An Elizabeth Warren Quote Spreading On Social Media; Any Brainy Responses?

What amazes me about Liberals is how they can claim to hate Bankers then support a Senator who LOVES Bankers!
I doubt Sen. Warren loves bankers but it is clear she cares about the plight of the working class far more than anyone else in national politics, my question to you is why is that a bad thing? No one else is even talking about them. The best you can get out of any of the others is a kind of vague lip service for the middle class while they mainly occupy themselves with the concerns of big business. The pendulum has been swinging towards plutocracy for many years, how far do you think it still has to go before conservatives are satisfied?
Warren is connecting with working Americans and confirming what they already know......they are not getting a fair shake

While she may not win the Presidency, she will turn the conversation to the plight of working Americans

You mean she's playing to the mob and promising them ill-gotten swag taken from its rightful owners. Warren is a thug, and so are all the people who support her.
Warren is questioning who the rightful owners are

That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy

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What amazes me about Liberals is how they can claim to hate Bankers then support a Senator who LOVES Bankers!
I doubt Sen. Warren loves bankers but it is clear she cares about the plight of the working class far more than anyone else in national politics, my question to you is why is that a bad thing? No one else is even talking about them. The best you can get out of any of the others is a kind of vague lip service for the middle class while they mainly occupy themselves with the concerns of big business. The pendulum has been swinging towards plutocracy for many years, how far do you think it still has to go before conservatives are satisfied?
Warren is connecting with working Americans and confirming what they already know......they are not getting a fair shake

While she may not win the Presidency, she will turn the conversation to the plight of working Americans

You mean she's playing to the mob and promising them ill-gotten swag taken from its rightful owners. Warren is a thug, and so are all the people who support her.

Warren's problem is she plays to the moronic fools who have not the slightest inkling how to get ahead, you'd think they would have it figured out after six years of Obungles
so you voted for Mittens eh shit stain. He would have expanded the plutocrats power.

So what, if anything, would be the solution to the problem Warren poses?


And, since no solution is perfect, what would be the potential problems?


What worked before? Income inequality has never been at the level it is now.

Our tax policies got us here, why do you think they can't get us out of here?
Well, because I'm neck-deep in this stuff as part of my profession, I have to think about this stuff quite a bit. Given the current nature of the global economy, we would be able to increase personal income tax rates only so far, and not as high as they were in the 50's and 60's.

I would support adding two new margins, one at 44.9% and one at 49.9%. I think we could get away with that without much macro damage.

But that would not be enough to address this, not even close. This is a very complex issue and not solved with one approach.


In 40 years the gap between CEO pay and worker pay has gone from 20 times the average worker to over 300 times the average worker. There's something wrong with that. The average worker isn't working any less hard than they were before, they're working harder in fact.

It's a complex issue that isn't going to be solved by the people making 300 times the salary of the working guy. If the government elected to represent that working guy doens't do anything about it, the alternative is seldom pretty.


And what is amazing is how conservatives will look at that figure and start ranting about how lazy and stupid workers are

You know.......there is nothing stopping those workers from becoming CEOs
yep . Like Ken Lay for instance.

Ken Lay was a criminal who committed fraud. Are you accusing all CEOs of being criminals?
I doubt Sen. Warren loves bankers but it is clear she cares about the plight of the working class far more than anyone else in national politics, my question to you is why is that a bad thing? No one else is even talking about them. The best you can get out of any of the others is a kind of vague lip service for the middle class while they mainly occupy themselves with the concerns of big business. The pendulum has been swinging towards plutocracy for many years, how far do you think it still has to go before conservatives are satisfied?
Warren is connecting with working Americans and confirming what they already know......they are not getting a fair shake

While she may not win the Presidency, she will turn the conversation to the plight of working Americans

You mean she's playing to the mob and promising them ill-gotten swag taken from its rightful owners. Warren is a thug, and so are all the people who support her.
Warren is questioning who the rightful owners are

That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy
^ that CrusaderFrank Toro
I doubt Sen. Warren loves bankers but it is clear she cares about the plight of the working class far more than anyone else in national politics, my question to you is why is that a bad thing? No one else is even talking about them. The best you can get out of any of the others is a kind of vague lip service for the middle class while they mainly occupy themselves with the concerns of big business. The pendulum has been swinging towards plutocracy for many years, how far do you think it still has to go before conservatives are satisfied?
Warren is connecting with working Americans and confirming what they already know......they are not getting a fair shake

While she may not win the Presidency, she will turn the conversation to the plight of working Americans

You mean she's playing to the mob and promising them ill-gotten swag taken from its rightful owners. Warren is a thug, and so are all the people who support her.
Warren is questioning who the rightful owners are

That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy

How did any Microsoft employee earn a share of Bill Gates' fortune?
I doubt Sen. Warren loves bankers but it is clear she cares about the plight of the working class far more than anyone else in national politics, my question to you is why is that a bad thing? No one else is even talking about them. The best you can get out of any of the others is a kind of vague lip service for the middle class while they mainly occupy themselves with the concerns of big business. The pendulum has been swinging towards plutocracy for many years, how far do you think it still has to go before conservatives are satisfied?
Warren is connecting with working Americans and confirming what they already know......they are not getting a fair shake

While she may not win the Presidency, she will turn the conversation to the plight of working Americans

You mean she's playing to the mob and promising them ill-gotten swag taken from its rightful owners. Warren is a thug, and so are all the people who support her.
Warren is questioning who the rightful owners are

That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy

BTW, that has been true since the dawn of capitalism. Automation makes a lot of jobs obsolete. That means people can no longer make a living doing these jobs. However, in a capitalist economy plenty of new jobs created by new industries and technology open up for displaced workers. Numskulls like you would cast the economy in concrete so nothing could ever change. The only way to keep jobs from becoming obsolete is to prevent all innovation and economic growth.
Inequality in income is the straight and direct and undeniable function of:

Inequality in ambition.
Inequality in desire.
Inequality in brains.
Inequality in education.
Inequality in honest self evaluation.
Inequality in facing reality.

Income inequality comes from one group having the power to exploit another group.
And that is our problem

For the last thirty years we have relied on the largess of the wealthy to do the right thing......They haven't

The working class has two things in their favor.......the ability to collectively bargain and the government

Republicans have been attacking both

Newsflash: The wealthy doesn't owe you a damn thing, not one damn thing
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers
I doubt Sen. Warren loves bankers but it is clear she cares about the plight of the working class far more than anyone else in national politics, my question to you is why is that a bad thing? No one else is even talking about them. The best you can get out of any of the others is a kind of vague lip service for the middle class while they mainly occupy themselves with the concerns of big business. The pendulum has been swinging towards plutocracy for many years, how far do you think it still has to go before conservatives are satisfied?
Warren is connecting with working Americans and confirming what they already know......they are not getting a fair shake

While she may not win the Presidency, she will turn the conversation to the plight of working Americans

You mean she's playing to the mob and promising them ill-gotten swag taken from its rightful owners. Warren is a thug, and so are all the people who support her.
Warren is questioning who the rightful owners are

That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy

Yes, Trotskyite, blame it on Reagan THIRTY YEARS AGO.... Only you Marxist, could possibly believe in THAT Fairytale! And the Manchurian muslim continued the epic falsehood while blaming BUSH for over 6 years for HIS FAILED SOCIALIST policies.... what's that U6 total 92 MILLION out of work? Over 20 MILLION ADDED to Food Stamp rolls?
Income inequality comes from one group having the power to exploit another group.
And that is our problem

For the last thirty years we have relied on the largess of the wealthy to do the right thing......They haven't

The working class has two things in their favor.......the ability to collectively bargain and the government

Republicans have been attacking both

Newsflash: The wealthy doesn't owe you a damn thing, not one damn thing
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers

You're just full of the left wing poopaganda. Do you all get your talking points from the same source?
And that is our problem

For the last thirty years we have relied on the largess of the wealthy to do the right thing......They haven't

The working class has two things in their favor.......the ability to collectively bargain and the government

Republicans have been attacking both

Newsflash: The wealthy doesn't owe you a damn thing, not one damn thing
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers

You're just full of the left wing poopaganda. Do you all get your talking points from the same source?

It's right from the BOOK!

Warren is connecting with working Americans and confirming what they already know......they are not getting a fair shake

While she may not win the Presidency, she will turn the conversation to the plight of working Americans

You mean she's playing to the mob and promising them ill-gotten swag taken from its rightful owners. Warren is a thug, and so are all the people who support her.
Warren is questioning who the rightful owners are

That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy

Yes, Trotskyite, blame it on Reagan THIRTY YEARS AGO.... Only you Marxist, could possibly believe in THAT Fairytale! And the Manchurian muslim continued the epic falsehood while blaming BUSH for over 6 years for HIS FAILED SOCIALIST policies.... what's that U6 total 92 MILLION out of work? Over 20 MILLION ADDED to Food Stamp rolls?
Yes, I do blame Reagan

He is the face of Supply Side Economics. Our country has been in a thirty year experiment with Reaganomics and the middle class has paid the price
And that is our problem

For the last thirty years we have relied on the largess of the wealthy to do the right thing......They haven't

The working class has two things in their favor.......the ability to collectively bargain and the government

Republicans have been attacking both

Newsflash: The wealthy doesn't owe you a damn thing, not one damn thing
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers

You're just full of the left wing poopaganda. Do you all get your talking points from the same source?

Actually, I lived through Reagan. I even bought into what he was selling. I saw the standard of living that a working American could get in the 70s and 80s and see that my own children do not have the path to prosperity that I had or my father had
Warren is connecting with working Americans and confirming what they already know......they are not getting a fair shake

While she may not win the Presidency, she will turn the conversation to the plight of working Americans

You mean she's playing to the mob and promising them ill-gotten swag taken from its rightful owners. Warren is a thug, and so are all the people who support her.
Warren is questioning who the rightful owners are

That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy

BTW, that has been true since the dawn of capitalism. Automation makes a lot of jobs obsolete. That means people can no longer make a living doing these jobs. However, in a capitalist economy plenty of new jobs created by new industries and technology open up for displaced workers. Numskulls like you would cast the economy in concrete so nothing could ever change. The only way to keep jobs from becoming obsolete is to prevent all innovation and economic growth.

I think we should just accept our fate and get the mule out of the barn and start plowing that 40 acre field. Agraria sounds fun.

Income inequality comes from one group having the power to exploit another group.
And that is our problem

For the last thirty years we have relied on the largess of the wealthy to do the right thing......They haven't

The working class has two things in their favor.......the ability to collectively bargain and the government

Republicans have been attacking both

Newsflash: The wealthy doesn't owe you a damn thing, not one damn thing
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers
The standard of living is not a constant. The modern standard of living for today's American family, even for the "poor", is higher than its ever been. Much of this is due advancements in technology. We have lots of stuff today to make life easier that we didn't have just a few years ago.

A single wage earner today can easily support a family today at a 1950's standard of living. Own only one car, live in a small house with only one restroom, no computer, no cable TV or Internet, no air condition, low heating bill because of the small house. The wife stays home to take care of the kids so the family is not paying for daycare. The wife also pinches the pennies when shopping for food and cloths. The kids don't get tons of toys that they break quickly and get thrown away. I could go on and on.
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Newsflash: The wealthy doesn't owe you a damn thing, not one damn thing
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers

You're just full of the left wing poopaganda. Do you all get your talking points from the same source?

Actually, I lived through Reagan. I even bought into what he was selling. I saw the standard of living that a working American could get in the 70s and 80s and see that my own children do not have the path to prosperity that I had or my father had

I was born in 1985, both my husband and I went to college, worked hard to save and advance our careers and today we are very comfortable....any other child born in 1985 had the exact same opportunities I had, the difference is we seized the moment, others expect the moment to be handed to them. It's all about choices
You mean she's playing to the mob and promising them ill-gotten swag taken from its rightful owners. Warren is a thug, and so are all the people who support her.
Warren is questioning who the rightful owners are

That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy

Yes, Trotskyite, blame it on Reagan THIRTY YEARS AGO.... Only you Marxist, could possibly believe in THAT Fairytale! And the Manchurian muslim continued the epic falsehood while blaming BUSH for over 6 years for HIS FAILED SOCIALIST policies.... what's that U6 total 92 MILLION out of work? Over 20 MILLION ADDED to Food Stamp rolls?
Yes, I do blame Reagan

He is the face of Supply Side Economics. Our country has been in a thirty year experiment with Reaganomics and the middle class has paid the price

Bullshit, Trotskyite, you've had 6 years of a SOCIALIST LEAD gov't and years of a DemocRAT Congress to FIX whatever you supposedly think was wrong, ....and they made things WORSE.... you need the list starting with the ACA?....You are not a fool,Troskyite, but worse, a liar, and charlatan!
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.

Lizzy Cheekbones can go fuck herself

We need to scrape the Income Tax. Politicians should not be looking into the pockets of Private citizens
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Newsflash: The wealthy doesn't owe you a damn thing, not one damn thing
That is obvious they don't. That is why the whole concept of supply side economics is doomed to fail

Do you ever tire of spewing left loon BS? If you want to get ahead, you and anyone else, get off your dead ass and apply yourself. Nobody owes you a thing
Very true

And the American worker is the most productive on earth and has little to show for it
Where once a single wage earner could support a family, now two wage earners struggle to maintain the same standard of living

But go ahead and blame lazy workers

You're just full of the left wing poopaganda. Do you all get your talking points from the same source?

It's right from the BOOK!



Amazing, not once does he mention sex.

You mean she's playing to the mob and promising them ill-gotten swag taken from its rightful owners. Warren is a thug, and so are all the people who support her.
Warren is questioning who the rightful owners are

That's what thugs do. They claim they own things they did nothing to earn.

That's what makes you a thug. A decent society would put people like you in prison camps.

That is the key to the issue. They did earn it
What workers have found since Reagan is that the jobs that used to be able to support a family on, no longer do

That is his legacy

Yes, Trotskyite, blame it on Reagan THIRTY YEARS AGO.... Only you Marxist, could possibly believe in THAT Fairytale! And the Manchurian muslim continued the epic falsehood while blaming BUSH for over 6 years for HIS FAILED SOCIALIST policies.... what's that U6 total 92 MILLION out of work? Over 20 MILLION ADDED to Food Stamp rolls?
Yes, I do blame Reagan

He is the face of Supply Side Economics. Our country has been in a thirty year experiment with Reaganomics and the middle class has paid the price

How has cutting taxes harmed the middle class?

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