America's Reign Of Terror: A Nation Reaps What It Sows...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Read em and weep America. Time for Americans to do some serious soul-searching.

Who designed the malware worm that is now wreaking havoc on tens of thousands of computers internationally by hackers demanding a king’s ransom? The US government.

Who is the biggest black market buyer and stockpiler of cyberweapons (weaponized malware that can be used to hack into computer systems, spy on citizens, and destabilize vast computer networks)? The US government.

What country has one of the deadliest arsenals of weapons of mass destruction? The US government.

Who is the largest weapons manufacturer and exporter in the world, such that they are literally arming the world? The US government.

Which is the only country to ever use a nuclear weapon in wartime? The United States.

How did Saddam Hussein build Iraq’s massive arsenal of tanks, planes, missiles, and chemical weapons during the 1980s? With help from the US government.

Who gave Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida “access to a fortune in covert funding and top-level combat weaponry”? The US government...

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America’s Reign of Terror: A Nation Reaps What It Sows
The Dogs of War are running free in the American landscape.

And if the Democrats and their drooling ignorant masses don't stand down a bit from their nonsense, Trump may well let them slip right here.

It would at least be short.
Not while they've got the Government by the short-n-curlies.
The object is to waste as much as possible of the public money blowing things up.
Pretending they're sorting out this mess:


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