An Elizabeth Warren Quote Spreading On Social Media; Any Brainy Responses?

Economic policies rooted in class envy are only going to destroy the Middle Class and small businesses. Elizabeth Warren takes money from Wall Street, demonizes it, then takes more money from Wall Street. It's called corporate cronyism.

It's called "Progressivism", which is OKA: fascism, which is AKA: "The Mixed Economy" wherein sound, principled economic policy is mixed with equal parts of unsound, unprincipled economic policy, on the premise that to reject unsound, unprincipled policy fails to provide 'representation' to the Ideological Left.

Bonuses on Wall Street are wholly irrelevant to the Law which establishes the value of Zero Dollars at a value Higher than Zero, on the premise that its not fair to pay zero Dollars, to those whose labor product produces zero.

In reality, all such policy results in instant devaluation of whatever currency is set against such policy, serving to undermine the very interests of everyone associated with that currency, not the least of which is the individual whose productive means is zero.
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"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. They are kept at starvation wages. Do you really think they will ever receive any kind of bonus?
And that is our problem

For the last thirty years we have relied on the largess of the wealthy to do the right thing......They haven't

The working class has two things in their favor.......the ability to collectively bargain and the government

Republicans have been attacking both

Newsflash: The wealthy doesn't owe you a damn thing, not one damn thing
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers
The standard of living is not a constant. The modern standard of living for today's American family, even for the "poor", is higher than its ever been. Much of this is due advancements in technology. We have lots of stuff today to make life easier that we didn't have just a few years ago.

A single wage earner today can easily support a family today at a 1950's standard of living. Own only one car, live in a small house with only one restroom, no computer, no cable TV or Internet, no air condition, low heating bill because of the small house. The wife stays home to take care of the kids so the family is not paying for daycare. The wife also pinches the pennies when shopping for food and cloths. The kids don't get tons of toys that they break quickly and get thrown away. I could go on and on.
No question my grandfather could not afford a computer or a cell phone

But he worked as a painter going to muster every day to pick up work. He was able to afford a house, a new car every seven years, healthcare and a retirement at 60.

A standard today's worker can't match
And that is our problem

For the last thirty years we have relied on the largess of the wealthy to do the right thing......They haven't

The working class has two things in their favor.......the ability to collectively bargain and the government

Republicans have been attacking both

Newsflash: The wealthy doesn't owe you a damn thing, not one damn thing
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers
The standard of living is not a constant. The modern standard of living for today's American family, even for the "poor", is higher than its ever been. Much of this is due advancements in technology. We have lots of stuff today to make life easier that we didn't have just a few years ago.

A single wage earner today can easily support a family today at a 1950's standard of living. Own only one car, live in a small house with only one restroom, no computer, no cable TV or Internet, no air condition, low heating bill because of the small house. The wife stays home to take care of the kids so the family is not paying for daycare. The wife also pinches the pennies when shopping for food and cloths. The kids don't get tons of toys that they break quickly and get thrown away. I could go on and on.

When I was a kid I never had a new bicycle. I always got used bicycles for Christmas. Most of my toys I had to share with my brothers. Our family had used black and white TVs until I was 14, when we bought our first color set. I slept in the same room with two other brothers. Most of my clothes were hand-me-downs. Mom never bought soda or real ice cream. We had "ice-milk."
Warren is questioning who the rightful owners are

That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy

Yes, Trotskyite, blame it on Reagan THIRTY YEARS AGO.... Only you Marxist, could possibly believe in THAT Fairytale! And the Manchurian muslim continued the epic falsehood while blaming BUSH for over 6 years for HIS FAILED SOCIALIST policies.... what's that U6 total 92 MILLION out of work? Over 20 MILLION ADDED to Food Stamp rolls?
Yes, I do blame Reagan

He is the face of Supply Side Economics. Our country has been in a thirty year experiment with Reaganomics and the middle class has paid the price

How has cutting taxes harmed the middle class?

Well, the government knows what the middle class needs better than the middle class does. So, theoretically, raising taxes on the middle class will improve their life, and lowering taxes on the middle class will make things worse for them. This can be achieved only with government as the sole service provider for any life style or status change desired by the middle class.
Warren is questioning who the rightful owners are

That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy

Yes, Trotskyite, blame it on Reagan THIRTY YEARS AGO.... Only you Marxist, could possibly believe in THAT Fairytale! And the Manchurian muslim continued the epic falsehood while blaming BUSH for over 6 years for HIS FAILED SOCIALIST policies.... what's that U6 total 92 MILLION out of work? Over 20 MILLION ADDED to Food Stamp rolls?
Yes, I do blame Reagan

He is the face of Supply Side Economics. Our country has been in a thirty year experiment with Reaganomics and the middle class has paid the price

How has cutting taxes harmed the middle class?

By cutting what our wealthiest taxpayers used to support. Schools, healthcare, infrastructure, government services
Yes, I do blame Reagan

He is the face of Supply Side Economics. ...

(Reader: Supply Side Economics is merely another means to define The Natural Order of Economics, wherein people freely exchange goods and services to the profit (read: benefit) of both parties.)
Newsflash: The wealthy doesn't owe you a damn thing, not one damn thing
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers
The standard of living is not a constant. The modern standard of living for today's American family, even for the "poor", is higher than its ever been. Much of this is due advancements in technology. We have lots of stuff today to make life easier that we didn't have just a few years ago.

A single wage earner today can easily support a family today at a 1950's standard of living. Own only one car, live in a small house with only one restroom, no computer, no cable TV or Internet, no air condition, low heating bill because of the small house. The wife stays home to take care of the kids so the family is not paying for daycare. The wife also pinches the pennies when shopping for food and cloths. The kids don't get tons of toys that they break quickly and get thrown away. I could go on and on.
No question my grandfather could not afford a computer or a cell phone

But he worked as a painter going to muster every day to pick up work. He was able to afford a house, a new car every seven years, healthcare and a retirement at 60.

A standard today's worker can't match
Wrong, today's worker can match it. It's called living on a budget.
Newsflash: The wealthy doesn't owe you a damn thing, not one damn thing
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers
The standard of living is not a constant. The modern standard of living for today's American family, even for the "poor", is higher than its ever been. Much of this is due advancements in technology. We have lots of stuff today to make life easier that we didn't have just a few years ago.

A single wage earner today can easily support a family today at a 1950's standard of living. Own only one car, live in a small house with only one restroom, no computer, no cable TV or Internet, no air condition, low heating bill because of the small house. The wife stays home to take care of the kids so the family is not paying for daycare. The wife also pinches the pennies when shopping for food and cloths. The kids don't get tons of toys that they break quickly and get thrown away. I could go on and on.
No question my grandfather could not afford a computer or a cell phone

But he worked as a painter going to muster every day to pick up work. He was able to afford a house, a new car every seven years, healthcare and a retirement at 60.

A standard today's worker can't match

Houses in those days were half the size of modern houses. The didn't have granite counter tops, side-by-side refrigerators, chef style gas ranges, crown molding, brick pavers or swimming pools. Your father's new car didn't have air-conditioning, power windows, power door locks, ABS breaks, airbags, cruise control, premium sound, GPS or leather upholstery. Right up until the day he died my father bought cars without any these modern contrivances (except for the airbags) because he considered them to be extravagant luxuries.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

Ah. Gotta love rightwingnuts
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers
The standard of living is not a constant. The modern standard of living for today's American family, even for the "poor", is higher than its ever been. Much of this is due advancements in technology. We have lots of stuff today to make life easier that we didn't have just a few years ago.

A single wage earner today can easily support a family today at a 1950's standard of living. Own only one car, live in a small house with only one restroom, no computer, no cable TV or Internet, no air condition, low heating bill because of the small house. The wife stays home to take care of the kids so the family is not paying for daycare. The wife also pinches the pennies when shopping for food and cloths. The kids don't get tons of toys that they break quickly and get thrown away. I could go on and on.
No question my grandfather could not afford a computer or a cell phone

But he worked as a painter going to muster every day to pick up work. He was able to afford a house, a new car every seven years, healthcare and a retirement at 60.

A standard today's worker can't match
Wrong, today's worker can match it. It's called living on a budget.

Wages have been flatlined for decades. Costs have gone up exponentially.

Nice try though.
No question my grandfather could not afford a computer or a cell phone

But he worked as a painter going to muster every day to pick up work. He was able to afford a house, a new car every seven years, healthcare and a retirement at 60.

A standard today's worker can't match

Huh... Your Grandfather also enjoyed the benefit nearly 100% of whatever he produced.

For the bulk of his working lifetime, he paid little to no sales tax, virtually no property taxes, fuel taxes, highway taxes were known as tolls and where he was able, he likely avoided those roads where such was practical. He also likely did not have need of a license to paint, he likely had no requirement to carry liability insurance, had little to no insurance on this cars, his health or anything else.
Maybe Lizzy should take some of her millions and spread the wealth? It's easy to want someone to do it, not so easy to lead by example.
That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy

Yes, Trotskyite, blame it on Reagan THIRTY YEARS AGO.... Only you Marxist, could possibly believe in THAT Fairytale! And the Manchurian muslim continued the epic falsehood while blaming BUSH for over 6 years for HIS FAILED SOCIALIST policies.... what's that U6 total 92 MILLION out of work? Over 20 MILLION ADDED to Food Stamp rolls?
Yes, I do blame Reagan

He is the face of Supply Side Economics. Our country has been in a thirty year experiment with Reaganomics and the middle class has paid the price

How has cutting taxes harmed the middle class?

By cutting what our wealthiest taxpayers used to support. Schools, healthcare, infrastructure, government services

They pay more in taxes now than they did then, and spending on all of these services has increased in real dollars.

So, once again, how did cutting marginal tax rates harm the middle class?
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers
The standard of living is not a constant. The modern standard of living for today's American family, even for the "poor", is higher than its ever been. Much of this is due advancements in technology. We have lots of stuff today to make life easier that we didn't have just a few years ago.

A single wage earner today can easily support a family today at a 1950's standard of living. Own only one car, live in a small house with only one restroom, no computer, no cable TV or Internet, no air condition, low heating bill because of the small house. The wife stays home to take care of the kids so the family is not paying for daycare. The wife also pinches the pennies when shopping for food and cloths. The kids don't get tons of toys that they break quickly and get thrown away. I could go on and on.
No question my grandfather could not afford a computer or a cell phone

But he worked as a painter going to muster every day to pick up work. He was able to afford a house, a new car every seven years, healthcare and a retirement at 60.

A standard today's worker can't match

Houses in those days were half the size of modern houses. The didn't have granite counter tops, side-by-side refrigerators, chef style gas ranges, crown molding, brick pavers or swimming pools. Your father's new car didn't have air-conditioning, power windows, power door locks, ABS breaks, airbags, cruise control, premium sound, GPS or leather upholstery. Right up until the day he died my father bought cars without any these modern contrivances (except for the airbags) because he considered them to be extravagant luxuries.

Very few working Americans can afford McMansions with swimming pools, granite counters, two thousand dollar ranges and crown molding

They are more concerned with paying the rent, rising healthcare costs and maybe sending their kids to college
No question my grandfather could not afford a computer or a cell phone

But he worked as a painter going to muster every day to pick up work. He was able to afford a house, a new car every seven years, healthcare and a retirement at 60.

A standard today's worker can't match

Huh... Your Grandfather also enjoyed the benefit nearly 100% of whatever he produced.

For the bulk of his working lifetime, he paid little to no sales tax, virtually no property taxes, fuel taxes, highway taxes were known as tolls and where he was able, he likely avoided those roads where such was practical. He also likely did not have need of a license to paint, he likely had no requirement to carry liability insurance, had little to no insurance on this cars, his health or anything else.

He also paid much lower FICA and Medicare taxes.
Wages have been flatlined for decades. Costs have gone up exponentially.

Nice try though.


So the cost of labor has not gone up?

Really? Would ya care to make a guess on what the increases on the cost of labor in just ONE noteworthy piece of Legislation, OKA: obama's scare?

Go ahead... take a guess. (Here's a clue... the costs are SO NEGLIGIBLE that Labor hours are being cut, universally by all organizations affected by such.)

(Again reader, we're only talking about ONE PIECE OF LEGISLATION HERE.)
Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers
The standard of living is not a constant. The modern standard of living for today's American family, even for the "poor", is higher than its ever been. Much of this is due advancements in technology. We have lots of stuff today to make life easier that we didn't have just a few years ago.

A single wage earner today can easily support a family today at a 1950's standard of living. Own only one car, live in a small house with only one restroom, no computer, no cable TV or Internet, no air condition, low heating bill because of the small house. The wife stays home to take care of the kids so the family is not paying for daycare. The wife also pinches the pennies when shopping for food and cloths. The kids don't get tons of toys that they break quickly and get thrown away. I could go on and on.
No question my grandfather could not afford a computer or a cell phone

But he worked as a painter going to muster every day to pick up work. He was able to afford a house, a new car every seven years, healthcare and a retirement at 60.

A standard today's worker can't match

Houses in those days were half the size of modern houses. The didn't have granite counter tops, side-by-side refrigerators, chef style gas ranges, crown molding, brick pavers or swimming pools. Your father's new car didn't have air-conditioning, power windows, power door locks, ABS breaks, airbags, cruise control, premium sound, GPS or leather upholstery. Right up until the day he died my father bought cars without any these modern contrivances (except for the airbags) because he considered them to be extravagant luxuries.

Very few working Americans can afford McMansions with swimming pools, granite counters, two thousand dollar ranges and crown molding

They are more concerned with paying the rent, rising healthcare costs and maybe sending their kids to college

Have you shopped for a home these days? Those items are considered "must haves." They are standard on most new homes.

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