Americans Buying AK47's Like They Are Going Out Of Style

What, you got magic underwear like Romney does?

Or is there an implicit claim to never having to defend yourself BECAUSE of being really good at harsh language and making ugly faces?

No, if someone sticks a gun in his face, he'll call 911, once off of hold, he'll tell the operator that someone is about to kill him, when the police arrive an hour and a half later, he'll have nothing to worry about.

Besides, he'll tell them that he's an American Indian, like Ward Churchill and Elizabeth Warren.

Okay, he may not actually have any Indian blood, but his uncle watched a rerun of Bonanza with Don Johnson portraying an Indian, so that makes No Nukes a "native American," right?

No actually I think he went to some off road Indian reenactment and did some bullshit ceremony and bam instant Indian
No, if someone sticks a gun in his face, he'll call 911, once off of hold, he'll tell the operator that someone is about to kill him, when the police arrive an hour and a half later, he'll have nothing to worry about.

Besides, he'll tell them that he's an American Indian, like Ward Churchill and Elizabeth Warren.

Okay, he may not actually have any Indian blood, but his uncle watched a rerun of Bonanza with Don Johnson portraying an Indian, so that makes No Nukes a "native American," right?

No actually I think he went to some off road Indian reenactment and did some bullshit ceremony and bam instant Indian
Where is your link for the link?
It must be horrible for you to live in a country where you are so scared.

I'm so scared that I keep a spare tire in my truck.

I have smoke alarms in the house.

I even wear a seatbelt.

It must be horrible to be such a moron.
But Obama is going to propose a government program to help people who don't keep spare tires or fire extinguishers....

Besides, only the fire departments should have fire extinguishers. What does a private citizen need one for?
But Obama is going to propose a government program to help people who don't keep spare tires or fire extinguishers....

Besides, only the fire departments should have fire extinguishers. What does a private citizen need one for?

Yeah... It sure seems as if it is getting to that point. I'm reluctant to help people anymore, for fear they might sue me.
I am an American Indian, and I do not arm myself because of history.

Your an Indian? But you don't arm yourself because of history? I thought Indians were all about their heritage?

Keeping our guns did us no damn good, we were still fucked by the government at almost every turn.


There are still Amerindian tribes in Virginia and the treaties still respected and enforced.

They did not give up their weapons, but merely decided to live peaceably with other residents of Virginia.
Self-evident, so no need.


You made a claim. You claim you are of American Indian ancestry.Based on the false claims of other public liberals it is not unreasonable to doubt you. Provide some evidence you are what you claim you are or accept the doubts based on past experience. Pretty simple concept.

And what proof would you like, my membership card? How about providing some proof of who you say you are.

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