An interesting "twist" on the Arpaio pardoning.....

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If pardoning Arpaio is wrong every pardon ever given by a president and governor is also wrong.
You have an odd definition of interesting.

You also seem to miss the fact that the president is the executive. He directly oversees Sessions. It's his job to direct Sessions.

Trump doing his job isn't a scandal.

It's Trump job to see that Sessions does his job, not to prevent Sessions from doing his job.

For example, it's the general managers job to make sure the coach does his best to help the team win. It's not the GM's job to tell the coach to throw the game.

Criminal law isn't a game. The prosecutors get broad discretion on which cases to pursue and drop specifically because they are responsible for using their resources wisely.

Dropping a contempt charge with a six month maximum for someone who is facing those charges for enforcing the law and political reasons is hardly a miscarriage of justice. I've had far more serious cases dropped for clients. Felonies to fines etc.
If pardoning Arpaio is wrong every pardon ever given by a president and governor is also wrong.

Pardons normally come from pardon applications, submitted to the DOJ, that researches the application, runs it past the US attorney involved, and forwards the recommendation through the pardon attorney to the President.

This pardon came from Trump, kneecapping the DOJ.
If pardoning Arpaio is wrong every pardon ever given by a president and governor is also wrong.

Pardons normally come from pardon applications, submitted to the DOJ, that researches the application, runs it past the US attorney involved, and forwards the recommendation through the pardon attorney to the President.

This pardon came from Trump, kneecapping the DOJ.

Did I miss the constitutional clause stating pardon powers were dependent on DoJ recommendations?

The DoJ exists to help the President do his job, not the other way around
Criminal law isn't a game. The prosecutors get broad discretion on which cases to pursue and drop specifically because they are responsible for using their resources wisely.

Exactly. And the US Attorney starting under George W. Bush brought a case against Arpaio. Trump wanted Sessions to drop the case.

That's not deciding how to use a resource, that's using his power to get friends off the hook.
Dropping a contempt charge with a six month maximum for someone who is facing those charges for enforcing the law and political reasons is hardly a miscarriage of justice. I've had far more serious cases dropped for clients. Felonies to fines etc.

Actually contempt of court is a far more serious charge then a mere felony. It goes to the very heart of the judiciary. It's like having the USSC rule a law to be unconstitutional, and the state ignores the judge and continues to enforce it anyway. All the court can do to enforce their order is to find the person in contempt, they don't have enforcement agents to make somebody follow their orders.
Over a light dinner, I heard a report that the Wash, Post is stating that this last spring, Trump approached his [former] buddy, Session at the DOJ to "pardon" Arpaio even before his latest trial....

Besides the fact that Trump's knowledge of how laws and justice functions outside his little world of business scams, that fact (if proven true of what WAPO is reporting) about circumventing justice by Trump, opens up an interesting scenario for Mueller's on-going investigation.

The interesting twist is that Trump's propensity to request that his "friends" be let off the hook when it comes to facing justice, could VALIDATE Comey's assertion that trump tried the same thing regarding Mike Flynn.

The plot thickens, and Trump is running out of feet whereto shoot himself........

(look for this report in tomorrow's WAPO.)
Trump Asked Sessions to Close Case Against Arpaio
August 26, 2017 at 7:07 pm
“As Joseph Arpaio’s federal case headed toward trial this past spring, President Trump wanted to act to help the former Arizona county sheriff who had become a campaign-trail companion and a partner in their crusade against illegal immigration,” the Washington Post reports.

“The president asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether it would be possible for the government to drop the criminal case against Arpaio, but was advised that would be inappropriate… After talking with Sessions, Trump decided to let the case go to trial, and if Arpaio was convicted, he could grant clemency.”

“So the president waited, all the while planning to issue a pardon if Arpaio was found in contempt of court for defying a federal judge’s order to stop detaining people merely because he suspected them of being undocumented immigrants… His effort to see if the case could be dropped showed a troubling disregard for the traditional wall between the White House and the Justice Department, and taken together with similar actions could undermine respect for the rule of law, experts said.”
Did I miss the constitutional clause stating pardon powers were dependent on DoJ recommendations?

The DoJ exists to help the President do his job, not the other way around

Which is why pardons normally travel through the DOJ to the president, and not the other way around. The DOJ, like the intel community has the information needed to make sound decisions.

Trumps decision was based on politics not on any legal justifications.
Did I miss the constitutional clause stating pardon powers were dependent on DoJ recommendations?

The DoJ exists to help the President do his job, not the other way around

Which is why pardons normally travel through the DOJ to the president, and not the other way around. The DOJ, like the intel community has the information needed to make sound decisions.

Trumps decision was based on politics not on any legal justifications.
Dan Pfeiffer @danpfeiffer
Asking the Attorney General to drop a case against a political ally is the kind of thing people get impeached for …

8:59 PM - Aug 26, 2017

Can a pardon actually work against Arpaio. At his press conference Arpaio said his lawyer was working to clear his name. But I don't think that can happen any more. You can't appeal a case that no longer exists. Trumps pardon removed the contempt conviction, as if it never happened. Any appeal is moot. So there is no way Arpaio can claim he's innocent.
Did I miss the constitutional clause stating pardon powers were dependent on DoJ recommendations?

The DoJ exists to help the President do his job, not the other way around

Which is why pardons normally travel through the DOJ to the president, and not the other way around. The DOJ, like the intel community has the information needed to make sound decisions.

Trumps decision was based on politics not on any legal justifications.

Because it was a 22 year political witch hunt.
It had to be stopped politically.
I bet that got as much attention as the invisible man at a costume party. I remember going to a local INS office barging in, expressing my outrage that illegal aliens were taking over the bloody place here in Denver in the mid 80's. But Hispanic mayor Pena newly elected and we get this influx of illegals. It was mind boggling, how easily we let them abscond and push in here. Now Denver HAS TO BE A sanctuary city. WHY? Nobody actually asked us, it's not about compassion. No, no this is more about people that benefit from illegals manipulating politics and the media. It's not about what we the people really want.
Denver is all about Growth. It used to be a staid and quiet
small town bastion. I remember Governor Lamb and he fought aganst the the developers, against the realtors, light rail and moving the god damned airport 20 miles away from central Denver. Money wins evey time. These carpetbaggers need illegals to work cheap and they love artificial work projects like relocating the airport, and the infrastructure that goes along with that. And the urban sprawl that goes along with it.I miss Dick Lamb.
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