Americans celebrate World Cup Saying : ‘Japs haven’t seen a blast like that since Hiroshima'

Please let me know when you develop the capacity necessary to have meaningful conversation ...
Don't pretend you are interested in one or even know what it means, little boy. Meaningful conversations are not built around racial slurs or self-indulgent hatred, you dimwitted hypocrite.
So... not yet.
Keep dancing, boy. Don't expect to be taken seriously until you grow up.
So... not yet.
If you choose to remain stupid, you might as well stop whining about it, boy.
So... not yet.
Don't pretend you are interested in one or even know what it means, little boy. Meaningful conversations are not built around racial slurs or self-indulgent hatred, you dimwitted hypocrite.
So... not yet.
Keep dancing, boy. Don't expect to be taken seriously until you grow up.
So... not yet.
If you choose to remain stupid, you might as well stop whining about it, boy.
So... not yet.

Instead of begging like this, why not try posting something that's not based on a juvenile racial slur?
So... not yet.
Keep dancing, boy. Don't expect to be taken seriously until you grow up.
So... not yet.
If you choose to remain stupid, you might as well stop whining about it, boy.
So... not yet.
Instead of begging like this, why not try posting something that's not based on a juvenile racial slur?
So... not yet.
Keep dancing, boy. Don't expect to be taken seriously until you grow up.
So... not yet.
If you choose to remain stupid, you might as well stop whining about it, boy.
So... not yet.
Instead of begging like this, why not try posting something that's not based on a juvenile racial slur?
So... not yet.

Without your racial slur chew-toys you can't even pretend to discuss a real topic, can you boy? Nothing but spam left without the slurs.
Actually, that comment is factually wrong since Nagasaki also received a nuke and it was days after Hiroshima.
But it was much smaller than Hiroshima. So maybe the Japs got a blast that was somewhere between the 1st and 2nd bombs, making the statement factually accurate.
Likely so. Nagasaki was lucky in that the bomb was off target and it was protected by its topography; the bomb itselff was more powerful but the effects less severe.

Both weapons did less damage than the Operation Meetinghouse raid on Tokyo in March 1945.

Fortunate that Truman went ahead with the bombings; just as fortunate that the Nip leadership decided to surrender after the 2nd bomb.
I see, are you stating, Mr. Bull, that it is OK to be bigoted against the Japanese in Japan, or against non-Japanese living there? Or maybe both?

Japanese are the worst racists on the planet....they believe white people smell bad. The only non-japanese people living in japan are their korean working peons. They murdered hundreds of thousands before and during WW2 including thousands of Americans. They won't allow our products in japan by cheating on every trade deal we've ever signed with drive your fucking Toyoda (how it's really spelled) and eat your stinkin sushi....I'll never forgive them for the shrapnel they put into my uncle on Saipan and if it were up to me, we'd nuke them again just for the hell of it.
Stolen Valor Tough Guy.
Japan is yet to apologize for many of its war crimes, including comfort women, experimenting on Chinese civilians, and large scale massacres throughout the war.

But that doesn't make what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki any less terrible.

Though many Chinese and Koreans would probably call what happened there a just punishment upon the Japanese people or poetic justice.
Japan is yet to apologize for many of its war crimes, including comfort women, experimenting on Chinese civilians, and large scale massacres throughout the war.

But that doesn't make what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki any less terrible.

Though many Chinese and Koreans would probably call what happened there a just punishment upon the Japanese people or poetic justice.

They could have quit after Hiroshima but didn't....that's how defiant they were. Brass estimated we'd have lost another 100,000 KIA in a mainland invasion. The A-bombs saved countless lives....God Bless Harry Truman for using them.
Japan is yet to apologize for many of its war crimes, including comfort women, experimenting on Chinese civilians, and large scale massacres throughout the war.....

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
None of those are worth the paper they are written on, its what's in the textbooks that counts. In fact many of those apologies have been retracted, as the the extreme nationalists in Japan's government rewrite history. The mayor of Hiroshima got death threats just for saying the 'Emperor was responsible for the war'.
Edit: Read up on how angry the Chinese and South Korean governments were (if not the people) at Japan's revisionist textbooks.
Japan is yet to apologize for many of its war crimes, including comfort women, experimenting on Chinese civilians, and large scale massacres throughout the war.....

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
None of those are worth the paper they are written on, its what's in the textbooks that counts. In fact many of those apologies have been retracted, as the the extreme nationalists in Japan's government rewrite history. The mayor of Hiroshima got death threats just for saying the 'Emperor was responsible for the war'.
Japan is yet to apologize for many of its war crimes, including comfort women, experimenting on Chinese civilians, and large scale massacres throughout the war.....

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
None of those are worth the paper they are written on....

:rolleyes: Always the same old routine. When "No apology! Never apologized!" is corrected with a long, long list of apologies, next comes ", not good enough! And now I want to change the subject!" :rolleyes:
Japan is yet to apologize for many of its war crimes, including comfort women, experimenting on Chinese civilians, and large scale massacres throughout the war.....

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
None of those are worth the paper they are written on, its what's in the textbooks that counts. In fact many of those apologies have been retracted, as the the extreme nationalists in Japan's government rewrite history. The mayor of Hiroshima got death threats just for saying the 'Emperor was responsible for the war'.
Japan is yet to apologize for many of its war crimes, including comfort women, experimenting on Chinese civilians, and large scale massacres throughout the war.....

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
None of those are worth the paper they are written on....

:rolleyes: Always the same old routine. When "No apology! Never apologized!" is corrected with a long, long list of apologies, next comes ", not good enough! And now I want to change the subject!" :rolleyes:
To change the subject I would have to change my first post, which I haven't.

I said Japan hasn't recognized:
- The use of comfort women by the Japanese military
- Experimenting on Chinese civilians
- Nanking Massacre

Japan's Prime Minister Abe denies there were comfort women (2007): Japan s Abe No Proof of WWII Sex Slaves
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday denied women were forced into military brothels across Asia, boosting renewed efforts by right-wing politicians to push for an official revision of the apology.
"The fact is, there is no evidence to prove there was coercion," Abe said.
Japan's government sought to attack and pressure publishers to delete references to Japanese war crimes:
Last January Mr. Abe’s government sought to pressure McGraw Hill publishers into forcing an American professor to delete references to Japan’s use of Korean girls as “comfort women,” enslaved prostitutes for the Japanese military. Mr. Abe and his administration also deny or ignore Japan’s involvement with the 1937 Rape of Nanking, the Bataan Death March, the factory of death known as Unit 731 and an array of other atrocities. This “forward-thinking” prime minister honored Japanese war criminals by visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, paying respects to the likes of Gen. Iwane Matsui, who led the massacre in Nanking.
Link: Abe s Prickly Nationalist World View - WSJ
But it has never officially recognised the atrocities took place at Unit 731. The number has no particular significance there and few Japanese made any link when nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe posed in a fighter jet emblazoned with "731".

Abe's government denied any deliberate provocation.

Many educated Japanese know about Unit 731 and the events that took place there, although awareness among the general population is low.

Nonetheless a Tokyo court ruled in 2002 that the former imperial army researched, developed and produced biological weapons and used them in China.

Japanese troops dropped plague-carrying fleas on villages while contaminating wells and food with cholera germs, it said.

But it turned down Chinese plaintiffs' demands for compensation and a state apology, reasoning that was a government issue.
Link: Chinese scars endure 70 years after Unit 731 liberation Daily Mail Online
Here's Abe again endorsing revisionist history:
Speaking in Parliament, Mr. Abe pledged to increase efforts to fight what he called mistaken views abroad concerning Japan’s wartime actions, when the Japanese military conquered much of Asia. He singled out a high school history textbook published by McGraw-Hill Education that he said contained the sort of negative portrayals that Japan must do more to combat.

In particular, he objected to a description of women forced to work in Japanese military brothels during the war, a highly fraught issue in Japan and elsewhere in Asia. The textbook is used in some public schools in California.
Did you read the following 'they aren't worth the paper they are written on' because they aren't, given they won't recognize the worst war crimes, and will only show weak expressions of remorse not real heartfelt apologies.

But I guess the opinions of 1 billion+ Chinese and South Koreans, the victims of Japanese war crimes (and their relatives), are worth far less to you than the deluded opinions of Japanese ultra-nationalists and those that support them in the Japanese government.
Who cares if the little Nip bastards apologized for Pearl Harbor or not?
What does it change in the eyes of a reasoned person?
Zip. Zilch. Nada.
To change the subject I would have to change my first post, which I haven't....

Yes, you have.

You said "Japan is yet to apologize for many of its war crimes" and I provided you with an extensive list of apologies over decades. You responded by trying to change the subject.
Japan is yet to apologize for many of its war crimes, including comfort women, experimenting on Chinese civilians, and large scale massacres throughout the war.....

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
None of those are worth the paper they are written on, its what's in the textbooks that counts. In fact many of those apologies have been retracted, as the the extreme nationalists in Japan's government rewrite history. The mayor of Hiroshima got death threats just for saying the 'Emperor was responsible for the war'.
Japan is yet to apologize for many of its war crimes, including comfort women, experimenting on Chinese civilians, and large scale massacres throughout the war.....

List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
None of those are worth the paper they are written on....

:rolleyes: Always the same old routine. When "No apology! Never apologized!" is corrected with a long, long list of apologies, next comes ", not good enough! And now I want to change the subject!" :rolleyes:
Maybe because the cruel treatment Koreans endured at the hands of the Japs from 1901 to 1945 can't be undone with a "my bad". The fucking Japs were merciless to all their neighbors for centuries and they finally got the ass kicking they deserved. It's why I'm sick of Americans being told to bend over backwards to avoid offending you Japs. You fucking deserved to be nuked.

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