An apology and a challenge

If someone posts something that is utter bull shit, and I call them a "liar", is that abusive?

It isn't the language that my wife is talking about, and if I can't use that then it will include a lot of other words and labels.

Most of you know I mean labels that I have over used in the past like "dumbass", "asswipe", "idiot", "fucktard", etc. but I'll put it out there and see if you all think I owe someone some rep.

Not everyone that you might call "liar" knows they are lying. Liar is a dangerous thing to call people. When you use these names, it implies no forgiveness and how do you have a conversation with someone you disrespect? And what are you doing talking with someone you disrespect?

In the business sector, this kind of behavior is frowned upon and can get you fired. Other people in a business environment can get very disturbed about this kind of behavior.

A liar is someone who tells a lie. Whether or not they know they are telling a lie is irrelevant to being a liar. If they don't know they are telling a lie then they are a stupid lying gossip. If they do know they are lying then they are a premeditated liar. Some will argue that the gossip is worse than the premeditated liar because the sincerity of the gossip is more persuasive than the insincerity of the premeditated liar.
If someone posts something that is utter bull shit, and I call them a "liar", is that abusive?

It isn't the language that my wife is talking about, and if I can't use that then it will include a lot of other words and labels.

Most of you know I mean labels that I have over used in the past like "dumbass", "asswipe", "idiot", "fucktard", etc. but I'll put it out there and see if you all think I owe someone some rep.

Not everyone that you might call "liar" knows they are lying. Liar is a dangerous thing to call people. When you use these names, it implies no forgiveness and how do you have a conversation with someone you disrespect? And what are you doing talking with someone you disrespect?

In the business sector, this kind of behavior is frowned upon and can get you fired. Other people in a business environment can get very disturbed about this kind of behavior.

A liar is someone who tells a lie. Whether or not they know they are telling a lie is irrelevant to being a liar. If they don't know they are telling a lie then they are a stupid lying gossip. If they do know they are lying then they are a premeditated liar. Some will argue that the gossip is worse than the premeditated liar because the sincerity of the gossip is more persuasive than the insincerity of the premeditated liar.

Prove it. What you are saying is that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a liar. There are all kinds of people out there that don't agree. See how long you get along by calling everyone you disagree with a "liar".
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If someone posts something that is utter bull shit, and I call them a "liar", is that abusive?

It isn't the language that my wife is talking about, and if I can't use that then it will include a lot of other words and labels.

Most of you know I mean labels that I have over used in the past like "dumbass", "asswipe", "idiot", "fucktard", etc. but I'll put it out there and see if you all think I owe someone some rep.

Not everyone that you might call "liar" knows they are lying. Liar is a dangerous thing to call people. When you use these names, it implies no forgiveness and how do you have a conversation with someone you disrespect? And what are you doing talking with someone you disrespect?

In the business sector, this kind of behavior is frowned upon and can get you fired. Other people in a business environment can get very disturbed about this kind of behavior.

A liar is someone who tells a lie. Whether or not they know they are telling a lie is irrelevant to being a liar. If they don't know they are telling a lie then they are a stupid lying gossip. If they do know they are lying then they are a premeditated liar. Some will argue that the gossip is worse than the premeditated liar because the sincerity of the gossip is more persuasive than the insincerity of the premeditated liar.

"A liar is someone who tells a lie. Whether or not they know they are telling a lie is irrelevant to being a liar."

One can see that the totality of your learning comes from "The Newspeak Dictionary of Liberalism."

For normal folks, that excludes Liberal such as you, a lie requires pre-recognition of the truth.

The variant of the statement is simply an error.

You, more than any, should be familiar with "error," as errors are your stock in trade.

Suffering from (well-deserved) low esteem, you find it ameliorative to claim normal folk are liars whenever they disagree with your absurdities.
Ok, I was posting at home which I almost never do, and I went afk with USMB open in the desktop. My wife went to use my computer and stopped to read what I was posting. Now, I told her about this site so it's no secret and I'm not mad, but she was ahem....shocked when she read some of my posts. She knows nothing about politics and isn't interested at all. She never ever has been to this site.

She asked me why my language was so abusive to people on here. It's a legitimate question as I don't normally act that way and she was surprised. "That isn't debate", she says, how will anyone ever be convinced that you are right or will they participate in a discussion when you act like that? I did show her how others are also acting that way but as I was doing so I knew it was wrong.

I did spend time explaining how frustration it is debating with democrats who lie, obstruct, derail, and otherwise don't really debate, but her implication that I'm better than that was apparent. I did t even bother going into how useless it is to try to change a progressive's mind.

My wife is a fabulously beautiful woman inside and out and in the rare times she gives me the stink eye, I always relent. So....

To all those left and right, the democrats whom I've called various names and the conservatives that were exposed to my rants whether they agreed with me or not, I apologize for my behavior.

Now the challenge:

As of the date and time on this post, I promise to treat people with more respect. If anyone here catches me abusing someone on this board personally, I will give rep to all who call me on it. I'm not going to make some stupid bet to promise to leave the board or anything like that, but I promise to give rep to all posters who point it out.

We'll see how this goes.

Thanks PredFan. It's really easy to fall into the "tit for tat" mentality here. I have to catch myself all the time and back up and start again. I can tell you that I've been impressed with your posts and don't generally see you acting that poorly.
If someone posts something that is utter bull shit, and I call them a "liar", is that abusive?

It isn't the language that my wife is talking about, and if I can't use that then it will include a lot of other words and labels.

Most of you know I mean labels that I have over used in the past like "dumbass", "asswipe", "idiot", "fucktard", etc. but I'll put it out there and see if you all think I owe someone some rep.

Not everyone that you might call "liar" knows they are lying. Liar is a dangerous thing to call people. When you use these names, it implies no forgiveness and how do you have a conversation with someone you disrespect? And what are you doing talking with someone you disrespect?

In the business sector, this kind of behavior is frowned upon and can get you fired. Other people in a business environment can get very disturbed about this kind of behavior.

A liar is someone who tells a lie. Whether or not they know they are telling a lie is irrelevant to being a liar. If they don't know they are telling a lie then they are a stupid lying gossip. If they do know they are lying then they are a premeditated liar. Some will argue that the gossip is worse than the premeditated liar because the sincerity of the gossip is more persuasive than the insincerity of the premeditated liar.

No. Liars are prevaricators. They know in advance that they're twisting the truth. If someone is saying some that isn't true as a result of not knowing the truth then they're simply ignorant of the facts. If they're honest they will admit their mistake when the facts are presented. A dishonest person will ignore the facts and continue presenting falsehoods. At THAT point they become a liar.
Not everyone that you might call "liar" knows they are lying. Liar is a dangerous thing to call people. When you use these names, it implies no forgiveness and how do you have a conversation with someone you disrespect? And what are you doing talking with someone you disrespect?

In the business sector, this kind of behavior is frowned upon and can get you fired. Other people in a business environment can get very disturbed about this kind of behavior.

A liar is someone who tells a lie. Whether or not they know they are telling a lie is irrelevant to being a liar. If they don't know they are telling a lie then they are a stupid lying gossip. If they do know they are lying then they are a premeditated liar. Some will argue that the gossip is worse than the premeditated liar because the sincerity of the gossip is more persuasive than the insincerity of the premeditated liar.

Prove it. What you are saying is that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a liar. There are all kinds of people out there that don't agree. See how long you get along by calling everyone you disagree with a "liar".

See, now that's a lie. I said no such thing!
Not everyone that you might call "liar" knows they are lying. Liar is a dangerous thing to call people. When you use these names, it implies no forgiveness and how do you have a conversation with someone you disrespect? And what are you doing talking with someone you disrespect?

In the business sector, this kind of behavior is frowned upon and can get you fired. Other people in a business environment can get very disturbed about this kind of behavior.

A liar is someone who tells a lie. Whether or not they know they are telling a lie is irrelevant to being a liar. If they don't know they are telling a lie then they are a stupid lying gossip. If they do know they are lying then they are a premeditated liar. Some will argue that the gossip is worse than the premeditated liar because the sincerity of the gossip is more persuasive than the insincerity of the premeditated liar.

"A liar is someone who tells a lie. Whether or not they know they are telling a lie is irrelevant to being a liar."

One can see that the totality of your learning comes from "The Newspeak Dictionary of Liberalism."

For normal folks, that excludes Liberal such as you, a lie requires pre-recognition of the truth.

The variant of the statement is simply an error.

You, more than any, should be familiar with "error," as errors are your stock in trade.

Suffering from (well-deserved) low esteem, you find it ameliorative to claim normal folk are liars whenever they disagree with your absurdities.

No, I am using the dictionary definition of a liar!
You are using the Reagan Rationalization for lying.

a person who tells lies.
Not everyone that you might call "liar" knows they are lying. Liar is a dangerous thing to call people. When you use these names, it implies no forgiveness and how do you have a conversation with someone you disrespect? And what are you doing talking with someone you disrespect?

In the business sector, this kind of behavior is frowned upon and can get you fired. Other people in a business environment can get very disturbed about this kind of behavior.

A liar is someone who tells a lie. Whether or not they know they are telling a lie is irrelevant to being a liar. If they don't know they are telling a lie then they are a stupid lying gossip. If they do know they are lying then they are a premeditated liar. Some will argue that the gossip is worse than the premeditated liar because the sincerity of the gossip is more persuasive than the insincerity of the premeditated liar.

No. Liars are prevaricators. They know in advance that they're twisting the truth. If someone is saying some that isn't true as a result of not knowing the truth then they're simply ignorant of the facts. If they're honest they will admit their mistake when the facts are presented. A dishonest person will ignore the facts and continue presenting falsehoods. At THAT point they become a liar.

Some liars are prevaricators, but someone who spreads a lie while not knowing the truth is a liar who is ignorant, but still telling a lie and thus a liar.

The Right wants to claim that a liar has to know they are lying because St Ronnie rationalized his lying by playing dumb enough to believe his own lies. He is still a liar because he told a lie.

REAGAN (11/13/86): We did not, repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we.

REAGAN (3/4/87): A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true. But the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.
If someone posts something that is utter bull shit, and I call them a "liar", is that abusive?

It isn't the language that my wife is talking about, and if I can't use that then it will include a lot of other words and labels.

Most of you know I mean labels that I have over used in the past like "dumbass", "asswipe", "idiot", "fucktard", etc. but I'll put it out there and see if you all think I owe someone some rep.

Just remember that it is bull shit because they are liberals. If they didn't believe the bull shit, they wouldn't be liberals. We believe what they say, what they accuse us of, is bull shit and that is why we are modern day conservatives/libertarians/classical liberals. But then almost every neg rep I have ever received has been accompanied by some liberal accusing me of posting bull shit or lying.

So yeah, I think calling them liar is abusive because they don't know they are lying. Probably there isn't any one of us who has spent any time doing this who hasn't posted at least something that we had to back down from when we received better information. But we weren't lying when we posted it. And they don't think they're lying either--they just think they know so much that they don't know.

So post, post, post. Just try to make your arguments so you will HOPE your wife sees them for their common sense and brilliance. No, you probably won't change many liberal minds. But you might, just might, give those who haven't become ideologically brainwhashed yet something to think about.
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You know that is a lie, child!
According to your own standard, you are a liar.
No, according to YOUR standard!

By my standard YOU have to show where I told a lie, you can't just pontificate that I told a lie because you dislike me.

Not at all. As far as I can tell you are just a stupid shit who said something untrue out of ignorance and error. That's sad, but not a lie.
Still stamping your feet and pontificating without showing what I said that was untrue!
Just to be clear, this applies to posters here in the USMB. I can call Obama a lying fuckhead douchebag all I want to. That isn't something my wife hasn't heard before.

Obama is one most honest, caring ,intelligent Presidents we have had and will go down in history as one of the best.

While your opinion may be both genuine and shared, it's not universal.

It is possible to call the president a douche bag and still not be a dick to those you are conversing with.
According to your own standard, you are a liar.
No, according to YOUR standard!

By my standard YOU have to show where I told a lie, you can't just pontificate that I told a lie because you dislike me.

Not at all. As far as I can tell you are just a stupid shit who said something untrue out of ignorance and error. That's sad, but not a lie.
Still stamping your feet and pontificating without showing what I said that was untrue!

Your failed attempt at redefining "lie" was untrue which, by your own standard makes you a liar. Why are you a liar? Stop lying, liar.
After the input from members here and discussion with my wife on this I have come to the decision that calling someone a liar isn't the kind of abuse that my wife thought was benieth me. Is if cant call someone a liar when they are clearly lying then it will be difficult to discuss politics here.

Now, providing the following exceptions:

That I don't call someone a liar without explanation.
That I do more than simply call everyone who disagrees with me a liar.

I have been guilty if the first but not the second. I should be able to stay within these guidelines.

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