Americans: Do you still love this country?

I love America and can't think of any place I could go that would be better. I just hate what's happening in and to America these days.

You're right Granny....I'm almost 60 (the 30th of this month! :) ) and I have NEVER seen the people of this country so divided. I've never seen so much hate for others because they don't think the same as others do. I wonder if there will ever be a solution to this?? It's sad...

You're right. This country is horribly divided and there's way too much hatred; hated born of sheer ignorance for the most part. Jesus, when I was in my teens I used to read the paper every day and a murder was front page news. Today if it's mentioned at all, it's a little 2 inch blurb buried on the 14th page of the second section. Rape was a capital offense - a person could go to prison for life. You could leave your doors and windows open even in the city - particularly good if it was hot and humid and you didn't have those new fangled air conditioners. I don't think I remember a bank robbery at all. At one point I lived in a part of the city that was on a divided line between all-whites and all-blacks. The blacks kept their houses up just like the whites did. Sure, the blacks had the menial jobs, but damn, they had a hell of a lot of self pride. We didn't have the issues that are so prevalent today. It was a whole different world.
Granny: "Sure, the blacks had the menial jobs, but damn, they had a hell of a lot of self pride"

STFU, who are you to talk about black racial pride?
Love the US, yes, I would defend and die to preserve the freedoms and privileges I have experienced. This country is not supposed to be without it's growing pains and friction. The positive change that has occurred from the beginning has been paid for by the blood and efforts of every generation who has lived and helped this country become what it is. Like anything worthwhile, there will be changes and adjustments, there will be times where it seems we are going backwards or have reached over far too liberal or conservative. This is only true in a country where people can express their views, be heard and have a say in how their elected representatives speak for them.
Love the US, yes, I would defend and die to preserve the freedoms and privileges I have experienced. This country is not supposed to be without it's growing pains and friction. The positive change that has occurred from the beginning has been paid for by the blood and efforts of every generation who has lived and helped this country become what it is. Like anything worthwhile, there will be changes and adjustments, there will be times where it seems we are going backwards or have reached over far too liberal or conservative. This is only true in a country where people can express their views, be heard and have a say in how their elected representatives speak for them.
Enjoy it now because that right to express our views is rapidly coming to an end. The era of free speech will soon be a thing of the past.
I do. But it is getting harder and harder to accept it the way it is now. I am living in the past, I guess. Just curious if I have company.

Recently, we watched Oliver Stone's series on the Untold History of America.

Showtime : Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States : Home

Stone could not have made a stronger argument about the history of America in the 20th Century. Things I may have suspected about ideas such as "Empire" and being a bulley with our nuclear arsenal were tough to take. I do not want to get into debating Stone's work here, but anyone who has been around the last 70 years is going to spot some unhappy truths about the United States.

This became a topic of discussion in our home. And the bottom line question came down to this. "Are we on team U. S. A. or not?" The answer came out "yes."

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. NO government is right or wrong every time. Even with corruption, I believe our government is really trying to do the fair thing on every issue. Sometimes we fail, but so do other nations.

This Republic of ours was an innovative idea when it was created, and it has lasted 237 years. There have been ups and downs, but in the end, I believe we honestly try to do the right thing. Sometimes this means climbing right down into the gutter with our enemies, and taking some repellant action. I like to remember that we are a country where people are trying to get in, not out. And, that says a lot to me. We are still doing something right!


Sure, Derek.

Get your history from Oliver Stone
CrusaderFrank, Stone is as accurate as the wing nut sites and authors from which you derive your skewed world view.
Ah, it is the rainman, unkotare. Hang in there, kiddo. Tom will be by for you in a bit.
Holy shit. Can you nutters check your rhetoric at the door even once?

Look who the fuck is talking! :eek: :rolleyes:

I challenge you to find one comment of mine that represents crazed rhetoric. You won't.

You won't catch me saying stupid shit like this:

"Enjoy it now because that right to express our views is rapidly coming to an end. The era of free speech will soon be a thing of the past."........SJ

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