Americans say Our President IS VERY likeable


May 7, 2013

Washington – President Barack Obama's personal popularity may be one reason he came out of what was arguably the worst week of his presidency with his approval rating holding steady, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/ORC International survey, released Monday, also indicates that Americans see the current controversies as very important, maybe even as much as the Iran-Contra scandal, but they haven't reached the epic levels of Watergate.

Fifty-nine percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party, tying the all-time record for negative views of the GOP.

CNN Poll: Likability helps Obama survive brutal week ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs[/url]
Oh, how wonderful. Our president is LIKABLE. We no longer care about performance, just likability.

That is how asinine the American public has become. It is sickening.

In other news, most people realize that telephone surveys from news sources are absolute garbage so your OP does not really matter anyway. Or do you actually think that FOX would report similar numbers?
He may be likable but I'm sure Hitler had loads of friends who thought he was likable as well.

Of course Barry isn't at all like Hitler but he is a jackass.
They said the same about BUSH...and we see what some already said about him in this THREAD...

but lets give the dear Leader a cheer and clap over it...

damn is every Democrat a child?
Germans say, "Our Leader is very likable"


Washington – President Barack Obama's personal popularity may be one reason he came out of what was arguably the worst week of his presidency with his approval rating holding steady, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/ORC International survey, released Monday, also indicates that Americans see the current controversies as very important, maybe even as much as the Iran-Contra scandal, but they haven't reached the epic levels of Watergate.

Fifty-nine percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party, tying the all-time record for negative views of the GOP.

CNN Poll: Likability helps Obama survive brutal week ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs[/url]
Just because he is likable doesnt mean he is doing a good job
They said the same about BUSH...and we see what some already said about him in this THREAD...

but lets give the dear Leader a cheer and clap over it...

damn is every Democrat a child?

Obama's popularity is due to great support from the press.

Ask anyone in Washington. They liked Bush better as a person.
just what the fuck is there to like about the son-of-a-bitch ?

the fact that he is giving his home country and place of birth another $50,000,000.00 ????

his admission of being a muslime ???

obamacare ???

attempt to ban guns ???

create a shortage of ammo ??

implemented the crash of the worlds greatest economy ???

oooooooh ! how about the 2016 olympics for Chitgago ??? :laugh2:
Sociopaths are always likable. Whenever some truly evil and destructive person is finally captured, everyone that knew them can't believe it. He was such a nice guy, wouldn't hurt anyone. It takes much hindsight to see that the indications were all there.

How did Ariel Castro get away with keeping three women locked away for ten years with all the neighbors finding him a very likable man?
Americans would hate obozo if we had a press that did its job. Their policy is "we will not criticize a black president on anything." pure racism.
the chinese said Mao was likeable.
the cubans said castro was likeable
the germans said hitler was likeable
the venezuelans said chavez was likeable
the romans said Nero was likeable
the russians said Lenin was likeable

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