An American Nightmare - the Arrest of Roger Stone

DNC declined FBI's request to examine their server. The Russian narrative is just, that... a narrative to point in desired direction, not necessary to the right direction.

"cyber investigators"

Those investigators were on their payroll, their "findings" are worthless.
Nah, you're lying again. CrowdStrike provided the FBI with exact byte-for-byte copies of the hard drives for them to perform their own forensics.

There is no question that Russian agents were behind the hacking. Only truly brain-dead trump cultists continue to deny it at this point.

It's great that you provided the proof for your claim, otherwise, who would believe you.

You don't believe me when I do post links. So what difference does that make to someone hiding from reality?


Still, here ya go...

That is essentially what the FBI did with the DNC server: The bureau was provided with copies of the data on the server, like duplicating your own hard drive. Had Russians accessed the physical server after breaking into the DNC, the physical server itself might have been useful. Instead, they were given the serverā€™s fingerprint, so to speak. This was confirmed by a spokesman for the DNC and by then-FBI Director James B. Comey

"We got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this, my folks tell me, was an appropriate substitute." ~ James Comey

DNC spokeswoman Adrienne Watson told PolitiFact that the DNC cooperated with the FBIā€™s requests, which resulted in the DNC providing a copy of their server.


Dude, I make living writing programs for anything that require programs (from corporate servers, data processing, to automation systems). Providing copies of the data from hard drives is not the same as providing hard drives. To some computer illiterate, such as yourself, what they sell you may be believable and acceptable, but it's not how it works.

To give you example, when Clinton was asked to provide her emails, she (or whoever she paid) provided pdfs of the emails. Had she provided the whole server, there would be a lot more to see from metadata, cache, temp files, dump files etc. The same goes for the "copy of the hard drives". But hey, you chose to accept what they said, and for you, that is enough.
Then you're an imbecile, because even low level SA's know a digit copy of a hard drive is an exact byte-for-byte duplicate. It's not a PDF, it's not a text copy. Digital copies contain all the data from the source drives. And as Comey testified, the digital copies they were provided were an "appropriate substitute."

Oh, and by "computer illiterate,"you mean the lead senior software engineer for a fortune 100 company. :mm:

"byte for byte"


You do know that data deleted from the drive can be recovered.

Having said that, when you copy "byte for byte" you're only copying the data that is on your drive, not the data that is deleted. Sure, byte for byre drive may be identical in volume, but it will not give you possibility of recovering any previously deleted data. That is the same reason Clinton used bleach bit on her server, to remove any possibility of recovering deleted data.

Oh, and whoever you work for should fire your sorry ass.
Dumbfuck... I didn't post any links to any transcripts dated January 26th.

You're hallucinating again. :cuckoo:

And what is this asswipe? From your post #273

View attachment 243905
Dumbfuck.... where does it indicate that link is to a "transcript??"


You're embarrassing yourself now.

You provided the picture of the link to the transcript, that I actually look for and found. The transcript is from the CNN show aired on January 26, 1PM.

I don't even know what you're arguing about. I actually confirmed that Stone's quote you provided is valid, and I pointed to the show where he actually said that, it just happened not to be a video that you linked to.
Nah, you're lying again. CrowdStrike provided the FBI with exact byte-for-byte copies of the hard drives for them to perform their own forensics.

There is no question that Russian agents were behind the hacking. Only truly brain-dead trump cultists continue to deny it at this point.

It's great that you provided the proof for your claim, otherwise, who would believe you.

You don't believe me when I do post links. So what difference does that make to someone hiding from reality?


Still, here ya go...

That is essentially what the FBI did with the DNC server: The bureau was provided with copies of the data on the server, like duplicating your own hard drive. Had Russians accessed the physical server after breaking into the DNC, the physical server itself might have been useful. Instead, they were given the serverā€™s fingerprint, so to speak. This was confirmed by a spokesman for the DNC and by then-FBI Director James B. Comey

"We got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this, my folks tell me, was an appropriate substitute." ~ James Comey

DNC spokeswoman Adrienne Watson told PolitiFact that the DNC cooperated with the FBIā€™s requests, which resulted in the DNC providing a copy of their server.


Dude, I make living writing programs for anything that require programs (from corporate servers, data processing, to automation systems). Providing copies of the data from hard drives is not the same as providing hard drives. To some computer illiterate, such as yourself, what they sell you may be believable and acceptable, but it's not how it works.

To give you example, when Clinton was asked to provide her emails, she (or whoever she paid) provided pdfs of the emails. Had she provided the whole server, there would be a lot more to see from metadata, cache, temp files, dump files etc. The same goes for the "copy of the hard drives". But hey, you chose to accept what they said, and for you, that is enough.
Then you're an imbecile, because even low level SA's know a digit copy of a hard drive is an exact byte-for-byte duplicate. It's not a PDF, it's not a text copy. Digital copies contain all the data from the source drives. And as Comey testified, the digital copies they were provided were an "appropriate substitute."

Oh, and by "computer illiterate,"you mean the lead senior software engineer for a fortune 100 company. :mm:

"byte for byte"


You do know that data deleted from the drive can be recovered.

Having said that, when you copy "byte for byte" you're only copying the data that is on your drive, not the data that is deleted. Sure, byte for byre drive may be identical in volume, but it will not give you possibility of recovering any previously deleted data. That is the same reason Clinton used bleach bit on her server, to remove any possibility of recovering deleted data.

Oh, and whoever you work for should fire your sorry ass.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Moron, digitally copying a hard drive includes deleted data. It copies every fucking byte on the drive. That includes data that was deleted, except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data.

You must be thinking, as idiotic as this is, that CrowdStrike simply opened Windows Explorer and dragged files to a destination source they gave the FBI.

And moron, with the forensics the FBI was able to perform on those copies, they were able to determine who the hackers were.

"Oh, and whoever you work for should fire your sorry ass."


Actually, they could have waited six months when they hired me and saved a recruiters fee. Instead, they bought out my contract to make me an employee to ensure I didn't go somewhere else. And in the short time I've been there, I've already been elevated to lead developer. So sorry to burst your hopes and dreams, but I don't see them firing my sorry ass anytime soon.
Dumbfuck... I didn't post any links to any transcripts dated January 26th.

You're hallucinating again. :cuckoo:

And what is this asswipe? From your post #273

View attachment 243905
Dumbfuck.... where does it indicate that link is to a "transcript??"


You're embarrassing yourself now.

You provided the picture of the link to the transcript, that I actually look for and found. The transcript is from the CNN show aired on January 26, 1PM.

I don't even know what you're arguing about. I actually confirmed that Stone's quote you provided is valid, and I pointed to the show where he actually said that, it just happened not to be a video that you linked to.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That link didn't go to a transcript. Exactly how rightarded are you?? :ack-1:

It went here ->

And I'm not arguing this -- I'm pointing out you're an imbecile. There is no argument there. You idiotically claimed I posted a link to a transcript dated January 26th to a comment actually made on the 25th.

Only I never posted a link to a transcript on the 26th. The link goes to "CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield" where she has links to shows on CNN that aired on the 26th.
It's great that you provided the proof for your claim, otherwise, who would believe you.

You don't believe me when I do post links. So what difference does that make to someone hiding from reality?


Still, here ya go...

That is essentially what the FBI did with the DNC server: The bureau was provided with copies of the data on the server, like duplicating your own hard drive. Had Russians accessed the physical server after breaking into the DNC, the physical server itself might have been useful. Instead, they were given the serverā€™s fingerprint, so to speak. This was confirmed by a spokesman for the DNC and by then-FBI Director James B. Comey

"We got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this, my folks tell me, was an appropriate substitute." ~ James Comey

DNC spokeswoman Adrienne Watson told PolitiFact that the DNC cooperated with the FBIā€™s requests, which resulted in the DNC providing a copy of their server.


Dude, I make living writing programs for anything that require programs (from corporate servers, data processing, to automation systems). Providing copies of the data from hard drives is not the same as providing hard drives. To some computer illiterate, such as yourself, what they sell you may be believable and acceptable, but it's not how it works.

To give you example, when Clinton was asked to provide her emails, she (or whoever she paid) provided pdfs of the emails. Had she provided the whole server, there would be a lot more to see from metadata, cache, temp files, dump files etc. The same goes for the "copy of the hard drives". But hey, you chose to accept what they said, and for you, that is enough.
Then you're an imbecile, because even low level SA's know a digit copy of a hard drive is an exact byte-for-byte duplicate. It's not a PDF, it's not a text copy. Digital copies contain all the data from the source drives. And as Comey testified, the digital copies they were provided were an "appropriate substitute."

Oh, and by "computer illiterate,"you mean the lead senior software engineer for a fortune 100 company. :mm:

"byte for byte"


You do know that data deleted from the drive can be recovered.

Having said that, when you copy "byte for byte" you're only copying the data that is on your drive, not the data that is deleted. Sure, byte for byre drive may be identical in volume, but it will not give you possibility of recovering any previously deleted data. That is the same reason Clinton used bleach bit on her server, to remove any possibility of recovering deleted data.

Oh, and whoever you work for should fire your sorry ass.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Moron, digitally copying a hard drive includes deleted data. It copies every fucking byte on the drive. That includes data that was deleted, except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data.

You must be thinking, as idiotic as this is, that CrowdStrike simply opened Windows Explorer and dragged files to a destination source they gave the FBI.

And moron, with the forensics the FBI was able to perform on those copies, they were able to determine who the hackers were.

"Oh, and whoever you work for should fire your sorry ass."


Actually, they could have waited six months when they hired me and saved a recruiters fee. Instead, they bought out my contract to make me an employee to ensure I didn't go somewhere else. And in the short time I've been there, I've already been elevated to lead developer. So sorry to burst your hopes and dreams, but I don't see them firing my sorry ass anytime soon.

"except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data"

Knowing this, why do you think they gave a copy of the drive?

Even when overwritten by newer data, the forensics can recover the older, deleted data. When you copy byte for byte, that older, overwritten data is not copied.

Recruiters fee?

LOL, How bad you have to be that you need a recruiter to get you a job? Dude, if you were worth anything, companies would be lining up to you with the offers, and you have the guy shopping around and begging for someone to hire you so he can get paid. LOL Lead developer... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house, which abutted a canal, was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles.

In the canal were two amphibious watercraft, out of which more heavily armed government agents came. Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights.

Four agents approached the front door to the house. Two held a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner of the house emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted in the dark at his open front door by two rifle barrels aimed at his head.

This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was Middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative or a kidnapper of babies. It was a peaceful American in his own home ā€” a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone.

Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.

Read more at Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - An American Nightmare

The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI to "take down" a man who presented no threat of violence to anyone with an all-out assault on him and his wife.

Is our country safe from these people?

No, the answer is clearly no.

If this can happen to Roger Stone, it can happen to anyone of us.

The American nightmare is this hateful, bigoted, racist, and failed Trump ā€˜administration.ā€™


Dude, I make living writing programs for anything that require programs (from corporate servers, data processing, to automation systems). Providing copies of the data from hard drives is not the same as providing hard drives. To some computer illiterate, such as yourself, what they sell you may be believable and acceptable, but it's not how it works.

To give you example, when Clinton was asked to provide her emails, she (or whoever she paid) provided pdfs of the emails. Had she provided the whole server, there would be a lot more to see from metadata, cache, temp files, dump files etc. The same goes for the "copy of the hard drives". But hey, you chose to accept what they said, and for you, that is enough.
Then you're an imbecile, because even low level SA's know a digit copy of a hard drive is an exact byte-for-byte duplicate. It's not a PDF, it's not a text copy. Digital copies contain all the data from the source drives. And as Comey testified, the digital copies they were provided were an "appropriate substitute."

Oh, and by "computer illiterate,"you mean the lead senior software engineer for a fortune 100 company. :mm:

"byte for byte"


You do know that data deleted from the drive can be recovered.

Having said that, when you copy "byte for byte" you're only copying the data that is on your drive, not the data that is deleted. Sure, byte for byre drive may be identical in volume, but it will not give you possibility of recovering any previously deleted data. That is the same reason Clinton used bleach bit on her server, to remove any possibility of recovering deleted data.

Oh, and whoever you work for should fire your sorry ass.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Moron, digitally copying a hard drive includes deleted data. It copies every fucking byte on the drive. That includes data that was deleted, except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data.

You must be thinking, as idiotic as this is, that CrowdStrike simply opened Windows Explorer and dragged files to a destination source they gave the FBI.

And moron, with the forensics the FBI was able to perform on those copies, they were able to determine who the hackers were.

"Oh, and whoever you work for should fire your sorry ass."


Actually, they could have waited six months when they hired me and saved a recruiters fee. Instead, they bought out my contract to make me an employee to ensure I didn't go somewhere else. And in the short time I've been there, I've already been elevated to lead developer. So sorry to burst your hopes and dreams, but I don't see them firing my sorry ass anytime soon.

"except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data"

Knowing this, why do you think they gave a copy of the drive?

Even when overwritten by newer data, the forensics can recover the older, deleted data. When you copy byte for byte, that older, overwritten data is not copied.

Recruiters fee?

LOL, How bad you have to be that you need a recruiter to get you a job? Dude, if you were worth anything, companies would be lining up to you with the offers, and you have the guy shopping around and begging for someone to hire you so he can get paid. LOL Lead developer... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
"Even when overwritten by newer data, the forensics can recover the older, deleted data. When you copy byte for byte, that older, overwritten data is not copied."

Dumbfuck.... ALL data is transferred when doing a byte-fir-byte copy. Every fucking byte on the hard drive. From the boot sector, to paged memory, to deleted data.

What part of "every fucking byte" can't you comprehend?

When performing such a copy, there is no such thing as "delete data" There's just data, copied byte by byte from the first sector on the hard drive to that last sector. It's the operating system which reads the file allocation table that determines what data belongs to which files. Deleted data is merely data that once associated with a file but that association is removed from the FAT. But even that data is copied when doing a byte-for-byte copy. Again, you're idiotically thinking they just dragged files from one drive to another using something like Windows Explorer.

Yes, you really are that dumb.

"LOL, How bad you have to be that you need a recruiter to get you a job? Dude, if you were worth anything, companies would be lining up to you with the offers, and you have the guy shopping around and begging for someone to hire you so he can get paid. LOL Lead developer... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL"

You clearly have zero knowledge how this industry works. :eusa_doh:

I put my resume online and I get calls from recruiters with jobs. It takes no effort on my part beyond that and going on interviews.

No company "lines up" to hire engineers; you have no idea what you're talking about. They either have in house recruiters or they hire outside recruiting agencies.
Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house, which abutted a canal, was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles.

In the canal were two amphibious watercraft, out of which more heavily armed government agents came. Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights.

Four agents approached the front door to the house. Two held a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner of the house emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted in the dark at his open front door by two rifle barrels aimed at his head.

This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was Middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative or a kidnapper of babies. It was a peaceful American in his own home ā€” a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone.

Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.

Read more at Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - An American Nightmare

The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI to "take down" a man who presented no threat of violence to anyone with an all-out assault on him and his wife.

Is our country safe from these people?

No, the answer is clearly no.

If this can happen to Roger Stone, it can happen to anyone of us.

The American nightmare is this hateful, bigoted, racist, and failed Trump ā€˜administration.ā€™

No, it's whiny assed "minority's" demanding we give you everything your little heart desires and if we don't we're "racist". Go fuc* yourself.

Dude, I make living writing programs for anything that require programs (from corporate servers, data processing, to automation systems). Providing copies of the data from hard drives is not the same as providing hard drives. To some computer illiterate, such as yourself, what they sell you may be believable and acceptable, but it's not how it works.

To give you example, when Clinton was asked to provide her emails, she (or whoever she paid) provided pdfs of the emails. Had she provided the whole server, there would be a lot more to see from metadata, cache, temp files, dump files etc. The same goes for the "copy of the hard drives". But hey, you chose to accept what they said, and for you, that is enough.
Then you're an imbecile, because even low level SA's know a digit copy of a hard drive is an exact byte-for-byte duplicate. It's not a PDF, it's not a text copy. Digital copies contain all the data from the source drives. And as Comey testified, the digital copies they were provided were an "appropriate substitute."

Oh, and by "computer illiterate,"you mean the lead senior software engineer for a fortune 100 company. :mm:

"byte for byte"


You do know that data deleted from the drive can be recovered.

Having said that, when you copy "byte for byte" you're only copying the data that is on your drive, not the data that is deleted. Sure, byte for byre drive may be identical in volume, but it will not give you possibility of recovering any previously deleted data. That is the same reason Clinton used bleach bit on her server, to remove any possibility of recovering deleted data.

Oh, and whoever you work for should fire your sorry ass.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Moron, digitally copying a hard drive includes deleted data. It copies every fucking byte on the drive. That includes data that was deleted, except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data.

You must be thinking, as idiotic as this is, that CrowdStrike simply opened Windows Explorer and dragged files to a destination source they gave the FBI.

And moron, with the forensics the FBI was able to perform on those copies, they were able to determine who the hackers were.

"Oh, and whoever you work for should fire your sorry ass."


Actually, they could have waited six months when they hired me and saved a recruiters fee. Instead, they bought out my contract to make me an employee to ensure I didn't go somewhere else. And in the short time I've been there, I've already been elevated to lead developer. So sorry to burst your hopes and dreams, but I don't see them firing my sorry ass anytime soon.

"except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data"

Knowing this, why do you think they gave a copy of the drive?

Even when overwritten by newer data, the forensics can recover the older, deleted data. When you copy byte for byte, that older, overwritten data is not copied.

Recruiters fee?

LOL, How bad you have to be that you need a recruiter to get you a job? Dude, if you were worth anything, companies would be lining up to you with the offers, and you have the guy shopping around and begging for someone to hire you so he can get paid. LOL Lead developer... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
"Even when overwritten by newer data, the forensics can recover the older, deleted data. When you copy byte for byte, that older, overwritten data is not copied."

Dumbfuck.... ALL data is transferred when doing a byte-fir-byte copy. Every fucking byte on the hard drive. From the boot sector, to paged memory, to deleted data.

What part of "every fucking byte" can't you comprehend?

When performing such a copy, there is no such thing as "delete data" There's just data, copied byte by byte from the first sector on the hard drive to that last sector. It's the operating system which reads the file allocation table that determines what data belongs to which files. Deleted data is merely data that once associated with a file but that association is removed from the FAT. But even that data is copied when doing a byte-for-byte copy. Again, you're idiotically thinking they just dragged files from one drive to another using something like Windows Explorer.

Yes, you really are that dumb.

"LOL, How bad you have to be that you need a recruiter to get you a job? Dude, if you were worth anything, companies would be lining up to you with the offers, and you have the guy shopping around and begging for someone to hire you so he can get paid. LOL Lead developer... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL"

You clearly have zero knowledge how this industry works. :eusa_doh:

I put my resume online and I get calls from recruiters with jobs. It takes no effort on my part beyond that and going on interviews.

No company "lines up" to hire engineers; you have no idea what you're talking about. They either have in house recruiters or they hire outside recruiting agencies.

Your words, not mine: "except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data".

Let that sink in.

Why do you think they chose to provide cloned drive, in lieu of source drive? Because, you can set your cloning software to ignore traces of deleted files. while claiming that you provided exact clone of the drive.

Then you're an imbecile, because even low level SA's know a digit copy of a hard drive is an exact byte-for-byte duplicate. It's not a PDF, it's not a text copy. Digital copies contain all the data from the source drives. And as Comey testified, the digital copies they were provided were an "appropriate substitute."

Oh, and by "computer illiterate,"you mean the lead senior software engineer for a fortune 100 company. :mm:

"byte for byte"


You do know that data deleted from the drive can be recovered.

Having said that, when you copy "byte for byte" you're only copying the data that is on your drive, not the data that is deleted. Sure, byte for byre drive may be identical in volume, but it will not give you possibility of recovering any previously deleted data. That is the same reason Clinton used bleach bit on her server, to remove any possibility of recovering deleted data.

Oh, and whoever you work for should fire your sorry ass.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Moron, digitally copying a hard drive includes deleted data. It copies every fucking byte on the drive. That includes data that was deleted, except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data.

You must be thinking, as idiotic as this is, that CrowdStrike simply opened Windows Explorer and dragged files to a destination source they gave the FBI.

And moron, with the forensics the FBI was able to perform on those copies, they were able to determine who the hackers were.

"Oh, and whoever you work for should fire your sorry ass."


Actually, they could have waited six months when they hired me and saved a recruiters fee. Instead, they bought out my contract to make me an employee to ensure I didn't go somewhere else. And in the short time I've been there, I've already been elevated to lead developer. So sorry to burst your hopes and dreams, but I don't see them firing my sorry ass anytime soon.

"except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data"

Knowing this, why do you think they gave a copy of the drive?

Even when overwritten by newer data, the forensics can recover the older, deleted data. When you copy byte for byte, that older, overwritten data is not copied.

Recruiters fee?

LOL, How bad you have to be that you need a recruiter to get you a job? Dude, if you were worth anything, companies would be lining up to you with the offers, and you have the guy shopping around and begging for someone to hire you so he can get paid. LOL Lead developer... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
"Even when overwritten by newer data, the forensics can recover the older, deleted data. When you copy byte for byte, that older, overwritten data is not copied."

Dumbfuck.... ALL data is transferred when doing a byte-fir-byte copy. Every fucking byte on the hard drive. From the boot sector, to paged memory, to deleted data.

What part of "every fucking byte" can't you comprehend?

When performing such a copy, there is no such thing as "delete data" There's just data, copied byte by byte from the first sector on the hard drive to that last sector. It's the operating system which reads the file allocation table that determines what data belongs to which files. Deleted data is merely data that once associated with a file but that association is removed from the FAT. But even that data is copied when doing a byte-for-byte copy. Again, you're idiotically thinking they just dragged files from one drive to another using something like Windows Explorer.

Yes, you really are that dumb.

"LOL, How bad you have to be that you need a recruiter to get you a job? Dude, if you were worth anything, companies would be lining up to you with the offers, and you have the guy shopping around and begging for someone to hire you so he can get paid. LOL Lead developer... LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL"

You clearly have zero knowledge how this industry works. :eusa_doh:

I put my resume online and I get calls from recruiters with jobs. It takes no effort on my part beyond that and going on interviews.

No company "lines up" to hire engineers; you have no idea what you're talking about. They either have in house recruiters or they hire outside recruiting agencies.

Your words, not mine: "except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data".

Let that sink in.

Why do you think they chose to provide cloned drive, in lieu of source drive? Because, you can set your cloning software to ignore traces of deleted files. while claiming that you provided exact clone of the drive.

Your stupidity know no boundaries, does it? And it doesn't help you taking my words out of context. In context, I actually said, "That includes data that was deleted, except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data."

The 50,000 foot view for morons.... when a file is created, an entry for it is stored in a file allocation table. That prevents other files from writing over the data belonging to that file. Depending on the operating system, when a file is deleted, the data itself is not deleted, but the entry in the file allocation table is either designated as deleted or it's removed entirely. Either way, the data is still on the hard drive. On OS's like Windows and MAC, the entry is still in the file allocation table even though the file is marked as deleted. This prevents other data from overwriting said deleted data and that's how such files can be easily recovered from the recycle bin. Delete the file from the recycle bin, and all that happens is the entry is removed from the file allocation table. At this point, new data written to the hard drive can be written over the deleted data. Some of the data may overwritten, all of the data may be overwritten, or possibly none of the data gets overwritten.

This brings me back to what I said... "That includes data that was deleted, except for deleted data already overwritten by newer data."

... to parse that out so hopefully, even a fucking moron like you can understand it.... ALL data is transferred from one drive to another when duplicating a drive byte-by-byte.

ALL data includes deleted data. My comment above clarifies that it's possible that deleted data can be overwritten with newer data, but that doesn't mean a byte-by-byte transfer is excluding data. it merely means the deleted data was overwritten with newer data. Meanwhile .... every fucking byte on the hard drive was copied and delivered to the FBI.

And again, the FBI found enough data on the hard drive to determine who the hackers were. You're beyond demented to continue arguing this as this has been thoroughly established.
Dumbfuck... I didn't post any links to any transcripts dated January 26th.

You're hallucinating again. :cuckoo:

And what is this asswipe? From your post #273

View attachment 243905
Dumbfuck.... where does it indicate that link is to a "transcript??"


You're embarrassing yourself now.

You provided the picture of the link to the transcript, that I actually look for and found. The transcript is from the CNN show aired on January 26, 1PM.

I don't even know what you're arguing about. I actually confirmed that Stone's quote you provided is valid, and I pointed to the show where he actually said that, it just happened not to be a video that you linked to.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That link didn't go to a transcript. Exactly how rightarded are you?? :ack-1:

It went here -> CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield : CNNW : January 26, 2019 11:00am-12:00pm PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive

And I'm not arguing this -- I'm pointing out you're an imbecile. There is no argument there. You idiotically claimed I posted a link to a transcript dated January 26th to a comment actually made on the 25th.

Only I never posted a link to a transcript on the 26th. The link goes to "CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield" where she has links to shows on CNN that aired on the 26th.

And you call yourself "lead developer". What do you lead, retards?

Transcript to whole video aired on Jan 26, 1PM... HERE
The original video with the Stone's quote you were referring to...

FF to 15:50

Dumbfuck... I didn't post any links to any transcripts dated January 26th.

You're hallucinating again. :cuckoo:

And what is this asswipe? From your post #273

View attachment 243905
Dumbfuck.... where does it indicate that link is to a "transcript??"


You're embarrassing yourself now.

You provided the picture of the link to the transcript, that I actually look for and found. The transcript is from the CNN show aired on January 26, 1PM.

I don't even know what you're arguing about. I actually confirmed that Stone's quote you provided is valid, and I pointed to the show where he actually said that, it just happened not to be a video that you linked to.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That link didn't go to a transcript. Exactly how rightarded are you?? :ack-1:

It went here -> CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield : CNNW : January 26, 2019 11:00am-12:00pm PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive

And I'm not arguing this -- I'm pointing out you're an imbecile. There is no argument there. You idiotically claimed I posted a link to a transcript dated January 26th to a comment actually made on the 25th.

Only I never posted a link to a transcript on the 26th. The link goes to "CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield" where she has links to shows on CNN that aired on the 26th.

And you call yourself "lead developer". What do you lead, retards?

Transcript to whole video aired on Jan 26, 1PM... HERE
The original video with the Stone's quote you were referring to...

FF to 15:50



Speaking of retarded... The video you posted aired at 1PM EST on the 26th. They reference Stone's appearance on CNN from the day before and say and play a clip from the video I posted earlier when Stone was interviewed on the 25th with Chris Cuomo...

WHITFIELD: So, Josh, Stone has not only criticized the charges but he's blasted the FBI for the way in which they show up to arrest him, you know, from his home and even taking items from his home. Take a listen.


STONE: I don't have a valid passport. Either that or it's about to expire in a few days. I have no previous record. I do not own a firearm. I am not violent. And there was no need to have 29 FBI agents with adult weapons and side arms and hand grenades and a battering ram to smash in my front door. They could have simply called my attorney and I would have surrendered voluntarily.

... and that confuses you. :lmao:

Why are you sooo eager to make a fool of yourself?
Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house, which abutted a canal, was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles.

In the canal were two amphibious watercraft, out of which more heavily armed government agents came. Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights.

Four agents approached the front door to the house. Two held a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner of the house emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted in the dark at his open front door by two rifle barrels aimed at his head.

This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was Middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative or a kidnapper of babies. It was a peaceful American in his own home ā€” a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone.

Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.

Read more at Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - An American Nightmare

The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI to "take down" a man who presented no threat of violence to anyone with an all-out assault on him and his wife.

Is our country safe from these people?

No, the answer is clearly no.

If this can happen to Roger Stone, it can happen to anyone of us.
From a retired FBI agent:

Here's the general rule of thumb: Arrest one, bring 10. Arrest 10, bring 100. Overwhelming numbers remove the fight-or-flight instincts in the cornered or desperate. This keeps the target, as well as the arrest team, safe. For this exercise, I conducted a tactical assessment for the Stone operation, using my experience as a critical incident commander as the baseline. I quickly saw how easy it is for personnel ranks to swell, considering the following "rough estimate" needs here: onscene command (1-2), arrest team (5-7), breach team (2-3), outer perimeter (4-5), surveillance team (2-4), crisis negotiator (1-2), log keeper (1), evidence response (crime scene) team members (4-5), evidence photographer (1), public affairs (1) and subject transport team (3). With Stone's residence positioned along a canal, yes, maritime assets (2) would have been stationed there, as well.
The thing is, the team of law enforcement was not there simply for an arrest, it was there to execute an extensive, court authorized, search warrant as well.

Hence the need for machine guns.

What do you expect? A sling shot?

Your pretense that the only choices in force levels is either dozens of machine gun armed men, or a sling shot,

is the type of thing someone does, when they cannot honestly defend their position.

Seriously, take the hit. Admit that this was utterly uncalled for, and wrong. What are you afraid of?*

*full disclosure, that is rhetorical, I know what you are afraid of, and you are right to be afraid of admitting the Truth.
NONE have been indicted. That's my point. Hell they weren't even raided. They weren't even investigated. They didn't have a "here's the person find the crime" special prosecutor for them.

The Benghazi investigation was a sham. NOBODY died with anything Trump is accused of. 4 americans died in Libya begging for help that Hillary didn't provide. WE KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. Trump is accused by the left of colluding to win an election. And for that doors are busted down, guns drawn, houses raided, etc.

Please name ONE person with Hillary ties who was raided by the FBI at 5am with 29 agents, helis. etc. You can't.
Leave it to a rightard to claim eight independent investigations into Benghazi were a ā€œsham.ā€

Being STUPID isn't a crime.............Lying under oath is a crime.........Was a kind of perjury trap.........Politicians lie all the's not a crime unless they are fishing for a crime under oath..........

Hillary and Obama lied about Benghazi..............making up stories for political fallout reasons..........which isn't a crime..........they do it all the time....

Shitty they did it...........YOU BETCHA
Neither Hillary nor Obama lied about Benghazi.

Sadly, youā€™re not grounded in reality.
They lied their asses off on the video did it..............plain and simple.................Not a crime..............Dirty as fucking hell to say it to the families of those who died in the coffin ceremony.

Last time I heard Trey Gowdy launched a 2 years investigation about Benghazi against Hillary.
Found nothing against Hillary. Are you saying Gowdy is inept Republican law maker?

Am I wrong?

Political BS...........Did she lie .............yup...........was it a crime when not under oath............nope.

Enjoy the political show,........
Leave it to a rightard to claim eight independent investigations into Benghazi were a ā€œsham.ā€

Being STUPID isn't a crime.............Lying under oath is a crime.........Was a kind of perjury trap.........Politicians lie all the's not a crime unless they are fishing for a crime under oath..........

Hillary and Obama lied about Benghazi..............making up stories for political fallout reasons..........which isn't a crime..........they do it all the time....

Shitty they did it...........YOU BETCHA
Neither Hillary nor Obama lied about Benghazi.

Sadly, youā€™re not grounded in reality.
They lied their asses off on the video did it..............plain and simple.................Not a crime..............Dirty as fucking hell to say it to the families of those who died in the coffin ceremony.

Last time I heard Trey Gowdy launched a 2 years investigation about Benghazi against Hillary.
Found nothing against Hillary. Are you saying Gowdy is inept Republican law maker?

Am I wrong?

Political BS...........Did she lie .............yup...........was it a crime when not under oath............nope.

Enjoy the political show,........

Nope, she didnā€™t lie just because you HDS sufferers canā€™t quit her. This was investigated by Republicans and their conclusion was...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012. Report.pdf
Being STUPID isn't a crime.............Lying under oath is a crime.........Was a kind of perjury trap.........Politicians lie all the's not a crime unless they are fishing for a crime under oath..........

Hillary and Obama lied about Benghazi..............making up stories for political fallout reasons..........which isn't a crime..........they do it all the time....

Shitty they did it...........YOU BETCHA
Neither Hillary nor Obama lied about Benghazi.

Sadly, youā€™re not grounded in reality.
They lied their asses off on the video did it..............plain and simple.................Not a crime..............Dirty as fucking hell to say it to the families of those who died in the coffin ceremony.

Last time I heard Trey Gowdy launched a 2 years investigation about Benghazi against Hillary.
Found nothing against Hillary. Are you saying Gowdy is inept Republican law maker?

Am I wrong?

Political BS...........Did she lie .............yup...........was it a crime when not under oath............nope.

Enjoy the political show,........

Nope, she didnā€™t lie just because you HDS sufferers canā€™t quit her. This was investigated by Republicans and their conclusion was...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012. Report.pdf

Your link doesn't load.
Neither Hillary nor Obama lied about Benghazi.

Sadly, youā€™re not grounded in reality.
They lied their asses off on the video did it..............plain and simple.................Not a crime..............Dirty as fucking hell to say it to the families of those who died in the coffin ceremony.

Last time I heard Trey Gowdy launched a 2 years investigation about Benghazi against Hillary.
Found nothing against Hillary. Are you saying Gowdy is inept Republican law maker?

Am I wrong?

Political BS...........Did she lie .............yup...........was it a crime when not under oath............nope.

Enjoy the political show,........

Nope, she didnā€™t lie just because you HDS sufferers canā€™t quit her. This was investigated by Republicans and their conclusion was...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012. Report.pdf

Your link doesn't load.

Looks like the Senate is having issues with their website at the moment. Hereā€™s a copy from report.pdf
Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house, which abutted a canal, was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles.

In the canal were two amphibious watercraft, out of which more heavily armed government agents came. Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights.

Four agents approached the front door to the house. Two held a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner of the house emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted in the dark at his open front door by two rifle barrels aimed at his head.

This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was Middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative or a kidnapper of babies. It was a peaceful American in his own home ā€” a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone.

Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.

Read more at Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - An American Nightmare

The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI to "take down" a man who presented no threat of violence to anyone with an all-out assault on him and his wife.

Is our country safe from these people?

No, the answer is clearly no.

If this can happen to Roger Stone, it can happen to anyone of us.

You can't be that stupid.

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