An Elizabeth Warren Quote Spreading On Social Media; Any Brainy Responses?

Has Elizabeth Warren ever worked for minimum wage? Probably not.

Have any of those CEO's receiving those bonuses, Warren is bitching about, ever worked for minimum wage? Probably yes.

No, the larger number of voters are comprised of people that are not rich and the number of people depending in government is rising.

That is her obvious target.

You know. The morons.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians. make the numbers fair and equal we need more minimum wage earners. There is simply not enough of them at this point in time.
Washington has been pandering to the wealthy so long that people like you think that is how it is supposed to be.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
People earning minimum wage need to learn how to become financial analysts.

Well obviously you never worked at minimum wage.
Most of us that are NOW successful DID so to get good work skills, easy to pick up but necessary for any future business career.
Be on time. Be at work regularly. Follow instructions. These basic skills are learned in minimum wage jobs.
So any adult over age 25 STILL in a minimum wage job ... I'm sorry. But for the rest of us that worked at minimum wage it was a starting point.. not the
end of the road.
The facts support this when you do a little research and find:

In 1979 6,912,000 or 13.4% of all hourly workers worked at minimum wage or of the total hourly workers of 51,582,090
In 1989 3,162,000 or 50% LESS working at minimum wage of the 62,000,000 people working at hourly wage
In 2009 there were 3,572,000 people working at minimum wage of the total work force of 72,897,959 at hourly wage or 4.9%
Finally in 2013 there were 3,300,000 working at minimum or 4.3% of the total 76,744,186 that work at hourly rate.
AND of the 3.3 million working at minimum wage:
Among employed teenagers paid by the hour, about 21 percent earned the minimum wage or less, compared
with about 3 percent of workers age 25 and the remaining at age 16 to 24 years,1,797,000 at or below minimum wage.

Tables 1 - 10 Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers 2012
Isn't it strange how just a little research can expand most people's minds but to the research requires an OPEN mind in the first place!
Why do you say that bripat has never worked for minimum wage, but then support his position with the rest of your post?
Inequality in income is the straight and direct and undeniable function of:

Inequality in ambition.
Inequality in desire.
Inequality in brains.
Inequality in education.
Inequality in honest self evaluation.
Inequality in facing reality.
Doesn't work like that....never keeping government out of the way wealth can be created for everyone....that is how we out performed the rest of the world in a mere 200 years of existence....the more th government confiscates in taxes, the more governmnent taxes, fines and increases fees to the point of destroying business growth...then you have limited wealth concentrated in the hands of politicians and their pet businesses.....

Government is the problem, not the answer to wealth creation for all people....

You don't know what you're talking about. When you think the height of American prosperity was? With the gap between rich and poor the lowest?

FACTS sometimes are very revealing rather then GUESSES like you are doing......
The number of U.S. households with a net worth of $1 million or more, excluding primary residence, rose to 9.63 million in 2013, according to a new report from Spectrem Group, a consulting and research firm.
Number of millionaire households in the U.S. reaches high - Mar. 14 2014
So as a percent of the 115,610,216 USA Households, in 2013 works out to 8% of all households have $1 million net worth.
(Persons per household, 2009-2013 2.63)

In 1850, the US was home to 19 millionaires. By the end of the 1890's the number of millionaires in the US had swelled to more than 4,000.
American Experience . America 1900 . People amp Events PBS
In 1890 when there were 4,000 millionaires there were 12,690,000 households OR 3/10th of 1% or 0.032%
U.S. Households Families and Married Couples 1890 2006

8% of households in 2013 are millionaires versus 0.032% in 1890... would that not mean the PIE is getting bigger and more importantly more of us
are getting a share of that PIE???
OH to discount argument about inflation?
In 1850 one dollar could buy what $25.82 buys today.

lol, you're proving MY point, dumbass.
It's kind of disheartening to see these people react to good honest American populism with horror and revulsion and instinctively close ranks around the financial elite.

It's even more disheartening for people who react to those of us THAT DID good old fashion minimum wage jobs as being for and against!
I guess the disgusting aspect is the people who ONLY want to feed a person a fish making that person dependent on handouts RATHER then
helping that minimum wage worker learn common business skills that helps the person feed themselves!
Why is the first response by people like you is that people like me that worked our way up from very dirty manual minimum wage jobs to
where now as a part owner of a company I'll get a check without even going to work!
That should be the goal for ALL of us including you rather then acting as animals fighting for tidbits.
The pie gets bigger all the time and people like me who worked at very dirty manual labor jobs knowing that those skill sets were NOT enough
became better educated and thus able to raise OURSELVES rather then depend on the government are getting a piece of that growing pie.
Just a very simple fact that I hope causes you to think:

That attitude was certainly prevalent in the early days of capitalism i.e. when the GDP in
GDP in 2005 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2005 dollars.
1800 $ 12,987 5,297,000 $ 1,396
1900 $ 422,843 76,094,000 $ 5,556
2009 12,987,400 307,483,000 $42,247
If you don't understand this... THE PIE has constantly gotten bigger and MORE people are sharing in the pie's growth!
JUST think for a second... how many of your relatives in the 1900s could send messages instantly to anyone around the world as well as selfies!!!
The poorest people in the USA have more services then the wealthiest people did in the 1940s!!!
Doesn't work like that....never keeping government out of the way wealth can be created for everyone....that is how we out performed the rest of the world in a mere 200 years of existence....the more th government confiscates in taxes, the more governmnent taxes, fines and increases fees to the point of destroying business growth...then you have limited wealth concentrated in the hands of politicians and their pet businesses.....

Government is the problem, not the answer to wealth creation for all people....

You don't know what you're talking about. When you think the height of American prosperity was? With the gap between rich and poor the lowest?

FACTS sometimes are very revealing rather then GUESSES like you are doing......
The number of U.S. households with a net worth of $1 million or more, excluding primary residence, rose to 9.63 million in 2013, according to a new report from Spectrem Group, a consulting and research firm.
Number of millionaire households in the U.S. reaches high - Mar. 14 2014
So as a percent of the 115,610,216 USA Households, in 2013 works out to 8% of all households have $1 million net worth.
(Persons per household, 2009-2013 2.63)

In 1850, the US was home to 19 millionaires. By the end of the 1890's the number of millionaires in the US had swelled to more than 4,000.
American Experience . America 1900 . People amp Events PBS
In 1890 when there were 4,000 millionaires there were 12,690,000 households OR 3/10th of 1% or 0.032%
U.S. Households Families and Married Couples 1890 2006

8% of households in 2013 are millionaires versus 0.032% in 1890... would that not mean the PIE is getting bigger and more importantly more of us
are getting a share of that PIE???
OH to discount argument about inflation?
In 1850 one dollar could buy what $25.82 buys today.

lol, you're proving MY point, dumbass.
It's kind of disheartening to see these people react to good honest American populism with horror and revulsion and instinctively close ranks around the financial elite.
Is words all it takes to satisfy libs.........The fact she is a hypocrite who mumbles what you want to here is good enough eh.....btw current President is king of income inequality........
Doesn't work like that....never keeping government out of the way wealth can be created for everyone....that is how we out performed the rest of the world in a mere 200 years of existence....the more th government confiscates in taxes, the more governmnent taxes, fines and increases fees to the point of destroying business growth...then you have limited wealth concentrated in the hands of politicians and their pet businesses.....

Government is the problem, not the answer to wealth creation for all people....

You don't know what you're talking about. When you think the height of American prosperity was? With the gap between rich and poor the lowest?

FACTS sometimes are very revealing rather then GUESSES like you are doing......
The number of U.S. households with a net worth of $1 million or more, excluding primary residence, rose to 9.63 million in 2013, according to a new report from Spectrem Group, a consulting and research firm.
Number of millionaire households in the U.S. reaches high - Mar. 14 2014
So as a percent of the 115,610,216 USA Households, in 2013 works out to 8% of all households have $1 million net worth.
(Persons per household, 2009-2013 2.63)

In 1850, the US was home to 19 millionaires. By the end of the 1890's the number of millionaires in the US had swelled to more than 4,000.
American Experience . America 1900 . People amp Events PBS
In 1890 when there were 4,000 millionaires there were 12,690,000 households OR 3/10th of 1% or 0.032%
U.S. Households Families and Married Couples 1890 2006

8% of households in 2013 are millionaires versus 0.032% in 1890... would that not mean the PIE is getting bigger and more importantly more of us
are getting a share of that PIE???
OH to discount argument about inflation?
In 1850 one dollar could buy what $25.82 buys today.

lol, you're proving MY point, dumbass.
It's kind of disheartening to see these people react to good honest American populism with horror and revulsion and instinctively close ranks around the financial elite.

It's even more disheartening for people who react to those of us THAT DID good old fashion minimum wage jobs as being for and against!
I guess the disgusting aspect is the people who ONLY want to feed a person a fish making that person dependent on handouts RATHER then
helping that minimum wage worker learn common business skills that helps the person feed themselves!
Why is the first response by people like you is that people like me that worked our way up from very dirty manual minimum wage jobs to
where now as a part owner of a company I'll get a check without even going to work!
That should be the goal for ALL of us including you rather then acting as animals fighting for tidbits.
The pie gets bigger all the time and people like me who worked at very dirty manual labor jobs knowing that those skill sets were NOT enough
became better educated and thus able to raise OURSELVES rather then depend on the government are getting a piece of that growing pie.
Just a very simple fact that I hope causes you to think:

That attitude was certainly prevalent in the early days of capitalism i.e. when the GDP in
GDP in 2005 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2005 dollars.
1800 $ 12,987 5,297,000 $ 1,396
1900 $ 422,843 76,094,000 $ 5,556
2009 12,987,400 307,483,000 $42,247
Measuring Worth - GDP result.
If you don't understand this... THE PIE has constantly gotten bigger and MORE people are sharing in the pie's growth!
JUST think for a second... how many of your relatives in the 1900s could send messages instantly to anyone around the world as well as selfies!!!
The poorest people in the USA have more services then the wealthiest people did in the 1940s!!!
So, in your opinion, having most of our nation's private wealth locked up in the hands of a very few while wage growth stubbornly remains flat despite astonishing gains in productivity is not a problem we need to be addressing, got it.
Nice sound byte. Let me know when we have facts to deal with
I suspect you could make a similar claim about all the perks and bonuses that members of Congress get which would include Warren as compared to minimum wage workers. I would also point out it takes considerbly more skill and education to work on Wall Street than it does to flip burgers at Mcdonald's I'm sorry if some find that offensive but the reality is not all jobs are equal nor all workers.
Nice sound byte. Let me know when we have facts to deal with
I'm assuming you are talking to me, at this late date even the blindest free market disciple knows we have a problem, they just do not like the political implications of dealing with it. If you have a problem with my post you may chase links to show I am mistaken at your leisure.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.
"Bernanke has a very powerful weapon. He controls how much money will make its way into the system and right now his policy is to print money in droves and push it into the markets. The Fed has pumped trillions of dollars into the markets by buying up mortgage bonds and U.S. Treasuries"

Why Wall Street Is Winning Right Now And Everyone Else Seems To Be Losing - Forbes
Inequality in income is the straight and direct and undeniable function of:

Inequality in ambition.
Inequality in desire.
Inequality in brains.
Inequality in education.
Inequality in honest self evaluation.
Inequality in facing reality.

Income inequality comes from one group having the power to exploit another group.

So what, if anything, would be the solution to the problem Warren poses?


And, since no solution is perfect, what would be the potential problems?


What worked before? Income inequality has never been at the level it is now.

Our tax policies got us here, why do you think they can't get us out of here?
Well, because I'm neck-deep in this stuff as part of my profession, I have to think about this stuff quite a bit. Given the current nature of the global economy, we would be able to increase personal income tax rates only so far, and not as high as they were in the 50's and 60's.

I would support adding two new margins, one at 44.9% and one at 49.9%. I think we could get away with that without much macro damage.

But that would not be enough to address this, not even close. This is a very complex issue and not solved with one approach.


In 40 years the gap between CEO pay and worker pay has gone from 20 times the average worker to over 300 times the average worker. There's something wrong with that. The average worker isn't working any less hard than they were before, they're working harder in fact.

It's a complex issue that isn't going to be solved by the people making 300 times the salary of the working guy. If the government elected to represent that working guy doens't do anything about it, the alternative is seldom pretty.

Then you're most likely going to have some kind of regulations that limit compensation for both privately-held and publicly-held, exclusively American companies. Some percentage of revenue or earnings, or some flat, across-the-board number.

Perhaps a requirement that ties compensation to profits so that huge bonuses can't be paid unless a corporation makes some federally-mandated profit or profit percentage.

Since I'm not seeing anyone get specific, I can only guess what people are asking for.

Last edited:
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

Such an asinine insinuation doesn't deserve a brainy response. But please do tell me one thing: What is it about a minimum wage job that prohibits receiving bonuses?

^So your response to the OP is "I'm too good to respond to that, respond to my post though".


Not that it's rocket science but you are level 1 responding to basic politics.

This being said make your OWN post about minimum wage bonuses and try TRY to have some substance about the OP in the future.

Epic fail. I provided your response. You're too much of a fucking idiot to see it. It's right there, right in front of your fucking face. But it's so beyond you, you can't even fathom it.

Let me attempt to respond to your thread that you made by trying to derail or ignore mine in your own fashion.

"That is a bunch of big stupid dumby stuff. He's just too stupid. Epic fail. If you were smart you would know what I'm saying"

^did this response make me smart in your perspective kiddo?
That is about the gist of a typical rw response here yes. Sad that they take the time & effort to deflect. Their ideology compels them to do whatever is necessary to defend their failed ideas :(
Inequality in income is the straight and direct and undeniable function of:

Inequality in ambition.
Inequality in desire.
Inequality in brains.
Inequality in education.
Inequality in honest self evaluation.
Inequality in facing reality.

Income inequality comes from one group having the power to exploit another group.
FJO hasn't yet realized that politicians of the two party duopoly have a price? :eusa_eh: :rofl:
You don't know what you're talking about. When you think the height of American prosperity was? With the gap between rich and poor the lowest?

FACTS sometimes are very revealing rather then GUESSES like you are doing......
The number of U.S. households with a net worth of $1 million or more, excluding primary residence, rose to 9.63 million in 2013, according to a new report from Spectrem Group, a consulting and research firm.
Number of millionaire households in the U.S. reaches high - Mar. 14 2014
So as a percent of the 115,610,216 USA Households, in 2013 works out to 8% of all households have $1 million net worth.
(Persons per household, 2009-2013 2.63)

In 1850, the US was home to 19 millionaires. By the end of the 1890's the number of millionaires in the US had swelled to more than 4,000.
American Experience . America 1900 . People amp Events PBS
In 1890 when there were 4,000 millionaires there were 12,690,000 households OR 3/10th of 1% or 0.032%
U.S. Households Families and Married Couples 1890 2006

8% of households in 2013 are millionaires versus 0.032% in 1890... would that not mean the PIE is getting bigger and more importantly more of us
are getting a share of that PIE???
OH to discount argument about inflation?
In 1850 one dollar could buy what $25.82 buys today.

lol, you're proving MY point, dumbass.
It's kind of disheartening to see these people react to good honest American populism with horror and revulsion and instinctively close ranks around the financial elite.

It's even more disheartening for people who react to those of us THAT DID good old fashion minimum wage jobs as being for and against!
I guess the disgusting aspect is the people who ONLY want to feed a person a fish making that person dependent on handouts RATHER then
helping that minimum wage worker learn common business skills that helps the person feed themselves!
Why is the first response by people like you is that people like me that worked our way up from very dirty manual minimum wage jobs to
where now as a part owner of a company I'll get a check without even going to work!
That should be the goal for ALL of us including you rather then acting as animals fighting for tidbits.
The pie gets bigger all the time and people like me who worked at very dirty manual labor jobs knowing that those skill sets were NOT enough
became better educated and thus able to raise OURSELVES rather then depend on the government are getting a piece of that growing pie.
Just a very simple fact that I hope causes you to think:

That attitude was certainly prevalent in the early days of capitalism i.e. when the GDP in
GDP in 2005 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2005 dollars.
1800 $ 12,987 5,297,000 $ 1,396
1900 $ 422,843 76,094,000 $ 5,556
2009 12,987,400 307,483,000 $42,247
Measuring Worth - GDP result.
If you don't understand this... THE PIE has constantly gotten bigger and MORE people are sharing in the pie's growth!
JUST think for a second... how many of your relatives in the 1900s could send messages instantly to anyone around the world as well as selfies!!!
The poorest people in the USA have more services then the wealthiest people did in the 1940s!!!

So, in your opinion, having most of our nation's private wealth locked up in the hands of a very few while wage growth stubbornly remains flat despite astonishing gains in productivity is not a problem we need to be addressing, got it.

But that's NOT true!
prove to me because here is the "WEALTH" of the nation ok??
What you are looking at is when the household subtracts all their debts from all their assets that is the net worth.

JUST a note: Why under the President who is suppose to be for the middle class, common American the NET worth had dropped??? Highlights 2011 Revised 7-3-14.pdf

Screen Shot 2015-03-14 at 9.23.19 AM.png
You don't know what you're talking about. When you think the height of American prosperity was? With the gap between rich and poor the lowest?

FACTS sometimes are very revealing rather then GUESSES like you are doing......
The number of U.S. households with a net worth of $1 million or more, excluding primary residence, rose to 9.63 million in 2013, according to a new report from Spectrem Group, a consulting and research firm.
Number of millionaire households in the U.S. reaches high - Mar. 14 2014
So as a percent of the 115,610,216 USA Households, in 2013 works out to 8% of all households have $1 million net worth.
(Persons per household, 2009-2013 2.63)

In 1850, the US was home to 19 millionaires. By the end of the 1890's the number of millionaires in the US had swelled to more than 4,000.
American Experience . America 1900 . People amp Events PBS
In 1890 when there were 4,000 millionaires there were 12,690,000 households OR 3/10th of 1% or 0.032%
U.S. Households Families and Married Couples 1890 2006

8% of households in 2013 are millionaires versus 0.032% in 1890... would that not mean the PIE is getting bigger and more importantly more of us
are getting a share of that PIE???
OH to discount argument about inflation?
In 1850 one dollar could buy what $25.82 buys today.

lol, you're proving MY point, dumbass.
It's kind of disheartening to see these people react to good honest American populism with horror and revulsion and instinctively close ranks around the financial elite.

It's even more disheartening for people who react to those of us THAT DID good old fashion minimum wage jobs as being for and against!
I guess the disgusting aspect is the people who ONLY want to feed a person a fish making that person dependent on handouts RATHER then
helping that minimum wage worker learn common business skills that helps the person feed themselves!
Why is the first response by people like you is that people like me that worked our way up from very dirty manual minimum wage jobs to
where now as a part owner of a company I'll get a check without even going to work!
That should be the goal for ALL of us including you rather then acting as animals fighting for tidbits.
The pie gets bigger all the time and people like me who worked at very dirty manual labor jobs knowing that those skill sets were NOT enough
became better educated and thus able to raise OURSELVES rather then depend on the government are getting a piece of that growing pie.
Just a very simple fact that I hope causes you to think:

That attitude was certainly prevalent in the early days of capitalism i.e. when the GDP in
GDP in 2005 dollars Population GDP per capita in 2005 dollars.
1800 $ 12,987 5,297,000 $ 1,396
1900 $ 422,843 76,094,000 $ 5,556
2009 12,987,400 307,483,000 $42,247
Measuring Worth - GDP result.
If you don't understand this... THE PIE has constantly gotten bigger and MORE people are sharing in the pie's growth!
JUST think for a second... how many of your relatives in the 1900s could send messages instantly to anyone around the world as well as selfies!!!
The poorest people in the USA have more services then the wealthiest people did in the 1940s!!!
So, in your opinion, having most of our nation's private wealth locked up in the hands of a very few while wage growth stubbornly remains flat despite astonishing gains in productivity is not a problem we need to be addressing, got it.


Fucking useless fucking brainwashed hack right here.
"The total amount of money that Wall Street handed out in BONUSES last year was DOUBLE the total income of ALL FULL TIME Minimum Wage Workers. That's obscene.. ~Elizabeth Warren

Any significant brainy responses to this?

I think in the end of this discussion, most people will notice our Economy was exactly like it was just before the Great Depression. A few had it all and the majority had little. What's sad is the poor people are fighting for their own poverty, they think they will get paid more if their employers aren't restricted by Big Gov......Yea, Your employer is using you like a tool to lower restrictions to make even more profits and make you more poor. Thanks for playing.

Small business will not make it into this discussion because it didn't have enough $ to buy politicians.

Economic policies rooted in class envy are only going to destroy the Middle Class and small businesses. Elizabeth Warren takes money from Wall Street, demonizes it, then takes more money from Wall Street. It's called corporate cronyism.

I'd be interested in the evidence that Warren takes money from. Wall Street. Got any?

"I do have donors on Wall Street, but they know what they are getting" - Elizabeth Warren, The Springfield Republucan, January 2012.

Here's your source from Warren herself:
The JEALOUSY, and CLASS WARFARE from our subversive left is meant to manipulate the unintelligent, and poor! Instead of promoting the WORK ETHIC that made this country great UNTIL we let these underground Communist/socialists into the government.... most just didn't see it happening.... Most STILL don't realize the left has to infect discontent into these minorities, and GENERATION POOR that they have caused through entitlements in order to have a VOTING BASE, and control. Independent and the right middle class people understand what the work ethic Saul said....


Come on independent thinker.... LOOK at this and realize that the left wants REVOLUTION but are COWARDS to take what they want as the FATHERS OF THIS COUNTRY did 200+ years ago. Shedding THEIR BLOOD isn't in the game plan, but the blood of Blacks, and Hispanics when they can whip them up into a frenzy, as the administration did with Trayvon, Brown, et al, is a means to their end.....Think about that, sooner or later, if you are honest with yourself, you'll see that this is exactly what is happening!

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