America’s wealthiest families smash income ceiling, middle-class left far behind

Mindless, silly class-warfare propaganda.

While you're at it, why not also launch a crusade over the academic performance gap, because the smart, dedicated students continue to vastly outperform the less-dedicated, less intellectually inclined students--and surely that is unfair, somehow.

Or, how about a crusade against the continuously huge gap between talented, dedicated athletes and part-time/less-talented/less-dedicated athletes, not to mention people who wish they did more athletics but just don't find the time to do so?

Let's mandate that no student can earn higher than a B and that no student can be given less than a D, hey?

And, let's declare that no basketball player can score more than 10 points per game, that no baseball player can get more than 1 hit per game, that no sprinter can run faster than 14 seconds per 100 meters, etc.

People have different work ethics, different skills, different levels of dedication and motivation, etc., and to whine about the fact that some people do very well at earning money while others do not is to ignore human nature.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation



Despite, or because of, the fallout from the 2007 Great Recession, annual earnings between the richest Americans and everybody else have exploded to record levels. Meanwhile middle- and lower-class wealth growth remains stagnant.
The median wealth for high-income families hit $639,400 last year, a whopping 7 percent jump from three years earlier and seven times greater than middle-class incomes, which stood at $96,500 according to Pew Research Center, citing data from the Federal Reserve.
Middle-class median wealth, which Pew defines as the difference between the value of a household’s total assets and debts, has not advanced since 2010.
The financial chasm now separating the rich and everybody else is the widest since the Fed began tracking earnings 30 years ago, which became even more pronounced following the 2008 global financial crisis.
America 8217 s wealth gap between middle-income and upper-income families is widest on record Pew Research Center

Wealth Gap between America s Rich and Middle-Class Families Widest on Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

IMO The American Dream was always a myth, but now it has turned into a nightmare for 47% of Americans. This robbing of the poor half of the population has been quite deliberate, by allowing unchecked immigration to obtain cheap labor and by off shoring of jobs to India and China. The Federal minimum wage has remained at $7.25 per hour since Obama took office, while the cost of living has increased substantially. There is no justification for this, since corporate profits have never been higher.

Maybe if instead of making excuses you worked harder it would go better for you
Your corporation can only pay for your corporate related expenses. Anything else would have to be reported as income. If you have "no" income at all but money in the bank .. where did the money come from, FYI that is a red flag that usually indicates your millions came from illegal activities, such as selling drugs If you have no assets... you are broke. You can't be wealthy with no assets. If you have assets where did they come from, if not income?

Again your statements make no sense.

One of my corporations is a family trust that derives it's income from investments. What is the business of a family trust?

Your tax rates changed since last year? Why, and what is the difference?
When your "family trust corporation" distributes assets to your family they pay income tax.

Extrapolating from this context... when you claimed low effective tax rates what you were really doing is "deferring" taxes on income to some later time by not distributing accruing assets of the family trust. IOW your trust is acting like a 401k where you don't have to pay taxes till you take the money out for personal use. The business of your family trust is to grow the family trust for later withdrawals.

Since last year? Huh? Who's talking about next years taxes?

A family trust is simply an ordinary trust in which beneficiaries are members of the trust grantor’s family. Although trust assets are not taxed unless they earn income, trust income is generally taxed in the same way as personal income. Under some circumstances, however, you can use a family trust to obtain tax advantages.
Yes.. and in this case he's claiming to own a holding company that is running the family trust.

IOW... he's claiming income that he's deferring is somehow reducing his "effective" tax rate. My guess is that either his accountant is feeding him a load of bullshit, or he's just goggled up how do rich people shelter income. Either way he's confused.

Yeah, he's full of shit. Either a trust pays the tax, same basic rates, or the trust pays the recipient and the recipient pays the tax, same basic rate. Either way, his single digit claim is BS.

The fortunate 400

400 tax returns reporting the highest incomes in 2009.

Six American families paid no federal income taxes in 2009 while making something on the order of $200 million each.
another 110 families paid 15 percent or less in federal income taxes.
The fortunate 400 David Cay Johnston Reuters

The 400 richest Americans used to pay 30% of their income on the average to Uncle Sam(but 55% in 1955).
Base Federal tax or corporations at 30% of revenue.

You're an idiot.

Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr.

Make that a cretin.

Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

And you never passed a college level math class, obviously.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

Your understanding of the Constitution, and economics, is weaker than Obama's.

Yet the net income of big corporations will remain the same, and small companies will increase due to employee expenses and taxes will be locked at 30%.

Corporate taxes are double taxes on shareholders, they should be eliminated. I still can't figure out what you are a 1 percenter of.
Base Federal tax or corporations at 30% of revenue.

You're an idiot.

Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr.

Make that a cretin.

Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

And you never passed a college level math class, obviously.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

Your understanding of the Constitution, and economics, is weaker than Obama's.

Yet the net income of big corporations will remain the same, and small companies will increase due to employee expenses and taxes will be locked at 30%.

Corporate taxes are double taxes on shareholders, they should be eliminated. I still can't figure out what you are a 1 percenter of.

Sure, they get the benefits of a corporation, why shouldn't they pay again???

The Top 0.1% Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains (includes dividends)

The Top 0.1 Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains - Forbes

Despite, or because of, the fallout from the 2007 Great Recession, annual earnings between the richest Americans and everybody else have exploded to record levels. Meanwhile middle- and lower-class wealth growth remains stagnant.
The median wealth for high-income families hit $639,400 last year, a whopping 7 percent jump from three years earlier and seven times greater than middle-class incomes, which stood at $96,500 according to Pew Research Center, citing data from the Federal Reserve.
Middle-class median wealth, which Pew defines as the difference between the value of a household’s total assets and debts, has not advanced since 2010.
The financial chasm now separating the rich and everybody else is the widest since the Fed began tracking earnings 30 years ago, which became even more pronounced following the 2008 global financial crisis.
America 8217 s wealth gap between middle-income and upper-income families is widest on record Pew Research Center

Wealth Gap between America s Rich and Middle-Class Families Widest on Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

IMO The American Dream was always a myth, but now it has turned into a nightmare for 47% of Americans. This robbing of the poor half of the population has been quite deliberate, by allowing unchecked immigration to obtain cheap labor and by off shoring of jobs to India and China. The Federal minimum wage has remained at $7.25 per hour since Obama took office, while the cost of living has increased substantially. There is no justification for this, since corporate profits have never been higher.

Maybe if instead of making excuses you worked harder it would go better for you

Productivity has surged, but income and wages have stagnated for most Americans. If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000.

It s the Inequality Stupid Mother Jones


One of my corporations is a family trust that derives it's income from investments. What is the business of a family trust?

Your tax rates changed since last year? Why, and what is the difference?
When your "family trust corporation" distributes assets to your family they pay income tax.

Extrapolating from this context... when you claimed low effective tax rates what you were really doing is "deferring" taxes on income to some later time by not distributing accruing assets of the family trust. IOW your trust is acting like a 401k where you don't have to pay taxes till you take the money out for personal use. The business of your family trust is to grow the family trust for later withdrawals.

Since last year? Huh? Who's talking about next years taxes?

A family trust is simply an ordinary trust in which beneficiaries are members of the trust grantor’s family. Although trust assets are not taxed unless they earn income, trust income is generally taxed in the same way as personal income. Under some circumstances, however, you can use a family trust to obtain tax advantages.
Yes.. and in this case he's claiming to own a holding company that is running the family trust.

IOW... he's claiming income that he's deferring is somehow reducing his "effective" tax rate. My guess is that either his accountant is feeding him a load of bullshit, or he's just goggled up how do rich people shelter income. Either way he's confused.

Yeah, he's full of shit. Either a trust pays the tax, same basic rates, or the trust pays the recipient and the recipient pays the tax, same basic rate. Either way, his single digit claim is BS.

The fortunate 400

400 tax returns reporting the highest incomes in 2009.

Six American families paid no federal income taxes in 2009 while making something on the order of $200 million each.
another 110 families paid 15 percent or less in federal income taxes.
The fortunate 400 David Cay Johnston Reuters

The 400 richest Americans used to pay 30% of their income on the average to Uncle Sam(but 55% in 1955).

Yeah, carried forward losses, capital gains, dividends and muni bonds. So what?
Mindless, silly class-warfare propaganda.

While you're at it, why not also launch a crusade over the academic performance gap, because the smart, dedicated students continue to vastly outperform the less-dedicated, less intellectually inclined students--and surely that is unfair, somehow.

Or, how about a crusade against the continuously huge gap between talented, dedicated athletes and part-time/less-talented/less-dedicated athletes, not to mention people who wish they did more athletics but just don't find the time to do so?

Let's mandate that no student can earn higher than a B and that no student can be given less than a D, hey?

And, let's declare that no basketball player can score more than 10 points per game, that no baseball player can get more than 1 hit per game, that no sprinter can run faster than 14 seconds per 100 meters, etc.

People have different work ethics, different skills, different levels of dedication and motivation, etc., and to whine about the fact that some people do very well at earning money while others do not is to ignore human nature.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation




In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Let's import millions of low skilled illegals, to make it harder for those on the bottom.
Mindless, silly class-warfare propaganda.

While you're at it, why not also launch a crusade over the academic performance gap, because the smart, dedicated students continue to vastly outperform the less-dedicated, less intellectually inclined students--and surely that is unfair, somehow.

Or, how about a crusade against the continuously huge gap between talented, dedicated athletes and part-time/less-talented/less-dedicated athletes, not to mention people who wish they did more athletics but just don't find the time to do so?

Let's mandate that no student can earn higher than a B and that no student can be given less than a D, hey?

And, let's declare that no basketball player can score more than 10 points per game, that no baseball player can get more than 1 hit per game, that no sprinter can run faster than 14 seconds per 100 meters, etc.

People have different work ethics, different skills, different levels of dedication and motivation, etc., and to whine about the fact that some people do very well at earning money while others do not is to ignore human nature.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation




In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Let's import millions of low skilled illegals, to make it harder for those on the bottom.

Yeah, since wall street BONUSES in 2013 alone were double the min wage workers entire incomes, it's the low wage workers that are the problem *shaking head*

Ronald Reagan calls for an open border with Mexico, 1980

Mindless, silly class-warfare propaganda.

While you're at it, why not also launch a crusade over the academic performance gap, because the smart, dedicated students continue to vastly outperform the less-dedicated, less intellectually inclined students--and surely that is unfair, somehow.

Or, how about a crusade against the continuously huge gap between talented, dedicated athletes and part-time/less-talented/less-dedicated athletes, not to mention people who wish they did more athletics but just don't find the time to do so?

Let's mandate that no student can earn higher than a B and that no student can be given less than a D, hey?

And, let's declare that no basketball player can score more than 10 points per game, that no baseball player can get more than 1 hit per game, that no sprinter can run faster than 14 seconds per 100 meters, etc.

People have different work ethics, different skills, different levels of dedication and motivation, etc., and to whine about the fact that some people do very well at earning money while others do not is to ignore human nature.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation




In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Let's import millions of low skilled illegals, to make it harder for those on the bottom.

yes, liberals love to complain about poverty and how capitalism is not working and then they invite 20 million illegals in to keep Americans poor. Liberalism is perfect ignorance.
When your "family trust corporation" distributes assets to your family they pay income tax.

Extrapolating from this context... when you claimed low effective tax rates what you were really doing is "deferring" taxes on income to some later time by not distributing accruing assets of the family trust. IOW your trust is acting like a 401k where you don't have to pay taxes till you take the money out for personal use. The business of your family trust is to grow the family trust for later withdrawals.

Since last year? Huh? Who's talking about next years taxes?

A family trust is simply an ordinary trust in which beneficiaries are members of the trust grantor’s family. Although trust assets are not taxed unless they earn income, trust income is generally taxed in the same way as personal income. Under some circumstances, however, you can use a family trust to obtain tax advantages.
Yes.. and in this case he's claiming to own a holding company that is running the family trust.

IOW... he's claiming income that he's deferring is somehow reducing his "effective" tax rate. My guess is that either his accountant is feeding him a load of bullshit, or he's just goggled up how do rich people shelter income. Either way he's confused.

Yeah, he's full of shit. Either a trust pays the tax, same basic rates, or the trust pays the recipient and the recipient pays the tax, same basic rate. Either way, his single digit claim is BS.

The fortunate 400

400 tax returns reporting the highest incomes in 2009.

Six American families paid no federal income taxes in 2009 while making something on the order of $200 million each.
another 110 families paid 15 percent or less in federal income taxes.
The fortunate 400 David Cay Johnston Reuters

The 400 richest Americans used to pay 30% of their income on the average to Uncle Sam(but 55% in 1955).

Yeah, carried forward losses, capital gains, dividends and muni bonds. So what?

Got it, you didn't REALLY mean this

" Either way, his single digit claim is BS"
Mindless, silly class-warfare propaganda.

While you're at it, why not also launch a crusade over the academic performance gap, because the smart, dedicated students continue to vastly outperform the less-dedicated, less intellectually inclined students--and surely that is unfair, somehow.

Or, how about a crusade against the continuously huge gap between talented, dedicated athletes and part-time/less-talented/less-dedicated athletes, not to mention people who wish they did more athletics but just don't find the time to do so?

Let's mandate that no student can earn higher than a B and that no student can be given less than a D, hey?

And, let's declare that no basketball player can score more than 10 points per game, that no baseball player can get more than 1 hit per game, that no sprinter can run faster than 14 seconds per 100 meters, etc.

People have different work ethics, different skills, different levels of dedication and motivation, etc., and to whine about the fact that some people do very well at earning money while others do not is to ignore human nature.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation




In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Let's import millions of low skilled illegals, to make it harder for those on the bottom.

yes, liberals love to complain about poverty and how capitalism is not working and then they invite 20 million illegals in to keep Americans poor. Liberalism is perfect ignorance.

Ronald Reagan calls for an open border with Mexico, 1980

Let’s add this to some other Reagan quotes :

“I supported this bill. I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally.”Oct. 21, 1984 debate on immigration bill being considered by Congress

“We have consistently supported a legalization program which is both generous to the alien and fair to the countless thousands of people throughout the world who seek legally to come to America. The legalization provisions in this act will go far to improve the lives of a class of individuals who now must hide in the shadows, without access to many of the benefits of a free and open society. Very soon many of these men and women will be able to step into the sunlight and, ultimately, if they choose, they may become Americans.”
Nov. 6, 1986 signing statement, Immigration Reform and Control Act
Mindless, silly class-warfare propaganda.

While you're at it, why not also launch a crusade over the academic performance gap, because the smart, dedicated students continue to vastly outperform the less-dedicated, less intellectually inclined students--and surely that is unfair, somehow.

Or, how about a crusade against the continuously huge gap between talented, dedicated athletes and part-time/less-talented/less-dedicated athletes, not to mention people who wish they did more athletics but just don't find the time to do so?

Let's mandate that no student can earn higher than a B and that no student can be given less than a D, hey?

And, let's declare that no basketball player can score more than 10 points per game, that no baseball player can get more than 1 hit per game, that no sprinter can run faster than 14 seconds per 100 meters, etc.

People have different work ethics, different skills, different levels of dedication and motivation, etc., and to whine about the fact that some people do very well at earning money while others do not is to ignore human nature.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation




In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Let's import millions of low skilled illegals, to make it harder for those on the bottom.

Yeah, since wall street BONUSES in 2013 alone were double the min wage workers entire incomes, it's the low wage workers that are the problem *shaking head*

Ronald Reagan calls for an open border with Mexico, 1980

Yeah, since wall street BONUSES in 2013 alone were double the min wage workers entire incomes,

Yes, skilled workers make more than unskilled workers. Good catch.

Ronald Reagan calls for an open border with Mexico,

Obama agrees with Reagan? LOL!
A family trust is simply an ordinary trust in which beneficiaries are members of the trust grantor’s family. Although trust assets are not taxed unless they earn income, trust income is generally taxed in the same way as personal income. Under some circumstances, however, you can use a family trust to obtain tax advantages.
Yes.. and in this case he's claiming to own a holding company that is running the family trust.

IOW... he's claiming income that he's deferring is somehow reducing his "effective" tax rate. My guess is that either his accountant is feeding him a load of bullshit, or he's just goggled up how do rich people shelter income. Either way he's confused.

Yeah, he's full of shit. Either a trust pays the tax, same basic rates, or the trust pays the recipient and the recipient pays the tax, same basic rate. Either way, his single digit claim is BS.

The fortunate 400

400 tax returns reporting the highest incomes in 2009.

Six American families paid no federal income taxes in 2009 while making something on the order of $200 million each.
another 110 families paid 15 percent or less in federal income taxes.
The fortunate 400 David Cay Johnston Reuters

The 400 richest Americans used to pay 30% of their income on the average to Uncle Sam(but 55% in 1955).

Yeah, carried forward losses, capital gains, dividends and muni bonds. So what?

Got it, you didn't REALLY mean this

" Either way, his single digit claim is BS"

He claimed he made millions and his "trust" allowed him to pay low single digits.
He lied. Get it?
Mindless, silly class-warfare propaganda.

While you're at it, why not also launch a crusade over the academic performance gap, because the smart, dedicated students continue to vastly outperform the less-dedicated, less intellectually inclined students--and surely that is unfair, somehow.

Or, how about a crusade against the continuously huge gap between talented, dedicated athletes and part-time/less-talented/less-dedicated athletes, not to mention people who wish they did more athletics but just don't find the time to do so?

Let's mandate that no student can earn higher than a B and that no student can be given less than a D, hey?

And, let's declare that no basketball player can score more than 10 points per game, that no baseball player can get more than 1 hit per game, that no sprinter can run faster than 14 seconds per 100 meters, etc.

People have different work ethics, different skills, different levels of dedication and motivation, etc., and to whine about the fact that some people do very well at earning money while others do not is to ignore human nature.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation




In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Let's import millions of low skilled illegals, to make it harder for those on the bottom.

yes, liberals love to complain about poverty and how capitalism is not working and then they invite 20 million illegals in to keep Americans poor. Liberalism is perfect ignorance.

Ronald Reagan calls for an open border with Mexico, 1980

Let’s add this to some other Reagan quotes :

“I supported this bill. I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally.”Oct. 21, 1984 debate on immigration bill being considered by Congress

“We have consistently supported a legalization program which is both generous to the alien and fair to the countless thousands of people throughout the world who seek legally to come to America. The legalization provisions in this act will go far to improve the lives of a class of individuals who now must hide in the shadows, without access to many of the benefits of a free and open society. Very soon many of these men and women will be able to step into the sunlight and, ultimately, if they choose, they may become Americans.”
Nov. 6, 1986 signing statement, Immigration Reform and Control Act

He realized his mistake later.
Ronald Reagan calls for an open border with Mexico, 1980

so what???? in 1980 Japan had just begun to import cars and China was communist. Now that liberals have offshored 30 million jobs the situation is a little different.

Isn't thinking fun??

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