Americans Are Dealing With a Very Dangerous Man

Peaceful? Your a full blown liar and it will be proven this fall when 1/6 clips are on the tube 24/7. God luck with that “they were peaceful“ thing. :laughing0301:
Some of the videos showed that the protesters started out peaceful...until the cops started shoving them down a tunnel and some of them got trampled....and they started shooting tear gas at people outside right when they were about to leave.
The cops were roughing people up....and BLM jerks started instigating violence.
The result was all filmed so they could blame it all on Trump.
Meanwhile Trump was cut off completely in the White House.
Yet you think he's to blame for all of it.
Some of the videos showed that the protesters started out peaceful...until the cops started shoving them down a tunnel and some of them got trampled....and they started shooting tear gas at people outside right when they were about to leave.
The cops were roughing people up....and BLM jerks started instigating violence.
The result was all filmed so they could blame it all on Trump.
Meanwhile Trump was cut off completely in the White House.
Yet you think he's to blame for all of it.
Ever heard of the kalishnkov rifle
That has been pretty successful

I do like the AK-47. Cheap to shoot with steel ammo and you can drag in through the mud and it will still fire. The AR-15 isn’t quite as tolerant to dirt and if I was ever in a wartime situation I want my weapon to , first and foremost, to fire. The AK isn’t extremely accurate, but I actually prefer the 7.62x39 over the 5.56 because it is a heavier load.
No.....this is reality.
Anyone who actually believes a bunch of unarmed 65 year old grandpas and grandmas worked with a bunch of 22 year old ANTIFA assholes to overthrow the government isn't using their gray matter between their ears.
Clearly all of this is to provide cover for Hillary and several other bad actors to cover up their illegal activities before and during the Trump Administration. They pulled a soft coup....and ousted the duly elected president thru fraud...and are now back to their business as usual Human and Drug-Trafficking operations.

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No.....this is reality.
Anyone who actually believes a bunch of unarmed 65 year old grandpas and grandmas worked with a bunch of 22 year old ANTIFA assholes to overthrow the government isn't using their gray matter between their ears.
Clearly all of this is to provide cover for Hillary and several other bad actors to cover up their illegal activities before and during the Trump Administration. They pulled a soft coup....and ousted the duly elected president thru fraud...and are now back to their business as usual Human and Drug-Trafficking operations.

This is the Democrats protesting Trump's election.....but the same people claiming we can't protest....were protesting in 2016.


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