An Unhinged Administration've retreated to admitting the nuclear relationship between Iran and North Korea???

But you didn't notice either the $150 billion that Obama insisted on giving Iran.....

....or this:

"Experts say the deal worked out by Secretary of State John F. Kerry carries no known prohibition against North Korea performing Iran’s nuclear arms research, paid out of the $100 billion to $150 billion the deal frees up in Iranian assets.

“There appears to be little in the Iran nuclear agreement that would prevent Iran from continuing or increasing its personnel and financial investments in North Korea’s future missile and nuclear warhead programs,” Mr. Niksch told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee in July. “It seems to me that North Korea may receive from Iran upwards of $2 [billion] to $3 billion annually from Iran for the various forms of collaboration between them.”
John Brennan: U.S. watching for nuclear cooperation between Iran, North Korea

This is fun for me....but I can see where it wouldn't be for you......
I fully understand why you make every effort to avoid the path to must be painful to recognize what an inconsequential fool you are.

Be sure to hurry back for another beating!!
Should I cut 'n' paste my question?
Is that the only way you'd read it?
I suspect ya go...

"What's the point of your link?
It doesn't confirm your assertion That's why Obama insisted on giving Iran the $ the deal could continue.?"

By all means, keep pasting completely unrelated matters and claiming some sort of victory though.

I recognize the,not having the depth of education and understanding, you cannot produce a documented, linked, sourced thread as I do.

But, I do so love mashing the truth into our face.
Actually, it improves your, a win-win.

So....have you been able to find any errors in my posts, yet?


That's OK....keep looking. (How to keep an idiot entertained!)
Still claiming victory for dodging the question?
You're starting to sound 'Presidential'...bigly! really should give up trying to write free-form...anything other than cut 'n' pasting just doesn't work for you.

You're back???? must have found some mistakes in my thesis.....glaring errors!!!

OK....spill.....what are they?

What? You didn't find any????
Not a one?????

You must be a moron, huh?
Bet you're tired of hearing that from everyone....

When you come up with a quality response…just give me a call…I’ll be ice skating in Hell.

...the Devil will be wearing an overcoat and mittens.
Now you're just boring.
I'll let you get the last word in...

Why would you try to 'save face'....when I proved you had nothing to save, thus:

So....have you been able to find any errors in my posts, yet?


That's OK....keep looking. (How to keep an idiot entertained!)
And, of course, there are no errors in my posts.....never are.

Can't wait to see you back again.
I know it's naughty....but I must admit, I do get that warm, fuzzy feeling that only cruelty to the stupid can provide.

The issue isn't America creating more nukes, it's preventing rogue nations like NK and Iran from getting any. Who here is okay with the idea that either country will have nuclear weapons and the delivery systems to hit us or our allies?

Did you just ask 'who is a Liberal or a Democrat'?????

Well, you won't find many conservatives or Republicans who are okay with being defenseless to the threat of nukes.

I doubt that any will argue against that appellation being applied to North Korea.

1. This is the latest news about the 'Hermit Kingdom'...

"TOKYO (AP) -- North Korea has conducted a ground test of a new type of high-thrust rocket engine that leader Kim Jong Un is calling a revolutionary breakthrough for the country's space program, the North's state media said Sunday."

Somebody explain to me why this is our problem?

I mean, I know the two Koreas are in a "who can be the whackiest" contest.

But this is our problem, why?
This kind of person wants the USA to be hit with a nuke.
I doubt that any will argue against that appellation being applied to North Korea.

1. This is the latest news about the 'Hermit Kingdom'...

"TOKYO (AP) -- North Korea has conducted a ground test of a new type of high-thrust rocket engine that leader Kim Jong Un is calling a revolutionary breakthrough for the country's space program, the North's state media said Sunday."

Somebody explain to me why this is our problem?

I mean, I know the two Koreas are in a "who can be the whackiest" contest.

But this is our problem, why?
This kind of person wants the USA to be hit with a nuke.

I do not understand the concept of defending a President of any political persuasion when they Screwed up. It makes no difference, that person was ALL Americans President, and was elected.

So let us not devolve an American problem on the horizon, with the political blame game.

Do we all realize that if we collectively agree it is a problem, how much more confident, and quickly Washington would address it?

If Clinton did it, fine. Obama, fine too. Bush? Add him if you like along with HW and a little Reagan mixed in if it trips your trigger.

And yet, they could all be the problem, but none of them are part of the solution, their time has passed.

It is up to us in the present, to decide if there is a problem, and what to do about it......or not do about it.

If a nuke goes off on the coast, are we still going to argue which President is at fault! Is that a solution in any Americans mind? I hope not, or we may as well toss in the towel now!

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No, what's funny is how you forget that it was Bill Clinton who made the same type of deal with the Koreans as Obama just made with the Russians, how it was bill Clinton who facilitated the beginning of North Korea's nuclear arms development, and that it is because of Bill Clinton that North Korea now has nukes. Funny how YOU leave THAT part out.

Because they didn't have nukes under Clinton. Under Clinton, they were trading food for compliance.

Then your boy George W. Stupid called them part of the "Axis of Evil", even though they had nothing to do with terrorism or Al Qaeda, and they figured, "Shit, we better get a nuke before he tries to invade us like he did Iraq!!!"
This kind of person wants the USA to be hit with a nuke.

Maybe if we stopped poking beehives, we wouldn't have to worry about that.

North Korea couldn't hit us with a nuke if they wanted to, and frankly, nothing they are doing is worth a war that would have pretty serious consequences.

But you have some shitheads like the OP who are soooo mad that the North Koreans still are trying communism.
This kind of person wants the USA to be hit with a nuke.

Maybe if we stopped poking beehives, we wouldn't have to worry about that.

North Korea couldn't hit us with a nuke if they wanted to, and frankly, nothing they are doing is worth a war that would have pretty serious consequences.

But you have some shitheads like the OP who are soooo mad that the North Koreans still are trying communism.
You would embrace the same sort of military cowardice Obama did. I'd explain it to you but it would be of no use.
You would embrace the same sort of military cowardice Obama did. I'd explain it to you but it would be of no use.

Again, not worth one American life. Ever.

Let's the fucking Koreans fight their own damned civil war. We've been carrying their asses for 60 years now.
You would embrace the same sort of military cowardice Obama did. I'd explain it to you but it would be of no use.

Again, not worth one American life. Ever.

Let's the fucking Koreans fight their own damned civil war. We've been carrying their asses for 60 years now.

Yes folks, there you have typical deflection. addressing his so called point to something that has nothing to do with what is being discussed in order to shape opinion. Ignoring all the facts. Now, the pretending will continue if he responds....
"North Korea issues SHOCK war warning: ‘If a single bullet is fired, we WILL nuke the US’
NORTH Korea has pledged to launch a nuclear strike on the US if a “single bullet is fired” as US forces flood the Korean Peninsula."
North Korea issues SHOCK war warning: ‘If a single bullet is fired, we WILL nuke the US’


What would Obama do?
Well....just look at his Cairo speech......he'd be over there with Dennis Rodman, playin' a little b-ball with the bro.

You know what, the Norks have been blurting out this kind of nonsense for 50 years now.

Smart people have learned to largely ignore it.
You lie, and poorly too. The nk's haven't had nukes for 50 years. Next lie.We'll wait simpleton.
You would embrace the same sort of military cowardice Obama did. I'd explain it to you but it would be of no use.

Again, not worth one American life. Ever.

Let's the fucking Koreans fight their own damned civil war. We've been carrying their asses for 60 years now.

If it were not for the wanna-be dictator and Democrat demigod, Franklin Roosevelt, there would not have been a Korean War, nor a North Korea

Your history lesson for the day:
FDR did everything he could to make certain that Stalin and Communism survived WWII.
When Soviet spies were revealed in his administration.....he promoted them!!

Stalin knew about the atomic bomb before Truman did.
The materials and plans for the bomb were passed to Stalin via Lend Lease.

1. On April 5, 1951, Judge Irving R. Kaufman sentenced the Rosenbergs to death for theft of atomic secrets, and, resulted in "the communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason." Judge Kaufman's Sentencing Statement in the Rosenberg Case

2. It is clear today, based on archival evidence, unearthed by researchers in Russia and released in the United States, that Kaufman was correct. "Absent an atomic bomb, Stalin would not have released Pyongyang's army to conquer the entire Korean peninsula. Confident that his possession of atomic weapons neutralized America's strategic advantage, Stalin was emboldened to unleash war in Korea in 1950." Haynes, Klehr, and
Vassiliev, "Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America," p. 143, 545. And Romerstein and Breindel,"The Venona Secrets," p. xv, 253.

a. It is important to connect the treachery with the impact of that treachery: the theft of the nuclear technology with 36,940 Americans killed, 91,134 wounded, and 8,176 still missing, and this does not include at least two million civilian lives claimed on both sides. Bruce Cumings, "The Korean War: A History.' Included were 1.3 million South Korean casualties, including 400,000 dead. North Korea, 2 million casualties, and 900,000 Chinese soldiers killed.

Vote Democrat, and advance slaughter and chaos.
Yes folks, there you have typical deflection. addressing his so called point to something that has nothing to do with what is being discussed in order to shape opinion. Ignoring all the facts. Now, the pretending will continue if he responds....

Again, I get pretty tired of people like offering up other people's children to die in pointless wars.

You lie, and poorly too. The nk's haven't had nukes for 50 years. Next lie.We'llt simpleton.

No, but they have been threatening the rest of the world for 50 years... and then we give them some bags of food and they are quiet again.
If it were not for the wanna-be dictator and Democrat demigod, Franklin Roosevelt, there would not have been a Korean War, nor a North Korea

Your history lesson for the day:
FDR did everything he could to make certain that Stalin and Communism survived WWII.

Uh, Sweetie, most of the real fighting in WWII was done by Communists.

That and colonials the British forced into service...

The thing was, the Communist let us HAVE half of Korea and HALF of Europe. Which was awfully sporting of them, actually. If they wanted to take all of Korea, they could have and there wasn't jack shit we could have done to stop them.

NOw, you can keep spewing your bircher nonsense here, but I'm bored with it.
If it were not for the wanna-be dictator and Democrat demigod, Franklin Roosevelt, there would not have been a Korean War, nor a North Korea

Your history lesson for the day:
FDR did everything he could to make certain that Stalin and Communism survived WWII.

Uh, Sweetie, most of the real fighting in WWII was done by Communists.

That and colonials the British forced into service...

The thing was, the Communist let us HAVE half of Korea and HALF of Europe. Which was awfully sporting of them, actually. If they wanted to take all of Korea, they could have and there wasn't jack shit we could have done to stop them.

NOw, you can keep spewing your bircher nonsense here, but I'm bored with it.

So sad you know less than nothing about history.

Generous and gracious as I am....I'll teach you:
The Soviet losses of men women and children were due to ....

...get ready...

The Soviet Communists.

First, there is the understanding as to who Joseph Stalin was.
Stalin's tender mercies toward the Russian people:

1. "Millions of Soviets died through the incompetence and brutality of their own political masters. It was Stalin’s blindness to Hitler’s pre-invasion manoeuvres that allowed the Germans to occupy Russia’s industrial heartland at a stroke. Only then, with reluctance, did Stalin shift his attention from killing his own citizens to killing Germans. His tactics, if they can be dignified with that name, involved throwing masses of underequipped men virtually under the treads of invading panzers.

To retreat was a crime against the motherland: in 1941 and ’42, according to the historian Dmitri Volkogonov, 157,593 men were executed for “cowardice”. This and other details of Stalin’s ghastly war leadership can be found in Martin Amis’Koba The Dread(pp. 195-212). See also Part I, Chapter 6 of Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

2. "In 1945 Zhukov is reported to have said to US General Dwight D. Eisenhower, "If we come to a minefield, our infantry attacks exactly as it were not there." The shear weight of numbers eventually drove the Germans back, along with the Soviet leadership's determination not to relent, whatever the cost." Georgy Zhukov hero file

3. World War II left over 27 million Soviet citizens dead....but only a fraction of them were killed by the Germans. Yet throughout the West. 'war crimes' is a phrase only attacked to the Nazis. When the Red Army marched, an NKVD army marched behind, with its own tanks, machine guns, firing forward....never allowing retreat.

More than a million Soviet citizens joined the Nazis. Ask yourself this: why was it that the USSR, of all the Allies, had provided the enemy with thousands of recruits? Nearly one million Russian and other anti-Soviet men joined the enemy of their Soviet Army. "
"The Secret Betrayal"by Nikolai Tolstoy, p. 19-20.

The Soviet Union killed more than twenty million men, women and children. This is the man that Franklin Roosevelt chose to bind America to.

Bet you feel quite the dunce, huh? are.
So sad you know less than nothing about history.

Generous and gracious as I am....I'll teach you:

Oh, please the fuck don't.... you are a boring little anti-communist pissant that no one cares about.

Point was, Russians today still regard Stalin (Who wasn't even Russian) as a great leader. There's a reason for that, and all the boring ass shit you regurgitate from whatever John Birch Society crap you've read growing up doesn't change that.

The idea that the west allowed Russia to do anything after they did most of the real fighting is just... silly.
So sad you know less than nothing about history.

Generous and gracious as I am....I'll teach you:

Oh, please the fuck don't.... you are a boring little anti-communist pissant that no one cares about.

Point was, Russians today still regard Stalin (Who wasn't even Russian) as a great leader. There's a reason for that, and all the boring ass shit you regurgitate from whatever John Birch Society crap you've read growing up doesn't change that.

The idea that the west allowed Russia to do anything after they did most of the real fighting is just... silly.

As soon as their ignorance is revealed....

.....the same vulgar third grader's response.
As soon as their ignorance is revealed....

.....the same vulgar third grader's response.

Yup, that's all your stupid, historically ignorant babble is worth.

Fact is, if Stalin wanted to push us out of Korea and Europe in 1945, he'd have had no problem doing it.

Instead, he lived up to agreements he made with the other allies.
Why are North Korea feeling so emboldened all of a sudden?
Do they have connections to the Trump administration?
Not so quick!
The DEMs/LIB MSM will need a little time to figure out how to attack President Trump's "secret connections with NK" after this whole LIB bullshit wet dream about Trump "colluding with the Russians" blows up in their stupid faces.
The NYT/WAPO/MSNBC/CNN jerks are already having meetings on how to concoct the next "How can we get rid of President Trump" fake scandal.
In three years the NYT will only be available in back issues for purchase on EBAY.
MSNBC will be devoting 100% of it's programing to Lassie Come Home reruns and of course their 'bread and butter' 'Jail' programs where their viewers can sit on their fat useless asses and watch their relatives in federal prison eating cat food sandwiches. "Look Jemilisha. There's you father and your brothers and uncles on TV!!!!"
Why are North Korea feeling so emboldened all of a sudden?
Do they have connections to the Trump administration?
Not so quick!
The DEMs/LIB MSM will need a little time to figure out how to attack President Trump's "secret connections with NK" after this whole LIB bullshit wet dream about Trump "colluding with the Russians" blows up in their stupid faces.
The NYT/WAPO/MSNBC/CNN jerks are already having meetings on how to concoct the next "How can we get rid of President Trump" fake scandal.
In three years the NYT will only be available in back issues for purchase on EBAY.
MSNBC will be devoting 100% of it's programing to Lassie Come Home reruns and of course their 'bread and butter' 'Jail' programs where their viewers can sit on their fat useless asses and watch their relatives in federal prison eating cat food sandwiches. "Look Jemilisha. There's you father and your brothers and uncles on TV!!!!"
Fake scandal?
You'd better advise the FBI so that they don't waste their time then.
As soon as their ignorance is revealed....

.....the same vulgar third grader's response.

Yup, that's all your stupid, historically ignorant babble is worth.

Fact is, if Stalin wanted to push us out of Korea and Europe in 1945, he'd have had no problem doing it.

Instead, he lived up to agreements he made with the other allies.

I highly doubt that.



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