Americans are not buying it that the economy is doing well under this Administration

No matter how much they lie about all of this stuff, Americans still have to buy groceries. Evictions are at an all time high. Auto loans have a high delinquency rates. Credit card debt is setting highs and withdraws from retirement accounts are at all time highs.
"Evictions are at an all time high"

Please tell us the GOP solution? (apart from blaming Democrats, which seems the standard)

Trump got elected and all he did was blame Democrats for four years..

Gee, how did that happen?

bidum says we're doing well but We the People don't agree? How can that be?

Hey, I know! Most Americans are not stupid?

Whoda thunk it?

This article makes sweeping generalizations without any supporting data. Every statistical analysis of the economy shows that the economy has vastly improved under Biden.

The article says that ""Americans aren't buying it". Did they do a survey? What Americans? Are there any supporting statistical data?

Is FOX news a fair and unbiased source? :auiqs.jpg:

This reminds me of Trump's "Everybody knows it" as proof the election was stolen. What an idiot!
Inflation is starting to get back in control

View attachment 807462
Unemployment is historic low, a reduction on when Biden received it..

All this is just getting better...

This is the problem, Trump was in charge in an increase in Unemployment, increase in borrowing, solid GDP growth (better than Trumps)..
Biden has basically beat the shit out of Trump 4 years in charge.. Trump had negative job growth, vastly increased borrowing, screwed up the supply chain...

So all you have left is to sell bullshit and this thread is ye trying to show that you can still fool a lot of America..
Gee, it's almost as if there was a really, really big event that gripped the whole world when TRUMP! was president. If we could only figure out what that was...
"Evictions are at an all time high"

Please tell us the GOP solution? (apart from blaming Democrats, which seems the standard)

Trump got elected and all he did was blame Democrats for four years..
LOL. Democrats have not taken responsibility for one thing since Biden took office. The GOP does have a solution. Vote the bums out.
This article makes sweeping generalizations without any supporting data. Every statistical analysis of the economy shows that the economy has vastly improved under Biden.

The article says that ""Americans aren't buying it". Did they do a survey? What Americans? Are there any supporting statistical data?

Is FOX news a fair and unbiased source? :auiqs.jpg:

This reminds me of Trump's "Everybody knows it" as proof the election was stolen. What an idiot!
Dude, don't tell anyone on the ground this is a good economy, they'll just start laughing at you.

We have kids, I can't get out of Burger King for under 50 bucks.

Go ask Joe Average how good the economy is, he'll tell you.
Dude, don't tell anyone on the ground this is a good economy, they'll just start laughing at you.

We have kids, I can't get out of Burger King for under 50 bucks.

Go ask Joe Average how good the economy is, he'll tell you.

Anybody that's stupid enough to feed their family at Burger King is far too stupid to make any judgements on the state of the economy.

Burger King is neither fast, nor is it food, nor is it cheap. Find a good Deli.

If the "Average Joe" is an idiot, then don't expect them to be smart enough to reap the benefits of a good economy.
Anybody that's stupid enough to feed their family at Burger King is far too stupid to make any judgements on the state of the economy.

Dumbshit, the point is BURGER KING COSTS 50 BUCKS, you dumb fucking asshole.

If as you say it's the worst food in the planet, then THE WORST FOOD ON THE PLANET COSTS FIFTY BUCKS.

Get it?

Burger King is neither fast, nor is it food, nor is it cheap. Find a good Deli.

If the "Average Joe" is an idiot, then don't expect them to be smart enough to reap the benefits of a good economy.

Oh look, another leftard rocket scientist.

DON'T let these idiots touch any rockets.
Dumbshit, the point is BURGER KING COSTS 50 BUCKS, you dumb fucking asshole.

If as you say it's the worst food in the planet, then THE WORST FOOD ON THE PLANET COSTS FIFTY BUCKS.

Get it?

Oh look, another leftard rocket scientist.

DON'T let these idiots touch any rockets.

Anybody that bases their evaluation of the economy on the price of fast food is an idiot. PERIOD!

If you're stupid enough to eat there, then you're stupid enough to pay outrageous prices.

Read this carefully:

F I N D A G O O D D E L I ! ! !
Anybody that bases their evaluation of the economy on the price of fast food is an idiot. PERIOD!

If you're stupid enough to eat there, then you're stupid enough to pay outrageous prices.

Read this carefully:

F I N D A G O O D D E L I ! ! !
You're an idiot.

Fast food is a large and important sector of the economy. McDonald's doesn't raise its prices unless it has to.

You're still trying to deflect from the point, and it's still not working.
You're an idiot.

Fast food is a large and important sector of the economy. McDonald's doesn't raise its prices unless it has to.

You're still trying to deflect from the point, and it's still not working.

Fast food is only an important sector of the economy to morons that eat fast food.

Somehow, it's never mentioned by statisticians as a important benchmark for economic performance.

Sorry if I'm not making my point, but it's just not possible to make a point with someone who's brain dead.
The rate it's going up is coming down dumb ass not the price of things. The inflation rate going from 10% to 4% doesn't make anything cheaper, it just makes things get more expensive at a slower pace. But I don't think you're unaware of that either. The only one shilling for anyone in this conversation is you. For someone who proclaims to be independent you sure are working really hard to convince someone that inflation isnt nearly as bad as it is.

The price of most things will never come down, they never do after a period of high inflation. If you are getting 5 bucks for your product and people are buying it at that price, why would you ever bring it back down?
Fast food is only an important sector of the economy to morons that eat fast food.

Somehow, it's never mentioned by statisticians as a important benchmark for economic performance.

Sorry if I'm not making my point, but it's just not possible to make a point with someone who's brain dead.
You don't have a point, retardo.

A cheese steak at Jersey Mike's is TWENTY FOUR BUCKS now.

How much do you think a deli sandwich is at Jerry's? How much do you think a hot dog costs at Pink's? WHY DO YOU THINK A QUARTER OF THE COUNTRY IS ON FOOD STAMPS, you idiot?
Not only that, but the stupid libfucks LOOT their local WalMart stores, driving prices up even higher and forcing BUSINESSES TO CLOSE because of their stupid bullshit.

First the libtards destroy every beautiful city they touch, THEN they force out all the businesses so no one can get services anymore, THEN they complain about the lack of services and try to blame it all on Trump.
What is idiotic is communities allowing the idiots to loot Walmart repeatedly then when they go out of business stating crime as the main factor…these idiots Boycott the other Walmart’s their community.

Democrats are morons
You don't have a point, retardo.

A cheese steak at Jersey Mike's is TWENTY FOUR BUCKS now.

How much do you think a deli sandwich is at Jerry's? How much do you think a hot dog costs at Pink's? WHY DO YOU THINK A QUARTER OF THE COUNTRY IS ON FOOD STAMPS, you idiot?

Have you considered going on a diet? Given your obsession with fast food, you must be obese! Higher prices at fast food places may be a good thing for people like you.

I, nor anybody else, considers fast food prices as an indicator of the state of the economy.

Have you noticed that the inflation rate is dropping, that the job numbers are excellent, that unemployment is extremely low, the stock market is doing well, that gas prices are dropping or that wages are going up?

Or have you been too busy stuffing yourself with junk food?
Have you considered going on a diet? Given your obsession with fast food, you must be obese! Higher prices at fast food places may be a good thing for people like you.

I, nor anybody else, considers fast food prices as an indicator of the state of the economy.

Have you noticed that the inflation rate is dropping, that the job numbers are excellent, that unemployment is extremely low, the stock market is doing well, that gas prices are dropping or that wages are going up?

Or have you been too busy stuffing yourself with junk food?
Mommy buys your food for you doesnt she.
Mommy buys your food for you doesnt she.

Nope, I do 90% of the food shopping for the wife and I.

Yes, food got more expensive, but our wage growth more than made up for it.

If your life is so shitty do something to better it.

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