An apology and a challenge

Ok, I was posting at home which I almost never do, and I went afk with USMB open in the desktop. My wife went to use my computer and stopped to read what I was posting. Now, I told her about this site so it's no secret and I'm not mad, but she was ahem....shocked when she read some of my posts. She knows nothing about politics and isn't interested at all. She never ever has been to this site.

She asked me why my language was so abusive to people on here. It's a legitimate question as I don't normally act that way and she was surprised. "That isn't debate", she says, how will anyone ever be convinced that you are right or will they participate in a discussion when you act like that? I did show her how others are also acting that way but as I was doing so I knew it was wrong.

I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate, but her implication that I'm better than that was apparent. I did t even bother going into how useless it is to try to change a progressive's mind.

My wife is a fabulously beautiful woman inside and out and in the rare times she gives me the stink eye, I always relent. So....

To all those left and right, the democrats whom I've called various names and the conservatives that were exposed to my rants whether they agreed with me or not, I apologize for my behavior.

Now the challenge:

As of the date and time on this post, I promise to treat people with more respect. If anyone here catches me abusing someone on this board personally, I will give rep to all who call me on it. I'm not going to make some stupid bet to promise to leave the board or anything like that, but I promise to give rep to all posters who point it out.

We'll see how this goes.

A noble undertaking. But don't go crazy wid it. Gotta have character. :thup:

Say ---- could I show your wife some other people's posts? :eusa_think:
And pred, Let me tell you a little story:

I got into this rut of apologizing for my name calling in previous boards. People got tired of hearing it, "Oh there he goes apologizing again" they would say. Eventually I was banned because of it for a month. So from then on I decided not to engage in name calling and begin my quest in educating myself in genuine debate tactics. I've enjoyed the experience so far, and the knowledge that comes with it.

However, from time to time I'll slip, but name calling does take away from a sincere point, and people will have a hard time taking you or your points seriously for such. If you feel passionately about something, make a cogent point! Don't engage your opponents with the same weapons they use against you. The only casualty is your credibility.

So, I hope for your sake this is the first and last time you have to apologize. People will eventually lose faith in an apology if it is continually repeated and isn't backed up with action. Just a few words of wisdom, Pred. You're a cool person, and I commend you for stepping up and admitting your mistake. Your wife's a keeper, and a very wise woman. Keep an ear open when she speaks. :)


My friend, I have seen you fight the good fight, but I have yet to see you able to accomplish anything. Have you changed one liberal's mind? Even one? I mean, if you simply like the debating process and the mental exercise then I can see it I guess, but it gets old to me after a while. Really, I don't care at all if every liberal on this site put me on ignore. That isn't why I'm here.

I won't apologize more than this once. I'm not doing this for them but for my wife in who's eyes I don't want to ever see that disappointment again. If I slip I will award rep to anyone and all who call me on it then I will move on and try again.

My friend, I have seen you fight the good fight, but I have yet to see you able to accomplish anything. Have you changed one liberal's mind? Even one? I mean, if you simply like the debating process and the mental exercise then I can see it I guess, but it gets old to me after a while. Really, I don't care at all if every liberal on this site put me on ignore. That isn't why I'm here.

Well then, that's not being fair, Pred. The whole idea is to develop respect for those who respect you, albeit their disagreement with you, I can cite [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] and [MENTION=37250]aaronleland[/MENTION] as examples of such. Yes there are those hellbent on taking you down, and those are the ones you should be desperately wanting to put you on their ignore lists. By the way, the last thing I want to do is change anyone's mind. I'm not in the business of manipulating thought, we already have a government doing that on it's own.

I won't apologize more than this once. I'm not doing this for them but for my wife in who's eyes I don't want to ever see that disappointment again. If I slip I will award rep to anyone and all who call me on it then I will move on and try again.

If you slip, I'll PM you. Deal? It seems you have rectified the situation here.
I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate...

And of course those who aren’t conservative are just as frustrated with republicans who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate.

It’s fine to resolve to stop being abusive, but a better course of action would be to eliminate what provokes the abuse: the lying.
And pred, Let me tell you a little story:

I got into this rut of apologizing for my name calling in previous boards. People got tired of hearing it, "Oh there he goes apologizing again" they would say. Eventually I was banned because of it for a month. So from then on I decided not to engage in name calling and begin my quest in educating myself in genuine debate tactics. I've enjoyed the experience so far, and the knowledge that comes with it.

However, from time to time I'll slip, but name calling does take away from a sincere point, and people will have a hard time taking you or your points seriously for such. If you feel passionately about something, make a cogent point! Don't engage your opponents with the same weapons they use against you. The only casualty is your credibility.

So, I hope for your sake this is the first and last time you have to apologize. People will eventually lose faith in an apology if it is continually repeated and isn't backed up with action. Just a few words of wisdom, Pred. You're a cool person, and I commend you for stepping up and admitting your mistake. Your wife's a keeper, and a very wise woman. Keep an ear open when she speaks. :)


My friend, I have seen you fight the good fight, but I have yet to see you able to accomplish anything. Have you changed one liberal's mind? Even one? I mean, if you simply like the debating process and the mental exercise then I can see it I guess, but it gets old to me after a while. Really, I don't care at all if every liberal on this site put me on ignore. That isn't why I'm here.

I won't apologize more than this once. I'm not doing this for them but for my wife in who's eyes I don't want to ever see that disappointment again. If I slip I will award rep to anyone and all who call me on it then I will move on and try again.

My friend, I have seen you fight the good fight, but I have yet to see you able to accomplish anything. Have you changed one liberal's mind? Even one? I mean, if you simply like the debating process and the mental exercise then I can see it I guess, but it gets old to me after a while. Really, I don't care at all if every liberal on this site put me on ignore. That isn't why I'm here.

Well then, that's not being fair, Pred. The whole idea is to develop respect for those who respect you, albeit their disagreement with you, I can cite [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] and [MENTION=37250]aaronleland[/MENTION] as examples of such. Yes there are those hellbent on taking you down, and those are the ones you should be desperately wanting to put you on their ignore lists. By the way, the last thing I want to do is change anyone's mind. I'm not in the business of manipulating thought, we already have a government doing that on it's own.

I won't apologize more than this once. I'm not doing this for them but for my wife in who's eyes I don't want to ever see that disappointment again. If I slip I will award rep to anyone and all who call me on it then I will move on and try again.

If you slip, I'll PM you. Deal? It seems you have rectified the situation here.

Well, if you and I agreed 100% on everything, one of us would be unnecessary. You obviously like the debate, and do it well. I just don't have the tolerance any more. Thanks.
I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate...

And of course those who aren’t conservative are just as frustrated with republicans who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate.

It’s fine to resolve to stop being abusive, but a better course of action would be to eliminate what provokes the abuse: the lying.

And exactly how do I stop liberals from lying?
My friend, I have seen you fight the good fight, but I have yet to see you able to accomplish anything. Have you changed one liberal's mind? Even one? I mean, if you simply like the debating process and the mental exercise then I can see it I guess, but it gets old to me after a while. Really, I don't care at all if every liberal on this site put me on ignore. That isn't why I'm here.

I won't apologize more than this once. I'm not doing this for them but for my wife in who's eyes I don't want to ever see that disappointment again. If I slip I will award rep to anyone and all who call me on it then I will move on and try again.

Well then, that's not being fair, Pred. The whole idea is to develop respect for those who respect you, albeit their disagreement with you, I can cite @Pogo and @aaronleland as examples of such. Yes there are those hellbent on taking you down, and those are the ones you should be desperately wanting to put you on their ignore lists. By the way, the last thing I want to do is change anyone's mind. I'm not in the business of manipulating thought, we already have a government doing that on it's own.

I won't apologize more than this once. I'm not doing this for them but for my wife in who's eyes I don't want to ever see that disappointment again. If I slip I will award rep to anyone and all who call me on it then I will move on and try again.
If you slip, I'll PM you. Deal? It seems you have rectified the situation here.

Well, if you and I agreed 100% on everything, one of us would be unnecessary. You obviously like the debate, and do it well. I just don't have the tolerance any more. Thanks.

Fair enough.
I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate...

And of course those who aren’t conservative are just as frustrated with republicans who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate.

It’s fine to resolve to stop being abusive, but a better course of action would be to eliminate what provokes the abuse: the lying.

And exactly how do I stop liberals from lying?

You need to go back and talk to your wife some more

If you enter a discussion with the attitude that your side is beyond reproach and the other guys are a bunch of liars you are no better than a troll
And of course those who aren’t conservative are just as frustrated with republicans who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate.

It’s fine to resolve to stop being abusive, but a better course of action would be to eliminate what provokes the abuse: the lying.

And exactly how do I stop liberals from lying?

You need to go back and talk to your wife some more

If you enter a discussion with the attitude that your side is beyond reproach and the other guys are a bunch of liars you are no better than a troll

Meh, my wife isn't interested, she was simply disappointed that I resorted to calling people names. In addition, I'm not really interested in discussions with liberals. It's a waste of life. Those demagogs will never ever change their minds no matter what. I have no interest.

That was why I simply decided to just make fun of them, including calling them "dumbass", "idiot", "moron" etc. she has no experience with how thick headed liberals can be but she is disappointed that I would do that no matter what. So I'm promising to stop.
If you are visiting this thread for the first time, there is an apology from me to you on the OP, and a promise that from the date and time if the OP, I will award rep to anyone who I personally attack with derogatory names, and each and every person who calls me on it.
A lesson for most of posters on USMB. People are so angry and hostile now a days. Road rage, mass shootings. So much anger and negativity. Talk to people on this board like you would if they were right there in your presence. It's not being nice, it's just human.
Pardon the bump, but I called a lot of people a lot of names and I want to make sure everyone sees it.

I don't think you've ever called me any names so you owe me no apology. Actually you wouldn't even if you had. But I for one applaud your efforts here, hope you will forgive yourself if you are provoked into a temporary 'slip'--we all have them--but I'm anxious to see what you can accomplish with your new resolve. Once the insults start, even if they are accompanied by something topical, the insults are all anybody sees. And the thread quickly dissolves into a food fight. Some enjoy that. Some of us don't.

But I'm guessing your posts will be even more interesting to read. And you will be one more shining example I can use to show that conservatives/libertarians/classical liberals can make an argument without accusing or blaming or insulting somebody. :)
And exactly how do I stop liberals from lying?

You need to go back and talk to your wife some more

If you enter a discussion with the attitude that your side is beyond reproach and the other guys are a bunch of liars you are no better than a troll

Meh, my wife isn't interested, she was simply disappointed that I resorted to calling people names. In addition, I'm not really interested in discussions with liberals. It's a waste of life. Those demagogs will never ever change their minds no matter what. I have no interest.

That was why I simply decided to just make fun of them, including calling them "dumbass", "idiot", "moron" etc. she has no experience with how thick headed liberals can be but she is disappointed that I would do that no matter what. So I'm promising to stop.

Got it

You are just a rightwing dickhead

But at least your wife seems like a descent person
You need to go back and talk to your wife some more

If you enter a discussion with the attitude that your side is beyond reproach and the other guys are a bunch of liars you are no better than a troll

Meh, my wife isn't interested, she was simply disappointed that I resorted to calling people names. In addition, I'm not really interested in discussions with liberals. It's a waste of life. Those demagogs will never ever change their minds no matter what. I have no interest.

That was why I simply decided to just make fun of them, including calling them "dumbass", "idiot", "moron" etc. she has no experience with how thick headed liberals can be but she is disappointed that I would do that no matter what. So I'm promising to stop.

Got it

You are just a rightwing dickhead

But at least your wife seems like a descent person

Conservatives stop being dickheads if it will get them sex.

True story.

Regards from Rosie
Ok, I was posting at home which I almost never do, and I went afk with USMB open in the desktop. My wife went to use my computer and stopped to read what I was posting. Now, I told her about this site so it's no secret and I'm not mad, but she was ahem....shocked when she read some of my posts. She knows nothing about politics and isn't interested at all. She never ever has been to this site.

She asked me why my language was so abusive to people on here. It's a legitimate question as I don't normally act that way and she was surprised. "That isn't debate", she says, how will anyone ever be convinced that you are right or will they participate in a discussion when you act like that? I did show her how others are also acting that way but as I was doing so I knew it was wrong.

I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate, but her implication that I'm better than that was apparent. I did t even bother going into how useless it is to try to change a progressive's mind.

My wife is a fabulously beautiful woman inside and out and in the rare times she gives me the stink eye, I always relent. So....

To all those left and right, the democrats whom I've called various names and the conservatives that were exposed to my rants whether they agreed with me or not, I apologize for my behavior.

Now the challenge:

As of the date and time on this post, I promise to treat people with more respect. If anyone here catches me abusing someone on this board personally, I will give rep to all who call me on it. I'm not going to make some stupid bet to promise to leave the board or anything like that, but I promise to give rep to all posters who point it out.

We'll see how this goes.

i give you a week.....i tried to be nice once....then along comes a thread by someone like ShootSpeados or Hungover......or that little weasel Billy who calls everyone names....
You need to go back and talk to your wife some more

If you enter a discussion with the attitude that your side is beyond reproach and the other guys are a bunch of liars you are no better than a troll

Meh, my wife isn't interested, she was simply disappointed that I resorted to calling people names. In addition, I'm not really interested in discussions with liberals. It's a waste of life. Those demagogs will never ever change their minds no matter what. I have no interest.

That was why I simply decided to just make fun of them, including calling them "dumbass", "idiot", "moron" etc. she has no experience with how thick headed liberals can be but she is disappointed that I would do that no matter what. So I'm promising to stop.

Got it

You are just a rightwing dickhead

But at least your wife seems like a descent person

Oh, I definitely married up.
If someone posts something that is utter bull shit, and I call them a "liar", is that abusive?

It isn't the language that my wife is talking about, and if I can't use that then it will include a lot of other words and labels.

Most of you know I mean labels that I have over used in the past like "dumbass", "asswipe", "idiot", "fucktard", etc. but I'll put it out there and see if you all think I owe someone some rep.
If someone posts something that is utter bull shit, and I call them a "liar", is that abusive?

It isn't the language that my wife is talking about, and if I can't use that then it will include a lot of other words and labels.

Most of you know I mean labels that I have over used in the past like "dumbass", "asswipe", "idiot", "fucktard", etc. but I'll put it out there and see if you all think I owe someone some rep.

Not everyone that you might call "liar" knows they are lying. Liar is a dangerous thing to call people. When you use these names, it implies no forgiveness and how do you have a conversation with someone you disrespect? And what are you doing talking with someone you disrespect?

In the business sector, this kind of behavior is frowned upon and can get you fired. Other people in a business environment can get very disturbed about this kind of behavior.

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