An honest qst. of my conservative friends on here....

I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?

Actually no it will not change an avid Trump supporters mind. It's because they're stupid. And this article will explain it to you in detail. They were repeatedly told that Trump supported immigration reform in the past. They knew that he blasted Republicans in 2012, citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals, they knew it all and still voted for him. They also know that he can flip flop on an issue in one single paragraph, and that still doesn't bother them. He's flip-flopped on every issue every single day and it doesn't bother them.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

If he came out tommorrow and stated he was going to give 13 million illegals amnesty it wouldn't bother them, they would still support him. If he said tomorrow he was going to welcome in 200 million Muslims they would still support him. If he said he has decided against the wall, & he wanted open borders, they would still support him.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


Remember when Trump stated he could shoot someone, and not lose his voters support? He's right he wouldn't.
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose voters - CNN Video
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I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?

Actually no it will not change an avid Trump supporters mind. It's because they're stupid. And this article will explain it to you in detail. They were repeatedly told that Trump supported immigration reform in the past. They knew that he blasted Republicans in 2012, citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals, they knew it all and still voted for him. They also know that he can flip flop on an issue in one single paragraph, and that still doesn't bother them. He's flip-flopped on every issue every single day and it doesn't bother them.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

If he came out tommorrow and stated he was going to give 13 million illegals amnesty it wouldn't bother them, they would still support him. If he said tomorrow he was going to welcome in 200 million Muslims they would still support him. If he said he has decided against the wall, & he wanted open borders, they would still support him.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


Remember when Trump stated he could shoot someone, and not lose his voters support? He's right he wouldn't.
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose voters - CNN Video

Hitlery has had others shoot her enemies for her. Anyone that knows the history of the Clintons, their ties to the Bush crime families, the drug running from their days in Arkansas, White water, Chinagate, her days of selling diplomacy for donations to her slush fund, the stealing of money meant for Haitian refugees, the taking out of Qaddafi because he wanted to unite Africa and put in a gold backed currency in exchange for their goods instead of the worthless fiat about her brokering a deal to have surface to air missiles given to the CIA backed al qaeda to fight a proxy war with Assad in Syria because he had made a deal with Putin to build an oil pipeline that bypassed countries under the control of the globalists thus denying them a cut of the profits?? Look, you little stupid shit, until you educate yourself on how the world really works instead of how you wish it worked? You have no right to call others "stupid" for not seeing the world through your little leftard, squinty eyes. Debate me on this, bitch....I will rip you a new one.
I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?

Actually no it will not change an avid Trump supporters mind. It's because they're stupid. And this article will explain it to you in detail. They were repeatedly told that Trump supported immigration reform in the past. They knew that he blasted Republicans in 2012, citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals, they knew it all and still voted for him. They also know that he can flip flop on an issue in one single paragraph, and that still doesn't bother them. He's flip-flopped on every issue every single day and it doesn't bother them.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

If he came out tommorrow and stated he was going to give 13 million illegals amnesty it wouldn't bother them, they would still support him. If he said tomorrow he was going to welcome in 200 million Muslims they would still support him. If he said he has decided against the wall, & he wanted open borders, they would still support him.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


Remember when Trump stated he could shoot someone, and not lose his voters support? He's right he wouldn't.
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose voters - CNN Video

Hitlery has had others shoot her enemies for her. Anyone that knows the history of the Clintons, their ties to the Bush crime families, the drug running from their days in Arkansas, White water, Chinagate, her days of selling diplomacy for donations to her slush fund, the stealing of money meant for Haitian refugees, the taking out of Qaddafi because he wanted to unite Africa and put in a gold backed currency in exchange for their goods instead of the worthless fiat about her brokering a deal to have surface to air missiles given to the CIA backed al qaeda to fight a proxy war with Assad in Syria because he had made a deal with Putin to build an oil pipeline that bypassed countries under the control of the globalists thus denying them a cut of the profits?? Look, you little stupid shit, until you educate yourself on how the world really works instead of how you wish it worked? You have no right to call others "stupid" for not seeing the world through your little leftard, squinty eyes. Debate me on this, bitch....I will rip you a new one.

This thread isn't about Hillary Clinton, it's about Donald Trump and his flip-flops and what his supporters would do with a new friendlier version of an immigration policy.

Try to stay on track here, or make your own thread about which conspiracy theory you want to discuss. And you are stupid.

I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?
Wanting to deport them is the issue.
Facing the reality of making it happen is another story.
I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?

Actually no it will not change an avid Trump supporters mind. It's because they're stupid. And this article will explain it to you in detail. They were repeatedly told that Trump supported immigration reform in the past. They knew that he blasted Republicans in 2012, citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals, they knew it all and still voted for him. They also know that he can flip flop on an issue in one single paragraph, and that still doesn't bother them. He's flip-flopped on every issue every single day and it doesn't bother them.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

If he came out tommorrow and stated he was going to give 13 million illegals amnesty it wouldn't bother them, they would still support him. If he said tomorrow he was going to welcome in 200 million Muslims they would still support him. If he said he has decided against the wall, & he wanted open borders, they would still support him.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


Remember when Trump stated he could shoot someone, and not lose his voters support? He's right he wouldn't.
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose voters - CNN Video

Hitlery has had others shoot her enemies for her. Anyone that knows the history of the Clintons, their ties to the Bush crime families, the drug running from their days in Arkansas, White water, Chinagate, her days of selling diplomacy for donations to her slush fund, the stealing of money meant for Haitian refugees, the taking out of Qaddafi because he wanted to unite Africa and put in a gold backed currency in exchange for their goods instead of the worthless fiat about her brokering a deal to have surface to air missiles given to the CIA backed al qaeda to fight a proxy war with Assad in Syria because he had made a deal with Putin to build an oil pipeline that bypassed countries under the control of the globalists thus denying them a cut of the profits?? Look, you little stupid shit, until you educate yourself on how the world really works instead of how you wish it worked? You have no right to call others "stupid" for not seeing the world through your little leftard, squinty eyes. Debate me on this, bitch....I will rip you a new one.

This thread isn't about Hillary Clinton, it's about Donald Trump and his flip-flops and what his supporters would do with a new friendlier version of an immigration policy.

Try to stay on track here, or make your own thread about which conspiracy theory you want to discuss. And you are stupid.


Of course you can't defend the indefensible and everything I say about Hitlery I can back up with irrefutable facts. I certainly know more than you....infinitely more. You whine about those that bring up Hitlery in a thread attacking Trump because you want to put those that support him on the defensive....I know how the game is played. You don't have to respond or even defend the klunt...but what I posted about her will be read by others and that is the point...can ya dig it? (snicker)

I have no dog in this fight because I am an American citizen instead of a U.S citizen so I can't participate in the selection of the next CEO of USA.INC but I definitely have some opinions when it comes to the Hitlery klunt and I will express them freely and openly. (snicker)
Uh nutsac4900 read the whole story first...

“Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn’t have been counted in prior administrations,” said Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican.

“Correct,” Mr. Johnson confirmed.

That would mean that in a one-to-one comparison with the final years of the Bush administration, deportations of those same people under Mr. Obama had actually fallen, according to immigration analysts who have studied the data.

Is it really hard to admit your wrong so often?

Actually, I'm trying to figure out how you "compassionate" right wingers would be acting right now IF the Obama administration had allowed OVER a million MORE illegal aliens to cross the border had the administration not stopped them. You morons would be in straight jackets and foaming at the mouth.
Alas....Sane right wingers are ALL gone....What is left is a bunch of morons trying to figure out in their half brains how the hell to "excuse" Trump's MAJOR FLIP-FLOP............LOL
I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?

If it means that you personally will get amnesty and not be deported, then, yes, it will greatly anger me.

Otherwise, I can accept the inevitable compromise.

Question for you: Does it bother you that Barack Obama is a liar, cheat, coward, phony, traitor and you still defend him with a straight face?
You almost gotta laugh that the Hildabeast hasn't given a Q&A press conference since we were opening Christmas presents so she can't be accused of hyperbole. The problem with the radical left is that they are so blinded by bigotry that they assume the right wing is also blinded by a single issue. Conservatives are merely thankful that a presidential candidate understands the problem about criminal aliens and they are ready to go on to other issues..

I believe the reason she hasn't given a press conference, and likely won't until after the election, is her health. We've all seen the videos when she is in an enviro of loud noises and bright lights......her head starts bobbing and she looks like she just walked in on slick Willie raping another ho.
I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?

I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?

As with all political campaigns, things change. He may be moderating to silence his critics.
The pressing question should be...

Given the nature of the Trump campaign, which seems to be careening from one self inflicted wound to another, given the plummeting poll numbers, given Trump's unwillingness to stay on message, given the campaign that seems short on specifics and long on hyperbole, given Trump's continued ambivalence to make nice with the GOP leadership and incumbent members,what makes you stil believe that Trump could make all the things he has promised actually happen?

Leave it to a liberal to categorize the Trump campaign. Just because you say there are self inflicted wounds doesn't make it true. And Trump is now tied with Hillary in national polls even though he spends very little and she spends 50 million a month bashing Trump. Trump will deliver; he always has.
Question for you: Does it bother you that Barack Obama is a liar, cheat, coward, phony, traitor and you still defend him with a straight face?

You forgot to include in that tirade that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim.....Hannity and Limbaugh will be pretty pissed at you.
I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?

You are basing the question on hearsay and your interpretation of the news. If he continues 0bamas policies on illegal immigration, sure we will be pissed but there is no real indication that he will do that.
I'm not concluding that this will happen, but the Trump campaign is hinting on "reversing" its stance on how to deport the 11 or so million illegal aliens, with the possibility of some amnesty proposals and a continuation of what Obama has implemented regarding aliens over his last term.

If this proves true, will many conservatives be angered over this reversal?....and if so, will some conservatives just stay home this upcoming Nov. 8th?

You are basing the question on hearsay and your interpretation of the news. If he continues 0bamas policies on illegal immigration, sure we will be pissed but there is no real indication that he will do that.

I began the thread with this...."I'm not concluding that this will happen...."

However, did Conway say or did not say that the immigration issue from the Trump campaign is STILL "to be determined"???
What happened to the "straight" assertion that 11 million people would be deported?
Question for you: Does it bother you that Barack Obama is a liar, cheat, coward, phony, traitor and you still defend him with a straight face?

You forgot to include in that tirade that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim.....Hannity and Limbaugh will be pretty pissed at you.

So this is your way of admitting guilt and the truth. Thanks.

To bad it won't make a difference in your God forsaken quests.
Question for you: Does it bother you that Barack Obama is a liar, cheat, coward, phony, traitor and you still defend him with a straight face?

You forgot to include in that tirade that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim.....Hannity and Limbaugh will be pretty pissed at you.
Question for you: Does it bother you that Barack Obama is a liar, cheat, coward, phony, traitor and you still defend him with a straight face?

You forgot to include in that tirade that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim.....Hannity and Limbaugh will be pretty pissed at you.

Rush Limbaugh never said that but Obama did say "My Muslim faith..."

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