Americans overwhelmingly reject going to war with Iran

I wish we could force every chicken hawk who wants war with Iran to the front lines with a rifle....go ahead be rambo but I refuse to send my children to a shit hole in the ME to benefit Israel,Saudi Arabia and the US's zionist puppet masters.

We damn sure know nobody name Trump will be there.

And the thing about it is Iran has never attacked us.

Saudi Arabia has on 9/ 11

Israel has in 67’ when they killed American sailors in the USS Liberty attack.

With friends like these who needs enemies?

If I had my way, Iran would be our ally in the ME, and Israel and Saudi Arabia would be our enemies.

I mean since they already have.

Where were you in 1979, boy?

I'm guessing he wasn't born yet, but his Mamma was in Tehran.

I'm not for attacking Iran today, but I do remember 1979. The airplane hostages.

Apparently they treated them well, to my knowledge, so there's that.

I wouldn't attack them either.

BUT when Bush attacked Iraq I kept saying "WRONG TARGET."

Iran is our enemy - that is simple fact. Islam is our enemy.
We might punish the country with strategic bombing but the Trump administration isn't even talking about that. So where did the notion of "war with Iran" come from? It came from the same people who are agitating for a war with freaking Russia., the crazy incoherent left.
We might punish the country with strategic bombing but the Trump administration isn't even talking about that. So where did the notion of "war with Iran" come from? It came from the same people who are agitating for a war with freaking Russia., the crazy incoherent left.

Wrong. MIC, AP, and establishment NeoCons. Get it right.

The left is more concerned with just saving their asses. It's not going to happen.


Burnt Toast.

I am for Americans.
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Just to clarify, the U.S. hostages held in Iran were from the U.S. embassy, not an airplane. It was a reprehensible act, though certainly not 'war'. Iran justified it by saying they were spies. Given the history of western powers in Iran, we can understand their paranoia regarding spies. Some to the embassy staff doubtless were spies, at least in the greater sense of the term.
We have had much worse relations with countries that are now more or less friends. Vietnam comes to mind.
We might punish the country with strategic bombing but the Trump administration isn't even talking about that. So where did the notion of "war with Iran" come from? It came from the same people who are agitating for a war with freaking Russia., the crazy incoherent left.

This is one of the techniques the little Goebbels in the corrupt DNC media use. They publish these "polls" to craft a narrative that Trump is about to go to war with Iran.

The lying fuck media are scumbags with an agenda.
Just to clarify, the U.S. hostages held in Iran were from the U.S. embassy, not an airplane. It was a reprehensible act, though certainly not 'war'. Iran justified it by saying they were spies. Given the history of western powers in Iran, we can understand their paranoia regarding spies. Some to the embassy staff doubtless were spies, at least in the greater sense of the term.
We have had much worse relations with countries that are now more or less friends. Vietnam comes to mind.

It was an act of war, pure and simple.

Carter was an inept fool who destroyed America's credibility by quivering in fear before Khomeini.
Just to clarify, the U.S. hostages held in Iran were from the U.S. embassy, not an airplane. It was a reprehensible act, though certainly not 'war'. Iran justified it by saying they were spies. Given the history of western powers in Iran, we can understand their paranoia regarding spies. Some to the embassy staff doubtless were spies, at least in the greater sense of the term.
We have had much worse relations with countries that are now more or less friends. Vietnam comes to mind.

What the fuck are you smoking, dumbass? No, it was not like that at all, STFU.

Iranians skyjacked a whole plane full of people, and held them for hostage until Reagan threatened to turn Iran into a sheet of glass and made deals.

Jimmy Carter sent a squad or two of Rangers to free them and it failed. That's not exactly a bad effort.

WTF kind of revisionist bullshit is it that you've been reading?

I would appreciate a link to these fucking lies.
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Just to clarify, the U.S. hostages held in Iran were from the U.S. embassy, not an airplane. It was a reprehensible act, though certainly not 'war'. Iran justified it by saying they were spies. Given the history of western powers in Iran, we can understand their paranoia regarding spies. Some to the embassy staff doubtless were spies, at least in the greater sense of the term.
We have had much worse relations with countries that are now more or less friends. Vietnam comes to mind.

It was an act of war, pure and simple.

Carter was an inept fool who destroyed America's credibility by quivering in fear before Khomeini.

Not necessarily.
Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Going To War With Iran, New Poll Finds

Good. Problem is the masters pulling the strings in DC don't give a shit what US citizens want. I hope it doesn't happen but if it does I won't be cheering the US on because the US government is NOT the United States....this is 100% pushed by the zionist globalist deep state. They have been aching for a war with Iran for 30 years.
Voters would make it very uncomfortable for anyone pulling the strings to go to war again

Doubt it. Trump won’t go to war with Iraq unless they threaten us or Israel. And when they do that, every American except the hard left, will be on board with it.
Depends what a threat is

Trump is overreacting to Iran saying they will fight us if necessary. Trump showing old films of Iran chanting Death to America will not cut it

Neither will resurrecting the Bush WMD scam

People will not trust him, neither will our allies
so surprising!!!! Americans don't want war!!!!!!!!!!!
no freakin shit
so you are saying the government wants war??
prove it
Just to clarify, the U.S. hostages held in Iran were from the U.S. embassy, not an airplane. It was a reprehensible act, though certainly not 'war'. Iran justified it by saying they were spies. Given the history of western powers in Iran, we can understand their paranoia regarding spies. Some to the embassy staff doubtless were spies, at least in the greater sense of the term.
We have had much worse relations with countries that are now more or less friends. Vietnam comes to mind.

What the fuck are you smoking, dumbass? No, it was not like that at all, STFU.

Iranians skyjacked a whole plane full of people, and held them for hostage until Reagan threatened to turn Iran into a sheet of glass and made deals.

Jimmy Carter sent a squad or two of Rangers to free them and it failed. That's not exactly a bad effort.

WTF kind of revisionist bullshit is it that you've been reading?

I would appreciate a link to these fucking lies.
Your knowledge of history is embarrassing
There was no skyjack. Student protestors stormed the US Embassy
Reagan did absolutely nothing to free them
Apparently, not much can be expected from someone who uses a fake hero for an avatar.
Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia
Iran Hostage Crisis - Facts & Summary -
Iran hostage crisis | Facts & Causes

You go ahead and Wiki, and I'll go ahead and memory, faggot.

I remember everything since I was 2 1/2 years old, and that's not how it was.
You must have been doing some serious drugs in the late 70s
Either that or you listen to Alex Jones
I wish we could force every chicken hawk who wants war with Iran to the front lines with a rifle....go ahead be rambo but I refuse to send my children to a shit hole in the ME to benefit Israel,Saudi Arabia and the US's zionist puppet masters.

We damn sure know nobody name Trump will be there.

And the thing about it is Iran has never attacked us.

Saudi Arabia has on 9/ 11

Israel has in 67’ when they killed American sailors in the USS Liberty attack.

With friends like these who needs enemies?

If I had my way, Iran would be our ally in the ME, and Israel and Saudi Arabia would be our enemies.

I mean since they already have.

Where were you in 1979, boy?

I'm guessing he wasn't born yet, but his Mamma was in Tehran.

I'm not for attacking Iran today, but I do remember 1979. The airplane hostages.

Apparently they treated them well, to my knowledge, so there's that.

I wouldn't attack them either.

BUT when Bush attacked Iraq I kept saying "WRONG TARGET."

Iran is our enemy - that is simple fact. Islam is our enemy.
That would make attacking Saudi Arabia logical.
Apparently, not much can be expected from someone who uses a fake hero for an avatar.
Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia
Iran Hostage Crisis - Facts & Summary -
Iran hostage crisis | Facts & Causes

You go ahead and Wiki, and I'll go ahead and memory, faggot.

I remember everything since I was 2 1/2 years old, and that's not how it was.
You must have been doing some serious drugs in the late 70s
Either that or you listen to Alex Jones

Neither, after research, I won't deny the "crisis" was over students taking over the embassy, apparently I was wrong on that.

But what about the skyjackers?

Over 150 people.
I agree. It will cost up to a trillion dollars, last for many years, and cost thousands of lives.

Nevertheless if the government wants it to happen, both parties and the people will go along with it.
Remember that the Iraq war won people over because of
Yellow cake Uranium was sold to Iraq. (Documents were faked)
They had satellite pictures of biological weapons production units. (They weren't)
They imported aluminum tubes for Uranium centrifuges. (They were not viable for that)
They were aligned with Al-Qaeda. (Just a meeting at an airport)
Intelligence by unreliable Ahmad Chalabi proved false

So all the government has to do is make up scary tales and the politicians and people will fall into line.
Bull shit. Just like the so-called war with Iraq, it will be over in no time at all. Hopefully Trump will be smart enough to not give a shit about the “Hearts and minds of the Iranian people” then we can be gone in no time too.

And I don’t buy that poll nonsense.
Well, you must have watched and read different accounts of the Iraq war than I did. The war was not "over in no time."
In war we never seem to try to predict future unintended consequences. Shoot first and think later.

You are counting all the time we spent in there policing the place. The actual war was over in no time.

We weren't just policing the place we wanted to occupy it to westernize it. But we first had to tame Iraq. Paul Bremer was made Provisional Coalition Administrator and wanted to sell franchises for Iraq's infrastructure and mineral wealth. But he let go the 400,000 strong Iraqi army which caused chaos. Mismanagement after the war sort of screwed up plans for a short war.

I can imagine Trump wanting to do the same in Iran so he could build condos on the beaches like he dreamed for N Korea. :)
Apparently, not much can be expected from someone who uses a fake hero for an avatar.
Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia
Iran Hostage Crisis - Facts & Summary -
Iran hostage crisis | Facts & Causes

You go ahead and Wiki, and I'll go ahead and memory, faggot.

I remember everything since I was 2 1/2 years old, and that's not how it was.
You must have been doing some serious drugs in the late 70s
Either that or you listen to Alex Jones

Neither, after research, I won't deny the "crisis" was over students taking over the embassy, apparently I was wrong on that.

But what about the skyjackers?

Over 150 people.
I remember a US Navy ship shooting down an innocent Iranian airline
I don’t remember a skyjacking
Apparently, not much can be expected from someone who uses a fake hero for an avatar.
Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia
Iran Hostage Crisis - Facts & Summary -
Iran hostage crisis | Facts & Causes

You go ahead and Wiki, and I'll go ahead and memory, faggot.

I remember everything since I was 2 1/2 years old, and that's not how it was.
You must have been doing some serious drugs in the late 70s
Either that or you listen to Alex Jones

Neither, after research, I won't deny the "crisis" was over students taking over the embassy, apparently I was wrong on that.

But what about the skyjackers?

Over 150 people.
I remember a US Navy ship shooting down an innocent Iranian airline
I don’t remember a skyjacking
List of all "skyjackings":
List of aircraft hijackings - Wikipedia

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