An honest qst. of my conservative friends on here....

How about you provide the quotes to support your BS. He said today he will enforce existing laws, that means they got to go. He just said he would concentrate on the criminals first and the rest would be processed according to law.

Mr. Trump’s new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, signaled on Sunday that he has been reconsidering his approach to deportations. Pressed in an interview on CNN as to whether a deportation force was still on the table as a law enforcement measure, Ms. Conway said it was “to be determined.”

So you got nothing from Trump himself. Trump seems to be toning down the rhetoric but he says he will enforce the law.
It is obvious that right wingers on here will STILL support Trump even if he flip-flops on his immigration strong-armed policies.

Moving the goal posts, how regressive of you.
In any event, we should keep the hard-working Christian, family oriented Immigrants and deport the Marxist government dependent Progressives. We'd come out Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead
What evidence can you present showing Latinos as anything other than hard-working, Christian, and family oriented?

How about all the people they have maimed, raped and killed, evidence enough?
Is maiming, raping,and killing exclusive to Latinos? Is maiming,braking and killing something not found in Causasian societies?

Are you serious?
I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?

In any event, we should keep the hard-working Christian, family oriented Immigrants and deport the Marxist government dependent Progressives. We'd come out Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead
What evidence can you present showing Latinos as anything other than hard-working, Christian, and family oriented?

How about all the people they have maimed, raped and killed, evidence enough?
Is maiming, raping,and killing exclusive to Latinos? Is maiming,braking and killing something not found in Causasian societies?

Are you serious?

Sorry dude, I don't know any Caucasians that bark, well there is the hildabitch, but she's brain damaged.
Cut off the welfare spigot to illegals and they would "self-deport". The problem we have is waaaay deeper than this phony two party system, sadly. What we think we have and what we actually have are two very different things. USA.INC has intentionally fucked over the middle class and made the working poor even poorer while allowing illegals into this country that provide "under the table" cheap labor while getting a "gubermint" stipend. What we have is a big fucking mess and when the dollar hits the skids when the derivatives market crashes the big banks? The pain is gonna come and it's going to be brutal.
I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?
You don't have any conservative friends in this forum.

FOX News???? Really???? Obama's DHS has stopped 2.5 MILLION at the border and SO, he actually did NOT deport any illegals??/ just stopped them at the border???

How truly fucked up you right wingers must be.........But, you're rather entertaining....

Uh nutsac4900 read the whole story first...

“Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn’t have been counted in prior administrations,” said Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican.

“Correct,” Mr. Johnson confirmed.

That would mean that in a one-to-one comparison with the final years of the Bush administration, deportations of those same people under Mr. Obama had actually fallen, according to immigration analysts who have studied the data.

Is it really hard to admit your wrong so often?
In any event, we should keep the hard-working Christian, family oriented Immigrants and deport the Marxist government dependent Progressives. We'd come out Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead
What evidence can you present showing Latinos as anything other than hard-working, Christian, and family oriented?

How about all the people they have maimed, raped and killed, evidence enough?
Is maiming, raping,and killing exclusive to Latinos? Is maiming,braking and killing something not found in Causasian societies?

Are you serious?

BTW here's just two examples.

The numbers don’t show attitude or intent. “United States is stupid … I come back every time,” asserted Mexican national Rolando Mota-Campos to a Virginia-based immigration agent after his 11th arrest — for crimes ranging from abduction, assault, four DUIs, vehicular assault, attempted robbery, and domestic violence. Mota-Campos has been deported three times and has vowed to return again.[16]

And the numbers don’t show the depth of depravity of some illegal alien criminals. In Arizona, Mexican national Santana Batiz Aceves was charged with 47 counts of rape based on DNA evidence. He has already been deported twice for drug charges in California. Aceves also faces charges of kidnapping, aggravated assault, sexual abuse of a minor, giving police false information, providing false documents, and trespassing.[17]

Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We’re All Victims | The Constitution Party

We have enough crime, we don't need to import more.
I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?
only hinting on " reversal " of this i've seen are lib talking heads doing it.
they make something out of nothing every day.

maybe you oughta watch his speeches ... last night & tonight ... and point out to us where he said that ? :eek:....:D

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