Americans being FORCED OUT OF THEIR HOME to allow illegal aliens a place to live.

How dare those decent real American folks working above-board have standards, expect conditions and a decent wage...WHAT GREEDY BASTARDS!
hahaha..there it is again folks...The Left telling us we need 21st century slaves...the wetback is definitely their new negro.
You are actually our new negro. Welcome aboard!
Actually, American citizens won't take those jobs or are lazy as hell while on the job.
In my view, management would prefer a worker who works and not someone who jerks and whies and meows for more money
Actually, they steal the job for less money. Guess who that helps?
Uh..... no they don't steal anything. They are simply better workers and perform better than their American counterparts. Americans are simply lazy.
What makes them better?
I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times
How do they survive?

They work. What have we been discussing?
President Chaos has convinced his fanatics that immigrants survive only by being on welfare. Work for a living? Naah. Actually, they are better workers than their lazy American counterparts, for the most part.

I disagree. They are simply willing to work for less than a legal wage.
I am not so sure about that, but they do work for real money and that is the issue.
Actually they steal jobs at lower wages from american citizens
Actually, American citizens won't take those jobs or are lazy as hell while on the job.
In my view, management would prefer a worker who works and not someone who jerks and whies and meows for more money.

How dare those decent real American folks working above-board have standards, expect conditions and a decent wage...WHAT GREEDY BASTARDS!
hahaha..there it is again folks...The Left telling us we need 21st century slaves...the wetback is definitely their new negro.
It is a kkkers prerogative to have slaves!
I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times
How do they survive?

They work. What have we been discussing?
President Chaos has convinced his fanatics that immigrants survive only by being on welfare. Work for a living? Naah. Actually, they are better workers than their lazy American counterparts, for the most part.

I disagree. They are simply willing to work for less than a legal wage.
I am not so sure about that, but they do work for real money and that is the issue.
Actually they steal jobs at lower wages from american citizens
Actually, American citizens won't take those jobs or are lazy as hell while on the job.
In my view, management would prefer a worker who works and not someone who jerks and whies and meows for more money.
They want fair pay to do them. An illegal will do it for far less, illegally. It will never be legal. You can say whatever you want it is not legal.
And only liars won’t accept that fact and the thing is many that agree with you like myself are people the same as me who has always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same. The only trump supporters that are not objective I know of is political chic and mudwhistle who ignore facts that both parties have always been corrupt and one in the same insisting you can’t go wrong if you vote gop,they are as closed minded as the dem supporters here who can’t accept reality the dems have been infiltrated by terrorists.

I always try to be objective, but I also know that I am biased in many ways, everyone is. There is definitely corruption in both parties, but I have to say I could never vote for someone who supports some of the things democrats do.

Also have to say Political Chic is one of my favorite posters.
American's have been kicked out of their jobs for decades.
Your support of this outrageous tactic is duly noted.

I generally support the workers.
I was talking about you supporting kicking Americans out of their home for illegals, Stupid.

You can't get kicked out of your home if you own it, and you're current on your mortgage payments.

Now, if you do NOT own your home, and you don't have a lease beyond a month to month basis, you can be required to move by the lawful owner with nothing more than a 30 day notice.
They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

Gotcha. And so to solve that, you're trying to get as many Democrat voters in so you can to out raise the other half to win ...

Start insisting on mandatory e-verify and they leave.


The people we DON'T WANT stay, they don't care about jobs.

I'd say think about it, but you'd probably seriously hurt yourself trying that and I don't want to be responsible for it

If the jobs end that addresses the overwhelming vast majority. That makes addressing the remaining small percentage far easier.

You parrot this over and over again as if you have data yet you offer no statistics....So show us; what percentage of illegals come for the jobs cleaning shitters and what percentage come for all the free shit?

I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times.
Yeah, what you post is always 100% BULLSHIT.

It's happening because Trump did absolutely nothing about why they come.
Of here we go

the old 6-year old unaccompanied minors are coming to America to find jobs argument

the promise of jobs is not luring children to America

They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

All the same he did nothing.
Still waiting for your link pknopp

I guess we can conclude you admit you are a lying sack of shit.
They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

Gotcha. And so to solve that, you're trying to get as many Democrat voters in so you can to out raise the other half to win ...

Start insisting on mandatory e-verify and they leave.


The people we DON'T WANT stay, they don't care about jobs.

I'd say think about it, but you'd probably seriously hurt yourself trying that and I don't want to be responsible for it

If the jobs end that addresses the overwhelming vast majority. That makes addressing the remaining small percentage far easier.

You parrot this over and over again as if you have data yet you offer no statistics....So show us; what percentage of illegals come for the jobs cleaning shitters and what percentage come for all the free shit?

I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times.
You've posted many things with "because I said so" validating your OPINION.
Are you saying illegals don't come for free childbirth, to have Americans fund their money trees / children, for stolen citizenships, the free education, the free healthcare, the EBT card, the subsidized housing, the free taxpayer cash?
You have data that shows they come for that awesome job cleaning shitters?
How about you Bobob can you enlighten us beyond "because I think so"?
pknopp never has a link. He posts the same lie several times and when you call him out he says 'I have posted on that several times" :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

Gotcha. And so to solve that, you're trying to get as many Democrat voters in so you can to out raise the other half to win ...

Start insisting on mandatory e-verify and they leave.


The people we DON'T WANT stay, they don't care about jobs.

I'd say think about it, but you'd probably seriously hurt yourself trying that and I don't want to be responsible for it

If the jobs end that addresses the overwhelming vast majority. That makes addressing the remaining small percentage far easier.

You parrot this over and over again as if you have data yet you offer no statistics....So show us; what percentage of illegals come for the jobs cleaning shitters and what percentage come for all the free shit?

I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times.
You've posted many things with "because I said so" validating your OPINION.
Are you saying illegals don't come for free childbirth, to have Americans fund their money trees / children, for stolen citizenships, the free education, the free healthcare, the EBT card, the subsidized housing, the free taxpayer cash?
You have data that shows they come for that awesome job cleaning shitters?
How about you Bobob can you enlighten us beyond "because I think so"?

I've posted it many times and You've read it.
American's have been kicked out of their jobs for decades.
Your support of this outrageous tactic is duly noted.

I generally support the workers.
I was talking about you supporting kicking Americans out of their home for illegals, Stupid.

You can't get kicked out of your home if you own it, and you're current on your mortgage payments.

Now, if you do NOT own your home, and you don't have a lease beyond a month to month basis, you can be required to move by the lawful owner with nothing more than a 30 day notice.
Hey Mustang why don't you read the OP and get an education on what this thread is about before jumping with all five thumbs to make a fool of yourself.
And only liars won’t accept that fact and the thing is many that agree with you like myself are people the same as me who has always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same. The only trump supporters that are not objective I know of is political chic and mudwhistle who ignore facts that both parties have always been corrupt and one in the same insisting you can’t go wrong if you vote gop,they are as closed minded as the dem supporters here who can’t accept reality the dems have been infiltrated by terrorists.

I always try to be objective, but I also know that I am biased in many ways, everyone is. There is definitely corruption in both parties, but I have to say I could never vote for someone who supports some of the things democrats do.

Also have to say Political Chic is one of my favorite posters.
That’s because you have only seen her on the subjects of the virus hoax and the vote fraud election where she actually is objective and goes by are too new to not see her past history going back to 2008 where she makes all these threads and babbles on about crap how the dems are to blame for everything and you can’t go wrong voting gop blah blah blah always saying Obama was the most corrupt president ever ignoring thst he was a clone of bush and only contiuned what he started and saying crap thst Reagan was the best potus of the 20th century ignoring all the facts many posters have said to her that he ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time and ignoring how the clintons and bush’s have been long time pals sense the 1980s how both were in favor of nafta and ignoring and running off when you prove how evil bush was and refusing to admit that the bush’s and Romney’s and other corrupt gops hate trump and voted fir Biden because trump is not part of the corrupt two party system,you just don’t know her history and the real political chic being fairly new here,she is an embarrassment to trump supporters refusing to admit bush is an evil monster and as much a mass murderer as Obama or face reality Reagan was a warmonger and mass murdererer as well,that’s common with half of Americans on Reagan though so that’s forgiveable,what is not firgiveavle is ignoring bushand Obama are two peas in a pod and the best of buddies.same with Clinton and bush.

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

Did you not see the guy directly involved and getting run out of his home speaking about it in the video?

This is not a Fox News spin, this is testimony directly from the people involved. If this had been a CNN interview he would have said the same goddamn thing.

Put your hatred for Fox aside for the moment and listen to what the person who was actually there has to say about it.

I don't know how things work in Washington State, and say what you will about the screwed-up condition of the State of Illinois in general, but...

In Illinois...

Each such child is legally considered a Ward of the State...

Each has a(n Illinois Dept of Child and Family Services [DCFS]) court -appointed G(uardian) A(t) L(aw)...

Each child welfare agency or each nonprofit agency sub-program with a child welfare focus is obliged to report any change in status to the GAL...

It is the responsibility of the GAL to immediately intervene in cases of impending homelessness and to resume physical custody of the child...

It is the responsibility of the GAL to oversee the shelter and care of the child until a subsequent foster care placement can be accomplished...

I can see the Foster Father being obliged to leave, given that he's an agency employee and that the agency is closing down his program, however...

If the reports on Faux (always doubtful) are true that the children are ALSO being displaced, then why isn't the State of Washington intervening for them?

Agency profits or no... grant money or new contracts or no... aren't they obliged to hand the kids back to the State of Washington safely and securely?
They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

Gotcha. And so to solve that, you're trying to get as many Democrat voters in so you can to out raise the other half to win ...

Start insisting on mandatory e-verify and they leave.


The people we DON'T WANT stay, they don't care about jobs.

I'd say think about it, but you'd probably seriously hurt yourself trying that and I don't want to be responsible for it

If the jobs end that addresses the overwhelming vast majority. That makes addressing the remaining small percentage far easier.

You parrot this over and over again as if you have data yet you offer no statistics....So show us; what percentage of illegals come for the jobs cleaning shitters and what percentage come for all the free shit?

I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times.
You've posted many things with "because I said so" validating your OPINION.
Are you saying illegals don't come for free childbirth, to have Americans fund their money trees / children, for stolen citizenships, the free education, the free healthcare, the EBT card, the subsidized housing, the free taxpayer cash?
You have data that shows they come for that awesome job cleaning shitters?
How about you Bobob can you enlighten us beyond "because I think so"?
pknopp never has a link. He posts the same lie several times and when you call him out he says 'I have posted on that several times" :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Simply outrageous. There are no words to describe how utterly fucked up this is.
One child hospitalized as a result and one ran away.

There is another side to this story, and it isn't the side that you are propagandizing.
I would like to hear it from the other side directly and not from your slanted version. Typical Fox News--anything to be contrarian.

Did you not see the guy directly involved and getting run out of his home speaking about it in the video?

This is not a Fox News spin, this is testimony directly from the people involved. If this had been a CNN interview he would have said the same goddamn thing.

Put your hatred for Fox aside for the moment and listen to what the person who was actually there has to say about it.


He’s a demofk, that’s rhetorical
We think Mustang’s post is relevant to this thread, because of the concept of ownership. Most renters do not have the opportunity to vet their landlords. This one is psycho. The consequential trauma and deterritorialization will have lasting effects. Paradoxically, the concept of home ownership is profoundly American, so this example is topsy-turvy schizophrenia.
what is not firgiveavle is ignoring bushand Obama are two peas in a pod and the best of buddies.same with Clinton and bush.
100% agree here, Bush was a huge disappointment for me. But, if my choice was Bush or Obama, it would be Bush hands down.

As far as PC goes though, it's hard to agree with ANYONE 100% of the time.

My father once told me........ "Son, if you agreed with me on everything, I'd wonder if you were listening." He was as honest of a man as I've ever known.
Trump sealed the border with a bandaid. Immigrants, human trafficking by Cartel,
drugs all entered unfettered.
No, I do not like the holding pens and that will be corrected. I didn't like the holding pens or children being forcibly being taken from their parents during the Trump era either. Of course, that was ok with you since you are a Trump fanatic. Biden is at
least going to correct it. I wonder how many died crossing the river during Trump?
I measure damage by the divisive way Trump governed, resulting in the insurrection of Jan 6, so don't tell me to drop dead. Just pay attention.
That is the dumbest set of bullshit that I have heard. President Chaos did more damage in 4 years than I have seen in my lifetime. Talk about a dementia ladened
divisive egomaniac? Whew! He is still chugging along and his fanatics eat it for lunch, which indicates that you are in no position to judge another President.
Trump sealed the border. Addlepated Joe Biden has ripped it wide open like tearing a band aid off a fresh
gash and he's invited countless thousands to come on in (creating a jackpot for coyotes, child smugglers
and other bits of human filth that prey on the weak and vulnerable). Is that what you like?

Do you like the way Biden packs children into holding pens like sardines in a tin can?
There is no shortage of stupid asinine comments here but even so yours stands out like a nine year old
girl drowning in the Rio Grande lured into danger by Biden's "come and get it" rhetoric.

How do you measure "damage", genius? Surely not the way rational people do.
Drop dead!
Trump sealed the border with a bandaid. Immigrants, human trafficking by Cartel,
drugs all entered unfettered.
Easy to shoot your mouth off.
Not easy at all to prove and document.

No, I do not like the holding pens and that will be corrected.
What makes you believe that? Do you also believe in the Easter bunny?
I didn't like the holding pens or children being forcibly being taken from their parents during the Trump era either. Of course, that was ok with you since you are a Trump fanatic.
You can thank
the Obama era ACLU for policy that separated children and adults at border holding facilities.
Would you put a car jacker's children jail with him? Why would you expect the border to be
different? When was the last time you actually thought about what you post?

Biden is at
least going to correct it. I wonder how many died crossing the river during Trump?
Just the way he corrected holding children in cages?
You are free to imagine anything you want and free to document all the people that drowned
while swimming across the Rio Grande in the prior four years.

I measure damage by the divisive way Trump governed, resulting in the insurrection of Jan 6, so don't tell me to drop dead. Just pay attention.
Sure. Trump was the only divisive figure in America by your standards because he wouldn't
stand still and let the government within a government railroad him out of office.
What a horrible unreasonable man...right?
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They are coming to reunite with their families already working here.

the parent are tossing them across the border and hoping the adults can follow them later

they dont belong in America under any circumstances

Nor do the millions working here but they get to stay.
poor government security right?

Gotcha. And so to solve that, you're trying to get as many Democrat voters in so you can to out raise the other half to win ...

Start insisting on mandatory e-verify and they leave.


The people we DON'T WANT stay, they don't care about jobs.

I'd say think about it, but you'd probably seriously hurt yourself trying that and I don't want to be responsible for it

If the jobs end that addresses the overwhelming vast majority. That makes addressing the remaining small percentage far easier.

You parrot this over and over again as if you have data yet you offer no statistics....So show us; what percentage of illegals come for the jobs cleaning shitters and what percentage come for all the free shit?

I've posted that there is very little in benefits available for illegals many times.
Yeah, what you post is always 100% BULLSHIT.

That doesn't dispute what I said. I never said they cost us nothing. I said they do NOT qualify for welfare. They do not.

What they cost us is more corporate welfare.

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