An American Nightmare - the Arrest of Roger Stone

I didn’t say that it was, fucking moron.
So, then what Crime did Credico witness?
Not necessarily a crime, but Stone's connections with the Russian hacker and WikiLeaks.

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Why? Two entirely different operations. One conducted by a SEAL team, the other by the FBI. What the FBI did with Stone was not out of the ordinary for them. You should try connecting with reality instead of memes. Can do you a world of good.

You're projecting kid, sorry. No doubt you supported the early dawn raid because Stone is a known killer.
Stone is something even worse: he's a Republican.
Releasing those emails was not a crime.
I didn’t say that it was, fucking moron.
So, then what Crime did Credico witness?
Not necessarily a crime, but Stone's connections with the Russian hacker and WikiLeaks.
If it's not a crime, then why is Torquemada Mueller investigating it?
Fucking moron, how are we to know if a crime was committed unless it's investigated?

Yeah, how can there be any crimes before Mueller has a chance to manufacture them.

Normally we know a crime has been committed because someone reports it.
So, then what Crime did Credico witness?
Not necessarily a crime, but Stone's connections with the Russian hacker and WikiLeaks.

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Why? Two entirely different operations. One conducted by a SEAL team, the other by the FBI. What the FBI did with Stone was not out of the ordinary for them. You should try connecting with reality instead of memes. Can do you a world of good.
Were they scared of the old reporter

Prove it, asshole.
Stone doesn't have a passport! My condolences. I don't have a passport. I have never had a passport. It is almost impossible to prove you don't have a passport. Proving a negative is supposed to be impossible and it is.
Well, you can certainly prove the State Department hasn't issued you one since your last valid one expired.

It's not problem that she believes in the crap she pulled out of her ass.

The problem is that you questioning her and crap she pulled out of her ass.
Assange said that emails were not handed to him by Russians.


How can you witness something that didn't happen?
According to Mueller, it did happen...

The Conspirators also used the Guccifer 2.0 persona to release additional stolen documents through a website maintained by an organization (“Organization 1”).​

“Organization 1” = Wikileaks

What is a crime there?
The crime under that indictment was computer hacking.

We're getting somewhere...

Whose computer was hacked and who hacked it?
So, then what Crime did Credico witness?
Not necessarily a crime, but Stone's connections with the Russian hacker and WikiLeaks.

View attachment 243544
Why? Two entirely different operations. One conducted by a SEAL team, the other by the FBI. What the FBI did with Stone was not out of the ordinary for them. You should try connecting with reality instead of memes. Can do you a world of good.

You're projecting kid, sorry. No doubt you supported the early dawn raid because Stone is a known killer.
I supported both raids. WTF is wrong with you?

dumbos think maybe we could fit 29 marines onto that covert helicopter

or maybe send a whole fleet of helicopters into that compound

very very STEALTHILY of course :uhoh3:

lmao @ the parrots proceeding full speed ahead into yet another dumbo fallacy talking point

the deep state boogeyman sent more people after roger stone than osama!!!

Not necessarily a crime, but Stone's connections with the Russian hacker and WikiLeaks.

View attachment 243544
Why? Two entirely different operations. One conducted by a SEAL team, the other by the FBI. What the FBI did with Stone was not out of the ordinary for them. You should try connecting with reality instead of memes. Can do you a world of good.

You're projecting kid, sorry. No doubt you supported the early dawn raid because Stone is a known killer.
I supported both raids. WTF is wrong with you?

dumbos think maybe we could fit 29 marines onto that covert helicopter

or maybe send a whole fleet of helicopters into that compound

very very STEALTHILY of course :uhoh3:

lmao @ the dumbo parrots proceeding full speed ahead into yet another fallacy talking point

the deep state boogeyman sent more people after roger stone than osama!!!


You poor bimbette….did they need 29 to take roger down?
You obviously aren't aware of how warrants are usually served. Stone had already threatened to kill a witness against him, and was a flight risk. Cops are too aggressive when they arrest people, but this time wasn't out of the ordinary.

Is the threat in print anywhere? I haven’t heard that. As far as the SWAT shit, I can speak from personal experience on this after having SWAT cops blast into my house while I was at work and setting up a sniper nest on my bed because the guy across they way ( who wasn’t even home ). I don’t see the need for the feds needing all that. All they had to do if they were worried, and what they typically do if they ARE worried is just wait for the guy to be in an ideal spot where they can take him or her. If you look at this honestly any reasonable person would have to admit it was nothing but Mewler being a dick.

Yes, it's in print.
Ahead of his arrest, Roger Stone threatens to murder a witness against him
Back in early April, after Credico messaged Stone informing him that he was going to give everything up, according to Mother Jones, Stone replied in an obscene and threatening manner: “I am so ready. Let’s get it on. Prepare to die cock sucker.”

I won't disagree that cops go way overboard, but from your experience, it should be clear that this incident wasn't unusual behavior for cops. Mueller requested the warrant, and a judge granted it. The cops serving the warrant took it from there. Mueller didn't coordinate the event, and had nothing to do with the way it was carried out.
Trump & his minions have been attacking the media since they stopped helping him like they did to get him to win the republican primary election. It was just a matter of time before they tried something like Bush's army biodefense microbiologist Bruce Ivins of Fort Detrick did when he attempted to kill journalist & democrats with his anthrax letter attack.
the stupid runs strong in this one.

you don't seem to care what obama did to the media, now do you?

OMG you are so retarded believing Bush's soldier killing 5 & infecting 17 others with deadly anthrax was not an attack, but Obama refusing press access to some info was. LOL Bush banned photos & video of coffins & banned medical industry from talking to press about war, victims or dead. Counting dead & injured was also banned.

Trump's Saudi buddy tortured & killed a Washington Post Reporter!

"Bush's soldier killing 5 & infecting 17 others with deadly anthrax?"

What the fuck are you talking about? When did "Bush's soldiers" infect anyone?
You Lie!

The federal government agreed to pay $2.5 million to the family of Robert Stevens who they killed in the anthrax letter attacks of 2001, settling a lawsuit claiming that the Army did not adequately secure its supply of the deadly pathogen & US Army Employee Bruce Edwards Ivins killed Stevens with it. Bush was Ivins Commander in Chief!
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Look at the treatment difference between Hillary and her cronies and Trump and his.

Hillary's cronies get immunity, book deals, offers, etc. Trump's people like Cohen and Stone get their houses busted into at 5am with guns drawn.

Apparently equal justice for all should read "equal justice for all Republicans" because liberals get treated like the snowflakes they are.

Anyone who says this is SOP is a moron.

I lived in an apartment and the guy next to me was known to have many guns one was AK47. His apartment was raided one morning on suspicion of downloading child porn. Two people showed up. One FBI agent and one local cop. That was it. This is NOT the norm. 29 agents, a heli, two armed boats and two armored vehicles for 2 elderly people is NOT fucking normal you stupid fucking liberals.
Which of Hillary's "cronies" are you talking about who've been indicted?

NONE have been indicted. That's my point. Hell they weren't even raided. They weren't even investigated. They didn't have a "here's the person find the crime" special prosecutor for them.

The Benghazi investigation was a sham. NOBODY died with anything Trump is accused of. 4 americans died in Libya begging for help that Hillary didn't provide. WE KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. Trump is accused by the left of colluding to win an election. And for that doors are busted down, guns drawn, houses raided, etc.

Please name ONE person with Hillary ties who was raided by the FBI at 5am with 29 agents, helis. etc. You can't.
Leave it to a rightard to claim eight independent investigations into Benghazi were a “sham.”



How can you witness something that didn't happen?
According to Mueller, it did happen...

The Conspirators also used the Guccifer 2.0 persona to release additional stolen documents through a website maintained by an organization (“Organization 1”).​

“Organization 1” = Wikileaks

What is a crime there?
The crime under that indictment was computer hacking.

We're getting somewhere...

Whose computer was hacked and who hacked it?
No doubt Assange hacked computers. He's famous for it. Reporting about it is not a crime.............Good luck proving that Stone arranged to have Assange do it............He's a reporter.........they report on things............which would include Wikileaks..............So did the New York Slimes and others.........are they raiding their houses...............NOPE....

These indictments are to attack Trump supporters and nothing more..............Use the unlimited resources of the Federal Gov't to intimidate Stone..........and try to Bankrupt him in the process..................

More dirty cops doing their thing.
Look at the treatment difference between Hillary and her cronies and Trump and his.

Hillary's cronies get immunity, book deals, offers, etc. Trump's people like Cohen and Stone get their houses busted into at 5am with guns drawn.

Apparently equal justice for all should read "equal justice for all Republicans" because liberals get treated like the snowflakes they are.

Anyone who says this is SOP is a moron.

I lived in an apartment and the guy next to me was known to have many guns one was AK47. His apartment was raided one morning on suspicion of downloading child porn. Two people showed up. One FBI agent and one local cop. That was it. This is NOT the norm. 29 agents, a heli, two armed boats and two armored vehicles for 2 elderly people is NOT fucking normal you stupid fucking liberals.
Which of Hillary's "cronies" are you talking about who've been indicted?

NONE have been indicted. That's my point. Hell they weren't even raided. They weren't even investigated. They didn't have a "here's the person find the crime" special prosecutor for them.

The Benghazi investigation was a sham. NOBODY died with anything Trump is accused of. 4 americans died in Libya begging for help that Hillary didn't provide. WE KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. Trump is accused by the left of colluding to win an election. And for that doors are busted down, guns drawn, houses raided, etc.

Please name ONE person with Hillary ties who was raided by the FBI at 5am with 29 agents, helis. etc. You can't.
Leave it to a rightard to claim eight independent investigations into Benghazi were a “sham.”

Being STUPID isn't a crime.............Lying under oath is a crime.........Was a kind of perjury trap.........Politicians lie all the's not a crime unless they are fishing for a crime under oath..........

Hillary and Obama lied about Benghazi..............making up stories for political fallout reasons..........which isn't a crime..........they do it all the time....

Shitty they did it...........YOU BETCHA

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