An apology and a challenge

Most people understand my purpose here. There is one person however who doesn't get it. Just in case there are other who have the wrong impression let me clarify:

1. I have promised to refrain from abusive language, for example: retard, asshole asshat idiot moron and any other name with a cuss word in it.

2. This DOES NOT MEAN that I will agree with your position, and I assume you can tell the difference between me telling you that you are wrong, and abusing you.

3. "Ignorant" isn't abusive, ignorant simply means that you don't know. "Stupid" is abusive and I won't use it to you directly.

4. My wife's opinion is what I care about here, not yours. I know what kind of thing she was objecting to and I use that as a guide, not what you think I should refrain from.

5. I can call general groups of people stupid, dumbasses, etc., its the direct insults to the person I'm debating with that is unnecessary and objectionable to my wife. Calling Obama anything I want to, even done of the most hatefull and any dice things I can think of is acceptable because he isn't listening any way and my wife, being a sensible person, agrees with me.

6. Call me an asshole all you want I don't care, I'm not promising to not be an asshole, I'm promising not to use certain language that I used to be so fond of.

That's about as simple as I can put it.
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I have to have a little chat with my wife about this deal. It's just too difficult. There are so many dumbasses here spouting the stupidest bull shit imaginable. They are just begging to be called what they are.
I have to have a little chat with my wife about this deal. It's just too difficult. There are so many dumbasses here spouting the stupidest bull shit imaginable. They are just begging to be called what they are.

I have to have a little chat with my wife about this deal. It's just too difficult. There are so many dumbasses here spouting the stupidest bull shit imaginable. They are just begging to be called what they are.

Yes they are, so don't accommodate them by giving them what they beg for. To describe not returning insult/injury for insult/injury, the Bible used a metaphor of pouring coals of burning fire upon their heads. That can be a really comforting image. :) You can't accomplish that by allowing them to drag you down to their level and thereby justifying their own stupidity.
Most people understand my purpose here. There is one person however who doesn't get it. Just in case there are other who have the wrong impression let me clarify:

1. I have promised to refrain from abusive language, for example: retard, asshole asshat idiot moron and any other name with a cuss word in it.

2. This DOES NOT MEAN that I will agree with your position, and I assume you can tell the difference between me telling you that you are wrong, and abusing you.

3. "Ignorant" isn't abusive, ignorant simply means that you don't know. "Stupid" is abusive and I won't use it to you directly.

4. My wife's opinion is what I care about here, not yours. I know what kind of thing she was objecting to and I use that as a guide, not what you think I should refrain from.

5. I can call general groups of people stupid, dumbasses, etc., its the direct insults to the person I'm debating with that is unnecessary and objectionable to my wife. Calling Obama anything I want to, even done of the most hatefull and any dice things I can think of is acceptable because he isn't listening any way and my wife, being a sensible person, agrees with me.

6. Call me an asshole all you want I don't care, I'm not promising to not be an asshole, I'm promising not to use certain language that I used to be so fond of.

That's about as simple as I can put it.

Sounds pretty solid.

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