An image that will haunt him to the grave.

View attachment 248599

Is this an act of desperation or just an appeal to the low informations. Or both ?
Rarely have we seen such a shameless and degrading display. Why did he do it ?

Love of country and flag is shameless, desperate, and degrading to you leftists.

More like Fascism wrapping itself in our flag and pretending to be patriotic.
Faked image. Only liberal idiots will buy it.

He's an serial flag molester. He does it all the time. Obviously the Right has no problem with the new Trumpublican Fascists, they applaud it.

Look at This Big Weirdo Fondling the Flag
View attachment 248599

Is this an act of desperation or just an appeal to the low informations. Or both ?
Rarely have we seen such a shameless and degrading display. Why did he do it ?

Love of country and flag is shameless, desperate, and degrading to you leftists.

More like Fascism wrapping itself in our flag and pretending to be patriotic.
Faked image. Only liberal idiots will buy it.

He's an serial flag molester. He does it all the time. Obviously the Right has no problem with the new Trumpublican Fascists, they applaud it.

Look at This Big Weirdo Fondling the Flag
Most traitors like you would rather see the flag burning.
View attachment 248599

Is this an act of desperation or just an appeal to the low informations. Or both ?
Rarely have we seen such a shameless and degrading display. Why did he do it ?

Love of country and flag is shameless, desperate, and degrading to you leftists.

More like Fascism wrapping itself in our flag and pretending to be patriotic.
When did you burn your first flag, rapist?

Never burned a flag. Never hugged on either. How long have you been an asshole?
View attachment 248599

Is this an act of desperation or just an appeal to the low informations. Or both ?
Rarely have we seen such a shameless and degrading display. Why did he do it ?

Love of country and flag is shameless, desperate, and degrading to you leftists.

More like Fascism wrapping itself in our flag and pretending to be patriotic.
When did you burn your first flag, rapist?

Never burned a flag. Never hugged on either. How long have you been an asshole?
After seeing just how sorry garbage like are, for a long time. Nice little faggot call on fascism.
View attachment 248599

Is this an act of desperation or just an appeal to the low informations. Or both ?
Rarely have we seen such a shameless and degrading display. Why did he do it ?

Love of country and flag is shameless, desperate, and degrading to you leftists.

More like Fascism wrapping itself in our flag and pretending to be patriotic.
When did you burn your first flag, rapist?

Never burned a flag. Never hugged on either. How long have you been an asshole?
After seeing just how sorry garbage like are, for a long time. Nice little faggot call on fascism.

Come on Mike, time to come out of the closet Bro.......
Love of country and flag is shameless, desperate, and degrading to you leftists.

More like Fascism wrapping itself in our flag and pretending to be patriotic.
When did you burn your first flag, rapist?

Never burned a flag. Never hugged on either. How long have you been an asshole?
After seeing just how sorry garbage like are, for a long time. Nice little faggot call on fascism.

Come on Mike, time to come out of the closet Bro.......
Swing traitor.
View attachment 248599

Is this an act of desperation or just an appeal to the low informations. Or both ?
Rarely have we seen such a shameless and degrading display. Why did he do it ?

Yes to Leftists hugging your nations flag that you love is WRONG being a Patriot is WRONG.

To Leftists this below is how you treat your nations flag by pissing on it ALL Leftists in ANY nation HATE their nation and are Traitors:

More like Fascism wrapping itself in our flag and pretending to be patriotic.
When did you burn your first flag, rapist?

Never burned a flag. Never hugged on either. How long have you been an asshole?
After seeing just how sorry garbage like are, for a long time. Nice little faggot call on fascism.

Come on Mike, time to come out of the closet Bro.......
Swing traitor.

Hahahaha. You pseudo-cons make me laugh.

President Trump announced Sunday that colleges and universities will get federal research funding only if they meet certain "free speech" standards.
His attitude towards the free press indicates that he is only interested in a press that is supportive of Donny. Anything he doesnt like is dismissed as fake news. The idea that he can define standards of free speech is risible.

Maybe he can rope in Hannity as a consultant ?

Leftists consider Free Speech ONLY speech that is Pro-Abortion, Pro-Open Borders, Hate for Nation, Hate for Whites, Blame Whitey, masturbate to the Leftists weird Blacks Fetish, Anti-Western Civilisation, Pro-LGBTQ.

IF you are Anti-Abortion, Anti-Open Borders, a Patriot, PROUD to be White, thinks Blacks should get things on MERIT and NOT because of their skin colour, Pro-Western Civilisation, Anti-LGBTQ then to Leftists you should be Shut Up and have NO right to express your opinions on either Twitter, Facebook or in REAL LIFE and should be Doxxed and/or arrested for expressing YOUR RIGHT to freedom of expression and FUCK MUH FEELINGS crap.

Leftists are Anti-Free Speech and Anti-Democracy.
Simple. He doesn't give a fuck about God and worships financial imperialism. Robbery of other natural resources.
If you see that stupid Bangledeshi flag planted where you live outside the USA, prepare for Hell on earth. Don't be pissed. You had your chance. Weaving rugs and making hats it not sustainable.You need to destroy all around you and hire a Jewish marketing outfit. Ask any Amazonian.
The goal is to get universities to protect the free speech of conservatives, not hamper the free speech of liberals or even the schools.

Conservative speakers have been heckled mercilessly and hounded right off the campus to where they can't even give the speech they were invited to give. On one or two occasions the schools themselves cancelled conservative speaker appearances because of concerns about safety.

Trump is not the bad guy here and this measure is specifically due to the harassment conservative students and speakers receive on campuses.
But trump is the last person to judge what is acceptable free speech. There are examples of his idiocy too many to list.

I've already explained this. He's not saying what is acceptable free speech, he's only asking the schools to do a better job of protecting free speech, particularly that of conservatives.
But he is linking it to research funding. The two are not linked unless as part of a threat.

Schools that take government money need to beaware of the consequences. It it is a private school with no federal funding, they are a private enterprise however the colleges that take federal funds, then they are a government entity and need to follow the First Amendment. Pretty simple, and very correct.
Freedom of speech should not be subject to the approval of the President. Trump is looking to punish Colleges who he does not approve of. It is astonishing that you cannot see the problem with that.

Dude you're a complete dolt.
What if colleges were stopping leftist from speaking on campus?
View attachment 248599

Is this an act of desperation or just an appeal to the low informations. Or both ?
Rarely have we seen such a shameless and degrading display. Why did he do it ?

Love of country and flag is shameless, desperate, and degrading to you leftists.

More like Fascism wrapping itself in our flag and pretending to be patriotic.

You should look up the actual definition of fascism. That is, if you can read.
View attachment 248599

Is this an act of desperation or just an appeal to the low informations. Or both ?
Rarely have we seen such a shameless and degrading display. Why did he do it ?

Love of country and flag is shameless, desperate, and degrading to you leftists.

More like Fascism wrapping itself in our flag and pretending to be patriotic.

You should look up the actual definition of fascism. That is, if you can read.

Mussolini, Franco and Hitler are all example of Fascist rulers.
View attachment 248599

Is this an act of desperation or just an appeal to the low informations. Or both ?
Rarely have we seen such a shameless and degrading display. Why did he do it ?

Love of country and flag is shameless, desperate, and degrading to you leftists.

More like Fascism wrapping itself in our flag and pretending to be patriotic.

You should look up the actual definition of fascism. That is, if you can read.

Mussolini, Franco and Hitler are all example of Fascist rulers.
Excellent non answer the question! Classic treasonist comeback!
I'm not enthused by Trump getting involved in this collegiate issue, but not as disgusted than with an administration getting involved in where somebody takes a piss.
View attachment 248599

Is this an act of desperation or just an appeal to the low informations. Or both ?
Rarely have we seen such a shameless and degrading display. Why did he do it ?

Love of country and flag is shameless, desperate, and degrading to you leftists.

More like Fascism wrapping itself in our flag and pretending to be patriotic.

You should look up the actual definition of fascism. That is, if you can read.

Mussolini, Franco and Hitler are all example of Fascist rulers.
Excellent non answer the question! Classic treasonist comeback!

What question? There was a question in that somewhere? All I saw was a suggestion and an insult. No question.

I think Donnie is more like Mussolini rather than like Hitler. He wanted the people to love him.
Love of country and flag is shameless, desperate, and degrading to you leftists.

Most traitors like you would rather see the flag burning.

Yes to Leftists hugging your nations flag that you love is WRONG being a Patriot is WRONG.

To Leftists this below is how you treat your nations flag by pissing on it ALL Leftists in ANY nation HATE their nation and are Traitors:


It is rather telling, after the fight that the leftwrong put up to establish, as protected “free speech”, the right to burn, desecrate, or otherwise express extreme contempt for this nation's flag and all that it represents; what a fit they are now pitching over the President exercising a form of that right to express his love for the flag and all that it represents.

LIbEralism truly is a mental disease.

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