the post of Commercial Counsellor of theVietnamese diplomatic mission in Panama, assured his Cuban colleagues that the visit was of a personal nature, because it represents his debt to Fidel.

The commitment with Cuba and its leader is also infinite for Luis 'Lucho' Gómez, who assured he literally owes his life and that of his family to the deceased leader and to the 'Cuban brothers', because they gave them refuge at the residence of the Cuban Embassy when unruly U.S. soldiers persecuted him after the invasion of 1989.

'I remember that Fidel and the Cuban Revolution saved my life, mine and my family in the difficult years of the invasion, when our people was subdued by them and the Cuban Revolution opened the doors of its Embassy to receive Panamanian patriots to preserve their lives'.
I'm sure all of the dead in Cuba who were victims of Castro and his regime would love to argue with you.

Only problem is they are dead.
They like Castro in Panama

Panama: Debtors Thank Fidel

By Osvaldo Rodriguez Martinez Panama, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) Young Vietnamese Ma Luu Van Khang made a long queue at the Cuban Embassy in Panama, so that together with his mother write in the book of condolences, his message to leader Fidel Castro.
Ma.Luu says to be grateful to the Commandant because thanks to his noble gesture and that of his country he could study a university career in the Island; he spoke a somewhat fluid Spanish, maybe momentaneously forgotten due to the emotion that clouded his eyes and passed on to his mother.

This Vietnamese youth, presently occupying the post of Commercial Counsellor of theVietnamese diplomatic mission in Panama, assured his Cuban colleagues that the visit was of a personal nature, because it represents his debt to Fidel.

The commitment with Cuba and its leader is also infinite for Luis 'Lucho' Gómez, who assured he literally owes his life and that of his family to the deceased leader and to the 'Cuban brothers', because they gave them refuge at the residence of the Cuban Embassy when unruly U.S. soldiers persecuted him after the invasion of 1989.

'I remember that Fidel and the Cuban Revolution saved my life, mine and my family in the difficult years of the invasion, when our people was subdued by them and the Cuban Revolution opened the doors of its Embassy to receive Panamanian patriots to preserve their lives'.
That is the only kind of opposition that the leftists like.

Complete the phrase ,Alex, for $800

"the only good Commie is the one that is _______ "

what is "Dead" Alex
X Wrong X

I think many people on here think the answer is "Putin".
(although they might not admit to it)
"the only good Commie is the one that is Putin"?

That doesnt even make any sense. OF course you are responding to a complete idiot Tyroneslopthrop.
AU students prefer Castro to democratically elected Trump.

Rightwingers prefer Putin to democratically elected Obama.

At least the students can claim youthful idiocy.
"the only good Commie is the one that is Putin"?

That doesnt even make any sense.
I wouldn't be surprised if you agree with that affirmation, and I don't see why it doesn't make sense.
"the only good Commie is the one that is Putin"? Well, I guess you could be saying that some commie has run one up into Putin, but I dont bet is that Putin likes to be pitcher, not catcher and prefers gals to guys, but I am just guessing.

Still doesnt make much grammatical sense.

"the only good Commie is the one that is Putin"

Maybe you mean to make a playon Putin's name, like "the only good Commie is the one that is Putin up the soda back in the refrigerator when tehy're done with it"?

"the only good Commie is the one that is Putin"?

nah, you fucked up, just admit it.

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