An Updated List: President Trump has made more than 2,000 false or misleading claims over 355 days

President Trump has broken 2,000.

With just 10 days before he finishes his first year as president, Trump has made 2,001 false or misleading claims in 355 days, according to our database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president. That’s an average of more than 5.6 claims a day.

When we started this project, originally aimed at the president’s first 100 days, he averaged 4.9 claims a day. At that pace, it appeared unlikely the president would break 2,000 in a year. But the longer the president has been in the job, the more frequently he touts an assortment of exaggerated, dubious or false claims. (Our full interactive graphic can be found here.)
Just as bad is Trump sycophants don't care.
Only the brainwashed delusional believe that nonsense and lie you spew. Every time you fakes and frauds get challenged on that lie your lie is exposed. Show us the list of thousands of lies told by President Obama. Thousands, like Trump
Obama's lies were about real important stuff like your health care...your tax burden...the know.... things that matter

The lies about healthcare were coming from Republicans

Death Panels
Government takeover
Obama is going to kill my baby
Mandatory Obamacare
It will destroy the economy
We’ve see you low life’s make excuses for this piece of shit president :
Mocking the handicapped
Sexually assaulting women
Smearing a Gold Star Family
His incompetence
His unwillingness to read his intelligence briefs
Attacking private citizens
Embarrassing himself at world meetings
Letting Big Coal pollute our streams
Deaths in Niger
Obstruct a federal investigation
Lie about obstructing a federal investigation
Watch TV 8-10 hours a day
Cost the tax payers money on phony commissions....
And I’m not even half way done with his dubious acts....
Tell everyone.... where do you draw the line
before you say enough is enough????
Trump's little white lies are nothing compared to the devious lying Obama did on a daily basis....Obama's lies hurt real people....Obama's lies are still hurting people...
Only the brainwashed delusional believe that nonsense and lie you spew. Every time you fakes and frauds get challenged on that lie your lie is exposed. Show us the list of thousands of lies told by President Obama. Thousands, like Trump.

What fake news? Obama's were Whoppers , full of deceit and cost us huge bucks ....Trump's none so far

So, your stance is that lies do not matter since they are over "little" things?

We have been over this, there is lies of exaggerating, little white lies and lies of deceit ...

Don't tell us you don't lie and exaggerated every day on here.

So, what you are saying is that lies of "exaggeration" are ok and not something to be worried about?

You remind me of my daughter when she was 15 or so and got caught in a lie. Her "defense" was "Well I only lie about little things, not big stuff". A couple years ago she was reminded of saying that and she was like "that is such teenage logic, I can't believe I even said that".

Maybe one day you will grow past teenage logic.
Teenage logic ? Try 2nd grade logic. Bear admitted to dropping out of school in the 2nd grade.
No really.
Trump's little white lies are nothing compared to the devious lying Obama did on a daily basis....Obama's lies hurt real people....Obama's lies are still hurting people...
Only the brainwashed delusional believe that nonsense and lie you spew. Every time you fakes and frauds get challenged on that lie your lie is exposed. Show us the list of thousands of lies told by President Obama. Thousands, like Trump.

What fake news? Obama's were Whoppers , full of deceit and cost us huge bucks ....Trump's none so far

So, your stance is that lies do not matter since they are over "little" things?

We have been over this, there is lies of exaggerating, little white lies and lies of deceit ...

Don't tell us you don't lie and exaggerated every day on here.

So, what you are saying is that lies of "exaggeration" are ok and not something to be worried about?

You remind me of my daughter when she was 15 or so and got caught in a lie. Her "defense" was "Well I only lie about little things, not big stuff". A couple years ago she was reminded of saying that and she was like "that is such teenage logic, I can't believe I even said that".

Maybe one day you will grow past teenage logic.

You still playing that same game? Once again what lies did Trump say in outright deceit that cost me money?
Only the brainwashed delusional believe that nonsense and lie you spew. Every time you fakes and frauds get challenged on that lie your lie is exposed. Show us the list of thousands of lies told by President Obama. Thousands, like Trump.

What fake news? Obama's were Whoppers , full of deceit and cost us huge bucks ....Trump's none so far

So, your stance is that lies do not matter since they are over "little" things?

We have been over this, there is lies of exaggerating, little white lies and lies of deceit ...

Don't tell us you don't lie and exaggerated every day on here.

So, what you are saying is that lies of "exaggeration" are ok and not something to be worried about?

You remind me of my daughter when she was 15 or so and got caught in a lie. Her "defense" was "Well I only lie about little things, not big stuff". A couple years ago she was reminded of saying that and she was like "that is such teenage logic, I can't believe I even said that".

Maybe one day you will grow past teenage logic.
Teenage logic ? Try 2nd grade logic. Bear admitted to dropping out of school in the 2nd grade.
No really.

Oh coures I did , proud of it and smarter then you .
We’ve see you low life’s make excuses for this piece of shit president :
Mocking the handicapped
Sexually assaulting women
Smearing a Gold Star Family
His incompetence
His unwillingness to read his intelligence briefs
Attacking private citizens
Embarrassing himself at world meetings
Letting Big Coal pollute our streams
Deaths in Niger
Obstruct a federal investigation
Lie about obstructing a federal investigation
Watch TV 8-10 hours a day
Cost the tax payers money on phony commissions....
And I’m not even half way done with his dubious acts....
Tell everyone.... where do you draw the line
before you say enough is enough????

Those are dubious acts?
Only the brainwashed delusional believe that nonsense and lie you spew. Every time you fakes and frauds get challenged on that lie your lie is exposed. Show us the list of thousands of lies told by President Obama. Thousands, like Trump.

What fake news? Obama's were Whoppers , full of deceit and cost us huge bucks ....Trump's none so far

So, your stance is that lies do not matter since they are over "little" things?

We have been over this, there is lies of exaggerating, little white lies and lies of deceit ...

Don't tell us you don't lie and exaggerated every day on here.

So, what you are saying is that lies of "exaggeration" are ok and not something to be worried about?

You remind me of my daughter when she was 15 or so and got caught in a lie. Her "defense" was "Well I only lie about little things, not big stuff". A couple years ago she was reminded of saying that and she was like "that is such teenage logic, I can't believe I even said that".

Maybe one day you will grow past teenage logic.

You still playing that same game? Once again what lies did Trump say in outright deceit that cost me money?

So, what you are saying is that your morality is tied to your bank account.

At least you are proud of it and do not deny it
We’ve see you low life’s make excuses for this piece of shit president :
Mocking the handicapped
Sexually assaulting women
Smearing a Gold Star Family
His incompetence
His unwillingness to read his intelligence briefs
Attacking private citizens
Embarrassing himself at world meetings
Letting Big Coal pollute our streams
Deaths in Niger
Obstruct a federal investigation
Lie about obstructing a federal investigation
Watch TV 8-10 hours a day
Cost the tax payers money on phony commissions....
And I’m not even half way done with his dubious acts....
Tell everyone.... where do you draw the line
before you say enough is enough????

Those are dubious acts?
OMG. Every single one of them. Thanks for confirming there isn't anything this POS racist prez can do that you won't suck his balls.
What fake news? Obama's were Whoppers , full of deceit and cost us huge bucks ....Trump's none so far

So, your stance is that lies do not matter since they are over "little" things?

We have been over this, there is lies of exaggerating, little white lies and lies of deceit ...

Don't tell us you don't lie and exaggerated every day on here.

So, what you are saying is that lies of "exaggeration" are ok and not something to be worried about?

You remind me of my daughter when she was 15 or so and got caught in a lie. Her "defense" was "Well I only lie about little things, not big stuff". A couple years ago she was reminded of saying that and she was like "that is such teenage logic, I can't believe I even said that".

Maybe one day you will grow past teenage logic.
Teenage logic ? Try 2nd grade logic. Bear admitted to dropping out of school in the 2nd grade.
No really.

Oh coures I did , proud of it and smarter then you .
" of coures I dropped out of 2nd grade, proud of it, and smarter than you."
No additional comment by me necessary.
Only the brainwashed delusional believe that nonsense and lie you spew. Every time you fakes and frauds get challenged on that lie your lie is exposed. Show us the list of thousands of lies told by President Obama. Thousands, like Trump
Obama's lies were about real important stuff like your health care...your tax burden...the know.... things that matter
Trump lies listed in the thousands are provable, objective lies, many of extreme malicious content.
Your President Obama allegations are subjective opinions and minuscule compared to the Liar in Chief "Rump" list. So, once again you expose your nonsense claim for what it is. Without being able to provide a comparable list, your claim is nothing more than a lie.

many of extreme malicious content.

WTF you talking about which of Trump's lies were out right lies that did damage?
Lying about Muslims dancing and celebrating in the streets of New Jersey was an extremely malicious and hateful lie meant to demonize American Muslims.
Trump is currently telling malicious lies about Grear Britain and President Obama to cover up his being mocked and insulted by the Brits.
We’ve see you low life’s make excuses for this piece of shit president :
Mocking the handicapped
Sexually assaulting women
Smearing a Gold Star Family
His incompetence
His unwillingness to read his intelligence briefs
Attacking private citizens
Embarrassing himself at world meetings
Letting Big Coal pollute our streams
Deaths in Niger
Obstruct a federal investigation
Lie about obstructing a federal investigation
Watch TV 8-10 hours a day
Cost the tax payers money on phony commissions....
And I’m not even half way done with his dubious acts....
Tell everyone.... where do you draw the line
before you say enough is enough????

Those are dubious acts?
OMG. Every single one of them. Thanks for confirming there isn't anything this POS racist prez can do that you won't suck his balls.

Every single one of them in your world is watching television is a crime what kind of troll boy are you?
Well, on Wednesday he let loose with another huge mistake/whopper, whichever you want to call it when he was standing next to the Norwegian PM. He actually said that the US was selling F-52 fighter aircraft to them.

Hate to tell y'all, but the F-52 fighter aircraft only exists in one place, and that is in the video game Call of Duty. The most advanced fighter we have is the F-35.

Trump lauded delivery of F-52s to Norway. The planes only exist in ‘Call of Duty.’

President Trump caused a stir with his announcement that the United States had delivered F-52 fighter jets to Norway.

Was it a secret advanced jet capable of beating its Russian counterparts? A ruse to fool intelligence analysts?

Neither, it turns out. The “F-52” is a fictional jet only available to fly if you’re a gamer at the controls of “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.”

Trump lauded the sale of the fictional planes alongside Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg at the White House on Wednesday, remarking on the very real and growing defense relationship with America’s Northern Europe ally.

“In November we started delivering the first F-52s and F-35 fighter jets,” Trump said. “We have a total of 52 and they’ve delivered a number of them already a little ahead of schedule.”

Trump was reading from a statement, and it appears he combined the figure of 52 planes with the “F” designation assigned to fighter jets in the U.S. inventory, such as the F-35 Lightning II.
So, your stance is that lies do not matter since they are over "little" things?

We have been over this, there is lies of exaggerating, little white lies and lies of deceit ...

Don't tell us you don't lie and exaggerated every day on here.

So, what you are saying is that lies of "exaggeration" are ok and not something to be worried about?

You remind me of my daughter when she was 15 or so and got caught in a lie. Her "defense" was "Well I only lie about little things, not big stuff". A couple years ago she was reminded of saying that and she was like "that is such teenage logic, I can't believe I even said that".

Maybe one day you will grow past teenage logic.
Teenage logic ? Try 2nd grade logic. Bear admitted to dropping out of school in the 2nd grade.
No really.

Oh coures I did , proud of it and smarter then you .
" of coures I dropped out of 2nd grade, proud of it, and smarter than you."
No additional comment by me necessary.

Damn right I am proud of it I stared working full time at 8 years old.
Well, on Wednesday he let loose with another huge mistake/whopper, whichever you want to call it when he was standing next to the Norwegian PM. He actually said that the US was selling F-52 fighter aircraft to them.

Hate to tell y'all, but the F-52 fighter aircraft only exists in one place, and that is in the video game Call of Duty. The most advanced fighter we have is the F-35.

Trump lauded delivery of F-52s to Norway. The planes only exist in ‘Call of Duty.’

President Trump caused a stir with his announcement that the United States had delivered F-52 fighter jets to Norway.

Was it a secret advanced jet capable of beating its Russian counterparts? A ruse to fool intelligence analysts?

Neither, it turns out. The “F-52” is a fictional jet only available to fly if you’re a gamer at the controls of “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.”

Trump lauded the sale of the fictional planes alongside Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg at the White House on Wednesday, remarking on the very real and growing defense relationship with America’s Northern Europe ally.

“In November we started delivering the first F-52s and F-35 fighter jets,” Trump said. “We have a total of 52 and they’ve delivered a number of them already a little ahead of schedule.”

Trump was reading from a statement, and it appears he combined the figure of 52 planes with the “F” designation assigned to fighter jets in the U.S. inventory, such as the F-35 Lightning II.

How is it a Whopper?

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