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When are you moving there? If you are not then you are a fraud

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When are moving to your statist utopia, Venezuela?

That would be an apt comparison if I was on this forum stating that socialism was better than our system, but I have not done that. You and the others claim that anarchy is superior to our system, yet you lack the strength of character to act on your words. You are all frauds, you are like a person claiming to be a Vegan while eating pork ribs.

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It's strange how you claim not to be a leftwinger, yet you use all the sleazy dishonest arguments they use.

Now you are lying about me. That is two people that know they have lost.

Good night for the good guys!
As long as we are coercively compelled to act in involuntary servitude to this fedzilla state, we have no choice but to participate.

Why don't you leave and go to some craddle to grave socialist state? Why is it that we must leave? You go.

One more time, I will type very slowly for you.

I do not support socialism, not now and never have. You will never be able to find a single post from me supporting such a thing. So, why would I move to a place that has a system I do not support. You are like a Vegan asking me why I am eating a which I reply "because you are the fucking vegan, not me".

Now, on the other hand the anarchist on this forum claim to support anarchy over any form of government, yet they will not go where there is no government.
There is no place on earth practicing anarchy. I don't believe that anarchy is possible. I am principled. That is the difference.

You don't support socialism, but defend the very government that is driving you in that direction. The state constantly proves incapable of resisting the temptation to pillage to perpetuate its own exixtence. If you are not an anarchist, but a libertarian, you should at least believe that anarchy is closer to what you want than the state of this government.

When are you moving there? If you are not then you are a fraud

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When are moving to your statist utopia, Venezuela?

That would be an apt comparison if I was on this forum stating that socialism was better than our system, but I have not done that. You and the others claim that anarchy is superior to our system, yet you lack the strength of character to act on your words. You are all frauds, you are like a person claiming to be a Vegan while eating pork ribs.

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It's strange how you claim not to be a leftwinger, yet you use all the sleazy dishonest arguments they use.

Now you are lying about me. That is two people that know they have lost.

Good night for the good guys!
I'm telling the irrefutable truth. Who made you the referee of this debate?
As long as we are coercively compelled to act in involuntary servitude to this fedzilla state, we have no choice but to participate.

Why don't you leave and go to some craddle to grave socialist state? Why is it that we must leave? You go.

One more time, I will type very slowly for you.

I do not support socialism, not now and never have. You will never be able to find a single post from me supporting such a thing. So, why would I move to a place that has a system I do not support. You are like a Vegan asking me why I am eating a which I reply "because you are the fucking vegan, not me".

Now, on the other hand the anarchist on this forum claim to support anarchy over any form of government, yet they will not go where there is no government.
There is no place on earth practicing anarchy. I don't believe that anarchy is possible. I am principled. That is the difference.

You don't support socialism, but defend the very government that is driving you in that direction. The state constantly proves incapable of resisting the temptation pillage in order to perpetuate its own exixtence. If you are not an anarchist, but a libertarian, you should at least believe that anarchy is closer to what you want than the state of this government.
Why do you say anarchy, as an anti-political position, implies no order, when everyone here has told you 1,000 times that voluntary organization, including heirarchy, is fine? This word is so overused, but it’s classic strawman.

The natural conclusion of anarchy is chaos. You are willing to shift authority from the government to something you will give a new name, but eventually anarchist will be back in the same place and they will want to take authority from that and the cycle will not end till there is nothing but chaos. This cannot be disputed.

As for employment, I merely described the situation. I said that the employee is not compensated for the full value of his work. This is the whole goal of hiring someone. The point of the example was to demonstrate a situation where you gain some benefit from a system that is not designed for your benefit, but specifically designed for your exploitation. Your ability to gain benefit is just a way of keeping you coming back so the exploiter can get HIS benefit. I’m not making a value judgement about this arrangement.

There is no exploitation, there is mutual benefit. I am getting exactly what I want as is my employer. How can that be exploitation? I am not being treated unfairly or unjustly.

was never mentioned, or implied.
Just is my concern, not fair.

Just or fair, now you are just playing semantic...

Just: guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness:

Government is a system that is not designed for your benefit. Gaining some benefit from it does not refute this. The difference between government and employment is that there is no expressed consent. That is why it is inherently immoral - because it is both exploitative and compulsory. To say government is a neutral tool is to ignore much of what’s been said to this point without having adequately refuted it.

There is expressed consent when you freely choose to live under a system of government. When you get a job you express your consent for them to take out taxes. There is a country right now that has the system you are looking for, and yet you will not move there. What does that say about you?

You believe natural law does not exist, so what is the source of your morality?

Morality is a man made construct, it is based upon the society we live in. There is no morality in nature.

If I kill you for my gain, we humans see that as immoral. If a lion kills a gazelle for its gain, is that immoral?

Is it immoral for a praying mantis to kill its mate during sex? Of course not, but if you did it to your mate, that would be immoral. Our morals come from the society we are a part of.
You're claiming that having no government is the same as having government. Only an idiot would believe such a dumbass theory.
As the remocrats and depublicans try to convince people that they're totally different from one another! :lmao:
Ding and GG make it apparent that's there is really little difference between Democrats and Republicans.
You choose to stay here when you could leave and go to a place that has the system that you claim to prefer. you are just a fraud that lacks any strength of conviction.
And, yet, you're still here too.

I am, as I think our system of governing is the best system on the planet right now, why would I leave.

It is you frauds that claim to support something else but then will not act on your claims.
If you love the current state of this fedzilla government, you are no libertarian. Far from it.

You're the problem. You get the fuck out. Not me. You.

You are once again making up shit that I have said. I said this is the best system available. I never said I loved it or approved of most of it.

You have lost an argument when you have to resort to lies. Go lick your wounds and come back another day.
And, you've lost an argument when your best retort is telling us to move to Somalia. That is some straight up bullshit.
No, the same thing does not apply to the U.S. The federal government does not own the U.S. I was born here. I didn't choose to get born here. As always, the statist attempt to equate free choice with arbitrary compulsion. When the federal government was formed, there were already people living here, and most of them didn't consent to the Constitution. I certainly have never consented to it in any legal sense of the term. Can you point to any legal document that says being born means you have consented to a contract?

Your claim that I consented to it is obvious horseshit. How many times do you have to get slapped before you cease spewing your idiocies?

You choose to stay here when you could leave and go to a place that has the system that you claim to prefer. you are just a fraud that lacks any strength of conviction.
That doesn't constitute consent, nimrod.
The inmates in a concentration camp "toe the line." Did they agree to be imprisoned and tortured? According to your imbecile logic, they did. When you admit I don't have a choice, you're admitting that it's not a contract. That makes your entire participation in this thread one huge FAIL.

Repeating the same imbecile arguments over and over won't make them anymore valid or convincing the 100th time you use them. I think you have been planted in this forum as comic relief. No one could genuinely be as stupid as you appear to be.

The bottom line is that you're a servile Stalinist worm. You endorse concentration camp enthics.

inmates at a concentration camp are not free to make the choice to leave, you are.

you freely choose to stay knowing what that entails, that is your active consent.

Plus you are a cheerleader for the leader of the government, the thing you claim to be against, that makes you a fraud.

you vote in the elections for the government you claim to be against, that makes you an even bigger fraud.

There is a country right now that is under the system you claim to be the superior system, and you do not have the strength of conviction to move there...that makes you the biggest fraud of all.
It's pointless arguing with a sleazy dishonest dumbass like you.

I will take that as your gutless surrender. You know you are a fraud, one day you are sucking Trump's dick and the next you claim to be against the very government he is the leader of...the two just do not go together.
Name calling and insolent demands are all you have in your defense.
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You choose to stay here when you could leave and go to a place that has the system that you claim to prefer. you are just a fraud that lacks any strength of conviction.
And, yet, you're still here too.

I am, as I think our system of governing is the best system on the planet right now, why would I leave.

It is you frauds that claim to support something else but then will not act on your claims.
If you love the current state of this fedzilla government, you are no libertarian. Far from it.

You're the problem. You get the fuck out. Not me. You.

You are once again making up shit that I have said. I said this is the best system available. I never said I loved it or approved of most of it.

You have lost an argument when you have to resort to lies. Go lick your wounds and come back another day.
And, you've lost an argument when your best retort is telling us to move to Somalia. That is some straight up bullshit.

It is a country that has the very thing they are looking for. If anarchy is the end all of human achievement as is being claimed, why is the only example of it on the planet not a place people want to go?
No, the same thing does not apply to the U.S. The federal government does not own the U.S. I was born here. I didn't choose to get born here. As always, the statist attempt to equate free choice with arbitrary compulsion. When the federal government was formed, there were already people living here, and most of them didn't consent to the Constitution. I certainly have never consented to it in any legal sense of the term. Can you point to any legal document that says being born means you have consented to a contract?

Your claim that I consented to it is obvious horseshit. How many times do you have to get slapped before you cease spewing your idiocies?

You choose to stay here when you could leave and go to a place that has the system that you claim to prefer. you are just a fraud that lacks any strength of conviction.
How many times does it have to be explained to your dumbass that being born here and not leaving does not constitute consent? Show me the law that says I can consent to a contract simply by being born. You know you can't. You simply repeat your idiotic talking point over and over.

You did not consent when you were born dumb ass, you consented when you were old enough to make a free choice to stay or leave.

That isn't a free choice, dumbass. It's one the government has imposed on me. A free choice would be if I could tell the government to go fuck itself whenever it wanted to charge me for its useless "services."

Why do you not have the balls to act on what you claim to support? There is a country right now that has your system, they are everything you want.

I tell you what, I will pay for your move if you have the balls to act on your words.

Go ahead. Right me a check.
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Why do you say anarchy, as an anti-political position, implies no order, when everyone here has told you 1,000 times that voluntary organization, including heirarchy, is fine? This word is so overused, but it’s classic strawman.

The natural conclusion of anarchy is chaos. You are willing to shift authority from the government to something you will give a new name, but eventually anarchist will be back in the same place and they will want to take authority from that and the cycle will not end till there is nothing but chaos. This cannot be disputed.

As for employment, I merely described the situation. I said that the employee is not compensated for the full value of his work. This is the whole goal of hiring someone. The point of the example was to demonstrate a situation where you gain some benefit from a system that is not designed for your benefit, but specifically designed for your exploitation. Your ability to gain benefit is just a way of keeping you coming back so the exploiter can get HIS benefit. I’m not making a value judgement about this arrangement.

There is no exploitation, there is mutual benefit. I am getting exactly what I want as is my employer. How can that be exploitation? I am not being treated unfairly or unjustly.

was never mentioned, or implied.
Just is my concern, not fair.

Just or fair, now you are just playing semantic...

Just: guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness:

Government is a system that is not designed for your benefit. Gaining some benefit from it does not refute this. The difference between government and employment is that there is no expressed consent. That is why it is inherently immoral - because it is both exploitative and compulsory. To say government is a neutral tool is to ignore much of what’s been said to this point without having adequately refuted it.

There is expressed consent when you freely choose to live under a system of government. When you get a job you express your consent for them to take out taxes. There is a country right now that has the system you are looking for, and yet you will not move there. What does that say about you?

You believe natural law does not exist, so what is the source of your morality?

Morality is a man made construct, it is based upon the society we live in. There is no morality in nature.

If I kill you for my gain, we humans see that as immoral. If a lion kills a gazelle for its gain, is that immoral?

Is it immoral for a praying mantis to kill its mate during sex? Of course not, but if you did it to your mate, that would be immoral. Our morals come from the society we are a part of.
You're claiming that having no government is the same as having government. Only an idiot would believe such a dumbass theory.

Have you been drinking?
That isn't a free choice, dumbass. It's one the government has imposed on me. A free choice would be if I could tell the government to go fuck itself whenever it wanted to charge me for it's useless "services."

The Fed Govt is keeping you from leaving the country? You are lying your ass off. You freely chose to stay here, that is all on you and nobody else.
You choose to stay here when you could leave and go to a place that has the system that you claim to prefer. you are just a fraud that lacks any strength of conviction.
And, yet, you're still here too.

I am, as I think our system of governing is the best system on the planet right now, why would I leave.

It is you frauds that claim to support something else but then will not act on your claims.
In a race between three legged pigs, one of them will be "the best." However, that doesn't make any of them a champion thoroughbred horse.

Never said it did, but it is still the best we have in my opinion. You claim that anarchy is better than a representative republic, so why are you not living where there is anarchy when you have the chance to do so?
You're opinion isn't worth the bandwidth that transmitted it.
That isn't a free choice, dumbass. It's one the government has imposed on me. A free choice would be if I could tell the government to go fuck itself whenever it wanted to charge me for it's useless "services."

The Fed Govt is keeping you from leaving the country? You are lying your ass off. You freely chose to stay here, that is all on you and nobody else.
Don't be so incredibly stupid, numskull.
It is a country that has the very thing they are looking for. If anarchy is the end all of human achievement as is being claimed, why is the only example of
Because they are not practicing anarchy in Somalia, and you clearly do not understand anarchy.

Well, yes they are. Anarchy, according to the people on this forum, is the absence of a government...there is no government in Somalia.

In fact one of the anarchist on this forum posted a link that talked about the good things coming from the anarchy in Somalia.

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