Ancestors of elites all have ties to slavery except!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course it is

How is a person today somehow culpable for their ancestors of hundreds of years ago owning slaves?

The answer to that question is they aren't culpable at all.

This is the same mindset that gun control freaks use when they say that just because someone owns a particular gun that they are some how responsible for school shootings.
When will whites stop making these excuses. Whites take credit for being descendants of the founders, of the Revolutionary War and the Confederacy.

All the living presidents and some of the modern dead ones, do have ties to Jim Crow.
When will whites stop making these excuses. Whites take credit for being descendants of the founders, of the Revolutionary War and the Confederacy.

All the living presidents and some of the modern dead ones, do have ties to Jim Crow.
So what?

If you have a familial tie to a rapist or a murderer are you somehow guilty?
The south was once solidly Democrrat. Now it's solidly Republican.
When will whites stop making these excuses. Whites take credit for being descendants of the founders, of the Revolutionary War and the Confederacy.

All the living presidents and some of the modern dead ones, do have ties to Jim Crow.
/----/ "All the living presidents and some of the modern dead ones, do have ties to Jim Crow."
Here's a crazy idea. Why not back up your rant with some actual facts?
So what?

If you have a familial tie to a rapist or a murderer are you somehow guilty?
Let's cease the false equivalences. And like I said, they have ties to Jim Crow, meaning they grew up and benefitted from racism. Except Obama.
/----/ "All the living presidents and some of the modern dead ones, do have ties to Jim Crow."
Here's a crazy idea. Why not back up your rant with some actual facts?
The fact Trump was born in 1946 is one example.
Let's cease the false equivalences. And like I said, they have ties to Jim Crow, meaning they grew up and benefitted from racism. Except Obama.
/---/ Since Obama is half white - that means he is half tied to Jim Crow - using your logic.

You guessed it.


Ties to slavery = the 911 crowd including homO who hid it all IN THE CLOSET
We all know that the REAL reason MAGAts keep bringing up Sen. Byrd is that they are upset he rejected the KKK.

So why did Cyclops Byrd vote AGAINST the 64 Civil Rights Act??

Did he "reject the KKK" by doing so??

When will whites stop making these excuses. Whites take credit for being descendants of the founders, of the Revolutionary War and the Confederacy.

All the living presidents and some of the modern dead ones, do have ties to Jim Crow.

VERY FEW WHITES were. 70% of whites lived in the North. They had nothing to do with it, and in fact gave lives to END IT. And your BIGOTED CRT rear blames them instead of thanking them.

In the South 10% owned slaves, including homO's ancestors, and you LOVE homO and think she deserves "reparations" for being the descendent of Confederate slave owners and blacks in Africa who rounded up your ancestors and sold them to JEWISH owned boats...
There is no Democrat plantation. And any black who is a member of The White Nationalist Front that calls itself the Republican Party is an idiot.
/——/ Heres another Black who wandered off the democRAT plantation for you to attack:
The KKK and white supremacist groups endorse trump. Donal Trump is a racist now in 2023.
The KKK endorsed the Democrat leader that was their leader, based on your rules, Democrat Senator Byrd was always a racist.

Democrat Biden, your president, also endorsed, voted for the, as you describe racist KKK leader turned US Senate leader three times.

Democrat Biden, according to you, is a racist. Trump never endorsed a leader of the KKK, Democrat Biden, did.
Rejected? Democrat Senator Byrd was not just a member of the KKK, he was a local leader of the KKK. And let us be clear. The KKK was not just a group of men that hated African Americans. The KKK sought out, and murdered, hung African American men in the front yard of the their homes, in front of their children.

So forgive us, if we do not accept a politician's late in life, renouncing his leadership of an organization that actively beat and murdered African Americans.

Democratic Party KKK leader Senator Robert Byrd, current President of the USA Democrat Biden, voted to make Byrd the leader of the Senate, 3 times, each time the vote came up, KKK leader Democrat Byrd got Biden's vote.
Was a good friend of his. But Biden was a big racist also.

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