Americans: Do you still love this country?

Yeah, when you have a bunch of thugs running the government it makes for a pretty unpleasant atmosphere in which to live.

That unpleasant atmosphere is all in your head.

Turn off the news, unplug from the internet and stop reading the papers and you'll be just fine.
Mind-numbed robots like you deserve what they get. The problem is that the rest of us have to suffer for your stupidity.
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Kind of hard to love it when it's so fucked up.

I loved living in Germany. They really know how to run a country. It's everything I wish America was.

I love our history, but right now our government makes me kind of hate the place.
Yeah, when you have a bunch of thugs running the government it makes for a pretty unpleasant atmosphere in which to live.

That unpleasant atmosphere is all in your head.

Turn off the news, unplug from the internet and stop reading the papers and you'll be just fine.
Mind-numbed robots like you deserve what they get. The problem is that the rest of us have to suffer for your stupidity.

And you go right ahead and waste what little time you have in this life being miserable about things that you absolutely no power in changing.
That unpleasant atmosphere is all in your head.

Turn off the news, unplug from the internet and stop reading the papers and you'll be just fine.

Ya bury your head in the sand like the Liberals have done, ignore all the damage and stupidity of this administration and you will be fine.

As opposed to going through life constantly pissed off and stressed out?

Fuck that.

Just ignore it and it'll all just go away huh?
Do you drink a lot? If not I suggest you start. If all those country songs are right it's the best way to hide from your problems.
Merle Haggard - Fightin' Side of Me - YouTube



You cant say it better then Merle.
That unpleasant atmosphere is all in your head.

Turn off the news, unplug from the internet and stop reading the papers and you'll be just fine.
Mind-numbed robots like you deserve what they get. The problem is that the rest of us have to suffer for your stupidity.

And you go right ahead and waste what little time you have in this life being miserable about things that you absolutely no power in changing.

Are you an immigrant or something?
Wonder where America would be today if the colonist had felt the way you do.

Apathy at it's worst.....
I love America and can't think of any place I could go that would be better. I just hate what's happening in and to America these days.
Just ignore it and it'll all just go away huh?
Do you drink a lot? If not I suggest you start. If all those country songs are right it's the best way to hide from your problems.
I don't know about that. Since a song from Merle Haggard has already been mentioned in this chat, this message of yours has made me think of another one: "The Bottle Let Me Down".

God bless you and him always!!!

I love this country - but I distrust our government.
Is it bad that I don't think of the U.S.A. as a whole. I grew up a military brat, so I've lived all over. I can think of places I love and places I don't but I guess that has nothing to do with the government. I can say I love the right moves we are making in some areas, but wish the government would concentrate more on fixing things over here before they stick their noses in other people's businesses.
America no longer exists. It is the same geographical expression but what made this country great is gone. What replaced that country is a grotesque simulation. We are a country that murders its own young; supports cannibals and murderers of children in front of their parents; finds perversion a form of normalcy; hates and rejects morality; exerts control over the citizens food and drink; denies the necessity of self defense,; puts people in prison or destroys their lives because of what they say; assassinates its citizens; wars on peaceful religions with its borders and denies those borders even exist; fractured the public into antagonistic groups for the power of the government.

What is there about this country to like? If it wasn't America but some other country that you were hearing about would you like that country?
I do. But it is getting harder and harder to accept it the way it is now. I am living in the past, I guess. Just curious if I have company.

Recently, we watched Oliver Stone's series on the Untold History of America.

Showtime : Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States : Home

Stone could not have made a stronger argument about the history of America in the 20th Century. Things I may have suspected about ideas such as "Empire" and being a bulley with our nuclear arsenal were tough to take. I do not want to get into debating Stone's work here, but anyone who has been around the last 70 years is going to spot some unhappy truths about the United States.

This became a topic of discussion in our home. And the bottom line question came down to this. "Are we on team U. S. A. or not?" The answer came out "yes."

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. NO government is right or wrong every time. Even with corruption, I believe our government is really trying to do the fair thing on every issue. Sometimes we fail, but so do other nations.

This Republic of ours was an innovative idea when it was created, and it has lasted 237 years. There have been ups and downs, but in the end, I believe we honestly try to do the right thing. Sometimes this means climbing right down into the gutter with our enemies, and taking some repellant action. I like to remember that we are a country where people are trying to get in, not out. And, that says a lot to me. We are still doing something right!

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Just ignore it and it'll all just go away huh?
Do you drink a lot? If not I suggest you start. If all those country songs are right it's the best way to hide from your problems.
I don't know about that. Since a song from Merle Haggard has already been mentioned in this chat, this message of yours has made me think of another one: "The Bottle Let Me Down".

God bless you and him always!!!


In the immortal words of Homer Simpson........
Beer,the cause and solution to all life's problems.
American "Town Hall" Meeting. Have you been to one recently? This is grassroots American democracy in action.


I think this thread is a great opportunity for us to look at ourselves in the mirror and and be honest. I suggest putting a little reflection into your answer So, here again is

The OP

I do. But it is getting harder and harder to accept it the way it is now. I am living in the past, I guess. Just curious if I have company.
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We've become a European-style Socialist shit hole with a sabotaged educational system lead by a POTUS who does not know how many states there are to the nearest 10
I love America and can't think of any place I could go that would be better. I just hate what's happening in and to America these days.

You're right Granny....I'm almost 60 (the 30th of this month! :) ) and I have NEVER seen the people of this country so divided. I've never seen so much hate for others because they don't think the same as others do. I wonder if there will ever be a solution to this?? It's sad...
I do. But it is getting harder and harder to accept it the way it is now. I am living in the past, I guess. Just curious if I have company.

Oh, sure, I agree. This is not the republic into which I was born. Much good has been done, but our civil liberties are greatly restricted. The safety net is great but so many abuse it. We have a set of thugs from the far right who want to replace what they consider a set of thugs from the far left in running the government.

But still: I love this country, and as a crazy as the millenials are, it will be their country to do with as they wish.

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