An astonishing rate of Corruption: Trump’s 3,000 conflicts of interest.

Making money yes but they will have layoffs and freeze hiring as they expect higher tax burdens as well as uncertainty regarding healthcare. Consumers will spend less expecting higher expense burdens and voila you have a recession. I am 100% certain of this and this is why the Democrats are plotting to stop him.

I think demand is what creates employment. If you're throwing money at people who don't have the means to save then that creates demand. Taxes are only on profits.

If I were an employer I'd love to get out of the healthcare business, that shit's expensive.
Except Sanders said he would tax them more for it. Also you want a business friendly administration not one that will punish you with regs and taxes. The fact that you’re debating this is funny.

Sanders cannot tax anyone without the Repubs voting for it
You just said the Democrats would win the Senate? If he wins (he won’t) the markets will crash and burn. The Sandersvirus will make corona look like chump change.

The senate 2/3rds.

Trump had 2/3 when he pushed across his tax cuts?
"Businesses" if you mean "corporations" then no, they probably wouldn't like it and there would be a push for some of them to actually pay taxes. They are still going to be in the business of making money and that's what they will continue to try to do. If Sanders had his way he'd be doing a lot of what Trump is doing now, spending money. The difference would be in priorities as Sanders would be throwing it at the people on the bottom while Trump give s it away to the top.

That being said I'm mainly interested in voting against Trump because I feel he's corrupt and inept. Maybe the latter helps defeat the former a little but just the same, what a pile shit.
Making money yes but they will have layoffs and freeze hiring as they expect higher tax burdens as well as uncertainty regarding healthcare. Consumers will spend less expecting higher expense burdens and voila you have a recession. I am 100% certain of this and this is why the Democrats are plotting to stop him.

I think demand is what creates employment. If you're throwing money at people who don't have the means to save then that creates demand. Taxes are only on profits.

If I were an employer I'd love to get out of the healthcare business, that shit's expensive.
Except Sanders said he would tax them more for it. Also you want a business friendly administration not one that will punish you with regs and taxes. The fact that you’re debating this is funny.

They'll live, they always do even when the corporate tax rate was much, much higher and our middle class was built up.

I also want to deal with climate change, ensure corporations don't cheat people or pollute and poison us. That takes regulations. That takes anyone but Trump.

That is fine but has zero to do with a recession that his election would definitely create. Why do you think the Dems are trying to sabotage Captain Socialist. Much much higher? What is "much much"?

You haven't proven anything about a recession. A recession happens when people don't buy shit. If you give them money (for better or worse) they buy shit.

The Democrats don't want many of his policies and feel he isn't electable. Mostly they are running away form the term "Democratic Socialist" and feel it's going to hurt him in the general election. I think that's true even as I think labels are irrelevant. We are a mixed economy and that's probably about where we should be.

Anyway, I'm more immediately concerned about the climate and corruption. Trump isn't helpful on either of those.
I think demand is what creates employment. If you're throwing money at people who don't have the means to save then that creates demand. Taxes are only on profits.

If I were an employer I'd love to get out of the healthcare business, that shit's expensive.
Except Sanders said he would tax them more for it. Also you want a business friendly administration not one that will punish you with regs and taxes. The fact that you’re debating this is funny.

Sanders cannot tax anyone without the Repubs voting for it
You just said the Democrats would win the Senate? If he wins (he won’t) the markets will crash and burn. The Sandersvirus will make corona look like chump change.

The senate 2/3rds.

Trump had 2/3 when he pushed across his tax cuts?

Oh, that's right reconciliation only requires a simple majority.
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!

Hahaha...You folks with Orange Man Bad disease are entertaining as hell....please don't stop the lunacy.
No it's logical. I wouldn't be voting for Sanders in the general on ideological grounds and no, I do not know that Sanders would cause a recession.
What do you think would happen? Businesses would be thrilled? LOL. Wall St would be thrilled? People would pull back as would corporate America.

Clearly - Wall St is THRILLED with your Orange Overlord who's tanked the DJIA nearly over 500 points since March 2018

25,917.41 −785.91 (2.94%)
Mar 3, 4:09 PM EST

Git Them BUTTHOLE BARGAINS!!! :rolleyes:
That’s due to the coronavirus not anything DJT did. Please tell me you knew that. LOL

Cut it with the Indy crap and admit that you are IN THE TANK!!
Buy now!! :laughing0301:
When you sober up we can converse. You’re acting like one of my children

Find a GF - I don't do butt massages

25,917.41 −785.91 (2.94%)
Mar 3, 4:59 PM EST
Making money yes but they will have layoffs and freeze hiring as they expect higher tax burdens as well as uncertainty regarding healthcare. Consumers will spend less expecting higher expense burdens and voila you have a recession. I am 100% certain of this and this is why the Democrats are plotting to stop him.

I think demand is what creates employment. If you're throwing money at people who don't have the means to save then that creates demand. Taxes are only on profits.

If I were an employer I'd love to get out of the healthcare business, that shit's expensive.
Except Sanders said he would tax them more for it. Also you want a business friendly administration not one that will punish you with regs and taxes. The fact that you’re debating this is funny.

They'll live, they always do even when the corporate tax rate was much, much higher and our middle class was built up.

I also want to deal with climate change, ensure corporations don't cheat people or pollute and poison us. That takes regulations. That takes anyone but Trump.

That is fine but has zero to do with a recession that his election would definitely create. Why do you think the Dems are trying to sabotage Captain Socialist. Much much higher? What is "much much"?

You haven't proven anything about a recession. A recession happens when people don't buy shit. If you give them money (for better or worse) they buy shit.

The Democrats don't want many of his policies and feel he isn't electable. Mostly they are running away form the term "Democratic Socialist" and feel it's going to hurt him in the general election. I think that's true even as I think labels are irrelevant. We are a mixed economy and that's probably about where we should be.

Anyway, I'm more immediately concerned about the climate and corruption. Trump isn't helpful on either of those.
There will Always will be corruption. Climate, what more can we do when the Middle East and China pollute the world. We can only control about 15%...

My concerns are safety and the economy.
Except Sanders said he would tax them more for it. Also you want a business friendly administration not one that will punish you with regs and taxes. The fact that you’re debating this is funny.

Sanders cannot tax anyone without the Repubs voting for it
You just said the Democrats would win the Senate? If he wins (he won’t) the markets will crash and burn. The Sandersvirus will make corona look like chump change.

The senate 2/3rds.

Trump had 2/3 when he pushed across his tax cuts?

Oh, that's right reconciliation only requires a simple majority.
LOL indeed. Sanders is unelectable.
I think demand is what creates employment. If you're throwing money at people who don't have the means to save then that creates demand. Taxes are only on profits.

If I were an employer I'd love to get out of the healthcare business, that shit's expensive.
Except Sanders said he would tax them more for it. Also you want a business friendly administration not one that will punish you with regs and taxes. The fact that you’re debating this is funny.

They'll live, they always do even when the corporate tax rate was much, much higher and our middle class was built up.

I also want to deal with climate change, ensure corporations don't cheat people or pollute and poison us. That takes regulations. That takes anyone but Trump.

That is fine but has zero to do with a recession that his election would definitely create. Why do you think the Dems are trying to sabotage Captain Socialist. Much much higher? What is "much much"?

You haven't proven anything about a recession. A recession happens when people don't buy shit. If you give them money (for better or worse) they buy shit.

The Democrats don't want many of his policies and feel he isn't electable. Mostly they are running away form the term "Democratic Socialist" and feel it's going to hurt him in the general election. I think that's true even as I think labels are irrelevant. We are a mixed economy and that's probably about where we should be.

Anyway, I'm more immediately concerned about the climate and corruption. Trump isn't helpful on either of those.
There will Always will be corruption. Climate, what more can we do when the Middle East and China pollute the world. We can only control about 15%...

My concerns are safety and the economy.

The economy globally and forever will tank unless we do something about climate change. There will always be murder, why do anything about it?
Except Sanders said he would tax them more for it. Also you want a business friendly administration not one that will punish you with regs and taxes. The fact that you’re debating this is funny.

They'll live, they always do even when the corporate tax rate was much, much higher and our middle class was built up.

I also want to deal with climate change, ensure corporations don't cheat people or pollute and poison us. That takes regulations. That takes anyone but Trump.

That is fine but has zero to do with a recession that his election would definitely create. Why do you think the Dems are trying to sabotage Captain Socialist. Much much higher? What is "much much"?

You haven't proven anything about a recession. A recession happens when people don't buy shit. If you give them money (for better or worse) they buy shit.

The Democrats don't want many of his policies and feel he isn't electable. Mostly they are running away form the term "Democratic Socialist" and feel it's going to hurt him in the general election. I think that's true even as I think labels are irrelevant. We are a mixed economy and that's probably about where we should be.

Anyway, I'm more immediately concerned about the climate and corruption. Trump isn't helpful on either of those.
There will Always will be corruption. Climate, what more can we do when the Middle East and China pollute the world. We can only control about 15%...

My concerns are safety and the economy.

The economy globally and forever will tank unless we do something about climate change. There will always be murder, why do anything about it?
We don’t do anything about murder in China. We do pretty well here with recycling and such as far as I can tell.
Sanders cannot tax anyone without the Repubs voting for it
You just said the Democrats would win the Senate? If he wins (he won’t) the markets will crash and burn. The Sandersvirus will make corona look like chump change.

The senate 2/3rds.

Trump had 2/3 when he pushed across his tax cuts?

Oh, that's right reconciliation only requires a simple majority.
LOL indeed. Sanders is unelectable.

That is what they were saying about Trump this time 4 years people have very short memories.
The economy globally and forever will tank unless we do something about climate change. There will always be murder, why do anything about it?

There is nothing to do about climate change except adapt and prepare for the changes. Humans are not going to give up the lifestyle they have over something that is still very much pie in the sky to most of them.
You just said the Democrats would win the Senate? If he wins (he won’t) the markets will crash and burn. The Sandersvirus will make corona look like chump change.

The senate 2/3rds.

Trump had 2/3 when he pushed across his tax cuts?

Oh, that's right reconciliation only requires a simple majority.
LOL indeed. Sanders is unelectable.

That is what they were saying about Trump this time 4 years people have very short memories.

People shouldn't be making predictions about November in March.
The economy globally and forever will tank unless we do something about climate change. There will always be murder, why do anything about it?

There is nothing to do about climate change except adapt and prepare for the changes. Humans are not going to give up the lifestyle they have over something that is still very much pie in the sky to most of them.

Then they die.
The senate 2/3rds.

Trump had 2/3 when he pushed across his tax cuts?

Oh, that's right reconciliation only requires a simple majority.
LOL indeed. Sanders is unelectable.

That is what they were saying about Trump this time 4 years people have very short memories.

People shouldn't be making predictions about November in March.

for so many people it is like they never paid attention to politics till the day Trump won.
The economy globally and forever will tank unless we do something about climate change. There will always be murder, why do anything about it?

There is nothing to do about climate change except adapt and prepare for the changes. Humans are not going to give up the lifestyle they have over something that is still very much pie in the sky to most of them.

Then they die.

That might be, but there are things to do to prepare and adapt. The fight to stop it is already lost, it is time to quit that fight and move on.
The economy globally and forever will tank unless we do something about climate change. There will always be murder, why do anything about it?

There is nothing to do about climate change except adapt and prepare for the changes. Humans are not going to give up the lifestyle they have over something that is still very much pie in the sky to most of them.

Then they die.

That might be, but there are things to do to prepare and adapt. The fight to stop it is already lost, it is time to quit that fight and move on.

There is both to do. Prepare and adapt and solve.
You just said the Democrats would win the Senate? If he wins (he won’t) the markets will crash and burn. The Sandersvirus will make corona look like chump change.

The senate 2/3rds.

Trump had 2/3 when he pushed across his tax cuts?

Oh, that's right reconciliation only requires a simple majority.
LOL indeed. Sanders is unelectable.

That is what they were saying about Trump this time 4 years people have very short memories.
You people? Sanders and Trump are not in the same stratosphere
The senate 2/3rds.

Trump had 2/3 when he pushed across his tax cuts?

Oh, that's right reconciliation only requires a simple majority.
LOL indeed. Sanders is unelectable.

That is what they were saying about Trump this time 4 years people have very short memories.

People shouldn't be making predictions about November in March.
What fun is that? Come on. Joyless.
The senate 2/3rds.

Trump had 2/3 when he pushed across his tax cuts?

Oh, that's right reconciliation only requires a simple majority.
LOL indeed. Sanders is unelectable.

That is what they were saying about Trump this time 4 years people have very short memories.
You people? Sanders and Trump are not in the same stratosphere

There followers are driven by much the same disdain for the "same old same old". But your adoration for Trump blinds you these days, he is all you have eyes for any more

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