An unconventional yet ethical plan to block a Trump nomination

So, as a liberal Democrat, why would I vote for the Republican in the primary with a better shot in the general election?

However, unless something unexpected happens, it's done, Trump is the GOP nominee.
Because what does that matter if Sanders can't get TO the General Election?

I'm OK with Sanders or Clinton.
I am as well - I think this is actually the best strategy in everyone's interest.
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Why is everyone so anxious to get rid of Trump? How could anything get worse? We just had the worst 9 years possible since 1929...
If you think the last 9 years was rough it probably means you either aren't old enough or didn't travel around the world to realize that from ~2003-2008 (Bush years) were, by far, worse than Obama's presidency. In those years the US turned from a leader in the world to one of the demons of the world. Bush's years were so bad that Obama, who had done NOTHING even close to worthy, literally won a Nobel Peace Prize just for taking office from Bush.

Now, I'm not saying that Obama was a great president, but just that you must be super young or untraveled to even suggest that Obama had a worse presidency than Bush (if you can remember, even the Republican party shunned Bush, the incumbent, during the election cycle following his presidency...something pretty much unheard of).

Also, as an aside, we went into the Great Depression in 1929...during which we had a Republican president. It was a Democratic president (FDR) that pulled us out of it.


I have lived through 12 presidents, so far. Obama is without competition the single most destructive element to gain power in the United States in my lifetime.

BTW, Roosevelt's policies did virtually nothing for the Depression. It was the mobilization and ramping up of production for WWII that cured the Depression.
If you think the last 9 years was rough it probably means you either aren't old enough or didn't travel around the world to realize that from ~2003-2008 (Bush years) were, by far, worse than Obama's presidency. In those years the US turned from a leader in the world to one of the demons of the world. Bush's years were so bad that Obama, who had done NOTHING even close to worthy, literally won a Nobel Peace Prize just for taking office from Bush.

Now, I'm not saying that Obama was a great president, but just that you must be super young or untraveled to even suggest that Obama had a worse presidency than Bush (if you can remember, even the Republican party shunned Bush, the incumbent, during the election cycle following his presidency...something pretty much unheard of).

Also, as an aside, we went into the Great Depression in 1929...during which we had a Republican president. It was a Democratic president (FDR) that pulled us out of it.

Sweet Mother Xmas, another one. Everything you posted has been beat to death in here. GWB was not great, but Housing bust was brutal and caused by many things setup before he ever sat down. You are right, FDR got USA pulled out of it about 10 years later than would have been. I don't have time nor energy to educate two of you new liberal buffoons. I am worn out from the old liberal buffoons in here. Too angry tonight also. Must be the 1.5 hour drive each way with 11 hours work to pay 1/2 my money to your socialist lords and masters.
Lord have mercy, I hope "they" are not recent college grads or something? This country is doomed.

If it is not Trump, Cruz or Carson I will vote Bernie (if given chance) to get few years free health care before total collapse.
Sweet Mother Xmas, another one. Everything you posted has been beat to death in here. GWB was not great, but Housing bust was brutal and caused by many things setup before he ever sat down. You are right, FDR got USA pulled out of it about 10 years later than would have been. I don't have time nor energy to educate two of you new liberal buffoons. I am worn out from the old liberal buffoons in here. Too angry tonight also. Must be the 1.5 hour drive each way with 11 hours work to pay 1/2 my money to your socialist lords and masters.
You must not have read my post. If I target Bush and his tenure from ~2003 on and bring in world opinion (using Obama's Nobel Prize as indication), then how, exactly, do you tie that to the housing bust primarily? Let me clue you in. 2003 was when the US forced its way into Iraq and when the world opinion of the US started taking a steep decline (WMD' Now Bush had a ton of missteps from Iraq to Katrina to the housing bust...and its the accumulation of all his missteps that put him in the running for one of the worst presidencies ever...not the housing bust and especially not primarily because of that (since, as you have stated, some of those issues were inherited by him or uncontrollable by him).

If you are going to get angry at me being a "buffoon" at least understand the point I made first.
Don't worry it not only you, I am just angry at all of it right now. Every day, Trump this Trump that, media! yech. Welcome aboard to you and the other newcomer.
We need to make certain that such a dangerous mind is not granted the GOP nomination. We can utilize democracy in both conventional and unconventional ways. We can vote AGAINST TRUMP and effectively block a nomination.

So why all the fear of Trump getting nominated? Because you know he will win?

How to annihilate Trump:

1.) If you are a democrat, concede that Bernie Sanders IS GOING TO LOSE THE PRIMARY. Switch your affiliation to Republican and go vote in the GOP Primary for Marco Rubio. IMMEDIATELY after you do so, switch your affiliation back to a Democrat and vote for the Democratic nominee in the general election. Even if you don't revert your party affiliation after the primaries, it doesn't matter as you can vote whoever you wish in the general election regardless of your affiliation.

So, Rubio is the Democrats preferred GOP nominee after all? Thanks

2.)If you are an independent, re-register as a Republican and go vote for Marco Rubio in the GOP Primary. After your states primary, re-register as an independent and vote for whoever you want (I'd love it if it was for a Democrat, but after all, you are independent).
3.)Since low turnout typically plagues the primary elections, this is a VERY practical idea.

The Plan -

Lol, this whole thing is so ridiculous, but it has been a ridiculous primary season anyway, so why not?
We need to make certain that such a dangerous mind is not granted the GOP nomination. We can utilize democracy in both conventional and unconventional ways. We can vote AGAINST TRUMP and effectively block a nomination.

How to annihilate Trump:

1.) If you are a democrat, concede that Bernie Sanders IS GOING TO LOSE THE PRIMARY. Switch your affiliation to Republican and go vote in the GOP Primary for Marco Rubio. IMMEDIATELY after you do so, switch your affiliation back to a Democrat and vote for the Democratic nominee in the general election. Even if you don't revert your party affiliation after the primaries, it doesn't matter as you can vote whoever you wish in the general election regardless of your affiliation.
2.)If you are an independent, re-register as a Republican and go vote for Marco Rubio in the GOP Primary. After your states primary, re-register as an independent and vote for whoever you want (I'd love it if it was for a Democrat, but after all, you are independent).
3.)Since low turnout typically plagues the primary elections, this is a VERY practical idea.

The Plan -
As has likely already been noted, one can vote for the democratic nominee for president while still a registered republican.

Otherwise, this is sophomoric and ridiculous, particularly given the fact Rubio isn't much better than Trump.
We need to make certain that such a dangerous mind is not granted the GOP nomination. We can utilize democracy in both conventional and unconventional ways. We can vote AGAINST TRUMP and effectively block a nomination.

How to annihilate Trump:

1.) If you are a democrat, concede that Bernie Sanders IS GOING TO LOSE THE PRIMARY. Switch your affiliation to Republican and go vote in the GOP Primary for Marco Rubio. IMMEDIATELY after you do so, switch your affiliation back to a Democrat and vote for the Democratic nominee in the general election. Even if you don't revert your party affiliation after the primaries, it doesn't matter as you can vote whoever you wish in the general election regardless of your affiliation.
2.)If you are an independent, re-register as a Republican and go vote for Marco Rubio in the GOP Primary. After your states primary, re-register as an independent and vote for whoever you want (I'd love it if it was for a Democrat, but after all, you are independent).
3.)Since low turnout typically plagues the primary elections, this is a VERY practical idea.

The Plan -

You leftwing douches keep saying that Turmp is the easiest candidate to beat. You just made it plain that you are terrified of him. Ii'll be laughing all the way to the election.

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