Americans are not buying it that the economy is doing well under this Administration

A lot of people are still living in the same depressed run down town where the last good job closed it's doors 20 years ago. Couldn't be the people running the place where they live. Gotta be Biden's fault. It is so easy to be a republican politician. Do fuck all for your constituents, blame it all on people on the other side of country, get reelected.
Well, who can blame them for putting responsibility on Quid Pro when things were better under the previous president, the new one comes in and things go south? You know full well that the only reason you blame the people for not knowing when they have it good is you can't allow criticism of Quid Pro to stand.
I'm done with these stupid libfucks.

Question: were or we're not gas prices in the $2 range for MOST of Trump's presidency?

And question: WHAT ARE THEY NOW ?

I rest my airtight case.
Well, who can blame them for putting responsibility on Quid Pro when things were better under the previous president, the new one comes in and things go south? You know full well that the only reason you blame the people for not knowing when they have it good is you can't allow criticism of Quid Pro to stand.
Usually when you set out to blame someone for your problems you should be able to articulate exactly what they did to cause your personal difficulty.
I'm done with these stupid libfucks.

Question: were or we're not gas prices in the $2 range for MOST of Trump's presidency?

And question: WHAT ARE THEY NOW ?

I rest my airtight case.
You flailed and lied. Tuck tail and run now
Not only that, but the stupid libfucks LOOT their local WalMart stores, driving prices up even higher and forcing BUSINESSES TO CLOSE because of their stupid bullshit.

First the libtards destroy every beautiful city they touch, THEN they force out all the businesses so no one can get services anymore, THEN they complain about the lack of services and try to blame it all on Trump.
You flailed and lied. Tuck tail and run now
I'll never run from you, stupid leftard.

We have stand your ground laws.

And I'm legally allowed to mow down your sorry ass if I catch you sitting on my freeways.
You're offering nothing but the ranting of a Dem / Marxist who can't defend the disasters they have made of US cities.
What are teabaggers doing?

Making them worse.

DeSantis cuts money for Black history, gun violence ...​

Tampa Bay Times › news › 2023/06/15 › des...

Jun 15, 2023 — Ron DeSantis took his veto pen to the state budget on Thursday, scratching off millions of dollars in programs to address gun violence and Black ...

DeSantis budget cuts opioid treatment, infrastructure ...​

City & State Florida › policy › 2023/06 › d...

Jun 26, 2023 — DeSantis axed $100 million from a rural and family lands program, which pays farmers to limit their land use to preserve its conservation value.

Abbott calls Texas school shooting a mental health issue ...​

NBC News › news › us-news › abbott-call...

May 25, 2022 — Greg Abbott calls the Uvalde school shooting a mental health issue but actually cut the state budget for mental health programs this year.
Usually when you set out to blame someone for your problems you should be able to articulate exactly what they did to cause your personal difficulty.
This is politics, remember? You don't have to have anything more than feelz. I mean, look at how many blame TRUMP! for people not getting vaccinated when he fast-tracked vaccines and told people to get jabbed, often to boos.
I'll never run from you, stupid leftard.

We have stand your ground laws.

And I'm legally allowed to mow down your sorry ass if I catch you sitting on my freeways.
So you lose an argument and threaten murder?

Way to go Trumper
The corporations jumping on the opportunity definitely played a role, but it was the complete collapse of global supply chains when demand exploded coming out of the lockdowns start caused the shit to hit the fan. Yeah, the corporations then piggy-backed on that.
This is who many of them are. At war. Jihadis.
We should probably consider ourselves lucky that they’re too lazy and stupid to get off their fat asses and come up from Moms basement and actually act on their tough guy threats.
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Ok. You can bury your head in the sand on the issue but that womt change the facts.
Fake memes do not have a point any more than fake news stories do.

You understood the meaning the meme was trying to convey or you couldn't say whether it was true or not. If there was no point being made, how could it be fake?

And now they are back to 2020 prices, if not lower

Um no they really aren't. The price has come down a bit but it's still higher. That doesnt change the point of the meme.
In 2020 farmers were dumping milk into their fields as it cost more to ship it than they were being paid for it thanks to the pandemic.

Ok. Do you think anyone buying milk gives a shit why the price is higher? It was 3.04 in 2019. 2.90 in 2018. Nothing to do with the pandemic.

And now it is coming down, but that is a bad thing for you folks as that could cost you some votes in 2024

The rate it's going up is coming down dumb ass not the price of things. The inflation rate going from 10% to 4% doesn't make anything cheaper, it just makes things get more expensive at a slower pace. But I don't think you're unaware of that either. The only one shilling for anyone in this conversation is you. For someone who proclaims to be independent you sure are working really hard to convince someone that inflation isnt nearly as bad as it is.
So you lose an argument and threaten murder?

Way to go Trumper
I didn't lose anything, you dumbass retarded Stalinist piglet.

You idiots are incapable of thinking, is what it is. I show you how to look at an obvious piece of a chart and you deflect into some bullshit meaningless detail.

Hey you stupid dumbfuck, you're looking at a national average, do you know what that is MORON? Things in California were a lot worse than the national average, and things in Oklahoma were barely affected.

You fucking retarded shit for brains assholes think you can convince me I didn't live through what I lived through?

You clowns are DANGEROUSLY stupid. Read the thread title, goofball. We're not buying your bullshit. AMERICA DOES NOT BUY YOUR BULLSHIT.

Gee, how did that happen?

bidum says we're doing well but We the People don't agree? How can that be?

Hey, I know! Most Americans are not stupid?

Whoda thunk it?
No matter how much they lie about all of this stuff, Americans still have to buy groceries. Evictions are at an all time high. Auto loans have a high delinquency rates. Credit card debt is setting highs and withdraws from retirement accounts are at all time highs.
The point of the meme is that groceries now cost significantly more than they did 2 years ago. But you knew that.

The price of eggs 2020 was 1.50. In 2022 it was 2.80.

In 2021 bread 1.50. 2023 1.94

In 2020 milk 3.32. 2022 4.09

General food inflation was almost 10% last year. The last 3 years it’s been higher than any other 3 in the last decade and last year was the highest since 79.

You’re being a douche.
Inflation is starting to get back in control


Unemployment is historic low, a reduction on when Biden received it..

All this is just getting better...

This is the problem, Trump was in charge in an increase in Unemployment, increase in borrowing, solid GDP growth (better than Trumps)..
Biden has basically beat the shit out of Trump 4 years in charge.. Trump had negative job growth, vastly increased borrowing, screwed up the supply chain...

So all you have left is to sell bullshit and this thread is ye trying to show that you can still fool a lot of America..

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