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An Argument for The Second Amendment


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
In crafting our existing constitution, the founders took pointers from Sir William Blackstone's commentaries on the Law of England. The 2nd Amendment was majorly written in part due to these key points. Guns are and should be used for self defense, and in so doing preserves life, liberty, property and happiness. Liberals say that only militias have the preclusive right to bear arms. So why do these points suggest otherwise?

http://oll.libertyfund.org/?option=...tle=2140&chapter=198653&layout=html&Itemid=27 Link Added. Link Each Copy and Paste To It's Source.

The right of personal security consists in a person's legal and uninterrupted enjoyment of his life, his limbs, his body, his health, and his reputation.

Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries of English Law, Volume 1, Page 125

A man's limbs (by which for the present we only understand those members which may be useful to him in fight, and the loss of which only amounts to mayhem by the common law) are also the

gift of the wife creator; to enable man to protect himself from external injuries in a state of nature. To therefore he has a natural inherent right; and they cannot be wantonly destroyed

or disabled without a manifest breach of civil liberty.

Both the life and limbs of a man are of such high value, in the estimation of the law of England that it pardons even homicide if committed se defendendo, or in order to preserve them. For

whatever is done by a man, to save either life or member, is looked upon as done upon the highest necessity and compulsion. Therefore if a man through fear of death or mayhem is prevailed

to execute a deed, or do any other legal act; these, though accompanied with all other the requisite solemnities, are totally void in law, if forced upon him by a well grounded apprehension

of losing his life, or even his limbs, in case of his non-compliance. And in the same is also sufficient to excuse for the commission of many misdemeanors, as will appear in the fourth book.

Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries of English law, Volume 1, Page 126

The constraint a man is under in these circumstances is called in law duress from the Latin durities of which there are two forts; duress of imprisonment, where a man actually

loses his liberty, of which we shall presently speak; and duress per minas, where the hardship is only threatened and impending, which is that we are now discoursing of. Duress

per minas
is either for loss of life, or else for fear of mayhem, or loss of limb. And this fear must be upon sufficient reason; "non" as Bracton expresses it, "suspicio

cujuslibet vani et meticulosi hominis, sed talis qui possit cadere in virum constantem; talis enim debet esse metus, que in se contineat vitae periculum, aut corporis cruciatum.
" A fear

of batter or being beaten though never so well grounded is no duress; neither is the fear of having one's house burnt, or one's goods taken away and destroyed; because in these cases should

the threat be performed, a man may have satisfaction by recovering equivalent damages: but no suitable atonement can be made for the loss of life, or limb. And the indulgence shewn to a man

under this, the principal, fort of duress, the fear of losing his life or limbs, agrees also with that maxim of the civil law; ignoscitur ei qui sanguinem suum qualiter redemptum


Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries of English Law, Volume 1, Page 127

This natural life being, as was before observed, the immediate donation of the great creator, cannot be legally disposed of by any individual, neither by the person himself nor by any other

of his fellow creatures, merely upon their own authority. Yet nevertheless it may, by the divine permission, be frequently forfeited for the breach of those laws of society, which are

enforced by the sanction of capital punishments; of the nature, restrictions, expedience, and legality of which, we may hereafter more conveniently enquire in the concluding book of these

commentaries. At present I shall only observe that whenever the constitution of a state vests in any man, or body of men, a power of destroying at pleasure, without the direction

of laws, the lives or members of the subject, such constitution is in the highest degree of tyrannical: and that whenever any laws direct such destruction for light and trivial

causes, such laws are likewise tyrannical, though in an inferior degree; because here the subject is aware of the danger he is exposed to, and may by prudent caution provide against it. The

statute law of England does therefore very seldom, and the common law does never, inflict any punishment extending to life or limb, unless upon the highest necessity: and the constitution

is an utter stranger to any arbitrary power of killing or maiming the subject without the express warrant of law. "Nullus liber homo, says the great charter, aliquo modo

destruatur, nisi per legale judicium parium suorum aut per legem tarrae.
Which words, "aliquo modo destruatur," according to Sir Edward Coke, include a prohibition not only of

killing, and maiming but also torturing, (to which our laws are strangers) and of every oppression by color of an illegal authority. And it is enacted by the statute 5

Edw. III c.9. that no man shall be forejudged of life or limb, contrary to the great charter and the law of the land: and again by statute 28 Ed. III. c.3. that no man shall be put to death

without being brought to answer by due process of law.

Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries of English law, Volume 1, Page 129-30

3. Besides those limbs and member that may be necessary to man, in order to defend himself or annoy his enemy, the rest of his person or body is also entitled by same natural right to

security from the corporal insults of menaces, assaults, beating, and wounding; though such insults amount not to to destruction of life or member.

4.The preservation of a man's health from such practices as may prejudice or annoy it, and

5.The security of his reputation or good name from the arts of detraction and slander, are rights to which every man is entitled, by reason and natural justice; since without these it is

impossible to have the perfect enjoyment of any other advantage or right. But these last articles (being of much less importance than those which have gone before, and those which are yet

to come) it will suffice to have barely mentioned among the rights of persons; referring to the more minute discussion of their several branches, to those parts of our commentaries which

treat of the infringement of these rights under the head of personal wrongs.

II. Next to personal security, the law of England regards, asserts, and preserves the personal liberty of individuals. This personal liberty consists in the power of locomotion, of changing

situation, or removing one's person to whatsoever place one's own inclination may direct; without imprisonment or restraint, unless by due course of law. Concerning of which we may take the

same observations as upon the preceding article; that it is a right strictly natural that the laws of England have never abridged it without sufficient cause; and, that in this kingdom it

cannot ever be abridged at the mere discretion of the magistrate, without the explicit permission of the laws. Here again the language of the great charter is, that no free man shall be

taken or imprisoned, but by the lawful judgment of his equals, or by the law of the land.

Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries of English Law, Volume 1, Page 133

http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...ndment-refutes-all-gun-control-arguments.html ******** Merged Posts.
Put simply:

Each of us have the right to use deadly force in defense of our rights, to be exercised individually and/or collectively.
The 2nd ensures that your right to the most effective means available to exercise this right whall not be infringed.

Only 201 defensive uses of guns recorded by the FBI in 2010.

In that same year, there were 11,000 gun homicides, 16,000 gun suicides and 851 gun accidents.

You don't need a gun. Your reasons for wanting them are silly.

Only 201 defensive uses of guns recorded by the FBI in 2010.

In that same year, there were 11,000 gun homicides, 16,000 gun suicides and 851 gun accidents.

You don't need a gun. Your reasons for wanting them are silly.

A would-be armed robber was shot by his intended victim Monday afternoon by a West Palm Beach gas station, said Capt. David Bernhardt, spokesman for city police.
The man sustained non-life-threatening injuries and is being taken to a local hospital, Bernhardt said.
No one else was injured in the 1 p.m. incident at 1229 North Dixie Highway, he said.

Would-be robber shot at West Palm Beach gas station

Only 201 defensive uses of guns recorded by the FBI in 2010.

In that same year, there were 11,000 gun homicides, 16,000 gun suicides and 851 gun accidents.

You don't need a gun. Your reasons for wanting them are silly.

A would-be armed robber was shot by his intended victim Monday afternoon by a West Palm Beach gas station, said Capt. David Bernhardt, spokesman for city police.
The man sustained non-life-threatening injuries and is being taken to a local hospital, Bernhardt said.
No one else was injured in the 1 p.m. incident at 1229 North Dixie Highway, he said.

Would-be robber shot at West Palm Beach gas station

Well, good thing it was a non-threatening injury. This person wasn't as lucky.

On Wednesday, a two-year-old Texas boy named Trenton Mathis accidentally shot and killed himself with a handgun he found sitting on his great-grandfather’s nightstand. According to the website of KLTV, Mathis had gone into his great-grandparents’ bedroom in search of chewing gum. Instead, he found a loaded 9 mm handgun, which he used to shoot himself in the face. Mathis was pronounced dead at a Tyler, Texas hospital. He would have turned three years old in July.

Trenton Mathis, accidental shooting: Another day, another ?accidental? child shooting death.
Hey since yesterday ( and the day before the day before etc etc) I forgot all these great arguments about guns.

Maybe you all could repeat them again.......ad nauseum.

You all got al zimers or something. Makes you think your arguments are fresh and new and haven't been said before........by you.......about a million times. LMAO.

Only 201 defensive uses of guns recorded by the FBI in 2010.

In that same year, there were 11,000 gun homicides, 16,000 gun suicides and 851 gun accidents.

You don't need a gun. Your reasons for wanting them are silly.

A would-be armed robber was shot by his intended victim Monday afternoon by a West Palm Beach gas station, said Capt. David Bernhardt, spokesman for city police.
The man sustained non-life-threatening injuries and is being taken to a local hospital, Bernhardt said.
No one else was injured in the 1 p.m. incident at 1229 North Dixie Highway, he said.

Would-be robber shot at West Palm Beach gas station

Well, good thing it was a non-threatening injury. This person wasn't as lucky.

On Wednesday, a two-year-old Texas boy named Trenton Mathis accidentally shot and killed himself with a handgun he found sitting on his great-grandfather’s nightstand. According to the website of KLTV, Mathis had gone into his great-grandparents’ bedroom in search of chewing gum. Instead, he found a loaded 9 mm handgun, which he used to shoot himself in the face. Mathis was pronounced dead at a Tyler, Texas hospital. He would have turned three years old in July.

Trenton Mathis, accidental shooting: Another day, another ?accidental? child shooting death.

your claim was in regards to the number of uses of self defense

carelessness with a firearm is another issue
A would-be armed robber was shot by his intended victim Monday afternoon by a West Palm Beach gas station, said Capt. David Bernhardt, spokesman for city police.
The man sustained non-life-threatening injuries and is being taken to a local hospital, Bernhardt said.
No one else was injured in the 1 p.m. incident at 1229 North Dixie Highway, he said.

Would-be robber shot at West Palm Beach gas station

Well, good thing it was a non-threatening injury. This person wasn't as lucky.

On Wednesday, a two-year-old Texas boy named Trenton Mathis accidentally shot and killed himself with a handgun he found sitting on his great-grandfather’s nightstand. According to the website of KLTV, Mathis had gone into his great-grandparents’ bedroom in search of chewing gum. Instead, he found a loaded 9 mm handgun, which he used to shoot himself in the face. Mathis was pronounced dead at a Tyler, Texas hospital. He would have turned three years old in July.

Trenton Mathis, accidental shooting: Another day, another ?accidental? child shooting death.

your claim was in regards to the number of uses of self defense

carelessness with a firearm is another issue

No, really, it's part of the same problem.

If the number of murders, suicides and accidents far exceed the number of valid Self Defense uses, then you don't need guns.
Well, good thing it was a non-threatening injury. This person wasn't as lucky.

On Wednesday, a two-year-old Texas boy named Trenton Mathis accidentally shot and killed himself with a handgun he found sitting on his great-grandfather’s nightstand. According to the website of KLTV, Mathis had gone into his great-grandparents’ bedroom in search of chewing gum. Instead, he found a loaded 9 mm handgun, which he used to shoot himself in the face. Mathis was pronounced dead at a Tyler, Texas hospital. He would have turned three years old in July.

Trenton Mathis, accidental shooting: Another day, another ?accidental? child shooting death.

your claim was in regards to the number of uses of self defense

carelessness with a firearm is another issue

No, really, it's part of the same problem.

If the number of murders, suicides and accidents far exceed the number of valid Self Defense uses, then you don't need guns.

Keep moving that goalpost. Anyway, I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6. I know how to handle guns and do not fear them as most anti-gun nuts do. I'll stick to my 2nd amendment right.
Well, good thing it was a non-threatening injury. This person wasn't as lucky.

On Wednesday, a two-year-old Texas boy named Trenton Mathis accidentally shot and killed himself with a handgun he found sitting on his great-grandfather’s nightstand. According to the website of KLTV, Mathis had gone into his great-grandparents’ bedroom in search of chewing gum. Instead, he found a loaded 9 mm handgun, which he used to shoot himself in the face. Mathis was pronounced dead at a Tyler, Texas hospital. He would have turned three years old in July.

Trenton Mathis, accidental shooting: Another day, another ?accidental? child shooting death.

your claim was in regards to the number of uses of self defense

carelessness with a firearm is another issue

No, really, it's part of the same problem.

If the number of murders, suicides and accidents far exceed the number of valid Self Defense uses, then you don't need guns.

firearms are used in defense thousands of time a year

but none the less you drifting into another area is per usual
your claim was in regards to the number of uses of self defense

carelessness with a firearm is another issue

No, really, it's part of the same problem.

If the number of murders, suicides and accidents far exceed the number of valid Self Defense uses, then you don't need guns.

Keep moving that goalpost. Anyway, I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6. I know how to handle guns and do not fear them as most anti-gun nuts do. I'll stick to my 2nd amendment right.

I know how to handle guns as well. Most people don't. No civilian really needs one.

The two reasons that the gun nuts give is "We need to defend oursevles from criminals", but for every time a gun is used to kill a criminal, there are 160 cases where they kill a good guy.

The other is "We need to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government" (Usually when their guys don't win elections). Absolutely absurd when the government has tanks, bombs, artillery, warships, etc.
your claim was in regards to the number of uses of self defense

carelessness with a firearm is another issue

No, really, it's part of the same problem.

If the number of murders, suicides and accidents far exceed the number of valid Self Defense uses, then you don't need guns.

firearms are used in defense thousands of time a year

but none the less you drifting into another area is per usual

No, they really aren't.
firearms are used in defense thousands of time a year

but none the less you drifting into another area is per usual

No, they really aren't.

yes they are

No, they really aren't.

If they were, I'd know of dozens of people who used one in defense. I don't know of one.

I know of two people who killed themselves with guns that someone in the household bought for protection. In one case, it was the person who lived next door to me.
No, really, it's part of the same problem.

If the number of murders, suicides and accidents far exceed the number of valid Self Defense uses, then you don't need guns.

Keep moving that goalpost. Anyway, I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6. I know how to handle guns and do not fear them as most anti-gun nuts do. I'll stick to my 2nd amendment right.

I know how to handle guns as well. Most people don't. No civilian really needs one.

The two reasons that the gun nuts give is "We need to defend oursevles from criminals", but for every time a gun is used to kill a criminal, there are 160 cases where they kill a good guy.

The other is "We need to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government" (Usually when their guys don't win elections). Absolutely absurd when the government has tanks, bombs, artillery, warships, etc.

Why do you think civilians don't need guns? Besides, it's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs. I have the right to own a gun, and ammunition, and anything else that I want. And your strawman arguments are absurd.
:doubt:When things go bumping in the night
Clutch that pistol grip and all is right:

And tell any who'll listen that sans gun magic
It might have been just all too tragic.:eek:

The ner-do-well that never were
Were frighten off by you:eusa_liar: for sur!
:doubt:When things go bumping in the night
Clutch that pistol grip and all is right:

And tell any who'll listen that sans gun magic
It might have been just all too tragic.:eek:

The ner-do-well that never were
Were frighten off by you:eusa_liar: for sur!

Forcible felony against me in a lawful place.

I will shoot you in the face.​

Why do you think civilians don't need guns? Besides, it's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs. I have the right to own a gun, and ammunition, and anything else that I want. And your strawman arguments are absurd.

Actually, the Second Amendment also says, "Well Regulated Militia"

Which is why you can't have vials of anthrax, pipe bombs, Ricin, etc.

Implied in there is the right of government to regulate who has weapons and what kinds they can have.

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