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Are you an Anarchist or political Libertarian?

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You should have the strength of your convictions to leave. You do not wish to be a part of the society, then you should leave it.

What you are now is someone whining about not being allowed to be a freeloader.

Get some balls and act on your proclaimed anarchist principles.

And what happens when good people just turn tail in the face of injustice? When they keep picking up and leaving until there's nowhere left to run because evil was allowed to flourish unchecked everywhere across the globe?

And by the way, we're just about at that point already, and globalists are ready to sink that final nail into the coffin.

Some "American" you are... telling people to ignore injustice and accept blatant attacks against their sovereignty, instead of standing up and using their free speech to sway the public in favor of liberty. What could be more in direct opposition to "American values" than that?

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

...and leaving is doing "nothing".
You should have the strength of your convictions to leave. You do not wish to be a part of the society, then you should leave it.

What you are now is someone whining about not being allowed to be a freeloader.

Get some balls and act on your proclaimed anarchist principles.

And what happens when good people just turn tail in the face of injustice? When they keep picking up and leaving until there's nowhere left to run because evil was allowed to flourish unchecked everywhere across the globe?

And by the way, we're just about at that point already, and globalists are ready to sink that final nail into the coffin.

Some "American" you are... telling people to ignore injustice and accept blatant attacks against their sovereignty, instead of standing up and using their free speech to sway the public in favor of liberty. What could be more in direct opposition to "American values" than that?

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

...and leaving is doing "nothing".

You do not even want an America to exist, and you question what kind of an American I am. What a joke.

By the way, I will respond to your earlier post this evening, too much needs to be said to type it on a cellphone

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You should have the strength of your convictions to leave. You do not wish to be a part of the society, then you should leave it.

What you are now is someone whining about not being allowed to be a freeloader.

Get some balls and act on your proclaimed anarchist principles.

And what happens when good people just turn tail in the face of injustice? When they keep picking up and leaving until there's nowhere left to run because evil was allowed to flourish unchecked everywhere across the globe?

And by the way, we're just about at that point already, and globalists are ready to sink that final nail into the coffin.

Some "American" you are... telling people to ignore injustice and accept blatant attacks against their sovereignty, instead of standing up and using their free speech to sway the public in favor of liberty. What could be more in direct opposition to "American values" than that?

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

...and leaving is doing "nothing".
Thus, the violence will resume.

It really needs to be clear that the threat of violence is the reason we have society. It's the only way to prevent usurpation in the future.

Maybe we do need to constantly throw off government. I am coming around to the Anarchy way of thinking.
What makes taxation not theft? Consent.

How is taxation not a transaction which you admit to being consent?

When did I consent to it?

When you choose to live in the society that collects the tax. You are an adult human being, you have the feee will to leave anytime you wish.

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Yeah, and you are "free" to hand over your wallet to a mugger rather than take a bullet in the belly. That's the kind of "free choice" you are talking about. You are so brainwashed with statist dogma that you actually believe compulsion is the same as freedom to choose.

Why should a have to leave my home because some thug is demanding that I pay him money?

You should have the strength of your convictions to leave. You do not wish to be a part of the society, then you should leave it.

What you are now is someone whining about not being allowed to be a freeloader.

Get some balls and act on your proclaimed anarchist principles.

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Funny, you think the federal government is without flaw.
If the progressives had their way, the federal government would tax 100% of the income of the people they disagree with...

Actually in Soviet Union the ones disagreeing were just shot dead. Anyone who didn't want to slave away were also shot. The countries who suffered from communism are still 50 years behind.

Unfortunately, this is the progressive vision we are headed towards. Although it's an error to assign any ideological vision to it, these people are first and foremost looters.
Actually in Soviet Union the ones disagreeing were just shot dead. Anyone who didn't want to slave away were also shot.

Unfortunately, this is the progressive vision we are headed towards.
America does that too, but you will only be shot dead if you resist arrest. They will sit your ass in jail if you do not pay tribute and work for the FedZilla beast.
Leave and go where?

What about society's failure to honor the terms of the truce?

The better option is violence and death until this gets sorted out.


You know I agree in part, and yes, violence is better than leaving, but not best.

Precisely what these people are doing is best. The battle is one of the mind. Fighting back government physically doesn't yield lasting results, but changing minds does.

It's simple cause-and-effect. Mind is the realm of cause. Action is the realm of effect. All creation has its origin in mind - blueprint first, then construction. You cannot create lasting change on the level of effect, just like you can't cure disease by treating symptoms. We have been in an incessant battle against symptoms since history's birth.

We have finally reached the point where knowledge is no longer occulted through illiteracy or jealously guarding information. We have the world's knowledge at our fingertips for the first time ever, and that means we have an opportunity to finally strike evil where its root resides - in the minds of men.

As behooves the thinking animal, enlightenment is his salvation.
Actually in Soviet Union the ones disagreeing were just shot dead. Anyone who didn't want to slave away were also shot.

Unfortunately, this is the progressive vision we are headed towards.
America does that too, but you will only be shot dead if you resist arrest. They will sit your ass in jail if you do not pay tribute and work for the FedZilla beast.

Let me know when you actually act on your new found convictions and start killing those that need killing. Till then it all seems kind of like empty talk

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The deep state is a fairy tale along the lines of Area 51 and the Illuminati

When people say "the Illuminati" they're talking about wealthy and powerful people, often belonging to fraternal orders and secret societies, who pool their efforts to accomplish mutually-desirable results. Which part of this statement do you deem "fairy tale"?

Occult (i.e. hidden, exclusive) organizations are not a fairy tale. Historically, some of these organizations were reserved for those seeking true enlightenment (what we may call "light occultists" or true Illuminati - those illuminated by pure knowledge), and they sought to keep this practical wisdom out of the hands of those unworthy of its power. However, like all man's endeavors, some of them jealously coveted this information as a way to maintain and expand their power (we may call these people "dark occultists", i.e. people who keep information hidden with immoral motives). Many of them have belief systems associated with them; even religious belief systems that aren't so nice. The word "Illuminati", used in a negative context, is a perversion born of people grouping all occult organizations together, and painting them with a brush only appropriate to some of them.

So when we talk about the "Illuminati" we're not talking about fantasy fiction. The knowledge is not magic (in the common sense of the word). It's psychology, natural law cause-and-effect, etc. And it is no longer literally "occulted" or hidden, as information is widely available in the present day. However, instead of putting a bag over the information (which is no longer a viable strategy), they now put the bag over the individual's head. In either case, the information is still kept out of the hands of the masses, and the power of those in-the-know is maintained.

There's nothing magical about all of this. And the belief that there is something magical (and therefore fictional, and unworthy of consideration), is part of that bag being put over people's heads to keep them from investigating further. Of course wealthy and powerful people conspire; regular people conspire too. All it means is to pool knowledge and effort. How the hell do you think people get wealthy and powerful, if not by networking and back-scratching?

And yes, exclusive societies can be a way of establishing a unified presence, and sharing the tricks of the trade - how to use fear and other psychological methodologies to gain compliance from people; how to avoid the brunt of karmic backlash by having others do your dastardly deeds; etc. There are bad people in the world - primary and secondary psychopaths and so forth - and they do have a way of finding their way to the top. Just do some research before shooting down ideas you don't fully understand.
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Hey, I can see the attraction. No laws, no rules, just do what the hell ever you want to do.
Well, that's not true, but I can understand the misconception.

But, you call yourself a libertarian. I have seen lots of evidence to the contrary.

It is true. Anarchy is the absence of authority. Without authority there can be no rules, there can be no laws, the is nothing but the individual and what they decide is “right”.

Under anarchy the only “rule” is that might makes right. If you have the might to rape your neighbors wife then there is nothing under anarchy that would find this to be a “bad” thing to do.

That is because you do not know what libertarians actually believe.

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It is true. Anarchy is the absence of authority. Without authority there can be no rules, there can be no laws, the is nothing but the individual and what they decide is “right”.
That's not true.

Under anarchy the only “rule” is that might makes right. If you have the might to rape your neighbors wife then there is nothing under anarchy that would find this to be a “bad” thing to do.
That's true under anarchy or statism. Just because there is authority does not mean rape will NOT occur. Just because no authority prevents you from doing it does not mean you will face no consequence. Nor does the lack of a State mean that people will suddenly be devoid of empathy or human compassion.

You assume way too much.
Thus, the violence will resume.

It really needs to be clear that the threat of violence is the reason we have society. It's the only way to prevent usurpation in the future.

Maybe we do need to constantly throw off government. I am coming around to the Anarchy way of thinking.

Your earnest participation in the discussion is laudable. I consider us of like minds, because I'm willing to alter my position in a heartbeat if it means coming into better alignment with truth. And I did this, many times. I only fully realized most of this stuff recently.

I always thought, "Who the hell are these guys to stand between two consenting adults making a transaction for drugs, sex, whatever" but then I'd go out and vote, knowing they'd impose themselves in one form or another. I just didn't make the connection that "who the hell are these guys to do anything at all?!"

When I realized that fully, I was scared, because I thought "Holy hell, the world will fall apart if this construct goes away". But little by little I realized that most of its contributions are an illusion. The people come up with all the good ideas, the people design and build stuff, the people pay for it all, then politicians step in and take credit for it. Typical political bullshit - do nothing, and claim everything.

And yeah, you're probably right - it's probably going to come to blows. But it IS possible that it doesn't have to, and I'm trying my best to keep that from happening in whatever small way I can. I'm trying to get people to realize that we can just turn our back, withdraw our support. We don't have to fight them because they're mostly just a bunch of fat or frail fuckers, and they've got nothing if people won't pick up a gun and do their dirty work.

Police and military are a key part of this. We've got to make it socially taboo to take those jobs, instead of praising them. When Johnny comes home and says, "Mom, I want to be a cop", parents should be like, "No son of mine!"; girls should be like "Ew, gross"; friends should be like "What happened to you, man?" You get the picture. Many of these people are brave, noble, courageous, and if they could just be made to understand that their efforts would be more in alignment with their values if they fought for true freedom, they'll become valuable members of a free society (probably still doing the same job, but feeling like a true hero, instead of stressed out and suicidal).

When a lone "nut" comes out here and promotes true freedom, people call him a "kook". But if a discussion starts up and half the people are arguing for freedom, the idea will get through people's pre-conception filter and become subject to their critical process. At that point, it's a done deal, because the logic is so obvious and irrefutable that it only takes earnest consideration for it to be seen as truth.
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I think the Fed Govt is filled with flaws, but that still does not mean that I think no system of rules, laws and a government are necessary.

That is what is being put forth, their should be no rules, no laws, no nothing but each individual doing what the hell ever they want to do.

Want to rape a woman, there is nothing about anarchy that prevents that unless she herself can.

Want to kill your neighbor and take his shit, nothing about anarchy says that is wrong to do.

If that's what you think we're saying, then maybe we're not in disagreement after all, because we aren't suggesting that.

We're suggesting that DEFENSE, not LAW, is the only deterrent, and the duty of every able person. It's also in alignment with nearly everyone's personal values. Every cop and solider who earnestly wants to defend human rights - and most do - will still be there, ready to protect the innocent. The only difference is that they are not authority (which means "permitted to use aggressive force against innocents); they're exclusively defensive.

They'll feel better, we'll feel better, and we'll be safer than ever with the help of many armed and moral people who right now do not own the means of defense due to immoral restrictions. Without government, you'll be shocked how many people take up the responsibility for taking care of their neighbors. We see it in disasters all the time.
Let me know when you actually act on your new found convictions and start killing those that need killing. Till then it all seems kind of like empty talk

It's people's good nature that keeps them unduly patient. I’ve heard it said, “If tyranny goes hot, just watch how many armed Americans come out of the woodwork”. Some of these people are chomping at the bit.
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What makes taxation not theft? Consent.

How is taxation not a transaction which you admit to being consent?

What happens if I continue refusing to pay the tax?
You will be penalized.

If you don't consent then leave or pay a penalty.

The majority of us do consent, within reason.
In other words, you don't consent to it.

If the government didn't force people to pay taxes, then how many would turn over 40% of the income to the government? We all know the answer is "zero."
Of course I consent. Otherwise I would leave.
I didn't consent. Not leaving does not mean I consent. If you hand over your wallet to a mugger, does that mean you consented? That's what you're saying.
What makes taxation not theft? Consent.

How is taxation not a transaction which you admit to being consent?

When did I consent to it?

When you choose to live in the society that collects the tax. You are an adult human being, you have the feee will to leave anytime you wish.

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Yeah, and you are "free" to hand over your wallet to a mugger rather than take a bullet in the belly. That's the kind of "free choice" you are talking about. You are so brainwashed with statist dogma that you actually believe compulsion is the same as freedom to choose.

Why should a have to leave my home because some thug is demanding that I pay him money?

You should have the strength of your convictions to leave. You do not wish to be a part of the society, then you should leave it.

What you are now is someone whining about not being allowed to be a freeloader.

Get some balls and act on your proclaimed anarchist principles.

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Government is not society, and I have no obligation to government because you choose to obey your masters. What you are saying is that I'm obligated to hand over my wallet to a mugger. You're full of shit, of course, and you're obviously no libertarian. You don't believe in liberty.

A "freeloader" is someone who lives off what others produce. The desire to keep what you earn does not make anyone a free loader.

You claim to be a libertarian, but you're obviously just another servile worshipper of the omnipotent state.

You know you've lost on the issue of consent, so instead you resort to making personal attacks on your critics. It's the classic leftwing statist modus operandi.
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Yeah, and you are "free" to hand over your wallet to a mugger rather than take a bullet in the belly. That's the kind of "free choice" you are talking about. You are so brainwashed with statist dogma that you actually believe compulsion is the same as freedom to choose.

Why should a have to leave my home because some thug is demanding that I pay him money?

You should have the strength of your convictions to leave. You do not wish to be a part of the society, then you should leave it.

What you are now is someone whining about not being allowed to be a freeloader.

Get some balls and act on your proclaimed anarchist principles.

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Funny, you think the federal government is without flaw.
If the progressives had their way, the federal government would tax 100% of the income of the people they disagree with...

I think the Fed Govt is filled with flaws, but that still does not mean that I think no system of rules, laws and a government are necessary.

That is what is being put forth, their should be no rules, no laws, no nothing but each individual doing what the hell ever they want to do.

Want to rape a woman, there is nothing about anarchy that prevents that unless she herself can.

Want to kill your neighbor and take his shit, nothing about anarchy says that is wrong to do.

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You do realize the deep state is progressivism, they control Washington DC.

The deep state is a fairy tale along the lines of Area 51 and the Illuminati

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Your belief that you're a libertarian is a fairytale.
You should have the strength of your convictions to leave. You do not wish to be a part of the society, then you should leave it.

What you are now is someone whining about not being allowed to be a freeloader.

Get some balls and act on your proclaimed anarchist principles.

And what happens when good people just turn tail in the face of injustice? When they keep picking up and leaving until there's nowhere left to run because evil was allowed to flourish unchecked everywhere across the globe?

And by the way, we're just about at that point already, and globalists are ready to sink that final nail into the coffin.

Some "American" you are... telling people to ignore injustice and accept blatant attacks against their sovereignty, instead of standing up and using their free speech to sway the public in favor of liberty. What could be more in direct opposition to "American values" than that?

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

...and leaving is doing "nothing".

You do not even want an America to exist, and you question what kind of an American I am. What a joke.

By the way, I will respond to your earlier post this evening, too much needs to be said to type it on a cellphone

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You may be an American, but you are no libertarian, and you certainly don't believe in freedom. You lick the boots of your masters like a good little statist toady.

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