An American Nightmare - the Arrest of Roger Stone

Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house, which abutted a canal, was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles.

In the canal were two amphibious watercraft, out of which more heavily armed government agents came. Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights.

Four agents approached the front door to the house. Two held a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner of the house emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted in the dark at his open front door by two rifle barrels aimed at his head.

This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was Middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative or a kidnapper of babies. It was a peaceful American in his own home — a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone.

Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.

Read more at Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - An American Nightmare

The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI to "take down" a man who presented no threat of violence to anyone with an all-out assault on him and his wife.

Is our country safe from these people?

No, the answer is clearly no.

If this can happen to Roger Stone, it can happen to anyone of us.
That's a lie. He would have been arrested on the spot if he had.
Fucking moron, he was indicted with witness tampering over it.
Tampering with a witness to what crime?
He tampered with a witness in a federal investigation, you fucking moron.
Says Mueller. He's about as credible as Bill Clinton or Hillary.

Fucking moron, says Roger Stone, in a threatening email to Randy Credico... “I am so ready. Let’s get it on. Prepare to die cock sucker.”

"I am so ready."

What is he ready for?
Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house, which abutted a canal, was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles.

In the canal were two amphibious watercraft, out of which more heavily armed government agents came. Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights.

Four agents approached the front door to the house. Two held a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner of the house emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted in the dark at his open front door by two rifle barrels aimed at his head.

This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was Middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative or a kidnapper of babies. It was a peaceful American in his own home — a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone.

Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.

Read more at Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - An American Nightmare

The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI to "take down" a man who presented no threat of violence to anyone with an all-out assault on him and his wife.

Is our country safe from these people?

No, the answer is clearly no.

If this can happen to Roger Stone, it can happen to anyone of us.
”The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI...”

Dumbfuck, Democrats have nothing to do with this.

- Mueller’s leading the investigation and he’s a Republican.

- The FBI Director is a Republican.

- The Attorney General is a Republican.

- The president who appointed the FBI Director and Attorney General is a Republican.

Just how deformed is your brain that you blame Democrats?

NEWS FLASH - It has just been confirmed: TrumPutin supporters do NOT HAVE A FVCKING BRAIN. NEWS @ 11.

Is it true, or you heard it on CNN?
You obviously aren't aware of how warrants are usually served. Stone had already threatened to kill a witness against him, and was a flight risk. Cops are too aggressive when they arrest people, but this time wasn't out of the ordinary.

Flight risk?

You know that’s bullshit. Why lie?

No passport and broke and he is almost 70.

Mueller told CNN and made it a show. Period. Pull your tongue out of his asspipe.
Sadly for you, you have zero proof Mueller tipped off CNN. :cuckoo:
Res ipsa loquitor. The thing speaks for itself.

Mueller would NEVER do that.

And also... "loquitur"
The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective

Friday, December 14, 2018, 8:00 AM

The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.

With that in mind, we thought it would be worthwhile to look back at the dossier and to assess, to the extent possible, how the substance of Steele’s reporting holds up over time. In this effort, we considered only information in the public domain from trustworthy and official government sources, including documents released by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office in connection with the criminal cases brought against Paul Manafort, the 12 Russian intelligence officers, the Internet Research Agency trolling operation and associated entities, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos. We also considered the draft statement of offense released by author Jerome Corsi, a memorandum released by House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Ranking Member Adam Schiff related to the Carter Page FISA applications and admissions directly from certain speakers.

These materials buttress some of Steele’s reporting, both specifically and thematically. The dossier holds up well over time, and none of it, to our knowledge, has been disproven.
No, your insanity speaks for itself. CNN being ready for an arrest at Stone’s house the very next day after it was announced an arrest was coming, does not offer evidence Mueller tipped them off.

"it was announced an arrest was coming"

In other words, CNN was tipped off.
But much of the reporting simply remains uncorroborated, at least by the yardstick we are using. Most significantly, the dossier reports a “well-developed conspiracy of co-operation between [Trump and his associates] and the Russian leadership,” including an “intelligence exchange [that] had been running between them for at least 8 years.” There has been significant investigative reporting about long-standing connections between Trump, his associates and Kremlin-affiliated individuals, and Trump himself acknowledged that the purpose of a June 2016 meeting between his son, Donald Trump Jr. and a Kremlin-connected lawyer was to obtain “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. But there is, at present, no evidence in the official record that confirms other direct ties or their relevance to the 2016 presidential campaign. With that caveat, here are excerpts from the dossier that correspond with details contained in official documents.

The dossier reports:

Over the period March-September 2016 a company called [redacted] and its affiliates had been using botnets and porn traffic to transmit viruses, plant bugs, steal data and conduct “altering operations” against the Democratic Party leadership. Entities linked to one [redacted] were involved and he and another hacking expert, both recruited under duress by the FSB, [redacted] were significant players in this operation.

Additionally, it reports:

the Russian regime had been behind the recent leak of embarrassing email messages, emanating from the Democratic National Committee (DNC), to the Wikileaks platform. The reason for using Wikileaks was "plausible deniability" and the operation had been conducted with the full knowledge and support of Trump and senior members of his campaign team.

The indictment of 12 officers of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU) corroborates these allegations from Steele’s sources. In particular, the indictment alleges:

3. Starting in at least March 2016, the Conspirators used a variety of means to hack the email accounts of volunteers and employees of the U.S. presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton (the “Clinton Campaign”), including the email account of the Clinton Campaign’s chairman.

4. By in or around April 2016, the Conspirators also hacked into the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (“DCCC”) and the Democratic National Committee (“DNC”). The Conspirators covertly monitored the computers of dozens of DCCC and DNC employees, implanted hundreds of files containing malicious computer code (“malware”), and stole emails and other documents from the DCCC and DNC.

5. By in or around April 2016, the Conspirators began to plan the release of materials stolen from the Clinton Campaign, DCCC, and DNC.

6. Beginning in or around June 2016, the Conspirators staged and released tens of thousands of the stolen emails and documents. They did so using fictitious online personas, including “DCLeaks” and “Guccifer 2.0.”

7. The Conspirators also used the Guccifer 2.0 persona to release additional stolen documents through a website maintained by an organization ([Wikileaks]), that had previously posted documents stolen from U.S. persons, entities, and the U.S. government. The Conspirators continued their U.S. election-interference operations through in or around November 2016.
The indictment further alleges:

On or about August 15, 2016, the Conspirators, posing as Guccifer 2.0, wrote to a person who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump, “thank u for writing back … do you find anyt[h]ing interesting in the docs I posted?” On or about August 17, 2016, the Conspirators added, “please tell me if I can help u anyhow … it would be a great pleasure to me.” On or about September 9, 2016, the Conspirators, again posing as Guccifer 2.0 referred to a stolen DCCC document posted online and asked the person, “what do u think of the info on the turnout model for the democrats entire presidential campaign.” The person responded, “[p]retty standard.”

Trump advisor Roger Stone publicly acknowledged that he had communicated with Guccifer 2.0 and was likely the unnamed individual to whom the indictment refers.
Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house, which abutted a canal, was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles.

In the canal were two amphibious watercraft, out of which more heavily armed government agents came. Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights.

Four agents approached the front door to the house. Two held a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner of the house emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted in the dark at his open front door by two rifle barrels aimed at his head.

This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was Middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative or a kidnapper of babies. It was a peaceful American in his own home — a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone.

Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.

Read more at Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - An American Nightmare

The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI to "take down" a man who presented no threat of violence to anyone with an all-out assault on him and his wife.

Is our country safe from these people?

No, the answer is clearly no.

If this can happen to Roger Stone, it can happen to anyone of us.
5 Officers in Houston......
Last Friday, on a quiet residential street at 6 in the morning, the neighborhood exploded in light, noise and terror. Seventeen SUVs and two armored vehicles arrived in front of one house. Each vehicle had sirens blaring and lights flashing. The house, which abutted a canal, was soon surrounded by 29 government agents, each wearing military garb, each carrying a handgun and most carrying high-powered automatic rifles.

In the canal were two amphibious watercraft, out of which more heavily armed government agents came. Circling above all this was a helicopter equipped with long-range precision weaponry and high-powered spotlights.

Four agents approached the front door to the house. Two held a battering ram, and two pointed their rifles at the door. One of the agents shouted and banged on the front door until the terrified owner of the house emerged, barefoot and wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He was greeted in the dark at his open front door by two rifle barrels aimed at his head.

This was not a movie set; it was not a foreign city in a war zone; it was not the arrest of the Venezuelan opposition leader in Caracas. It was Middle America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The agents worked for the FBI, and the target of this operation was not a drug kingpin or a terrorist operative or a kidnapper of babies. It was a peaceful American in his own home — a political operative and longtime friend of President Donald Trump's, named Roger Stone.

Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.

Read more at Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - An American Nightmare

The Democrats have gone insane, and they sent their lapdogs in the FBI to "take down" a man who presented no threat of violence to anyone with an all-out assault on him and his wife.

Is our country safe from these people?

No, the answer is clearly no.

If this can happen to Roger Stone, it can happen to anyone of us.
From a retired FBI agent:

Here's the general rule of thumb: Arrest one, bring 10. Arrest 10, bring 100. Overwhelming numbers remove the fight-or-flight instincts in the cornered or desperate. This keeps the target, as well as the arrest team, safe. For this exercise, I conducted a tactical assessment for the Stone operation, using my experience as a critical incident commander as the baseline. I quickly saw how easy it is for personnel ranks to swell, considering the following "rough estimate" needs here: onscene command (1-2), arrest team (5-7), breach team (2-3), outer perimeter (4-5), surveillance team (2-4), crisis negotiator (1-2), log keeper (1), evidence response (crime scene) team members (4-5), evidence photographer (1), public affairs (1) and subject transport team (3). With Stone's residence positioned along a canal, yes, maritime assets (2) would have been stationed there, as well.
The thing is, the team of law enforcement was not there simply for an arrest, it was there to execute an extensive, court authorized, search warrant as well.

Hence the need for machine guns.
Machine guns? So now semi-automatic guns are machine guns?

I don't know why the Court Judge who approved this type of search and arrest warrant did so,

but some of the Judge's criteria to authorize such type search, just before day break, is probable cause that the suspect will destroy evidence or flee or resist the arrest and or search...

Seems excessive to us laymen, especially since Roger Stone did not try to resist, but hind sight is 20/20... and 'better safe than sorry' also comes to mind.
Who said they were semi-automatic? The judge didn't authorize 29 men on the raid.

Those on CNN report looks like Colt M4 Carbine, which is automatic.
You obviously aren't aware of how warrants are usually served. Stone had already threatened to kill a witness against him, and was a flight risk. Cops are too aggressive when they arrest people, but this time wasn't out of the ordinary.
That's a lie. He would have been arrested on the spot if he had.
Apparently not. He did say it.
Stone then said he would "take that dog away from you," and then said he wanted to fight Credico. "I am so ready. Let's get it on. Prepare to die..."

It was in the indictment as interfering with a witness, I'm guessing. Credico had testified on the Wikileaks thing and Stone was furious. "You are a rat. A stoolie. You backstab your friends..."

Roger Stone accused of threatening radio host Randy Credico's therapy dog and told him: 'Prepare to die'
THE US military has designated Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as enemies of the United States - the same legal category as the al-Qaeda terrorist network and the Taliban insurgency.

Declassified US Air Force counter-intelligence documents, released under US freedom-of-information laws, reveal that military personnel who contact WikiLeaks or WikiLeaks supporters may be at risk of being charged with "communicating with the enemy", a military crime that carries a maximum sentence of death.

The documents, some originally classified "Secret/NoForn" - not releasable to non-US nationals - record a probe by the air force's Office of Special Investigations into a cyber systems analyst based in Britain who allegedly expressed support for WikiLeaks and attended pro-Assange demonstrations in London.

The counter-intelligence investigation focused on whether the analyst, who had a top-secret security clearance and access to the US military's Secret Internet Protocol Router network, had disclosed classified or sensitive information to WikiLeaks supporters, described as an "anti-US and/or anti-military group".

The suspected offence was "communicating with the enemy, 104-D", an article in the US Uniform Code of Military Justice that prohibits military personnel from "communicating, corresponding or holding intercourse with the enemy".

The analyst's access to classified information was suspended. However, the investigators closed the case without laying charges. The analyst denied leaking information.

Mr Assange remains holed up in Ecuador's embassy in London.

US Vice-President Joe Biden labelled Mr Assange a "high-tech terrorist" in December 2010 and US congressional leaders have called for him to be charged with espionage.

Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee - both once involved in presidential campaigns - have both urged that Mr Assange be "hunted down".

Mr Assange's US attorney, Michael Ratner, said the designation of WikiLeaks as an "enemy" had serious implications for the WikiLeaks publisher if he were to be extradited to the US, including possible military detention.

"Almost the entire set of documents is concerned with the analyst's communications with people close to and supporters of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, with the worry that she would disclose classified documents to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.

"It appears that Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are the 'enemy'. An enemy is dealt with under the laws of war...

"Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President," Trump tweeted.

Fri, 16 Feb 2018
bbbbbut the FBI, CIA, DOJ, FISA, US State Dept are ALL CROOKED and BAD COPS. :bs1:
"Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President," Trump tweeted.

Fri, 16 Feb 2018

he should know - hes been ass deep with Russia for F'n years.
Trump complained that the FBI used AK27's in Stone raid. :boo_hoo14:
WTF is an AK27? :banana2:Did Trump get confused with his Russian assault weapon translation?
If your afraid of guns, don't break the law! :1peleas:
They didn't actually have CNN in tow, CNN was watching stone's house because of recent articles on Mueller request for Stone's congressional testimony and a special prosecutor sealed indictment in the court the previous day
fucking bullshit.

the FBI brought them along for the show, but hey - tell yourself what you need to tell yourself everything is ok. the OTHER guys are doing it all wrong.

even if they're doing the same thing.
If you wonder how the Nazi regime could have gotten away with Gestapo tactics you need look no further than the modern collaboration between the democrat party and the mainstream media. Any violation or affront to the Constitution and traditional values is possible if the media condones it or ignores it. Even the lawyer-client privilege between mafia types and their attorneys was respected by federal agents but that all went out the window when the FBI engaged in what amounts to a political coup to try to override the results of a presidential election.
--- US Vice-President Joe Biden labelled Mr Assange a "high-tech terrorist" in December 2010 and US congressional leaders have called for him to be charged with espionage.

--- In November 2010, when WikiLeaks and its news media partners began publishing cables, Mrs. Clinton strongly condemned it.

“In addition to endangering particular individuals, disclosures like these tear at the fabric of the proper function of responsible government,” she said then.

meanwhile back at the Russian TROLL FARM they were diligently spreading FAKE NEWS

JUST like the fraud who posted this OP :eusa_liar:


and all the terrified geezers on facebook plus all the naive Bernie bros actually believed this bullshit ^

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