America's greatness is its working classes not "wealth" creators

Actually, that's an entirely legitimate argument. The nation which welcomes immigrants has no obligation to change to suit the tastes of immigrants. The obligation to change falls entirely on the immigrant for it is the immigrant who is choosing to settle in a new culture.

Citizens have every right to be upset when change is forced upon them, change that they didn't ask for and don't want.

Sorry, being afraid of change (that comes with an accent) is not a valid argument. Not when I see people who come here, who obey the law, beyond the initial entry, work hard and try to better themselves.

22 million illegals are obeying the law? Where do they get you libs from?

Yeah, I didn't even want to open that can of worms. It's the Lowest Common Denominator argument. They obey the law (except for that part about breaking the law) and so should be cheered. I don't cheer people for following the law, I actually expect more from people.

These liberal liars keep being caught red handed in flat out lies. Fakey gets caught all the time. Rice Chickie's quote was, "Not when I see people who come here, who obey the law." Pick whatever number one wants to pick. A good portion are illegal.
They broke the law when they came here illegally.
Do any hater dupes have anything but idiotic talking points and stupid insults? I didn't think so....
Look who's talking...
Do you really want to suffer the embarrassment of having a bunch of your posts which are replete with insults?
Or do you think you should delete your post?
My insults are fact. You believe a pile of hateful, divisive, racist bs- brainwashing by greedy idiot billionnaires. A hater dupe.
Don't ever come on here and imply you do not have the same hateful biases of which you accuse others.
Your hypocrisy meter just maxed out.
Kitchen...Bring food.

It's his and his lib gaggle's new tactic of trying to appear kinder and gentler. Except I always bring out his hateful side, so he always breaks down aroundme. LOL.
The fact that the Rich spend their money is not a consolation prize for the oppression of the working class.
What oppression?
Please provide examples.....And don't reply with "CEO's make x times their workers"....That's not an answer.

Exactly. It's straight out of the Socialist Handbook. In this great country, there is nothing stopping people but themselves.

My dad's parents came over on the boat from Poland and didn't know the language. They had every barrier imaginable.

That's why I can't STAND these whiny fucking liberals.
EC, a boob who has no grasp for economics, and Bush, who can't even tell us what is socialism and believes in a free market, are worth the price of admission tonight. Priceless!
I have explained socialism so many times on this board it is reaching redundancy to ask me again. Marx said socialism was phase 1 to a communist state. Government control over huge aspects of the economy is socialism. You can take your pick of Western European nations. All failures. That's one reason why terrorist flock to Western Europe. They can live on the Dole and plot attacks against the United States.
And socialism restricts the ability to produce those "creators, inventors, producers, and manufacturers."

Do you understand that socialism means the government owing the production and distribution of services and goods as well as managing the hiring, retention, remuneration, and benefits for employees?

Want to give us some examples? But you are confused with the concept of social democracy obviously.

No, you don't get to redefine and revise terminology and narrative without being corrected.

Look idiot, there are so many different definitions of socialism it isn't funny. Yours just happens to be one. You probably got it from that fav liberal source, Wikishit. There is no ONE term.

You keep forgetting you're talking to an expert on this subject, moron.
The fact that the Rich spend their money is not a consolation prize for the oppression of the working class.
What oppression?
Please provide examples.....And don't reply with "CEO's make x times their workers"....That's not an answer.

Exactly. It's straight out of the Socialist Handbook. In this great country, there is nothing stopping people but themselves.

My dad's parents came over on the boat from Poland and didn't know the language. They had every barrier imaginable.

That's why I can't STAND these whiny fucking liberals.

I'm not going to go that far. When the card game is played with a marked deck, then you can't get a fair game. When Capital rigs the game so that labor is structurally disadvantaged, then the rules have changed since your dad came over. And the rules have changed. I'll go even further, for a variety of reasons the rules on may processes have changed in society such that present generations can't replicate life cycles of past generations. We could fix things and make life better but we run into too many liberal Sacred Truths to actually achieve progress on that front. Immigration is just one problem, not the only problem where liberal's vision translates into impediment because liberals can't see the downstream effects of their policies, only seeing the immediate effect.
This is why I'm not entirely convinced. "Labor" isn't a static entity. There are many different kinds of labor, from manual labor, skilled labor, technical labor, professional labor, etc.

I know what you're getting at, however. If the labor supply increases, then the price that employers are willing to pay will decrease.

Not necessarily. I think you mean as the supply of labor increases beyond the demand for labor, the less employers are willing to pay. The fundamental problem is that the US economy is growing so slowly in relation to the capital markets (1.5% v. 5%). It is reflective of capital investments moving offshore. some of that has to do with the demands for returns on investment by investors and some of it has to do with the demand for lower cost goods by consumers. The latter part is fueled in part by the internet. Used to be that if you sold TV's, you might have 5-10 competitors in your city but now you are competing with 1,000's of sellers across the country. There is no keystone metric here. We are just seeing how the sausage gets made by capitalism in a high-tech world.
And the rw reactionary klutzes keep falling over their own verbal feet.

Family time coming up here.

See you all tomorrow. Count on it.
EC, a boob who has no grasp for economics, and Bush, who can't even tell us what is socialism and believes in a free market, are worth the price of admission tonight. Priceless!

But you just said I've never had a course in economics, and yet one of my masters is in Economics. You try to slime out of your other lies but this one's black and white.

I notice you didn't bet the ten grand. Moron.
I could care less how much other people make as CEOs. Their salaries and benefits are basically decided by the market.


Oh're serious? No. There is no relation to a CEO's pay and a company's stock returns. Proven by multiple studies.

That's not what I said, Nyvin. You're one of the nicer libs and I will go gently on you. I said the market, not stock returns.

By market I meant that when the board sets out to hire a new CEO, they have to know what salary range plus bennies will attract someone who can keep a billion dollar company afloat for example. They look at what other CEOs are getting for comparable responsibilities. That's how salaries work in the private sector for the most part.
Republicans are against unions and the minimum wage.Republicans hate the working man.
And the rw reactionary klutzes keep falling over their own verbal feet.

Family time coming up here.

See you all tomorrow. Count on it.

Look, Jakey Fakey's running off because he's been pummeled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well at least you have the courage to confront me unlike Synthaholic that put me on ignore because he's too scurrred. Or Plasma for the same reason. LOL
Republicans are against unions and the minimum wage.Republicans hate the working man.

I'm a Republican and I fully support Seattle's move to implement a $15 minimum wage. I don't think that they went far enough though. I have no problem with a $20/hr minimum wage but in return for my support I want some concessions.

And before the economically literate jump in to correct me on the effects of minimum wage, spare yourself the trouble, I know what you're going to tell me, it's just that I'm playing a long game here.
This is why I'm not entirely convinced. "Labor" isn't a static entity. There are many different kinds of labor, from manual labor, skilled labor, technical labor, professional labor, etc.

I know what you're getting at, however. If the labor supply increases, then the price that employers are willing to pay will decrease.

Not necessarily. I think you mean as the supply of labor increases beyond the demand for labor, the less employers are willing to pay. The fundamental problem is that the US economy is growing so slowly in relation to the capital markets (1.5% v. 5%). It is reflective of capital investments moving offshore. some of that has to do with the demands for returns on investment by investors and some of it has to do with the demand for lower cost goods by consumers. The latter part is fueled in part by the internet. Used to be that if you sold TV's, you might have 5-10 competitors in your city but now you are competing with 1,000's of sellers across the country. There is no keystone metric here. We are just seeing how the sausage gets made by capitalism in a high-tech world.

Yep, and we live in a global economy. Nothing's going to change that, no matter how hard isolationists try.
Republicans are against unions and the minimum wage.Republicans hate the working man.

When the min wage goes up, the business owner has to lay others off.

It sounds good on the surface but in the macro it's actually worse for middle class and low wage earners.
Republicans are against unions and the minimum wage.Republicans hate the working man.

I'm a Republican and I fully support Seattle's move to implement a $15 minimum wage. I don't think that they went far enough though. I have no problem with a $20/hr minimum wage but in return for my support I want some concessions.

And before the economically literate jump in to correct me on the effects of minimum wage, spare yourself the trouble, I know what you're going to tell me, it's just that I'm playing a long game here.

Yep, understand the long game. It's actually going to hurt low income earners but it sounds good in the political arena.
Republicans are against unions and the minimum wage.Republicans hate the working man.

When the min wage goes up, the business owner has to lay others off.

It sounds good on the surface but in the macro it's actually worse for middle class.

A minimal raise in the minimum wage has a temporary effect of raising unemployment by .3%, this usually self corrects within a year.

I posted these stats in another thread yesterday, with links

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