An Idea

Would this reduce the chance of cheating in presidential elections?

  • No. It would be about the same.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. It would cause more cheating.

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • Yes but it would just reduce it a little bit.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. It would reduce cheating a lot.

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Wouldn’t there be less cheating if we just let the House of Representatives elect a president every four years starting in August 2029? We can elect the president the normal way in 2024. In 2028 we will elect an intentional temporary president to serve 19 months.

I’m not saying you agree that we should do this. I am asking if it would just reduce the cheating.
I think it would be as bad, if not worse. Putting the election of the US President in the hands of elected officials who are always asking for money and owe their donors would be a very bad I dea.
Wouldn’t there be less cheating if we just let the House of Representatives elect a president every four years starting in August 2029?

By the House do you mean...

#1 A majority vote of all members present with a guorum required to conduct business. IIRC, currently 435 votes to be caste.


#2 Using the method described in the 12th Amendment, which is 1 vote per state delegation, meaning 50 votes caste.

#1 would more closely represent the will of the people as a function of population. #2 would represent geography, meaning more states with lower populations would have a higher impact.

just reduce the cheating.
a sure thing>>>


By the House do you mean...

#1 A majority vote of all members present with a guorum required to conduct business. IIRC, currently 435 votes to be caste.


#2 Using the method described in the 12th Amendment, which is 1 vote per state delegation, meaning 50 votes caste.

#1 would more closely represent the will of the people as a function of population. #2 would represent geography, meaning more states with lower populations would have a higher impact.

Remember. I didn’t ask if you liked it. The only question I ask is if it would reduce cheating.
Remember. I didn’t ask if you liked it. The only question I ask is if it would reduce cheating.

It wouldn't reduce cheating, it would just shift the focus.

If you want to reduce cheating and shift to selection of President to the House.

#1 Ensure it is the whole House voting.

#2 Remove the drawing of Congressional district from party controlled State legislatures and ensure they are drawn based on population distribution with an eye toward "boundaries" such as county lines, rivers, mountains, and such and not drawn to improve/detract from the selection of House Representatives based on party affiliation. (Gerrymandering, which is done by both parties.)

It wouldn't reduce cheating, it would just shift the focus.

If you want to reduce cheating and shift to selection of President to the House.

#1 Ensure it is the whole House voting.

#2 Remove the drawing of Congressional district from party controlled State legislatures and ensure they are drawn based on population distribution with an eye toward "boundaries" such as county lines, rivers, mountains, and such and not drawn to improve/detract from the selection of House Representatives based on party affiliation. (Gerrymandering, which is done by both parties.)


Complaining about gerrymandering is like complaining about the weather. The lines have to go somewhere.
The House can barely elect a Speaker.

They can. They just pretend they can’t. 100% of them know who the speaker is going to be. They just have to play a game but you make a good point. They would play the same games while selecting a president.
They can. They just pretend they can’t. 100% of them know who the speaker is going to be. They just have to play a game but you make a good point. They would play the same games while selecting a president.

I don't think what they did, they did on purpose. It made them look totally incompetent.
I don't think what they did, they did on purpose. It made them look totally incompetent.
To get elected to Congress requires a lot of planning, skill, and intellect. They aren’t as dumb as they pretend to be. Trust me.

Their constituents are just dumb and they represent them well. They are just good at their job. They keep their job by getting elected by idiots.
Complaining about gerrymandering is like complaining about the weather. The lines have to go somewhere.

Yes they do, but the OP is about reducing cheating.

The biggest impact towards reducing cheating is the take drawing Congressional (and State Legislative boundaries) away from the politicians and turn it over to the data Nerds who will use science and population density algorithms.

That would the biggest impact to reduce cheating.

Yes they do, but the OP is about reducing cheating.

The biggest impact towards reducing cheating is the take drawing Congressional (and State Legislative boundaries) away from the politicians and turn it over to the data Nerds who will use science and population density algorithms.

That would the biggest impact to reduce cheating.

The lines will still look funny and suspicious no matter who draws them.
The lines will still look funny and suspicious no matter who draws them.

"funny" and "suspicious" are negative qualitative terms to describe something which, once the politicians are removed, based on population density, natural political barriers (county, city boundaries) and nature (rives, mountains, etc.) becomes less political and more logical.

I think it's interesting that the OP is asking about reducing cheating, but when the largest method of cheating is brought up it suddenly doesn't matter.


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