America’s Founders Were Deeply Religious

V bh bhgh vhf
Washington was a free Mason, they worship stones

Next fool

"The complaint against Mr. Barr, from a group called Faithful America, faults him for quoting John Adams. It was the second president who said: “We have no government armed with the power which is capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

… the opinion shared by Mr. Barr and John Adams was shared by nearly all of the Founding Fathers, including most pointedly George Washington. He made the point in his Farewell Address. “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,” Washington said, “religion and morality are indispensable supports.”

No man could “claim the tribute of patriotism,” Washington averred, if he sought to “subvert” religion and morality. “The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them.” He suggested that neither our property, reputations, or lives would be secure were “the sense of religious obligation” to “desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice.”

Then the famous words: “Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”
Bill Barr's Point About Religion Is Underscored by His Critics

I turned your post into a boomerang, huh?
You boomeranged yourself kid because you are worshipping Washington as though he was a god when he was a free Mason pagan idol stone worshipper.

You are so clueless that you will never know

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
Princess Diana insulted the queen

How is she doing dunce


You do know that washington laid devil triangles as streets in dc....

Lol, I bet you are an abused altar girl

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.

Worship all the god you wish.

Just remember that the FF's intentionally kept your gods out of the Constitution.
V bh bhgh vhf
"The complaint against Mr. Barr, from a group called Faithful America, faults him for quoting John Adams. It was the second president who said: “We have no government armed with the power which is capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

… the opinion shared by Mr. Barr and John Adams was shared by nearly all of the Founding Fathers, including most pointedly George Washington. He made the point in his Farewell Address. “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,” Washington said, “religion and morality are indispensable supports.”

No man could “claim the tribute of patriotism,” Washington averred, if he sought to “subvert” religion and morality. “The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them.” He suggested that neither our property, reputations, or lives would be secure were “the sense of religious obligation” to “desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice.”

Then the famous words: “Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”
Bill Barr's Point About Religion Is Underscored by His Critics

I turned your post into a boomerang, huh?
You boomeranged yourself kid because you are worshipping Washington as though he was a god when he was a free Mason pagan idol stone worshipper.

You are so clueless that you will never know

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
Princess Diana insulted the queen

How is she doing dunce


You do know that washington laid devil triangles as streets in dc....

Lol, I bet you are an abused altar girl

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.

Worship all the god you wish.

Just remember that the FF's intentionally kept your gods out of the Constitution.
Nah she believes that washington was divinely inspired
V bh bhgh vhf
You boomeranged yourself kid because you are worshipping Washington as though he was a god when he was a free Mason pagan idol stone worshipper.

You are so clueless that you will never know

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
Princess Diana insulted the queen

How is she doing dunce


You do know that washington laid devil triangles as streets in dc....

Lol, I bet you are an abused altar girl

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You forgot to answer what happened to diana after she insulted the god queen

Are you still claiming that the English worshipped the king as God....or have you admitted your error?

All of your posts should be seen through this prism:

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You are extraordinarily funny when triggered
I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
Princess Diana insulted the queen

How is she doing dunce


You do know that washington laid devil triangles as streets in dc....

Lol, I bet you are an abused altar girl

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You forgot to answer what happened to diana after she insulted the god queen

Are you still claiming that the English worshipped the king as God....or have you admitted your error?

All of your posts should be seen through this prism:

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You are extraordinarily funny when triggered

I certainly don't mind revealing what a fool you are.......

Are you still claiming that the English worshipped the king as God....or have you admitted your error?

All of your posts should be seen through this prism:

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
V bh bhgh vhf
"The complaint against Mr. Barr, from a group called Faithful America, faults him for quoting John Adams. It was the second president who said: “We have no government armed with the power which is capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

… the opinion shared by Mr. Barr and John Adams was shared by nearly all of the Founding Fathers, including most pointedly George Washington. He made the point in his Farewell Address. “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,” Washington said, “religion and morality are indispensable supports.”

No man could “claim the tribute of patriotism,” Washington averred, if he sought to “subvert” religion and morality. “The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them.” He suggested that neither our property, reputations, or lives would be secure were “the sense of religious obligation” to “desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice.”

Then the famous words: “Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”
Bill Barr's Point About Religion Is Underscored by His Critics

I turned your post into a boomerang, huh?
You boomeranged yourself kid because you are worshipping Washington as though he was a god when he was a free Mason pagan idol stone worshipper.

You are so clueless that you will never know

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
Princess Diana insulted the queen

How is she doing dunce


You do know that washington laid devil triangles as streets in dc....

Lol, I bet you are an abused altar girl

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.

Worship all the god you wish.

Just remember that the FF's intentionally kept your gods out of the Constitution.

Not Gods
If that were true both houses would never have had opening prayer.
Princess Diana insulted the queen

How is she doing dunce


You do know that washington laid devil triangles as streets in dc....

Lol, I bet you are an abused altar girl

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You forgot to answer what happened to diana after she insulted the god queen

Are you still claiming that the English worshipped the king as God....or have you admitted your error?

All of your posts should be seen through this prism:

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You are extraordinarily funny when triggered

I certainly don't mind revealing what a fool you are.......

Are you still claiming that the English worshipped the king as God....or have you admitted your error?

All of your posts should be seen through this prism:

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You really are not smart

Divine right of kings - Wikipedia
that passage is NOT part of the constitution

and it does NOT say "jesus"

It merely states that the document was WRITTEN on that date.

And I am NOT surprised that a FASCIST like you would INSIST that the constitution mentions YOUR god and YOUR religion in your attempt to create a theocracy and deny non-christians equal rights AFTER you have started ANOTHER OP stating that we didn't need to worry about theocrats and dominionists because they are NOT trying to create a CHRISTIAN THEOCRACY.

yet here you are doing that very thing.


I'm (yawn) shocked.

The USA has never been nor will it ever be a Theocracy, nor deny rights to non Christians.
Our amendment rights belong to all Americans no matter what their certain ideologies are.

The vast majority of Europeans used in the year of our lord meaning God as legal endings.
In the 1700's most of Europe was Christian.
That does not mean it's a theocracy.
It's a legal recognition of the creator. One God.

A salutation common for the time and the parlance commonly used as a closing salutation is certainly not a legal recognition. The framers of the Constitution explicitly excluded any mention of "the creator", meaning the Christian gods in the body of the Constitution.

Everyone believed in one creator.
Our constitution was written by that ideology.
The Constitution and our laws are based on that whole belief system one creator of the universe.
Even the native Americans believed in one creator.
It does not mean we are a theocracy, we have never nor will be one either.

Actually the Constitution was written by the ideology of Liberalism. Had nothing to do with creators or universes. And no, not everyone believed in "one creator" at all anyway.

And the idea of Liberalism was and is that power derives from the consent of the governed and NOT from an authoritarian hierarchy of royalty and an established Church -- which had been the "standard" way of things up to then. That's why it was called the Great Experiment -- it was a new approach. And that's what the entire structure of the government as laid out in the COTUS is all about.

You are absolutely correct that neither that structure, nor the archaic phrasing of the date, means we are a theocracy.
that passage is NOT part of the constitution

and it does NOT say "jesus"

It merely states that the document was WRITTEN on that date.

And I am NOT surprised that a FASCIST like you would INSIST that the constitution mentions YOUR god and YOUR religion in your attempt to create a theocracy and deny non-christians equal rights AFTER you have started ANOTHER OP stating that we didn't need to worry about theocrats and dominionists because they are NOT trying to create a CHRISTIAN THEOCRACY.

yet here you are doing that very thing.


I'm (yawn) shocked.

The USA has never been nor will it ever be a Theocracy, nor deny rights to non Christians.
Our amendment rights belong to all Americans no matter what their certain ideologies are.

The vast majority of Europeans used in the year of our lord meaning God as legal endings.
In the 1700's most of Europe was Christian.
That does not mean it's a theocracy.
It's a legal recognition of the creator. One God.

A salutation common for the time and the parlance commonly used as a closing salutation is certainly not a legal recognition. The framers of the Constitution explicitly excluded any mention of "the creator", meaning the Christian gods in the body of the Constitution.

Everyone believed in one creator.
Our constitution was written by that ideology.
The Constitution and our laws are based on that whole belief system one creator of the universe.
Even the native Americans believed in one creator.
It does not mean we are a theocracy, we have never nor will be one either.

Actually the Constitution was written by the ideology of Liberalism. Had nothing to do with creators or universes. And no, not everyone believed in "one creator" at all anyway.

And the idea of Liberalism was and is that power derives from the consent of the governed and NOT from an authoritarian hierarchy of royalty and an established Church -- which had been the "standard" way of things up to then. That's why it was called the Great Experiment -- it was a new approach. And that's what the entire structure of the government as laid out in the COTUS is all about.

You are absolutely correct that neither that structure, nor the archaic phrasing of the date, means we are a theocracy.

All of our laws ,amendments and morals are based on the Bible.
Without a moral nation you are seeing the results of lawlessness like we are seeing now.

Our founders created a document based on a political theory of natural rights, public policies based on moral conditions of freedom.
Without self morals you have lawlessness where anything and everything is acceptable.
Totally opposite of what we are.
With lawlessness you need more government control over those who are lawless.
"All of our laws, amendments and morals are based on the bible".....simply not true.
I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You forgot to answer what happened to diana after she insulted the god queen

Are you still claiming that the English worshipped the king as God....or have you admitted your error?

All of your posts should be seen through this prism:

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You are extraordinarily funny when triggered

I certainly don't mind revealing what a fool you are.......

Are you still claiming that the English worshipped the king as God....or have you admitted your error?

All of your posts should be seen through this prism:

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You really are not smart

Divine right of kings - Wikipedia

You need not go to the trouble of proving you're an imbecile....

From that link:

"Outside of Christianity,[clarification needed] kings were often seen as either ruling with the backing of heavenly powers or perhaps even being divine beings themselves."

Ever hear of the Magna Carta, dope?
The USA has never been nor will it ever be a Theocracy, nor deny rights to non Christians.
Our amendment rights belong to all Americans no matter what their certain ideologies are.

The vast majority of Europeans used in the year of our lord meaning God as legal endings.
In the 1700's most of Europe was Christian.
That does not mean it's a theocracy.
It's a legal recognition of the creator. One God.

A salutation common for the time and the parlance commonly used as a closing salutation is certainly not a legal recognition. The framers of the Constitution explicitly excluded any mention of "the creator", meaning the Christian gods in the body of the Constitution.

Everyone believed in one creator.
Our constitution was written by that ideology.
The Constitution and our laws are based on that whole belief system one creator of the universe.
Even the native Americans believed in one creator.
It does not mean we are a theocracy, we have never nor will be one either.

Actually the Constitution was written by the ideology of Liberalism. Had nothing to do with creators or universes. And no, not everyone believed in "one creator" at all anyway.

And the idea of Liberalism was and is that power derives from the consent of the governed and NOT from an authoritarian hierarchy of royalty and an established Church -- which had been the "standard" way of things up to then. That's why it was called the Great Experiment -- it was a new approach. And that's what the entire structure of the government as laid out in the COTUS is all about.

You are absolutely correct that neither that structure, nor the archaic phrasing of the date, means we are a theocracy.
The USA has never been nor will it ever be a Theocracy, nor deny rights to non Christians.
Our amendment rights belong to all Americans no matter what their certain ideologies are.

The vast majority of Europeans used in the year of our lord meaning God as legal endings.
In the 1700's most of Europe was Christian.
That does not mean it's a theocracy.
It's a legal recognition of the creator. One God.

A salutation common for the time and the parlance commonly used as a closing salutation is certainly not a legal recognition. The framers of the Constitution explicitly excluded any mention of "the creator", meaning the Christian gods in the body of the Constitution.

Everyone believed in one creator.
Our constitution was written by that ideology.
The Constitution and our laws are based on that whole belief system one creator of the universe.
Even the native Americans believed in one creator.
It does not mean we are a theocracy, we have never nor will be one either.

Actually the Constitution was written by the ideology of Liberalism. Had nothing to do with creators or universes. And no, not everyone believed in "one creator" at all anyway.

And the idea of Liberalism was and is that power derives from the consent of the governed and NOT from an authoritarian hierarchy of royalty and an established Church -- which had been the "standard" way of things up to then. That's why it was called the Great Experiment -- it was a new approach. And that's what the entire structure of the government as laid out in the COTUS is all about.

You are absolutely correct that neither that structure, nor the archaic phrasing of the date, means we are a theocracy.

All of our laws ,amendments and morals are based on the Bible.
Without a moral nation you are seeing the results of lawlessness like we are seeing now.

Our founders created a document based on a political theory of natural rights, public policies based on moral conditions of freedom.
Without self morals you have lawlessness where anything and everything is acceptable.
Totally opposite of what we are.
With lawlessness you need more government control over those who are lawless.
"All of our laws, amendments and morals are based on the bible".....simply not true.

Then you don't know our history , or our world history if you believe that.
The USA has never been nor will it ever be a Theocracy, nor deny rights to non Christians.
Our amendment rights belong to all Americans no matter what their certain ideologies are.

The vast majority of Europeans used in the year of our lord meaning God as legal endings.
In the 1700's most of Europe was Christian.
That does not mean it's a theocracy.
It's a legal recognition of the creator. One God.

A salutation common for the time and the parlance commonly used as a closing salutation is certainly not a legal recognition. The framers of the Constitution explicitly excluded any mention of "the creator", meaning the Christian gods in the body of the Constitution.

Everyone believed in one creator.
Our constitution was written by that ideology.
The Constitution and our laws are based on that whole belief system one creator of the universe.
Even the native Americans believed in one creator.
It does not mean we are a theocracy, we have never nor will be one either.
Not true.....even the OT doesn't refer to just one creator.

Are you nuts????

Even liars like you should have some limits.
Look at the 10 Commandments...."you shall have no other god before me" can that be if there is only one god? The Jewish god was just demanding to be #1.

."you shall have no other god before me".

and THAT is UNconstitutional!

Freedom OF religion includes ANY religion AND NO religion.

But theocratic dominionist politicalchic DEMANDS that EVERYONE BOW TO HER GOD! .......or die trying......
You forgot to answer what happened to diana after she insulted the god queen

Are you still claiming that the English worshipped the king as God....or have you admitted your error?

All of your posts should be seen through this prism:

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You are extraordinarily funny when triggered

I certainly don't mind revealing what a fool you are.......

Are you still claiming that the English worshipped the king as God....or have you admitted your error?

All of your posts should be seen through this prism:

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
You really are not smart

Divine right of kings - Wikipedia

You need not go to the trouble of proving you're an imbecile....

From that link:

"Outside of Christianity,[clarification needed] kings were often seen as either ruling with the backing of heavenly powers or perhaps even being divine beings themselves."

Ever hear of the Magna Carta, dope?
Just accept that I have been baiting your ignorance and that you have served me well

Divine right of kings - Wikipedia
A salutation common for the time and the parlance commonly used as a closing salutation is certainly not a legal recognition. The framers of the Constitution explicitly excluded any mention of "the creator", meaning the Christian gods in the body of the Constitution.

Everyone believed in one creator.
Our constitution was written by that ideology.
The Constitution and our laws are based on that whole belief system one creator of the universe.
Even the native Americans believed in one creator.
It does not mean we are a theocracy, we have never nor will be one either.
Not true.....even the OT doesn't refer to just one creator.

Are you nuts????

Even liars like you should have some limits.
Look at the 10 Commandments...."you shall have no other god before me" can that be if there is only one god? The Jewish god was just demanding to be #1.

."you shall have no other god before me".

and THAT is UNconstitutional!

Freedom OF religion includes ANY religion AND NO religion.

But theocratic dominionist politicalchic DEMANDS that EVERYONE BOW TO HER GOD! .......or die trying......

What part of government is forcing you in your own belief that there is no God?
Which is the point.
Secularism forces no religion which is opposite of freedom to worship or not worship as you please.
I mean....look at the lying dunce who keeps denying that the reference at article seven, 'in the year of our Lord,' isn't a reference to Jesus Christ.

Uh ----------- that would be you. Read much?

It is indeed not a reference to "Jesus Christ", yet her you sit, denying that it is not.

Self-making pretzels. Yum. Thanks for fessing up that you're a liar.

It's a reference to one creator which everyone back then believed.

It was a cultural custom, as you pointed out, to mark the date, just as we'll be calling tomorrow "Tiw's Day", the next day "Woden's Day" and follow it with "Thor's Day" all while giving no thought whatsoever to Norse gods. But what it isn't is a reference to Jesus.

Answer the question, dope.

in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven

Is any possible explanation for the above that doesn't specify....SPECIFY... Jesus Christ?

...give your alternate explanation for whom the reference describes.
No "jesus" there.
Uh ----------- that would be you. Read much?

It is indeed not a reference to "Jesus Christ", yet her you sit, denying that it is not.

Self-making pretzels. Yum. Thanks for fessing up that you're a liar.

It's a reference to one creator which everyone back then believed.

It was a cultural custom, as you pointed out, to mark the date, just as we'll be calling tomorrow "Tiw's Day", the next day "Woden's Day" and follow it with "Thor's Day" all while giving no thought whatsoever to Norse gods. But what it isn't is a reference to Jesus.

Answer the question, dope.

in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven

Is any possible explanation for the above that doesn't specify....SPECIFY... Jesus Christ?

...give your alternate explanation for whom the reference describes.

I'm afraid you already own that question and you can't answer it. Maybe it's the dope.

Today is Tuesday, right? Tiw's Day. Tell us all the ways you're honouring the god Tiw today.

Every reader who has seen the posts, and how I cowed you into refusing to answer recognizes what you are.

The good news?

They knew already.
I love how Russian trolls, when owned, just declare many rubles, Comrade?
Actually the Constitution was written by the ideology of Liberalism. Had nothing to do with creators or universes. And no, not everyone believed in "one creator" at all anyway.

And the idea of Liberalism was and is that power derives from the consent of the governed and NOT from an authoritarian hierarchy of royalty and an established Church -- which had been the "standard" way of things up to then. That's why it was called the Great Experiment -- it was a new approach. And that's what the entire structure of the government as laid out in the COTUS is all about.

You are absolutely correct that neither that structure, nor the archaic phrasing of the date, means we are a theocracy.
Actually the Constitution was written by the ideology of Liberalism. Had nothing to do with creators or universes. And no, not everyone believed in "one creator" at all anyway.

And the idea of Liberalism was and is that power derives from the consent of the governed and NOT from an authoritarian hierarchy of royalty and an established Church -- which had been the "standard" way of things up to then. That's why it was called the Great Experiment -- it was a new approach. And that's what the entire structure of the government as laid out in the COTUS is all about.

You are absolutely correct that neither that structure, nor the archaic phrasing of the date, means we are a theocracy.

All of our laws ,amendments and morals are based on the Bible.
Without a moral nation you are seeing the results of lawlessness like we are seeing now.

Our founders created a document based on a political theory of natural rights, public policies based on moral conditions of freedom.
Without self morals you have lawlessness where anything and everything is acceptable.
Totally opposite of what we are.
With lawlessness you need more government control over those who are lawless.
Wait. Do you really think that things like do not murder, do not steal, respect property etc. originated in the Bible?

I don’t believe that’s what her statement means.

The Bible was the number one best selling book in colonial America. The number two best selling book was the New England Primer which relies exclusively on the Bible. So Judaeo Christian principles were prevalent in early America and their understanding of morality and virtue were derived from the Judaeo Christian religion because that’s what was taught and passed down.
Judeo Christian values, apart from the Spiritual belief parts - were normal secular societal values. The way you charlatans phrase it is as though the cart came before the horse - it didn't. Judeo Christian values that weren't adopted were the more ridiculous and barbaric ones - the notion of picking and choosing alludes to the obvious...leaving you sillies to figure that out for yourselves.
No one is phrasing it that way but you.

We phrased it exactly as it was. Judaeo Christian values informed colonial American values.
Colonial Massachusetts Bay Colony where they FORCED people to go to church for hours at a time, hung people who they called witches and either hung or banished those who didn't toe the line.
Answer the question, dope.

in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven

Is any possible explanation for the above that doesn't specify....SPECIFY... Jesus Christ?

...give your alternate explanation for whom the reference describes.
Really kid you are calling another person a dope

I always speak the truth.

Maybe, but what you write on this board is absolute rubbish and always has been.
When someone says they speak the truth, then demands that all others accept that truth. This denotes a serious mental issue

Speaking of 'truth'....let's test your ability to stick to same.

Is there a reference to Jesus in the Constitution?
There is none...and there continues to be none even tho you keep asking.
Who do you think the native indigenous peoples of the Americas were talking about when they say
the great spirit?
A single deity.
One creator .
Not a sun god or mother earth god.
Nope...the great creator was the one who did the creating....doesn't mean he/she was the only one......
V bh bhgh vhf
You boomeranged yourself kid because you are worshipping Washington as though he was a god when he was a free Mason pagan idol stone worshipper.

You are so clueless that you will never know

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.
Princess Diana insulted the queen

How is she doing dunce


You do know that washington laid devil triangles as streets in dc....

Lol, I bet you are an abused altar girl

I once saw a post from a dunce who claimed that the Church of England worshipped their king as God.

Oh....wait.....that imbecile was you!!!!

"Besides the founding fathers were members of the Church of England of which the King was God."

Does A Religion Need A God?


And no one worships Washington as God.

We believers worship God.

Worship all the god you wish.

Just remember that the FF's intentionally kept your gods out of the Constitution.

Not Gods
If that were true both houses would never have had opening prayer.
Whether worshipping god or gods or statues or golden icons.

Nothing to do with the Constitution.
Wait. Do you really think that things like do not murder, do not steal, respect property etc. originated in the Bible?

I don’t believe that’s what her statement means.

The Bible was the number one best selling book in colonial America. The number two best selling book was the New England Primer which relies exclusively on the Bible. So Judaeo Christian principles were prevalent in early America and their understanding of morality and virtue were derived from the Judaeo Christian religion because that’s what was taught and passed down.
Judeo Christian values, apart from the Spiritual belief parts - were normal secular societal values. The way you charlatans phrase it is as though the cart came before the horse - it didn't. Judeo Christian values that weren't adopted were the more ridiculous and barbaric ones - the notion of picking and choosing alludes to the obvious...leaving you sillies to figure that out for yourselves.
No one is phrasing it that way but you.

We phrased it exactly as it was. Judaeo Christian values informed colonial American values.
Colonial American values were informed by the bits and pieces of the secular societies at the time that were pertinent to a free new Country. The bits and pieces of morality that secular society and religion shared was because they were everybody's common sense, not religious inventions.

Let's check

There are four references to ‘Divine’ in D of I…
1)in first paragraph ‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’

2) next paragraph ‘endowed by their Creator,”

3) Supreme Judge of the world,

and 4) ‘divine’ Providence, last paragraph.

This is important because our historic documents memorialize a government based on individuals born with inalienable rights, by, in various references, by the Divine, or Nature’s God, or their Creator, or the Supreme Judge, or divine Providence.

Since these rights are associated with each individual, they cannot be withdrawn, or subjugated to the will of a governing body.

Despite the secular nature of our national government, there is one unambiguous reference to Christ in the Constitution. Article VII dates the Constitution in "the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven."
"The Year of Our Lord" and separation.

See what you've learned today?
I know that Russians aren't that familiar with American History as we are...but the Declaration of Independence is NOT the Constitution. Nor is it a document setting up a government or laws. Glad to have been of help there, Comrade.
Uh ----------- that would be you. Read much?

It is indeed not a reference to "Jesus Christ", yet her you sit, denying that it is not.

Self-making pretzels. Yum. Thanks for fessing up that you're a liar.

Let's check:

Here is the true quote.

done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independance of the United States of America the Twelfth In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,
The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription

If you obtained your version from wikipedia, it is proof that Liberals corrupted and lie about the Constitution.

The same is the case for government school.

Clearly, the Constitution references Jesus


in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven

...give your alternate explanation for whom the reference describes.

Liberals never have the class, honesty, or character to admit when they're proven wrong.
Thank goodness, I never have to.
No direct reference to Jesus there. Sorry, Comrade. Words have meaning.

Answer the question, dope.

in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven

Is any possible explanation for the above that doesn't specify....SPECIFY... Jesus Christ?

...give your alternate explanation for whom the reference describes.

Here comes the chorus of 'is not, isssssssss nooooottttttttttt!!!"
No "Jesus" there, Comrade.

Let's check.

Here is the actual quote from the US Constitution.

done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independance of the United States of America the Twelfth In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,
The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription

If you obtained your version from wikipedia, it is proof that Liberals corrupted and lie about the Constitution.

The same is the case for government school.

Clearly, the Constitution references Jesus


in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven

...give your alternate explanation for whom the reference describes.

Liberals never have the class, honesty, or character to admit when they're proven wrong.
Thank goodness, I never have to.
No reference to Jesus there, Comrade......even if you were to translate it into Russian.

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