An American Nightmare - the Arrest of Roger Stone

Not necessarily a crime, but Stone's connections with the Russian hacker and WikiLeaks.

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Why? Two entirely different operations. One conducted by a SEAL team, the other by the FBI. What the FBI did with Stone was not out of the ordinary for them. You should try connecting with reality instead of memes. Can do you a world of good.
Were they scared of the old reporter

Prove it, asshole.
Are you ever not a fucking moron?



Michael German, a former FBI special agent and now a fellow with the Brennan Center for Justice, said Stone's comparisons to the other raids were "ridiculous" and that armed arrests of this nature seem to have become standard over the past 20 years.

"It's become much more commonplace to use either SWAT teams or tactically trained agents to do arrests across the board," German said.

Authorities must take many factors into consideration before they take someone into custody, he said. "They have the responsibility to not only protect their agents, but the public at large and even the person they are arresting. Often the way to do that is with overwhelming force that would tend to dissuade any resistance."

A number of other legal experts and former law enforcement officials also have responded over the past week, to say Stone's arrest was not out of the ordinary — especially in a case in which prosecutors say they feared Stone might have tried to flee or destroy evidence.

"Was the FBI's show of force too heavy-handed, as has been alleged? Absolutely not," wrote James Gagliano, a former FBI agent, in a column for the Washington Examiner.

"In the FBI, we tend to defuse situations by removing the fight-or-flight inclination, via our overwhelming presence. To arrest one, we bring 10. For 10, we'll bring 100," he also explained.


How can you witness something that didn't happen?
According to Mueller, it did happen...

The Conspirators also used the Guccifer 2.0 persona to release additional stolen documents through a website maintained by an organization (“Organization 1”).​

“Organization 1” = Wikileaks

What is a crime there?
The crime under that indictment was computer hacking.

We're getting somewhere...

Whose computer was hacked and who hacked it?
DNC and Podesta.

Russian intelligence.
Not necessarily a crime, but Stone's connections with the Russian hacker and WikiLeaks.

View attachment 243544
Why? Two entirely different operations. One conducted by a SEAL team, the other by the FBI. What the FBI did with Stone was not out of the ordinary for them. You should try connecting with reality instead of memes. Can do you a world of good.

You're projecting kid, sorry. No doubt you supported the early dawn raid because Stone is a known killer.
I supported both raids. WTF is wrong with you?

dumbos think maybe we could fit 29 marines onto that covert helicopter

or maybe send a whole fleet of helicopters into that compound

very very STEALTHILY of course :uhoh3:

lmao @ the parrots proceeding full speed ahead into yet another dumbo fallacy talking point

the deep state boogeyman sent more people after roger stone than osama!!!

They’re not very bright. It’s why they’re so often laughed at. Take their idiocy that Roger Stone wasn’t a flight risk because he didn’t have a passport...

Forget the fact that it’s easy to flee the U.S. from South Florida without a passport... but Roger Stone himself says he has one. He’s just not sure if it’s expired yet or not.

How can you witness something that didn't happen?
According to Mueller, it did happen...

The Conspirators also used the Guccifer 2.0 persona to release additional stolen documents through a website maintained by an organization (“Organization 1”).​

“Organization 1” = Wikileaks

What is a crime there?
The crime under that indictment was computer hacking.

We're getting somewhere...

Whose computer was hacked and who hacked it?
No doubt Assange hacked computers. He's famous for it. Reporting about it is not a crime.............Good luck proving that Stone arranged to have Assange do it............He's a reporter.........they report on things............which would include Wikileaks..............So did the New York Slimes and others.........are they raiding their houses...............NOPE....

These indictments are to attack Trump supporters and nothing more..............Use the unlimited resources of the Federal Gov't to intimidate Stone..........and try to Bankrupt him in the process..................

More dirty cops doing their thing.
No one is claiming Assange hacked the DNC or Podesta. That’s your delusion.

No one is claiming Stone arranged for Assange to hack them; especially since Assange didn’t hack them. That too is your delusion.

Calling cops “dirty” for doing their job and doing it well reveals your contempt for law enforcement.

Sadly, you demonstrate you’re not grounded in reality.
Look at the treatment difference between Hillary and her cronies and Trump and his.

Hillary's cronies get immunity, book deals, offers, etc. Trump's people like Cohen and Stone get their houses busted into at 5am with guns drawn.

Apparently equal justice for all should read "equal justice for all Republicans" because liberals get treated like the snowflakes they are.

Anyone who says this is SOP is a moron.

I lived in an apartment and the guy next to me was known to have many guns one was AK47. His apartment was raided one morning on suspicion of downloading child porn. Two people showed up. One FBI agent and one local cop. That was it. This is NOT the norm. 29 agents, a heli, two armed boats and two armored vehicles for 2 elderly people is NOT fucking normal you stupid fucking liberals.
Which of Hillary's "cronies" are you talking about who've been indicted?

NONE have been indicted. That's my point. Hell they weren't even raided. They weren't even investigated. They didn't have a "here's the person find the crime" special prosecutor for them.

The Benghazi investigation was a sham. NOBODY died with anything Trump is accused of. 4 americans died in Libya begging for help that Hillary didn't provide. WE KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. Trump is accused by the left of colluding to win an election. And for that doors are busted down, guns drawn, houses raided, etc.

Please name ONE person with Hillary ties who was raided by the FBI at 5am with 29 agents, helis. etc. You can't.
Leave it to a rightard to claim eight independent investigations into Benghazi were a “sham.”

Being STUPID isn't a crime.............Lying under oath is a crime.........Was a kind of perjury trap.........Politicians lie all the's not a crime unless they are fishing for a crime under oath..........

Hillary and Obama lied about Benghazi..............making up stories for political fallout reasons..........which isn't a crime..........they do it all the time....

Shitty they did it...........YOU BETCHA
Neither Hillary nor Obama lied about Benghazi.

Sadly, you’re not grounded in reality.
Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house, which abutted a canal, was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles.

In the canal were two amphibious watercraft, out of which more heavily armed government agents came. Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights.

Four agents approached the front door to the house. Two held a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner of the house emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted in the dark at his open front door by two rifle barrels aimed at his head.

This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was Middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative or a kidnapper of babies. It was a peaceful American in his own home — a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone.

Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.

Read more at Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - An American Nightmare

The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI to "take down" a man who presented no threat of violence to anyone with an all-out assault on him and his wife.

Is our country safe from these people?

No, the answer is clearly no.

If this can happen to Roger Stone, it can happen to anyone of us.
”The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI...”

Dumbfuck, Democrats have nothing to do with this.

- Mueller’s leading the investigation and he’s a Republican.

- The FBI Director is a Republican.

- The Attorney General is a Republican.

- The president who appointed the FBI Director and Attorney General is a Republican.

Just how deformed is your brain that you blame Democrats?

Deformed brain means retarded.
Fk Stone and his horse - he wasnt being charged with failure to pay a traffic. His sorry ass got arrested the same way any other piece of shit gets arrested.

He was charged with the equivalent of failing to pay a traffic ticket. He certainly wasn't a violent criminal.
That's why the judge released him within minutes of arrest on a signature bond. This show of force by the FBI was to intimidate anyone else that might be a target.

Stone's 72 year old deaf wife was body searched while she was in bed. Stone was not allowed to tell her what was happening. Then the woman was bodily dragged out barefoot and still in her nightgown.

Was she arrested by the way? No. They are lucky the little Yorkies weren't shot. Although Stone did beg for their lives.

The FBI is no longer an American institution. It is an enforcement arm of the Democrat socialists.

WOW. What a massive pile of cow manure.

You can not be this dumb. How did you know they treated Mrs. Stone that way?

Are you one of these agents making a living spreading lying bull mother crap to distort US government?
Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house, which abutted a canal, was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles.

In the canal were two amphibious watercraft, out of which more heavily armed government agents came. Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights.

Four agents approached the front door to the house. Two held a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner of the house emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted in the dark at his open front door by two rifle barrels aimed at his head.

This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was Middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative or a kidnapper of babies. It was a peaceful American in his own home — a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone.

Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.

Read more at Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - An American Nightmare

The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI to "take down" a man who presented no threat of violence to anyone with an all-out assault on him and his wife.

Is our country safe from these people?

No, the answer is clearly no.

If this can happen to Roger Stone, it can happen to anyone of us.
From a retired FBI agent:

Here's the general rule of thumb: Arrest one, bring 10. Arrest 10, bring 100. Overwhelming numbers remove the fight-or-flight instincts in the cornered or desperate. This keeps the target, as well as the arrest team, safe. For this exercise, I conducted a tactical assessment for the Stone operation, using my experience as a critical incident commander as the baseline. I quickly saw how easy it is for personnel ranks to swell, considering the following "rough estimate" needs here: onscene command (1-2), arrest team (5-7), breach team (2-3), outer perimeter (4-5), surveillance team (2-4), crisis negotiator (1-2), log keeper (1), evidence response (crime scene) team members (4-5), evidence photographer (1), public affairs (1) and subject transport team (3). With Stone's residence positioned along a canal, yes, maritime assets (2) would have been stationed there, as well.
The thing is, the team of law enforcement was not there simply for an arrest, it was there to execute an extensive, court authorized, search warrant as well.
That doesn't take 29 heavily armed men. They were there to intimidate and poison the jury pool. No one is fooled.
Five wounded police officers in Houston have a few words for you.
Oh, they are SO over that whole ‘Blue Lives Matter’ nonsense. It’s past it’s expiration date for being a useful cudgel against Democrats now that they hate law enforcement for taking prudent precautions while arresting a Trumper with a history of violent threats.
Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house, which abutted a canal, was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles.

In the canal were two amphibious watercraft, out of which more heavily armed government agents came. Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights.

Four agents approached the front door to the house. Two held a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner of the house emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted in the dark at his open front door by two rifle barrels aimed at his head.

This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was Middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative or a kidnapper of babies. It was a peaceful American in his own home — a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone.

Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.

Read more at Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - An American Nightmare

The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI to "take down" a man who presented no threat of violence to anyone with an all-out assault on him and his wife.

Is our country safe from these people?

No, the answer is clearly no.

If this can happen to Roger Stone, it can happen to anyone of us.
From a retired FBI agent:

Here's the general rule of thumb: Arrest one, bring 10. Arrest 10, bring 100. Overwhelming numbers remove the fight-or-flight instincts in the cornered or desperate. This keeps the target, as well as the arrest team, safe. For this exercise, I conducted a tactical assessment for the Stone operation, using my experience as a critical incident commander as the baseline. I quickly saw how easy it is for personnel ranks to swell, considering the following "rough estimate" needs here: onscene command (1-2), arrest team (5-7), breach team (2-3), outer perimeter (4-5), surveillance team (2-4), crisis negotiator (1-2), log keeper (1), evidence response (crime scene) team members (4-5), evidence photographer (1), public affairs (1) and subject transport team (3). With Stone's residence positioned along a canal, yes, maritime assets (2) would have been stationed there, as well.
The thing is, the team of law enforcement was not there simply for an arrest, it was there to execute an extensive, court authorized, search warrant as well.

Hence the need for machine guns.

What do you expect? A sling shot?
You obviously aren't aware of how warrants are usually served. Stone had already threatened to kill a witness against him, and was a flight risk. Cops are too aggressive when they arrest people, but this time wasn't out of the ordinary.

Is your black Hillary Waffen SS uniform still in storage? Keep practicing your goosestepping. When Muller report comes out Hillary becomes President
How can you witness something that didn't happen?
According to Mueller, it did happen...

The Conspirators also used the Guccifer 2.0 persona to release additional stolen documents through a website maintained by an organization (“Organization 1”).​

“Organization 1” = Wikileaks

What is a crime there?
The crime under that indictment was computer hacking.

We're getting somewhere...

Whose computer was hacked and who hacked it?
DNC and Podesta.

Russian intelligence.

As you know, Assange is not Russian intelligence. He also denied receiving data from Russian, or any other government.

Based on that, what Crime did Credico witness?
According to Mueller, it did happen...

The Conspirators also used the Guccifer 2.0 persona to release additional stolen documents through a website maintained by an organization (“Organization 1”).​

“Organization 1” = Wikileaks

What is a crime there?
The crime under that indictment was computer hacking.

We're getting somewhere...

Whose computer was hacked and who hacked it?
DNC and Podesta.

Russian intelligence.

As you know, Assange is not Russian intelligence. He also denied receiving data from Russian, or any other government.

Based on that, what Crime did Credico witness?
Asked and answered.
What is a crime there?
The crime under that indictment was computer hacking.

We're getting somewhere...

Whose computer was hacked and who hacked it?
DNC and Podesta.

Russian intelligence.

As you know, Assange is not Russian intelligence. He also denied receiving data from Russian, or any other government.

Based on that, what Crime did Credico witness?
Asked and answered.

Let's summarize.

Me: "What is a crime there?"
You: "Computer hacking."
Me: "Whose computer was hacked and who hacked it?"
You: "DNC and Podesta. Russian intelligence."
Me: "What Crime did Credico witness?"
You: "Asked and answered."

Based on your answers, Credico witnessed hacking of DNC and Podesta emails by Russian intelligence.

Is anyone home? :disbelief:
The crime under that indictment was computer hacking.

We're getting somewhere...

Whose computer was hacked and who hacked it?
DNC and Podesta.

Russian intelligence.

As you know, Assange is not Russian intelligence. He also denied receiving data from Russian, or any other government.

Based on that, what Crime did Credico witness?
Asked and answered.

Let's summarize.

Me: "What is a crime there?"
You: "Computer hacking."
Me: "Whose computer was hacked and who hacked it?"
You: "DNC and Podesta. Russian intelligence."
Me: "What Crime did Credico witness?"
You: "Asked and answered."

Based on your answers, Credico witnessed hacking of DNC and Podesta emails by Russian intelligence.

Is anyone home? :disbelief:
That is only the assessment of someone who's truly brain-dead since I very clearly stated to what Credico witnessed...

"Stone working with Assange to release emails hacked by Russians."

Not, "hacking of DNC and Podesta emails by Russian intelligence."

How on Earth did your brain translate what I actually said into what you think I said??


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