An important lesson for the left

Benghazi was a nothing. A zero.

Way to insult 4 Americans whose lives were needlessly sacrificed. Why don't you just piss on their graves while you're at it?!

You insult their lives by consistently bringing this up and lying about what happened.

No one lives were sacrificed. That's a lie.

So stop telling it because by your doing so, you are the one pissing on their graves.
They need a lot of lessons, wonder what going to happen when all this hysteria blows back on them, poor snowflake/crybabies...

An important lesson for the left.
May 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Today a new breed of leftists gleefully tears down Confederate memorials. And it will not end with flags and statues. They will not be satisfied until the cemeteries that were once decorated have been desecrated. It is ominously fitting that the event which marked the end of one civil war now arrives to foreshadow the beginning of another war between brothers.

On a Memorial Day long ago, President Theodore Roosevelt praised the Union soldiers who “left us the right of brotherhood with the men in gray, who with such courage, and such devotion for what they deemed the right, fought against you.”

The Right of Brotherhood is what binds a nation. It cannot be imposed by force even when a war is won. It can only be won through mutual respect. Out of the brutality of the Civil War, came respect for the courage of those who fought and died on both sides. And once more, we called each other brothers.


The Civil War saved the Union. But the mutual respect of Decoration Day preserved it. If the Union is to survive, the Democrats must learn to respect those they have come to consider their enemies. History teaches us that mutual respect can either avert a civil war. Or it must be learned after a civil war.

This Memorial Day, let us hope that it will not take another civil war for respect to prevail.

Memorial Day in a Divided Nation

Jesus you people are stupid. If only stupidity were painful.
We need to tear down all symbols of the confederacy. These were insurgents who attacked the United States, waged a war against this country and got beat.

And, for good or ill, they are an important part of our nation's history.

You filthy scumbags who want to destroy this part of our history are no better than the Taliban, for destroying the Buddhas of Bamiyan. It's exactly the same defective mindset involved in both sets of destruction.
These were insurgents who attacked the United States, waged a war against this country

So were these guys ...

Trump would have had them deported
And obongo would have them Benghazied...

Benghazi was a nothing. A zero.

I fucking hate these mother fucking arachist that want to abolish our first world country. I wish a asteroid would level the south.
That would mean everyone on earth you stupid stupid he/she/it, the left are morons...
We need to tear down all symbols of the confederacy. These were insurgents who attacked the United States, waged a war against this country and got beat.
We don't need to pave over and re-write history. We need to learn from it. Lose the 'censorship'. If you are so fragile tbat history offends / upsets you this much you need psychiatric help.

Also, as US law was enacted, soldiers in the confederacy are considered US military personnel. Them and the moniments to them basically equate the same as soldiers in Viet Nam and the Viet Bam Memorial.

We can't re-write history. We can take down statues of people who served for the confederacy, we can remove the confederate flag and we can denounce what the confederacy stood for. Those in the confederacy are not considered US soldiers, and they are .not like veterans who served in Vietnam.

Lose defending racism and all symbols of racism.
Don't forget to wear your swastika while you're pulling down statues, burning books, and outlawing anything that offends your sorry fragile snowflake ass. :p

And don't forget to take off your hood as you keep defending the racist and oppressive legacy of another country while claiming it was America.
They need a lot of lessons, wonder what going to happen when all this hysteria blows back on them, poor snowflake/crybabies...

An important lesson for the left.
May 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Today a new breed of leftists gleefully tears down Confederate memorials. And it will not end with flags and statues. They will not be satisfied until the cemeteries that were once decorated have been desecrated. It is ominously fitting that the event which marked the end of one civil war now arrives to foreshadow the beginning of another war between brothers.

On a Memorial Day long ago, President Theodore Roosevelt praised the Union soldiers who “left us the right of brotherhood with the men in gray, who with such courage, and such devotion for what they deemed the right, fought against you.”

The Right of Brotherhood is what binds a nation. It cannot be imposed by force even when a war is won. It can only be won through mutual respect. Out of the brutality of the Civil War, came respect for the courage of those who fought and died on both sides. And once more, we called each other brothers.


The Civil War saved the Union. But the mutual respect of Decoration Day preserved it. If the Union is to survive, the Democrats must learn to respect those they have come to consider their enemies. History teaches us that mutual respect can either avert a civil war. Or it must be learned after a civil war.

This Memorial Day, let us hope that it will not take another civil war for respect to prevail.

Memorial Day in a Divided Nation

Jesus you people are stupid. If only stupidity were painful.
Oh look another snowflake/crybaby, rolmao...
We need to tear down all symbols of the confederacy. These were insurgents who attacked the United States, waged a war against this country and got beat.

And, for good or ill, they are an important part of our nation's history.

You filthy scumbags who want to destroy this part of our history are no better than the Taliban, for destroying the Buddhas of Bamiyan. It's exactly the same defective mindset involved in both sets of destruction.

Actually, no, because Buddhists are not subversive traitors like Confederates are. We were entirely too kind to the secessionists, we should have let freed slaves hang these racist bastards.
Benghazi was a nothing. A zero.

Way to insult 4 Americans whose lives were needlessly sacrificed. Why don't you just piss on their graves while you're at it?!

You insult their lives by consistently bringing this up and lying about what happened.

No one lives were sacrificed. That's a lie.

So stop telling it because by your doing so, you are the one pissing on their graves.
Lying? Like Hillary and Barry trying to cover their asses by claiming it was a protest?

HILLARY CLINTON HERSELF said she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with it, and you ignorant snowflakes still argue she was wrong, had no clue what she was saying. :p

Bottom line: When every nation pulled their people out because of the threat Hillary and Barry left Americans there to die, denied dozens of requests for additional security, took security away, and ignored 2 terrorist attacks on the compound in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12. They died NEEDLESSLY.
We need to tear down all symbols of the confederacy. These were insurgents who attacked the United States, waged a war against this country and got beat.

And, for good or ill, they are an important part of our nation's history.

You filthy scumbags who want to destroy this part of our history are no better than the Taliban, for destroying the Buddhas of Bamiyan. It's exactly the same defective mindset involved in both sets of destruction.

Actually, no, because Buddhists are not subversive traitors like Confederates are. We were entirely too kind to the secessionists, we should have let freed slaves hang these racist bastards.
Your comments expose the fact thst you are ignorant about the civil war, aside from your uneducated bias.
We need to tear down all symbols of the confederacy. These were insurgents who attacked the United States, waged a war against this country and got beat.

And, for good or ill, they are an important part of our nation's history.

You filthy scumbags who want to destroy this part of our history are no better than the Taliban, for destroying the Buddhas of Bamiyan. It's exactly the same defective mindset involved in both sets of destruction.

No you wo defend this racist and oppressive regime hat became it's own nation in order to remain an oppressive regime are no better than ISIS, the Nazis or anyone else who wants to continue remembering such oppression. You pieces of dirt celebrated as the Iraqi people took down statues of Saddam but you want to fight to keep your symbols of white supremacy alive here.

But they are coming down and will continue to. And there's nothing you can do to stop it.
I f•••ing hate...

Yes, yes you do, Matt...just like all the other small-minded, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, violent, intolerant, hate-driven DNC / snowflakes who have been triggered by the worst candidate in US history losing an election.
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Benghazi was a nothing. A zero.

Way to insult 4 Americans whose lives were needlessly sacrificed. Why don't you just piss on their graves while you're at it?!

You insult their lives by consistently bringing this up and lying about what happened.

No one lives were sacrificed. That's a lie.

So stop telling it because by your doing so, you are the one pissing on their graves.
Lying? Like Hillary and Barry trying to cover their asses by claiming it was a protest?

HILLARY CLINTON HERSELF said she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with it, and you ignorant snowflakes still argue she was wrong, had no clue what she was saying. :p

Bottom line: When every nation pulled their people out because of the threat Hillary and Barry left Americans there to die, denied dozens of requests for additional security, took security away, and ignored 2 terrorist attacks on the compound in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12. They died NEEDLESSLY.

Too bad, the investigations disproved all of this bs you keep saying.
Benghazi was a nothing. A zero.

Way to insult 4 Americans whose lives were needlessly sacrificed. Why don't you just piss on their graves while you're at it?!

You insult their lives by consistently bringing this up and lying about what happened.

No one lives were sacrificed. That's a lie.

So stop telling it because by your doing so, you are the one pissing on their graves.
Lying? Like Hillary and Barry trying to cover their asses by claiming it was a protest?

HILLARY CLINTON HERSELF said she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with it, and you ignorant snowflakes still argue she was wrong, had no clue what she was saying. :p

Bottom line: When every nation pulled their people out because of the threat Hillary and Barry left Americans there to die, denied dozens of requests for additional security, took security away, and ignored 2 terrorist attacks on the compound in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12. They died NEEDLESSLY.

Too bad, the investigations disproved all of this bs you keep saying.
That was the biggest lie you said so far. It was through the investigations that all this came out.

You seem to think incompetence did not happen because Hillary was not charged with a crime. Hillary was the chosen one - it was her turn. Comey testified not long ago that Hillary DID break laws but was protected...

Silly snowflake...
.Let's not try revising history. We all know exactly why the confederacy was created. And we all know why he south seceded.

And none of it had anything to do with this mysterious proud southern heritage.
Benghazi was a nothing. A zero.

Way to insult 4 Americans whose lives were needlessly sacrificed. Why don't you just piss on their graves while you're at it?!

You insult their lives by consistently bringing this up and lying about what happened.

No one lives were sacrificed. That's a lie.

So stop telling it because by your doing so, you are the one pissing on their graves.
Lying? Like Hillary and Barry trying to cover their asses by claiming it was a protest?

HILLARY CLINTON HERSELF said she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with it, and you ignorant snowflakes still argue she was wrong, had no clue what she was saying. :p

Bottom line: When every nation pulled their people out because of the threat Hillary and Barry left Americans there to die, denied dozens of requests for additional security, took security away, and ignored 2 terrorist attacks on the compound in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12. They died NEEDLESSLY.

Too bad, the investigations disproved all of this bs you keep saying.
That was the biggest lie you said so far. It was through the investigations that all this came out.

You seem to think incompetence did not happen because Hillary was not charged with a crime. Hillary was the chosen one - it was her turn. Comey testified not long ago that Hillary DID break laws but was protected...

Silly snowflake...

Did not happen.
Since folks wanna take down monuments and erase the old confederate America from our history books..Well in that case the whole Democrat party should disband and rename itself because its was the democrats that where the pro slavery party back then and later the pro jim crow party..lets hold some black tribe leaders in Africa practically resposible because they sold their own rival tribe members to the white americans looking to buy slaves..America never invaded and occupied Africa to get them poor unfortunate people
We need to tear down all symbols of the confederacy. These were insurgents who attacked the United States, waged a war against this country and got beat.

Wrong. They never attacked the United States and Lincoln waged war on them.
Way to insult 4 Americans whose lives were needlessly sacrificed. Why don't you just piss on their graves while you're at it?!

You insult their lives by consistently bringing this up and lying about what happened.

No one lives were sacrificed. That's a lie.

So stop telling it because by your doing so, you are the one pissing on their graves.
Lying? Like Hillary and Barry trying to cover their asses by claiming it was a protest?

HILLARY CLINTON HERSELF said she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and that the video had nothing to do with it, and you ignorant snowflakes still argue she was wrong, had no clue what she was saying. :p

Bottom line: When every nation pulled their people out because of the threat Hillary and Barry left Americans there to die, denied dozens of requests for additional security, took security away, and ignored 2 terrorist attacks on the compound in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12. They died NEEDLESSLY.

Too bad, the investigations disproved all of this bs you keep saying.
That was the biggest lie you said so far. It was through the investigations that all this came out.

You seem to think incompetence did not happen because Hillary was not charged with a crime. Hillary was the chosen one - it was her turn. Comey testified not long ago that Hillary DID break laws but was protected...

Silly snowflake...

Did not happen.

It sure as hell did.

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