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Are you an Anarchist or political Libertarian?

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Not according to the founding fathers of liberty and freedom. According to them liberty and freedom rests upon virtue and morality and virtue and morality rests on religion.
Cite some sources. Don't make blanket statements. I will bet you believe the founding fathers were Christians.

But, the founder of your religion was closely related to the founding fathers, in that he hijack the rites of their fraternal order.
So how do you reconcile that your beliefs about religion are closely aligned to the beliefs of the founding fathers of communism and diametrically opposed to the beliefs of the founding fathers of freedom and liberty.

And while you are at it how do you reconcile that your support for open borders is aligned with the beliefs of socialists?

Why Socialists Have Always Fought for Open Borders
You tell me, you're the anarchist.
First, no I am not an anarchist, but you fools keep defending statism and force my hand. Secondly, because the state can do nothing but impair and deprive. That is all it does.

I don't believe we can ever get to a state of anarchy because too many people think they are moral because they are beholden to a set of religious rules handed down by other people in the name of a supreme being.

Because too many people rely on others to tell them what is moral, rather than using their brains, we are inevitably stuck with a state. That doesn't mean I have to like it or defend it.
You tell me, you're the anarchist.
First, no I am not an anarchist, but you fools keep defending statism and force my hand. Secondly, because the state can do nothing but impair and deprive. That is all it does.

I don't believe we can ever get to a state of anarchy because too many people think they are moral because they are beholden to a set of religious rules handed down by other people in the name of a supreme being.

Because too many people rely on others to tell them what is moral, rather than using their brains, we are inevitably stuck with a state. That doesn't mean I have to like it or defend it.
I'm not defending statism. I want the federal government to do much less and let the states do more.

I believe in subsidiarity.

Do you want open borders?
As the remocrats and depublicans try to convince people that they're totally different from one another! :lmao:
I know better. But the only people who would have actually made a difference in each of the last two elections never made it out of the primaries.
"Social Contract" is a truce. It is an agreement to not kill each other and let each other pursue food and sex without violent interference.

Anything above and beyond that understood agreement is not contractual. It is compulsory from birth.

Except 99% of the population never agreed to it.
It's conditional upon you living here. If you don't like it, you are free to leave.

Because short of a Constitutional convention the only thing that is likely to change the way things are would be WWIII.
Bullshit. The social contract is a myth. You don't impress anyone by repeating this nonsense.
I don't think you understand what I am writing. You don't have a choice.

You living here means that you accept it as a condition of you staying here.

I understand exactly what you're writing, and it's total bullshit. Declining to move doesn't imply I have agreed to anything. How many times does that have to be explained to your dumb ass?

How do I know? Because you toe the line. You bitch about it, but you have accepted it through your actions. You can cry that you are being coerced. That is just you rationalizing that you haven't accepted it when your actions say otherwise.

In fact, I bet you vote in the elections too. amirite?

The inmates in a concentration camp "toe the line." Did they agree to be imprisoned and tortured? According to your imbecile logic, they did. When you admit I don't have a choice, you're admitting that it's not a contract. That makes your entire participation in this thread one huge FAIL.

Repeating the same imbecile arguments over and over won't make them anymore valid or convincing the 100th time you use them. I think you have been planted in this forum as comic relief. No one could genuinely be as stupid as you appear to be.

The bottom line is that you're a servile Stalinist worm. You endorse concentration camp enthics.
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I've done pretty well for myself as a "slave."

Are you sure YOU aren't the one "thinkin' you's been wronged?"

Well, as long as you've done well for yourself, that's all that matters.
Think concentric circles, Brian.

But putting that aside, it belies your belief that I am a slave.

And it is your displeasure that shows that you think you are a slave.

It's the words of a house slave. How well you're doing has absolutely nothing to do with whether you're a slave or not. Citing how well you're doing is only to say "Well, if I'm a slave, I'm a rich slave, so:cul2:"

For God's sake, man, I thought you actually gave a damn about logic and reason. You were at least trying in our previous conversations.
lol, the old uncle tom argument. First you tried the I act like I was wronged argument and when that didn't work you tried the house nigga argument. And now you are making a plea to logic.

This is really pretty simple. I believe the role of the government is to do for the people what the people cannot do for themselves and not to do for the people what they can and should do for themselves. You believe government is evil and you want to have no laws and think that people will just behave themselves.

And you question my logic? Too funny.

There is nothing government does that people can't do for themselves, other than imprison their neighbors. So that pretty much rules out government as a necessity.
We rely on the government to protect our natural rights.

This is so critical... government cannot, ever, under any circumstances protect natural law rights. Police, as individual humans, can. But not in their capacity as "authority". Governmental authority is a direct, irrefutable violation of natural law rights. It is an inequality of rights whereby one party claims rights that others don't have; and those "rights" claimed are exclusively immoral acts.

If you really stop to think about it, you do not need authority to do anything that individuals have a right to do - you already have those rights. You only need authority to do what individuals do not have a right to do; which, by definition, means immoral acts.
Police as individuals can because there are laws in place. Laws established by government.

Are you serious right now? You did not just read that post and respond like this. I demand you remove the words "critical thinking" from your signature this instant!!!

Aw fuck, he's not gonna do it...

Now I'm just captivated by the mystery of the situation - could it be reading comprehension? That doesn't seem likely, as this was pretty clear. Mental block due to lifelong indoctrination? Likely enough, but still...

Any chance you'd like to, ya know, address the undeniable impossibility of moral government or anything?

Maybe we should just play "I Spy"... I'll go first... I see something... unfathomably resistant to logic.

Ding is obviously not the brightest bulb in the box. He couldn't construct a logical syllogism if his life depended on it.
"Social Contract" is a truce. It is an agreement to not kill each other and let each other pursue food and sex without violent interference.

Anything above and beyond that understood agreement is not contractual. It is compulsory from birth.

Except 99% of the population never agreed to it.
It's conditional upon you living here. If you don't like it, you are free to leave.

Because short of a Constitutional convention the only thing that is likely to change the way things are would be WWIII.
Bullshit. The social contract is a myth. You don't impress anyone by repeating this nonsense.
I don't think you understand what I am writing. You don't have a choice.

You living here means that you accept it as a condition of you staying here.

How do I know? Because you toe the line.
You bitch about it, but you have accepted it through your actions. You can cry that you are being coerced. That is just you rationalizing that you haven't accepted it when your actions say otherwise.

In fact, I bet you vote in the elections too. amirite?

This is the reminds me of a friend of mine whose kid moved back home after college. They put some basic rules down for him and the kid whined, but by choosing to live there he was choosing to follow the rules.

Same thing applies to those that choose to live in the US.

There is essentially no government in Somalia, perhaps they should move there and see if it is the utopia they are hoping for.
No, the same thing does not apply to the U.S. The federal government does not own the U.S. I was born here. I didn't choose to get born here. As always, the statist attempts to equate free choice with arbitrary compulsion. When the federal government was formed, there were already people living here, and most of them didn't consent to the Constitution. I certainly have never consented to it in any legal sense of the term. Can you point to any legal document that says being born means you have consented to a contract?

Your claim that I consented to it is obvious horseshit. How many times do you have to get slapped before you cease spewing your idiocies?
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The inmates in a concentration camp "toe the line." Did they agree to be imprisoned and tortured? According to your imbecile logic, they did. When you admit I don't have a choice, you're admitting that it's not a contract. That makes your entire participation in this thread one huge FAIL.

Repeating the same imbecile arguments over and over won't make them anymore valid or convincing the 100th time you use them. I think you have been planted in this forum as comic relief. No one could genuinely be as stupid as you appear to be.

The bottom line is that you're a servile Stalinist worm. You endorse concentration camp enthics.

inmates at a concentration camp are not free to make the choice to leave, you are.

you freely choose to stay knowing what that entails, that is your active consent.

Plus you are a cheerleader for the leader of the government, the thing you claim to be against, that makes you a fraud.

you vote in the elections for the government you claim to be against, that makes you an even bigger fraud.

There is a country right now that is under the system you claim to be the superior system, and you do not have the strength of conviction to move there...that makes you the biggest fraud of all.
The inmates in a concentration camp "toe the line." Did they agree to be imprisoned and tortured? According to your imbecile logic, they did. When you admit I don't have a choice, you're admitting that it's not a contract. That makes your entire participation in this thread one huge FAIL.

Repeating the same imbecile arguments over and over won't make them anymore valid or convincing the 100th time you use them. I think you have been planted in this forum as comic relief. No one could genuinely be as stupid as you appear to be.

The bottom line is that you're a servile Stalinist worm. You endorse concentration camp enthics.

inmates at a concentration camp are not free to make the choice to leave, you are.

you freely choose to stay knowing what that entails, that is your active consent.

Plus you are a cheerleader for the leader of the government, the thing you claim to be against, that makes you a fraud.

you vote in the elections for the government you claim to be against, that makes you an even bigger fraud.

There is a country right now that is under the system you claim to be the superior system, and you do not have the strength of conviction to move there...that makes you the biggest fraud of all.
It's pointless arguing with a sleazy dishonest dumbass like you.
No, the same thing does not apply to the U.S. The federal government does not own the U.S. I was born here. I didn't choose to get born here. As always, the statist attempt to equate free choice with arbitrary compulsion. When the federal government was formed, there were already people living here, and most of them didn't consent to the Constitution. I certainly have never consented to it in any legal sense of the term. Can you point to any legal document that says being born means you have consented to a contract?

Your claim that I consented to it is obvious horseshit. How many times do you have to get slapped before you cease spewing your idiocies?

You choose to stay here when you could leave and go to a place that has the system that you claim to prefer. you are just a fraud that lacks any strength of conviction.
Not according to the founding fathers of liberty and freedom. According to them liberty and freedom rests upon virtue and morality and virtue and morality rests on religion.
Cite some sources. Don't make blanket statements. I will bet you believe the founding fathers were Christians.

But, the founder of your religion was closely related to the founding fathers, in that he hijack the rites of their fraternal order.
So how do you reconcile that your beliefs about religion are closely aligned to the beliefs of the founding fathers of communism and diametrically opposed to the beliefs of the founding fathers of freedom and liberty.

And while you are at it how do you reconcile that your support for open borders is aligned with the beliefs of socialists?

Why Socialists Have Always Fought for Open Borders
So, one cannot be moral without religion?

It fits that you believe this.

Just like people cannot coexist without government, you believe people cannot use their minds, gain perspective, and act morally.
Anarchism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of anarchism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Anarchism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership. Anarchism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Anarchists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire no government to implement their amoral social policies. Anarchism is a religion. The religious nature of anarchism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.

It seems that right now we have an example of a country with no government, Somalia. It is the perfect test case for anarchy, if things turn out well there then maybe they will win me over to their side.
Or you could go through history and find any revolution except the American Revolution and use that as an example.

Our problem isn't the structure of our government it is that our people have become corrupted themselves and our government reflects the people.

But there is still good within us and when we have had enough we will change our ways.

The people running our government have been corrupt right from the very beginning. Sleazy lying douchebags are attracted to government. Honest respectable people stear clear of it.
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The inmates in a concentration camp "toe the line." Did they agree to be imprisoned and tortured? According to your imbecile logic, they did. When you admit I don't have a choice, you're admitting that it's not a contract. That makes your entire participation in this thread one huge FAIL.

Repeating the same imbecile arguments over and over won't make them anymore valid or convincing the 100th time you use them. I think you have been planted in this forum as comic relief. No one could genuinely be as stupid as you appear to be.

The bottom line is that you're a servile Stalinist worm. You endorse concentration camp enthics.

inmates at a concentration camp are not free to make the choice to leave, you are.

you freely choose to stay knowing what that entails, that is your active consent.

Plus you are a cheerleader for the leader of the government, the thing you claim to be against, that makes you a fraud.

you vote in the elections for the government you claim to be against, that makes you an even bigger fraud.

There is a country right now that is under the system you claim to be the superior system, and you do not have the strength of conviction to move there...that makes you the biggest fraud of all.
It's pointless arguing with a sleazy dishonest dumbass like you.

I will take that as your gutless surrender. You know you are a fraud, one day you are sucking Trump's dick and the next you claim to be against the very government he is the leader of...the two just do not go together.

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