Analysis Finds Trump Tax Cuts Didn’t Benefit Workers, Just Made Rich Companies Richer

Dodd and Frank, just remember those two names.
I sure do, and I remember CMOs and CDOs and Credit Default Swaps and "credit agencies" giving AAA ratings to shit securities and no reserve requirements for AIG and John Paulson making billions creating securities he bet against, and 30 to 1 leverage and teaser loans and banks shorting the very same securities they were selling.

All of which had absolutely nothing, zero, to do with either Dodd or Frank. And all of which were at the very core of the crash that damn near brought us down.
How about Acorn? Dodd Frank. Killed the economy. Facts are facts
Dodd and Frank, just remember those two names.
I sure do, and I remember CMOs and CDOs and Credit Default Swaps and "credit agencies" giving AAA ratings to shit securities and no reserve requirements for AIG and John Paulson making billions creating securities he bet against, and 30 to 1 leverage and teaser loans and banks shorting the very same securities they were selling.

All of which had absolutely nothing, zero, to do with either Dodd or Frank. And all of which were at the very core of the crash that damn near brought us down.

The core of the crash was the Community Reinvestment Act that used government pressure on lenders to give money to people that normally wouldn't have qualified for a loan. You know, for social justice reasons. A stupid Democrat idea. The CRA chickens came home to roost and Barney Queerboy and the Democrat Congress didn't do a damn thing to stop.

The government putting pressure on lenders to give credit to people that neither had the means or the inclination to pay the money back. What could possibly go wrong?
That ignores a simply staggering amount of facts and details. Just, simply, staggering.

None of the facts I listed were forced onto anyone. It was an industry running free and it went far too far.

MY industry.
The alternative facts Luke Russia Russia . The ones the left spread like lice
That is hilarious. If a company didn’t publicly make an announcement, then they didn’t do it.

Let’s look at who is behind the group that did this so-called analysis, shall we?
All left wing so-called organizations and think tanks that derives their funds from, guess who?
It's the group that said oil companies don't get subsidies.
True but they get huge tax breaks

Tax breaks ARE subsidies.

A subsidy is a benefit given to an individual, business or institution, usually by the government. It is usually in the form of a cash payment or a tax reduction. The subsidy is typically given to remove some type of burden, and it is often considered to be in the overall interest of the public, given to promote a social good or an economic policy.

tax breaks are not susidies. the company isn't paying itself and the government has no hands in the money. so make up nonsense all you want. no one will take you seriously. seriously!

Are you seriously going to challenge an exact definition of subsidy? Are you a fool, ignorant, or just plain stupid?
Yep. Someone keeping their money is, wait for it.... keeping their own money! Fk, how stupid are you?

So you agree that tax breaks are subsidies.
It's the group that said oil companies don't get subsidies.
True but they get huge tax breaks

Tax breaks ARE subsidies.

A subsidy is a benefit given to an individual, business or institution, usually by the government. It is usually in the form of a cash payment or a tax reduction. The subsidy is typically given to remove some type of burden, and it is often considered to be in the overall interest of the public, given to promote a social good or an economic policy.

tax breaks are not susidies. the company isn't paying itself and the government has no hands in the money. so make up nonsense all you want. no one will take you seriously. seriously!

Are you seriously going to challenge an exact definition of subsidy? Are you a fool, ignorant, or just plain stupid?
Yep. Someone keeping their money is, wait for it.... keeping their own money! Fk, how stupid are you?

So you agree that tax breaks are subsidies.
Quote it for me
It's the group that said oil companies don't get subsidies.
True but they get huge tax breaks

Tax breaks ARE subsidies.

A subsidy is a benefit given to an individual, business or institution, usually by the government. It is usually in the form of a cash payment or a tax reduction. The subsidy is typically given to remove some type of burden, and it is often considered to be in the overall interest of the public, given to promote a social good or an economic policy.

tax breaks are not susidies. the company isn't paying itself and the government has no hands in the money. so make up nonsense all you want. no one will take you seriously. seriously!

Are you seriously going to challenge an exact definition of subsidy? Are you a fool, ignorant, or just plain stupid?
Yep. Someone keeping their money is, wait for it.... keeping their own money! Fk, how stupid are you?

So you agree that tax breaks are subsidies.

OK so LET's do away with ALL Deductions...i.e. tax breaks now here are the top 13!
Oh by the way the Federal government calls them "Tax Expenditures"... meaning ALL INCOME belongs to the government and these are the "expenditures" that are allowed
to be deducted from the income... i.e. "EXPENDITURES"!

What are the largest tax expenditures?

So let's do away with #1... i.e. Employers can deduct medical premiums.$235 Billion!
And how about # 5 and # 6... $140 billion spent on employee pension plans.
Hey here's another one let's do away with... # 7 Mortgage interest deduction.. $68 billion...
All right while we're at it... # 10 Child credit expenditures @ $54 billion.
Mind you these are all TAX breaks given to Americans when figuring out their taxes. almost a $.5 Trillion tax breaks to most Americans.

but I can bet those bitching in this post about not having stocks, are actually those who don't have stock

Another 4th grade "retort"........No wonder trump honestly stated that he loves the poorly educated who voted for his sorry, fat ass.
In their world, if you don’t agree with them, you’re a “welfare queen”.

I’m a honest, hardworking American tax payer who has never been on welfare; but I support helping those in need over giving more money to already rich companies.

These bootlickers just continue licking even as their Dear Leader walks right over them

The vast majority of well paid workers with benefits work for those already rich companies. Growing those companies in America, grows the number of those well paying jobs with benefits. Many of those already rich companies cannot find the skilled employees they need because far too many young people make little or no effort to equip themselves to get well paid jobs with benefits.

I also believe in helping those in need, but I also believe that the best way to help some of those in need is to kick their asses hard enough to get them started on helping themselves.

I was raised in a small town in the Rockies, and that small town offered few opportunities for a successful future. I returned to that small town years later to see my school mates, most of whom did not have the gumption to leave for better opportunities, living miserable lives, and bitching about the rich getting richer while the poor gets poorer.
Millions of middle class Americans have trillions of dollars invested in these companies.

MORON......Companies' buying their own stock back only INCREASES the price of that stock, making buyers LESS able to invest their money......

Here, contemplate this little nugget.....

The Commerce Department released its latest data on foreign ownership of U.S. assets.......And its findings may be surprising to some.

According to the data, the value of foreign-owned American assets climbed to $32.5 trillion..........while total foreign assets held by Americans reached $24.5 trillion, leaving the U.S. with an investment deficit of $8 trillion.

How much of America do foreigners really own?

Companies can only buy back stock from someone willing to sell that stock at the price offered. The increased value of that stock benefits everyone who owns that stock.

Companies using tax savings to buy back stocks are simply transferring those savings to the sellers of the stocks. The money does not disappear down some dark hole, most of it will be reinvested in the economy. Smart people only sit on money when they are afraid to invest it, and that is why so much money was sitting on the sidelines during the Obama years.
Liberals keep trying to SPIN tax cuts as horrible and tax increases as popular LMAO! I almost feel sorry for moderate Dem's their liberal wing is nuts.

NO, IDIOT........Tax cuts would be great.....IF the middle class was to receive them.
Trump's tax scam gave over 80% of those tax cuts NOT to the middle class, but to those companies who helped elect him and his swamp....

Since those companies pay over 80% of the taxes, it is only fair that they get 80% of the tax cuts.
Companies can only buy back stock from someone willing to sell that stock at the price offered. The increased value of that stock benefits everyone who owns that stock.

Companies using tax savings to buy back stocks are simply transferring those savings to the sellers of the stocks. The money does not disappear down some dark hole, most of it will be reinvested in the economy. Smart people only sit on money when they are afraid to invest it, and that is why so much money was sitting on the sidelines during the Obama years

So that you can become just a bit smarter before spewing........consider this

The Richest 10% of Americans Now Own 84% of All Stocks | Money

How much of America do foreigners really own? - MarketWatch
Dodd and Frank, just remember those two names.
I sure do, and I remember CMOs and CDOs and Credit Default Swaps and "credit agencies" giving AAA ratings to shit securities and no reserve requirements for AIG and John Paulson making billions creating securities he bet against, and 30 to 1 leverage and teaser loans and banks shorting the very same securities they were selling.

All of which had absolutely nothing, zero, to do with either Dodd or Frank. And all of which were at the very core of the crash that damn near brought us down.
How about Acorn? Dodd Frank. Killed the economy. Facts are facts
Acorn? wtf?

I suspect that your entire library of knowledge regarding the inner workings of the financial Meltdown was gleaned from talk radio.
That is hilarious. If a company didn’t publicly make an announcement, then they didn’t do it.

Let’s look at who is behind the group that did this so-called analysis, shall we?
All left wing so-called organizations and think tanks that derives their funds from, guess who?
It's the group that said oil companies don't get subsidies.
True but they get huge tax breaks

Tax breaks ARE subsidies.

A subsidy is a benefit given to an individual, business or institution, usually by the government. It is usually in the form of a cash payment or a tax reduction. The subsidy is typically given to remove some type of burden, and it is often considered to be in the overall interest of the public, given to promote a social good or an economic policy.

Tax breaks ARE subsidies.
Bwaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa.....Welfare queens and queers don't get tax breaks, that is why they bitch about the rest of US who work, getting "subsidized"...Damn that is just too fucking funny....

Trump and Republican leadership have long touted their tax cuts as a massive boon to America’s working class, if not through direct tax reductions or refunds, then through the trickle-down effect of bonuses and wage increases from their employers who receive massive corporate cuts. “Tax reform is working,” Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said in January, mentioning Apple’s decision to reward a bonus of $2,500 in stock grants to some Apple employees. “Workers are coming home and telling their families they got a bonus, or they got a raise or they got better benefits.”

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

“There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little—if anything—to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

The newest projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican tax plan led to, in part, a 2018 deficit $242 billion higher than previously estimated.

Roughly 36 percent of Americans approve of the Republican tax cuts, according to a March Quinnipiac University Poll and a CNBC poll found that 52 percent of working adults said they had not seen a change to their paychecks since the cuts were passed.

In January, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said 90 percent of all working adults would see increases in their paychecks because of the cuts.

Fast forward to the 2018 elections. Republicans can't even run on tax cuts! That's like the KKK having to wear pink pokadot hoods.
Dodd and Frank, just remember those two names.
I sure do, and I remember CMOs and CDOs and Credit Default Swaps and "credit agencies" giving AAA ratings to shit securities and no reserve requirements for AIG and John Paulson making billions creating securities he bet against, and 30 to 1 leverage and teaser loans and banks shorting the very same securities they were selling.

All of which had absolutely nothing, zero, to do with either Dodd or Frank. And all of which were at the very core of the crash that damn near brought us down.
How about Acorn? Dodd Frank. Killed the economy. Facts are facts
Acorn? wtf?

I suspect that your entire library of knowledge regarding the inner workings of the financial Meltdown was gleaned from talk radio.
Not at all. I’ve read many papers on it. You should choose other means besides CNN

Trump and Republican leadership have long touted their tax cuts as a massive boon to America’s working class, if not through direct tax reductions or refunds, then through the trickle-down effect of bonuses and wage increases from their employers who receive massive corporate cuts. “Tax reform is working,” Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said in January, mentioning Apple’s decision to reward a bonus of $2,500 in stock grants to some Apple employees. “Workers are coming home and telling their families they got a bonus, or they got a raise or they got better benefits.”

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

“There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little—if anything—to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

The newest projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican tax plan led to, in part, a 2018 deficit $242 billion higher than previously estimated.

Roughly 36 percent of Americans approve of the Republican tax cuts, according to a March Quinnipiac University Poll and a CNBC poll found that 52 percent of working adults said they had not seen a change to their paychecks since the cuts were passed.

In January, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said 90 percent of all working adults would see increases in their paychecks because of the cuts.

Fast forward to the 2018 elections. Republicans can't even run on tax cuts! That's like the KKK having to wear pink pokadot hoods.
Those vi-jay jay ones after inauguration? Those kkk ers? I agree
Since the day the tax cut was signed,

The DJI is down 813 points.

The S&P is down 49 points.

The NASDAQ is up 57 points

The Russell 2000 is up 10 points.

Nice cherry picking, lol. Why don't we see how it stacks up since Roy Moore lost. Then we can say what the stock market thinks of a Democrat winning in Alabama. Or how has the market reacted since the last special election? Oh boy, now we can really see what investors think of Democrats regaining power.

It is all poppycock, your scenario, my scenario. You know it, and I know it. And if you don't know it, you shouldn't even be discussing it, lol.

You do not think that the day a major (and only) piece of legislation for a year is signed is a significant day?

I could pick the day that Trump made his first tariff tweet, the DJI is down more than 900 points since that day and every other index is also down.

How about the first day of the year, should we go from there?

How ever you cut it, we are 120 days or so into a pattern of zero to negative growth.

Oh, and the DJI is up about 461 since the day Roy Moore lost[/QUOTE
Since the day the tax cut was signed,

The DJI is down 813 points.

The S&P is down 49 points.

The NASDAQ is up 57 points

The Russell 2000 is up 10 points.

Nice cherry picking, lol. Why don't we see how it stacks up since Roy Moore lost. Then we can say what the stock market thinks of a Democrat winning in Alabama. Or how has the market reacted since the last special election? Oh boy, now we can really see what investors think of Democrats regaining power.

It is all poppycock, your scenario, my scenario. You know it, and I know it. And if you don't know it, you shouldn't even be discussing it, lol.

You do not think that the day a major (and only) piece of legislation for a year is signed is a significant day?

I could pick the day that Trump made his first tariff tweet, the DJI is down more than 900 points since that day and every other index is also down.

How about the first day of the year, should we go from there?

How ever you cut it, we are 120 days or so into a pattern of zero to negative growth.

Oh, and the DJI is up about 461 since the day Roy Moore lost

So, are you trying to tell everyone, that the President has that kind of power? Well then, I suppose by your OWN admission, we now know why the economy is doing so well-)

But in all honesty, it is ok. As a whole, since we got rid of Obysmal, the stockmarket has done well enough. The economy is booming, and people have more cash in their pockets. Business is expanding, and Blacks are leaving the Democratic party in unheralded numbers. Not a bad 16 months at all-)

The economy was doing well till Trump started making decisions. When he was just golfing and holding pep rallies the economy was killing it. Now it is slowing to a crawl.

And since you choose to compare the two admins...

At this point in the previous Admin the DJI had rate of growth at 40.95%, as compared to 21.17% for the current Admin.

You go ahead Gator and keep telling yourself and anyone else who will listen to you that phony story. People feel what is going on. You are using the old axiom, "who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes!"

Let me give you a heads up------------>the only reason your peeps are even close is the collusion/delusion. That is it, nothing else.

Now let me give you another heads up------------->it is going to be exposed for what it is BEFORE the midterms, and a whole bunch of your former leaders are going to look really bad.

Now, you don't have to believe me, and I wouldn't either if I was you. But go ahead and tell all of these nice people what the likely outcome of politics IF/WHEN the collusion/delusion comes out to be not only a fabrication, but also that the Democrats used illegal tactics to try and create it.

Remember, you heard it here 1st-)
Dodd and Frank, just remember those two names.
I sure do, and I remember CMOs and CDOs and Credit Default Swaps and "credit agencies" giving AAA ratings to shit securities and no reserve requirements for AIG and John Paulson making billions creating securities he bet against, and 30 to 1 leverage and teaser loans and banks shorting the very same securities they were selling.

All of which had absolutely nothing, zero, to do with either Dodd or Frank. And all of which were at the very core of the crash that damn near brought us down.
How about Acorn? Dodd Frank. Killed the economy. Facts are facts
Acorn? wtf?

I suspect that your entire library of knowledge regarding the inner workings of the financial Meltdown was gleaned from talk radio.
Not at all. I’ve read many papers on it. You should choose other means besides CNN
Great. Then please show me how much more you know about my profession than I do. I'm sure those "papers" were very educational.

I provided several examples. Please explain what Dodd or Frank or Acorn (?) had to do with:
  • The structure and proliferation of unregulated CDOs and CMOs, shit securities which Alan Greenspan fought tooth and nail to not regulate
  • The fact that the ratings agencies were assigning those shit securities Treasury-level ratings with zero (0) oversight from regulators, but while getting fat fees from issuers
  • How derivatives allowed the mortgages to assume zero (0) risk, incentivizing them to write shittier and shittier loans
  • How the world's biggest banks were found to have purposely created and sold shitty (that's a quote from one of the banks) derivatives so they could short them, betting against their own clients while having all the inside information
  • How AIG didn't have any reserve requirements on the hundreds of billions of dollars in credit default swaps they sold
  • How the big banks could get away with quadrupling their leverage with zero reserve requirements on the back end
For starters.

Go ahead, educate me on my profession. It would be very helpful for me. Knock it out of the park.
Dodd and Frank, just remember those two names.
I sure do, and I remember CMOs and CDOs and Credit Default Swaps and "credit agencies" giving AAA ratings to shit securities and no reserve requirements for AIG and John Paulson making billions creating securities he bet against, and 30 to 1 leverage and teaser loans and banks shorting the very same securities they were selling.

All of which had absolutely nothing, zero, to do with either Dodd or Frank. And all of which were at the very core of the crash that damn near brought us down.
How about Acorn? Dodd Frank. Killed the economy. Facts are facts
Acorn? wtf?

I suspect that your entire library of knowledge regarding the inner workings of the financial Meltdown was gleaned from talk radio.
Not at all. I’ve read many papers on it. You should choose other means besides CNN
Great. Then please show me how much more you know about my profession than I do. I'm sure those "papers" were very educational.

I provided several examples. Please explain what Dodd or Frank or Acorn (?) had to do with:
  • The structure and proliferation of unregulated CDOs and CMOs, shit securities which Alan Greenspan fought tooth and nail to not regulate
  • The fact that the ratings agencies were assigning those shit securities Treasury-level ratings with zero (0) oversight from regulators, but while getting fat fees from issuers
  • How derivatives allowed the mortgages to assume zero (0) risk, incentivizing them to write shittier and shittier loans
  • How the world's biggest banks were found to have purposely created and sold shitty (that's a quote from one of the banks) derivatives so they could short them, betting against their own clients while having all the inside information
  • How AIG didn't have any reserve requirements on the hundreds of billions of dollars in credit default swaps they sold
  • How the big banks could get away with quadrupling their leverage with zero reserve requirements on the back end
For starters.

Go ahead, educate me on my profession. It would be very helpful for me. Knock it out of the park.
You think that’s my role here to teach you? You’d never learn

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