An apology and a challenge

No, according to YOUR standard!

By my standard YOU have to show where I told a lie, you can't just pontificate that I told a lie because you dislike me.

Not at all. As far as I can tell you are just a stupid shit who said something untrue out of ignorance and error. That's sad, but not a lie.
Still stamping your feet and pontificating without showing what I said that was untrue!

Your failed attempt at redefining "lie" was untrue which, by your own standard makes you a liar. Why are you a liar? Stop lying, liar.
Except I didn't try to redefine "liar," which makes YOU the liar. It is the Right who are trying to redefine "liar." I posted the dictionary definition of "liar." It does not have any disclaimer about having to know it is a lie. If you tell a lie, you are a liar.

A gossip may believe the lie they spread is true, but they are still telling a lie and are therefore a liar, a teller of lies. The political gossips on this board are liars even if they believe the lies they spread are true. The political gossips here want to hide behind their willful ignorance so they can lie with impunity.

Liar - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

li·ar noun \ˈlī(-ə)r\
: a person who tells lies

Full Definition of LIAR

: a person who tells lies
Still stamping your feet and pontificating without showing what I said that was untrue!

Your failed attempt at redefining "lie" was untrue which, by your own standard makes you a liar. Why are you a liar? Stop lying, liar.
Except I didn't try to redefine "liar," ...

Liar. I'll bet you lied on tests at school all the time before you finally flunked out, liar. You should stop lying so much, liar.
Your failed attempt at redefining "lie" was untrue which, by your own standard makes you a liar. Why are you a liar? Stop lying, liar.
Except I didn't try to redefine "liar," ...

Liar. I'll bet you lied on tests at school all the time before you finally flunked out, liar. You should stop lying so much, liar.
Well, post a definition of "liar" with the disclaimer the Right has added, or admit you are lying and you know it.

Here are three more dictionaries:

li·ar (lī′ər)
One that tells lies.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

liar (ˈlaɪə)
1. a person who has lied or lies repeatedly
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

li•ar (ˈlaɪ ər)

a person who tells lies.
[before 950; Middle English lier, Old English lēogere. See lie1, -ar1]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Why do you keep lying, liar?

"Definition of LIE

intransitive verb
: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive"

Lie - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

"Lie is defined as to say something that knowingly isn't true.
An example of lie is a forty year old person saying they are twenty five."

Lie dictionary definition | lie defined

a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. Synonyms: prevarication, falsification. Antonyms: truth."

Lie | Define Lie at


Word forms: lies, lying, lied
(intransitive) to speak untruthfully with intent to mislead or deceive"

Collins English Dictionary | Always Free Online

This makes you a serial LIAR!
Why do you keep lying, liar?

"Definition of LIE

intransitive verb
: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive"

Lie - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Still lying! The word is LIAR, not lie!
But nice try!!!

What is it that a liar does, little boy? What action is it that defines a liar? If you answer correctly you get a sticker!
A liar tells lies. PERIOD

If a liar parrots someone else's lie, they are telling a lie whether they know it is a lie or not and therefore, as a teller of a lie, are a liar.
Ok, I was posting at home which I almost never do, and I went afk with USMB open in the desktop. My wife went to use my computer and stopped to read what I was posting. Now, I told her about this site so it's no secret and I'm not mad, but she was ahem....shocked when she read some of my posts. She knows nothing about politics and isn't interested at all. She never ever has been to this site.

She asked me why my language was so abusive to people on here. It's a legitimate question as I don't normally act that way and she was surprised. "That isn't debate", she says, how will anyone ever be convinced that you are right or will they participate in a discussion when you act like that? I did show her how others are also acting that way but as I was doing so I knew it was wrong.

I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate, but her implication that I'm better than that was apparent. I did t even bother going into how useless it is to try to change a progressive's mind.

My wife is a fabulously beautiful woman inside and out and in the rare times she gives me the stink eye, I always relent. So....

To all those left and right, the democrats whom I've called various names and the conservatives that were exposed to my rants whether they agreed with me or not, I apologize for my behavior.

Now the challenge:

As of the date and time on this post, I promise to treat people with more respect. If anyone here catches me abusing someone on this board personally, I will give rep to all who call me on it. I'm not going to make some stupid bet to promise to leave the board or anything like that, but I promise to give rep to all posters who point it out.

We'll see how this goes.

If that's the case, if you decide someone is wrong or we made a mistake, prove it.

Start here:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Food stamp cuts would deny aid to millions and deny school lunch aid to thousands | PolitiFact

Republicans Block U.S. Health Aid for 9/11 Workers for 10 years
Ok, I was posting at home which I almost never do, and I went afk with USMB open in the desktop. My wife went to use my computer and stopped to read what I was posting. Now, I told her about this site so it's no secret and I'm not mad, but she was ahem....shocked when she read some of my posts. She knows nothing about politics and isn't interested at all. She never ever has been to this site.

She asked me why my language was so abusive to people on here. It's a legitimate question as I don't normally act that way and she was surprised. "That isn't debate", she says, how will anyone ever be convinced that you are right or will they participate in a discussion when you act like that? I did show her how others are also acting that way but as I was doing so I knew it was wrong.

I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate, but her implication that I'm better than that was apparent. I did t even bother going into how useless it is to try to change a progressive's mind.

My wife is a fabulously beautiful woman inside and out and in the rare times she gives me the stink eye, I always relent. So....

To all those left and right, the democrats whom I've called various names and the conservatives that were exposed to my rants whether they agreed with me or not, I apologize for my behavior.

Now the challenge:

As of the date and time on this post, I promise to treat people with more respect. If anyone here catches me abusing someone on this board personally, I will give rep to all who call me on it. I'm not going to make some stupid bet to promise to leave the board or anything like that, but I promise to give rep to all posters who point it out.

We'll see how this goes.

If that's the case, if you decide someone is wrong or we made a mistake, prove it.

Start here:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Food stamp cuts would deny aid to millions and deny school lunch aid to thousands | PolitiFact

Republicans Block U.S. Health Aid for 9/11 Workers for 10 years

WTF are you babbling about now? I can't tell.
I wonder if it is acceptable for me to call a racist a piece of shit?
Ok, I was posting at home which I almost never do, and I went afk with USMB open in the desktop. My wife went to use my computer and stopped to read what I was posting. Now, I told her about this site so it's no secret and I'm not mad, but she was ahem....shocked when she read some of my posts. She knows nothing about politics and isn't interested at all. She never ever has been to this site.

She asked me why my language was so abusive to people on here. It's a legitimate question as I don't normally act that way and she was surprised. "That isn't debate", she says, how will anyone ever be convinced that you are right or will they participate in a discussion when you act like that? I did show her how others are also acting that way but as I was doing so I knew it was wrong.

I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate, but her implication that I'm better than that was apparent. I did t even bother going into how useless it is to try to change a progressive's mind.

My wife is a fabulously beautiful woman inside and out and in the rare times she gives me the stink eye, I always relent. So....

To all those left and right, the democrats whom I've called various names and the conservatives that were exposed to my rants whether they agreed with me or not, I apologize for my behavior.

Now the challenge:

As of the date and time on this post, I promise to treat people with more respect. If anyone here catches me abusing someone on this board personally, I will give rep to all who call me on it. I'm not going to make some stupid bet to promise to leave the board or anything like that, but I promise to give rep to all posters who point it out.

We'll see how this goes.

If that's the case, if you decide someone is wrong or we made a mistake, prove it.

Start here:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Food stamp cuts would deny aid to millions and deny school lunch aid to thousands | PolitiFact

Republicans Block U.S. Health Aid for 9/11 Workers for 10 years

WTF are you babbling about now? I can't tell.

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same o

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