Americans overwhelmingly view Trump unfavorably

The Donald is uniting us

pollsters are paid to get a specified result. polls today are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it. anyone who doesn't realize that is very naïve.

So is national news reporting by and large. It is not just how may they spin a story, but even more so what they choose not to report on. And it has been shown to be quite effective since, like, forever.
The rest of the world enjoys currency manipulation.
They despise him because of his racist views; because of his negative, insulting comments about women; because is he an obvious nut case who doesn't know how to behave or be diplomatic; & because this is not the type of person who should lead the most powerful and influential country in the world. They despise him because he is a clown, and would be a dangerous one if he were president. They despise him because he has no self control and behaves like a buffoon. Has nothing to do with economics. There is far more to being president than economics.

OK, now why do you support Hillary when she is worse then he is!
She is not worse than he is, That's a myth your type wants to believe. You are all so pathetic. She will win in a landslide, whether it is Trump or Cruz. We all know it, that is 'we' who are able to think reasonably.

Landslide? We don't elect convicted felons in this country last time I checked, and she stands a very good chance of being one.
She isn't a felon you idiot. You are someone who thinks John Wayne was someone to admire. How ridiculous you are.

She will be!

I won't bother asking you why you don't think John Wayne was someone to admire because that would just be an other opportunity for you to demonstrate your liberal lack of intellect. Compared to Hillary, he is a good candidate for sainthood.
I won't bother asking you why you don't think John Wayne was someone to admire because that would just be an other opportunity for you to demonstrate your liberal lack of intellect. Compared to Hillary, he is a good candidate for sainthood.
Here is your "hero"
John Wayne dodged draft so he could continue his affair
Was John Wayne a Draft Dodger
The John Wayne controversy began almost immediately. The Duke came up with excuse after excuse after excuse on why he wasn't serving...

He was "trying to fill out the proper forms to enlist in the military," but he had no typewriter on location. He had "left his enlistment forms with Ward Bond" (his close friend), who "couldn't fill them out." His wife, who he was separated from, "wouldn't let him get the (essential) documents he had left at home." Wayne even claimed that his studio head, Peter Yates, said he would "sue you for every penny you hope to make in the future,” if the Duke walked away from his contract. This last seems highly unlikely as no studio boss in Hollywood did such an action during the duration of the war.
And the Hillary/democrat followers are looking down at Trump with a 70% unfavorable...
Looking down their noses while their candidate in the 60+% unfavorable range....

These are the same brainiacs who think the Obama economy has been booming for years now.....

Pretty funny.
And the Hillary/democrat followers are looking down at Trump with a 70% unfavorable...
Looking down their noses while their candidate in the 60+% unfavorable range....

These are the same brainiacs who think the Obama economy has been booming for years now.....

Pretty funny.
Janet Yellen of the Fed Bank
Yellen Says U.S. Near Full Employment,

Janet Yellen: This Is Not A Bubble Economy

Check out GDP reports some time.
Check out company's earnings reports....
Listen to someone other then Obama fluffers like Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell and Chris Hayes.
Maybe let the truth sink in a bit....

This economy is muddling along.
And the Hillary/democrat followers are looking down at Trump with a 70% unfavorable...
Looking down their noses while their candidate in the 60+% unfavorable range....

These are the same brainiacs who think the Obama economy has been booming for years now.....

Pretty funny.
Janet Yellen of the Fed Bank
Yellen Says U.S. Near Full Employment,

Janet Yellen: This Is Not A Bubble Economy

Check out GDP reports some time.
Check out company's earnings reports....
Listen to someone other then Obama fluffers like Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell and Chris Hayes.
Maybe let the truth sink in a bit....

This economy is muddling along.
Which country today has a better GDP
And the Hillary/democrat followers are looking down at Trump with a 70% unfavorable...
Looking down their noses while their candidate in the 60+% unfavorable range....

These are the same brainiacs who think the Obama economy has been booming for years now.....

Pretty funny.
Janet Yellen of the Fed Bank
Yellen Says U.S. Near Full Employment,

Janet Yellen: This Is Not A Bubble Economy

Maybe Hillary should change her campaign to, "Its the economy, Stupid."

The GOP is sssooooo screwed!
And the Hillary/democrat followers are looking down at Trump with a 70% unfavorable...
Looking down their noses while their candidate in the 60+% unfavorable range....

These are the same brainiacs who think the Obama economy has been booming for years now.....

Pretty funny.
Janet Yellen of the Fed Bank
Yellen Says U.S. Near Full Employment,

Janet Yellen: This Is Not A Bubble Economy

Check out GDP reports some time.
Check out company's earnings reports....
Listen to someone other then Obama fluffers like Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell and Chris Hayes.
Maybe let the truth sink in a bit....

This economy is muddling along.

says the FOX News addict.
LOLOLOL!!!! The Hildebeast is 10 points behind Trump, and he hasn't started on her yet...BUT we all saw what he can do to her when she brought up his sexual affairs.... Old Blow Job will certainly be in the middle of her WAR ON WOMEN to SHUT THEM UP about Bill's abuse and RAPE....Imagine settling out of court a RAPE charge for $850 THOUSAND..... But Blow Job wasn't GUILTY...anyone else remember the Clinton's BEGGING for money for Blow Jobs LEGAL DEFENSE FUND...if not, look it up, it's hysterical!

The Clinton and Bush crime families are thicker than thieves and all connected to the CFR and if you don't know anything about the Council On Foreign Relations and what their agenda is? You are too fucking STUPID to even comment on politics....PERIOD. Personally I think this country is FUBAR'd but what is left of this country will be gone of the Hitlery gets in. She is a total puppet and the power elites have all the goods on her so she will be a good little puppet.
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LOLOLOL!!!! The Hildebeast is 10 points behind Trump, and he hasn't started on her yet...BUT we all saw what he can do to her when she brought up his sexual affairs.... Old Blow Job will certainly be in the middle of her WAR ON WOMEN to SHUT THEM UP about Bill's abuse and RAPE....Imagine settling out of court a RAPE charge for $850 THOUSAND..... But Blow Job wasn't GUILTY...anyone else remember the Clinton's BEGGING for money for Blow Jobs LEGAL DEFENSE FUND...if not, look it up, it's hysterical!


Hillary got a blow job? As for your poll, if the one you are reading has Phrump
ten points ahead, you must be reading the "Karl Rove Poll." Has Mitt won Ohio yet?:badgrin:
LOLOLOL!!!! The Hildebeast is 10 points behind Trump, and he hasn't started on her yet...BUT we all saw what he can do to her when she brought up his sexual affairs.... Old Blow Job will certainly be in the middle of her WAR ON WOMEN to SHUT THEM UP about Bill's abuse and RAPE....Imagine settling out of court a RAPE charge for $850 THOUSAND..... But Blow Job wasn't GUILTY...anyone else remember the Clinton's BEGGING for money for Blow Jobs LEGAL DEFENSE FUND...if not, look it up, it's hysterical!


Hillary got a blow job. As for your poll, if the one you are reading has Phrum ten points ahead, you must be reading the "Karl Rove Poll." Has Mitt won Ohio yet?:badgrin:

It's a fact that Hitlery treats her underlings like shit...and they actually do things that makes her life easier....what makes you think she would give a flying fuck about you? She will be nothing but another puppet but she will enjoy the pomp and circumstances and perks that goes with being the face of the franchise that is USA.INC...and sloped-skulled morons like you will grovel at her feet much like you did the Barrypuppet.
LOLOLOL!!!! The Hildebeast is 10 points behind Trump, and he hasn't started on her yet...BUT we all saw what he can do to her when she brought up his sexual affairs.... Old Blow Job will certainly be in the middle of her WAR ON WOMEN to SHUT THEM UP about Bill's abuse and RAPE....Imagine settling out of court a RAPE charge for $850 THOUSAND..... But Blow Job wasn't GUILTY...anyone else remember the Clinton's BEGGING for money for Blow Jobs LEGAL DEFENSE FUND...if not, look it up, it's hysterical!


Hillary got a blow job? As for your poll, if the one you are reading has Phrump
ten points ahead, you must be reading the "Karl Rove Poll." Has Mitt won Ohio yet?:badgrin:

You get deeper into you psychosis as the election gets nearer.... soon your head will explode!

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