Americans overwhelmingly view Trump unfavorably

Let's not even get in to Bush and Trump
They loathed GW Bush, but they feel even more strongly against Trump. The Clintons are view favorably.
Hell, Britons even petitioned to not allow Trump to enter their country.

and Raul Castro shit in Obama's pocket.
How you coming with that link to a poll showing 70% distrust Hillary?


Clair Underwood? You are a joke. Reality is not found on fictional television programs. Grow up.

Clair and Hillary have a lot in common. fiction or not.
It's just a joke that you use a fictional television character to try to support your position. A real joke. LOL

are you as stupid as you seem? Frank and Clair Underwood were modeled after the Clintons. the show is a takeoff on their lives.
I have never seen the program. I don't live in the States or watch American TV. However, the fact you think it is reasonable to use a TV program to support your position in a debate indicates you are uneducated and silly. Grow up.

Even a high school student would be given a failing grade for trying to use a fictional character from a television show as support for his position in a debate. Really! So stupid.

where do you live? are you an American? what gives you any credibility at all on this forum?
This is a perfect example of why I know you've never been out of the States, because you think Americans don't live overseas; whereas, I know they do, that millions of them live and work overseas. You're a joke, a complete joke. I am an American and have just as much investment in the country as any other American. And it's none of your business where I currently live.
Clair Underwood? You are a joke. Reality is not found on fictional television programs. Grow up.

Oops, freudian slip.

Clair Underwood is nowhere NEAR as corrupt as Hilliary.

Frank DID push a young girl in front of a train, cold blooded murder, so he is pretty close to Bill...

Well they are both lesbians or AC/DC. Clair is pretty corrupt, blackmailing her husband into running her as VP.
How you coming with that link to a poll showing 70% distrust Hillary?


So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners? Here are the answers:

Hillary Clinton – ‘Liar’

Clinton can’t shake the reputation that she’s hiding something.

The word “liar” was mentioned 178 times in association with Hillary Clinton. Some of the other top words voters said to describe the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

The two issues the GOP argues why Clinton’s unfit to hold office - “Benghazi” and “email” – topped the list as well. Also, her husband’s first name, Bill, came up 56 times by voters.

The poll shows Clinton is still leading among Democratic voters, but is down from 55 percent in late July to 45 percent today, with Bernie Sanders gaining on her. 34 percent of voters say Clinton is honest and trustworthy.}


Words People Most Associate With 2016 Candidates
So.... not 70%. Thanks.
I have never seen the program. I don't live in the States or watch American TV. However, the fact you think it is reasonable to use a TV program to support your position in a debate indicates you are uneducated and silly. Grow up.

Even a high school student would be given a failing grade for trying to use a fictional character from a television show as support for his position in a debate. Really! So stupid.

It's on Netflix. It's based on the Clinton's.

Grow up.
I have never seen the program. I don't live in the States or watch American TV. However, the fact you think it is reasonable to use a TV program to support your position in a debate indicates you are uneducated and silly. Grow up.

Even a high school student would be given a failing grade for trying to use a fictional character from a television show as support for his position in a debate. Really! So stupid.

It's on Netflix. It's based on the Clinton's.

Grow up.
That has nothing to do with it. I don't spend all my time watching programs from the US. But aside from that, it is FICTIONAL program on TV. It is not reality. You appear to be too dense to realize there is a difference.
They loathed GW Bush, but they feel even more strongly against Trump. The Clintons are view favorably.
Hell, Britons even petitioned to not allow Trump to enter their country.

and Raul Castro shit in Obama's pocket.
How you coming with that link to a poll showing 70% distrust Hillary?


Clair and Hillary have a lot in common. fiction or not.
It's just a joke that you use a fictional television character to try to support your position. A real joke. LOL

are you as stupid as you seem? Frank and Clair Underwood were modeled after the Clintons. the show is a takeoff on their lives.
I have never seen the program. I don't live in the States or watch American TV. However, the fact you think it is reasonable to use a TV program to support your position in a debate indicates you are uneducated and silly. Grow up.

Even a high school student would be given a failing grade for trying to use a fictional character from a television show as support for his position in a debate. Really! So stupid.

where do you live? are you an American? what gives you any credibility at all on this forum?
This is a perfect example of why I know you've never been out of the States, because you think Americans don't live overseas; whereas, I know they do, that millions of them live and work overseas. You're a joke, a completely joke.

I asked where you were and if you were an American. you didn't answer either question.

Sure americans live overseas. I lived and worked in the mid east for several years. I worked for an international company in marketing and contracting. I have been where I said I have been.

Since you cant provide answers I assume that you are lying----------after all, you are a liberal and that's what they do best.
"Americans overwhelmingly view Trump unfavorably"

As does the rest of the world.

Say hack, do they view the Krooked Klinton Kunt favorably? Or did the same poll showing 67% unfavorable for Trump have Hillary at 61% unfavorable?

On the world stage, the Clintons are viewed favorably, especially Bill.
Let's not even get in to Bush and Trump
They loathed GW Bush, but they feel even more strongly against Trump. The Clintons are viewed favorably.
Bush destroyed respect for America...

So.... not 70%. Thanks.

This must sting you ultra partisan hacks;


That is among your fellow dims.

Clinton's Lead Over Sanders Shrinks to Its Smallest Margin

Say, the blog on the leftist hate site you links said 53%?

{A Quinnipiac poll released Tuesday shows that 59 percent of Americans view Hillary Clinton as being “not honest and trustworthy,” with only 35 percent thinking that she is, actually, honest and trustworthy.}

Well shit, guess you were lying...
How you coming with that link to a poll showing 70% distrust Hillary?


So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners? Here are the answers:

Hillary Clinton – ‘Liar’

Clinton can’t shake the reputation that she’s hiding something.

The word “liar” was mentioned 178 times in association with Hillary Clinton. Some of the other top words voters said to describe the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

The two issues the GOP argues why Clinton’s unfit to hold office - “Benghazi” and “email” – topped the list as well. Also, her husband’s first name, Bill, came up 56 times by voters.

The poll shows Clinton is still leading among Democratic voters, but is down from 55 percent in late July to 45 percent today, with Bernie Sanders gaining on her. 34 percent of voters say Clinton is honest and trustworthy.}


Words People Most Associate With 2016 Candidates
So.... not 70%. Thanks.

I saw one poll that had her at 65% negative. I am not going waste my time finding it to satisfy you. It is what it is. "depends on what the definition of is is" right bubba?
That has nothing to do with it. I don't spend all my time watching programs from the US. But aside from that, it is FICTIONAL program on TV. It is not reality. You appear to be too dense to realize there is a difference.

BUT you spend time sticking your ignorant nose into politics that you have no stake in, and no say in. :thup:
"Americans overwhelmingly view Trump unfavorably"

As does the rest of the world.

Say hack, do they view the Krooked Klinton Kunt favorably? Or did the same poll showing 67% unfavorable for Trump have Hillary at 61% unfavorable?

On the world stage, the Clintons are viewed favorably, especially Bill.
Let's not even get in to Bush and Trump
They loathed GW Bush, but they feel even more strongly against Trump. The Clintons are viewed favorably.
Bush destroyed respect for America...

do you have that same chart for 2008-2016? or did you conveniently delete those years?
So.... not 70%. Thanks.

This must sting you ultra partisan hacks;


That is among your fellow dims.

Clinton's Lead Over Sanders Shrinks to Its Smallest Margin

Say, the blog on the leftist hate site you links said 53%?

{A Quinnipiac poll released Tuesday shows that 59 percent of Americans view Hillary Clinton as being “not honest and trustworthy,” with only 35 percent thinking that she is, actually, honest and trustworthy.}

Well shit, guess you were lying...
Lying about what? I linked a poll which put that number at 53%. To a lunatic, that's lying.

If you wanna see what a lie really looks like -- look at the poster who claimed that number is 70% and refuses to provide a link.
Say hack, do they view the Krooked Klinton Kunt favorably? Or did the same poll showing 67% unfavorable for Trump have Hillary at 61% unfavorable?

On the world stage, the Clintons are viewed favorably, especially Bill.
Let's not even get in to Bush and Trump
They loathed GW Bush, but they feel even more strongly against Trump. The Clintons are viewed favorably.
Bush destroyed respect for America...

do you have that same chart for 2008-2016? or did you conveniently delete those years?
Feel free to post it. You denied Bush didn't wreck our respect overseas.

You've been refuted.
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Thanks for the warning! However Trump is a chump so it's not really saying much is he?
How you coming with that link to a poll showing 70% distrust Hillary?


So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners? Here are the answers:

Hillary Clinton – ‘Liar’

Clinton can’t shake the reputation that she’s hiding something.

The word “liar” was mentioned 178 times in association with Hillary Clinton. Some of the other top words voters said to describe the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

The two issues the GOP argues why Clinton’s unfit to hold office - “Benghazi” and “email” – topped the list as well. Also, her husband’s first name, Bill, came up 56 times by voters.

The poll shows Clinton is still leading among Democratic voters, but is down from 55 percent in late July to 45 percent today, with Bernie Sanders gaining on her. 34 percent of voters say Clinton is honest and trustworthy.}


Words People Most Associate With 2016 Candidates
So.... not 70%. Thanks.

I saw one poll that had her at 65% negative. I am not going waste my time finding it to satisfy you. It is what it is. "depends on what the definition of is is" right bubba?
Did you think I actually expected you to post a link to a poll showing 70% find her untrustworthy?


I knew you were full of shit when you said it. I know there's no such poll.
Its only going to get worse. The far right is going to see what happens when they get what they ask for

AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively | Associated Press GfK Poll

For Americans of nearly every race, gender, political persuasion and location, disdain for Donald Trump runs deep, saddling the Republican front-runner with unprecedented unpopularity as he tries to overcome recent campaign setbacks.

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

Even in the South, a region where Trump has won GOP primaries decisively, close to 70 percent view him unfavorably. And among whites without a college education, one of Trump’s most loyal voting blocs, 55 percent have a negative opinion.
I would be curious to look at the real numbers.

What I mean by that is you have to first subtract out from that survey all those who responded that either voted for Obama a second term or view Obama favorably. Because those people not qualified to make a judgment call and what is good and what is bad.
A poll is a poll

Your population must be from all sides to be accurate

Trump is widely unpopular...that is why Republicans are panicking

A poll isn't indicative of anything. Polls depend on who's asking and who's being asked.

I wouldn't put my faith in any poll. Neither should anyone else.

Oh wait. I forgot. If that poll had said everyone approved of Trump Rightass wouldn't have done the thread. Never mind.
You can already deduct investment losses

Let's tax capital gains at the same rate as income earned from sweat

Do this, coupled with the Sanders proposal of abolishing compound interest, and it will be impossible for commoners to raise capital to start a business.

Thus placing the means of production solely in the hands of the state and the rulers. The dream of the democrats.

We used to tax capital gains the same and nobody had problems raising capital
More fear mongering to protect the rich
How you coming with that link to a poll showing 70% distrust Hillary?


So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners? Here are the answers:

Hillary Clinton – ‘Liar’

Clinton can’t shake the reputation that she’s hiding something.

The word “liar” was mentioned 178 times in association with Hillary Clinton. Some of the other top words voters said to describe the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.”

The two issues the GOP argues why Clinton’s unfit to hold office - “Benghazi” and “email” – topped the list as well. Also, her husband’s first name, Bill, came up 56 times by voters.

The poll shows Clinton is still leading among Democratic voters, but is down from 55 percent in late July to 45 percent today, with Bernie Sanders gaining on her. 34 percent of voters say Clinton is honest and trustworthy.}


Words People Most Associate With 2016 Candidates
So.... not 70%. Thanks.

I saw one poll that had her at 65% negative. I am not going waste my time finding it to satisfy you. It is what it is. "depends on what the definition of is is" right bubba?
Did you think I actually expected you to post a link to a poll showing 70% find her untrustworthy?


I knew you were full of shit when you said it. I know there's no such poll.

here ya go dingleberry, not 70% but very close in some demographics.

"These are stunning numbers and, when taken alone, seem to give his likely Democratic opponent,Hillary Clinton, a huge advantage in the general election. That is, until we look at her numbers. Her overall favorable rating is only 41%, while 54% view her unfavorably. But that is not all. Stated simply, her numbers are really not better. Majorities of most subgroups view her unfavorably as well: men 56%, women 53%, 18-29 year olds 59%, 50-64 year olds 58%, 63% of those over 65, 85% of Republicans, 62% of independents, 78% of conservatives, 63% of whites, 56% of Catholics, 68% of Born Again/evangelicals 53%, 53% of the Investor Class, 50% of NASCAR Fans, 53% of the Creative Class, and 52% of Weekly Wal-Mart Shoppers. She is bolstered by her support among Democrats (75%-22%), liberals (66%-32%), Hispanics (67%-28%), African Americans (77%-19%), and Asians (60%-31%"

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