An Anthem for Special Snowflake Social Justice Warriors!


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
For all the Special Snowflake Social Justice Warrior members of USMB, a special anthem just for you.

But first, wrap yourself in your security blankie.

For those of us who don't get US TV: who is Christina Sommers? o_O

Here you go:

Equity feminist and former philosophy professor Christina Hoff Sommers is not a particularly threatening figure. But student activists at Oberlin and Georgetown colleges, where Sommers recently spoke, were insistent that her presence on their campuses posed a threat to the student population.
Activists at Georgetown University held up “trigger warning” placards at Sommers’ lectures, warning that her arguments would be potentially traumatizing. They also posted signs directing students to a “safe space” in another part of the college. Much like the recent Calgary Expo, the prospect of having their beliefs challenged was enough to make the activists feel “unsafe”.

Those who wish to judge for themselves how “traumatizing” Sommers’ lecture was can find a recording below...

Christina Hoff Sommers Lecture Leads to Trigger Warnings and Safe Spaces at Oberlin and Georgetown - Breitbart
For those of us who don't get US TV: who is Christina Sommers? o_O

Here you go:

Equity feminist and former philosophy professor Christina Hoff Sommers is not a particularly threatening figure. But student activists at Oberlin and Georgetown colleges, where Sommers recently spoke, were insistent that her presence on their campuses posed a threat to the student population.
Activists at Georgetown University held up “trigger warning” placards at Sommers’ lectures, warning that her arguments would be potentially traumatizing. They also posted signs directing students to a “safe space” in another part of the college. Much like the recent Calgary Expo, the prospect of having their beliefs challenged was enough to make the activists feel “unsafe”.

Those who wish to judge for themselves how “traumatizing” Sommers’ lecture was can find a recording below...

Christina Hoff Sommers Lecture Leads to Trigger Warnings and Safe Spaces at Oberlin and Georgetown - Breitbart

Now I get where you're coming from.

It calls to mind that row in California where the leader of a conservative club at a university was hauled in front of kangaroo court for "acts of violence" when he refused to attend a seminar on "proper use of cross-gender pronouns".

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