Americans being FORCED OUT OF THEIR HOME to allow illegal aliens a place to live.

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

The "other side" of the story is fucking irrelevant. Americans being put out of their homes so that illegals can have a bed is outrageous, period.
There is no reasoning or "other side" that makes this ok under any circumstances

But....but....what about the children?

Since when do you give a rats ass about the children?

is that really the best you have?
What are you?...Like 6 years old?
Is that how you debate?

I have already discussed the children and I know that Trump fanatics didn't give a shit about the children during the reign of President Chaos.

Ah yes...Still all about Trump.

Give it a rest.

Hillary lost. Deal with it.

Yes, Hillary lost and I accepted that loss without any false whining and meowing about fraudulent voting. Biden won and Trump lost. Deal with it.

I am dealing with it. He is my CiC. No where will you see my compliant. But I am amazed at how many people. including you, mention Trump in their posts. You wont see me mentioning Obama in my posts. He was my President. He was my CiC. God bless him and his family. it never mattered if I disagreed with him....and it never mattered if I agreed with him. He was my CiC and I would do whatever her commanded. I did what Trump commanded and I will do what Biden commands.

Something tells me you dont really understand that.

Thats OK. Most dont.

That is refreshing to hear. Trump only wanted to be the president of those who voted for him. and he made that clear, unfortunately.
I am dealing with it. He is my CiC. No where will you see my compliant. But I am amazed at how many people. including you, mention Trump in their posts. You wont see me mentioning Obama in my posts. He was my President. He was my CiC. God bless him and his family. it never mattered if I disagreed with him....and it never mattered if I agreed with him. He was my CiC and I would do whatever her commanded. I did what Trump commanded and I will do what Biden commands.

Something tells me you dont really understand that.

Thats OK. Most dont.
That is refreshing to hear. Trump only wanted to be the president of those who voted for him. and he made that clear, unfortunately.

Just like Obama and Biden, fucking fascist jackass
That is the dumbest set of bullshit that I have heard. President Chaos did more damage in 4 years than I have seen in my lifetime. Talk about a dementia ladened
divisive egomaniac? Whew! He is still chugging along and his fanatics eat it for lunch, which indicates that you are in no position to judge another President.
Trump sealed the border. Addlepated Joe Biden has ripped it wide open like tearing a band aid off a fresh
gash and he's invited countless thousands to come on in (creating a jackpot for coyotes, child smugglers
and other bits of human filth that prey on the weak and vulnerable). Is that what you like?

Do you like the way Biden packs children into holding pens like sardines in a tin can?
There is no shortage of stupid asinine comments here but even so yours stands out like a nine year old
girl drowning in the Rio Grande lured into danger by Biden's "come and get it" rhetoric.

How do you measure "damage", genius? Surely not the way rational people do.
Drop dead!

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

The "other side" of the story is fucking irrelevant. Americans being put out of their homes so that illegals can have a bed is outrageous, period.
There is no reasoning or "other side" that makes this ok under any circumstances

But....but....what about the children?

Since when do you give a rats ass about the children?

is that really the best you have?
What are you?...Like 6 years old?
Is that how you debate?

I have already discussed the children and I know that Trump fanatics didn't give a shit about the children during the reign of President Chaos.

Ah yes...Still all about Trump.

Give it a rest.

Hillary lost. Deal with it.

Yes, Hillary lost and I accepted that loss without any false whining and meowing about fraudulent voting. Biden won and Trump lost. Deal with it.

I am dealing with it. He is my CiC. No where will you see my compliant. But I am amazed at how many people. including you, mention Trump in their posts. You wont see me mentioning Obama in my posts. He was my President. He was my CiC. God bless him and his family. it never mattered if I disagreed with him....and it never mattered if I agreed with him. He was my CiC and I would do whatever her commanded. I did what Trump commanded and I will do what Biden commands.

Something tells me you dont really understand that.

Thats OK. Most dont.

That is refreshing to hear. Trump only wanted to be the president of those who voted for him. and he made that clear, unfortunately.

Still talking about Trump.
Gonna be a long 4 years.
That is the dumbest set of bullshit that I have heard. President Chaos did more damage in 4 years than I have seen in my lifetime. Talk about a dementia ladened
divisive egomaniac? Whew! He is still chugging along and his fanatics eat it for lunch, which indicates that you are in no position to judge another President.
Trump sealed the border. Addlepated Joe Biden has ripped it wide open like tearing a band aid off a fresh
gash and he's invited countless thousands to come on in (creating a jackpot for coyotes, child smugglers
and other bits of human filth that prey on the weak and vulnerable). Is that what you like?

Do you like the way Biden packs children into holding pens like sardines in a tin can?
There is no shortage of stupid asinine comments here but even so yours stands out like a nine year old
girl drowning in the Rio Grande lured into danger by Biden's "come and get it" rhetoric.

How do you measure "damage", genius? Surely not the way rational people do.
Drop dead!
Infecting our country

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

The "other side" of the story is fucking irrelevant. Americans being put out of their homes so that illegals can have a bed is outrageous, period.
There is no reasoning or "other side" that makes this ok under any circumstances

But....but....what about the children?

Since when do you give a rats ass about the children?

is that really the best you have?
What are you?...Like 6 years old?
Is that how you debate?

I have already discussed the children and I know that Trump fanatics didn't give a shit about the children during the reign of President Chaos.

Ah yes...Still all about Trump.

Give it a rest.

Hillary lost. Deal with it.

Yes, Hillary lost and I accepted that loss without any false whining and meowing about fraudulent voting. Biden won and Trump lost. Deal with it.

I am dealing with it. He is my CiC. No where will you see my compliant. But I am amazed at how many people. including you, mention Trump in their posts. You wont see me mentioning Obama in my posts. He was my President. He was my CiC. God bless him and his family. it never mattered if I disagreed with him....and it never mattered if I agreed with him. He was my CiC and I would do whatever her commanded. I did what Trump commanded and I will do what Biden commands.

Something tells me you dont really understand that.

Thats OK. Most dont.

That is refreshing to hear. Trump only wanted to be the president of those who voted for him. and he made that clear, unfortunately.

Still talking about Trump.
Gonna be a long 4 years.

Hopefully, Trump will disappear and our country will heal.
American's have been kicked out of their jobs for decades.

If you want them to work they have to have a place to live.
if we want the FOREIGNERS to work?? is that what you mean?

You are fully aware of what I mean.

Actually, no, it's not clear what your implication is
dude, hilarious, I asked him What and only the word what on that same post and he disagreed. WTF, the dude is insane.

It's the same argument every time. I argue to address the businesses drawing them here and you and others make excuses.

Again, the problems are the criminals, the drugs and the ones who want to go on welfare and NOT work.

They don't get welfare so go cry your lies elsewhere.
They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

Gotcha. And so to solve that, you're trying to get as many Democrat voters in so you can to out raise the other half to win ...

Start insisting on mandatory e-verify and they leave.


The people we DON'T WANT stay, they don't care about jobs.

I'd say think about it, but you'd probably seriously hurt yourself trying that and I don't want to be responsible for it

If the jobs end that addresses the overwhelming vast majority. That makes addressing the remaining small percentage far easier.
They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

A government that refuses to enforce employment laws.
agreed, why is that? Money?

Yes. Greed and the mistaken belief you have to out raise the other side to win.
I actually agree with that. Why is it politicians, either side wants to enforce? Money, so what's the solution. I give a shit about their flipping money.

But as long as we continue to re-elect them they do not care what you care about.
American's have been kicked out of their jobs for decades.

If you want them to work they have to have a place to live.
if we want the FOREIGNERS to work?? is that what you mean?

You are fully aware of what I mean.

Actually, no, it's not clear what your implication is
dude, hilarious, I asked him What and only the word what on that same post and he disagreed. WTF, the dude is insane.

It's the same argument every time. I argue to address the businesses drawing them here and you and others make excuses.
not me, fk the businesses who give them jobs. get them out of here I want the blacks to get the jobs. I would think that'd be a demofk priority, but it isn't. Seems I care about the blacks more and more than a demofk.

I would think that also...........I would think it would be a priority of both parties but it obviously is not.
That is the dumbest set of bullshit that I have heard. President Chaos did more damage in 4 years than I have seen in my lifetime. Talk about a dementia ladened
divisive egomaniac? Whew! He is still chugging along and his fanatics eat it for lunch, which indicates that you are in no position to judge another President.
Trump sealed the border. Addlepated Joe Biden has ripped it wide open like tearing a band aid off a fresh
gash and he's invited countless thousands to come on in (creating a jackpot for coyotes, child smugglers
and other bits of human filth that prey on the weak and vulnerable). Is that what you like?

Do you like the way Biden packs children into holding pens like sardines in a tin can?
There is no shortage of stupid asinine comments here but even so yours stands out like a nine year old
girl drowning in the Rio Grande lured into danger by Biden's "come and get it" rhetoric.

How do you measure "damage", genius? Surely not the way rational people do.
Drop dead!
Trump sealed the border with a bandaid. Immigrants, human trafficking by Cartel,
drugs all entered unfettered.
No, I do not like the holding pens and that will be corrected. I didn't like the holding pens or children being forcibly being taken from their parents during the Trump era either. Of course, that was ok with you since you are a Trump fanatic. Biden is at
least going to correct it. I wonder how many died crossing the river during Trump?
I measure damage by the divisive way Trump governed, resulting in the insurrection of Jan 6, so don't tell me to drop dead. Just pay attention.
They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

Gotcha. And so to solve that, you're trying to get as many Democrat voters in so you can to out raise the other half to win ...

Start insisting on mandatory e-verify and they leave.


The people we DON'T WANT stay, they don't care about jobs.

I'd say think about it, but you'd probably seriously hurt yourself trying that and I don't want to be responsible for it

If the jobs end that addresses the overwhelming vast majority. That makes addressing the remaining small percentage far easier.

You parrot this over and over again as if you have data yet you offer no statistics....So show us; what percentage of illegals come for the jobs cleaning shitters and what percentage come for all the free shit?

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

if libs hate fox so much...why dont they explain who is forcing them to watch it....and if they dont watch, what in hell are they complaining about

Of course, I watch virtually all major tv stations, even Fox at times. That ok with you?

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